Use of MAX-CUT for Ramsey Arrowing of Triangles Alexander R. Lange Stanis law P. Radziszowski Department of Computer Science Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY 14623 {arl9577,spr}@cs.rit.edu and Xiaodong Xu Guangxi Academy of Sciences Nanning, Guangxi 530007, China [email protected] Abstract In 1967, Erd˝os and Hajnal asked the question: Does there exist a K4-free graph that is not the union of two triangle-free graphs? Finding such a graph involves solving a special case of the classical Ramsey arrowing operation. Folkman proved the existence of these graphs in 1970, and they are now called Folkman graphs. Erd˝os offered $100 for deciding if one exists with less than 1010 vertices. This problem remained open until 1988 when Spencer, in a semi- nal paper using probabilistic techniques, proved the existence of a Folkman graph of order 3 × 109 (after an erratum), without explic- itly constructing it. In 2008, Dudek and R¨odl developed a strategy arXiv:1207.3750v2 [math.CO] 20 Mar 2013 to construct new Folkman graphs by approximating the maximum cut of a related graph, and used it to improve the upper bound to 941. We improve this bound first to 860 using their approximation technique and then further to 786 with the MAX-CUT semidefinite programming relaxation as used in the Goemans-Williamson algo- rithm. 1 1 Introduction e Given a simple graph G, we write G → (a1,...,ak) and say that G arrows e (a1,...,ak) if for every edge k-coloring of G, a monochromatic Kai is forced for some color i ∈ {1,...,k}. Likewise, for graphs F and H, G → (F,H)e if for every edge 2-coloring of G, a monochromatic F is forced in the first color or a monochromatic H is forced in the second. Define e Fe(a1,...,ak; p) to be the set of all graphs that arrow (a1,...,ak) and do not contain Kp; they are often called Folkman graphs. The edge Folkman number Fe(a1,...,ak; p) is the smallest order of a graph that is a member of Fe(a1,...,ak; p). In 1970, Folkman [6] showed that for k > max {s,t}, Fe(s,t; k) exists. The related problem of vertex Folkman numbers, where vertices are colored instead of edges, is more studied [16, 18] than edge Folkman numbers, but we will not be discussing them. Therefore, we will skip the use of the superscript e when discussing arrowing, as it is usually used to distinguish between edge and vertex colorings. In 1967, Erd˝os and Hajnal [5] asked the question: Does there exist a K4- free graph that is not the union of two triangle-free graphs? This question is equivalent to asking for the existence of a K4-free graph such that in any edge 2-coloring, a monochromatic triangle is forced. After Folkman proved the existence of such a graph, the question then became to find how small this graph could be, or using the above notation, what is the value of Fe(3, 3;4). Prior to this paper, the best known bounds for this case were 19 ≤ Fe(3, 3;4) ≤ 941 [21, 4]. Folkman numbers are related to Ramsey numbers R(s,t), which are defined as the least positive n such that any 2-coloring of the edges of Kn yields a monochromatic Ks in the first color or a monochromatic Kt in the second color. Using the arrowing operator, it is clear that R(s,t) is the smallest n such that Kn → (s,t). The known values and bounds for various types of Ramsey numbers are collected and regularly updated by the second author [20]. We will be using standard graph theory notation: V (G) and E(G) for the vertex and edge sets of graph G, respectively. A cut is a partition of the vertices of a graph into two sets, S ⊂ V (G) and S = V (G) \ S. The size of a cut is the number of edges that join the two sets, that is, |{{u, v} ∈ E(G) | u ∈ S and v ∈ S}|. MAX-CUT is a well-known NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem which asks for the maximum size of a cut of a graph. 2 2 History of Fe(3, 3;4) Lower/Upper Year Who/What Ref. Bounds 1967 any? Erd˝os-Hajnal [5] 1970 exist Folkman [6] 1972 10 – Lin [14] 1975 – 1010? Erd˝os offers $100 for proof 1986 – 8 × 1011 Frankl-R¨odl [7] 1988 – 3 × 109 Spencer [23] 1999 16 – Piwakowski et al. (implicit) [19] 2007 19 – Radziszowski-Xu [21] 2008 – 9697 Lu [15] 2008 – 941 Dudek-R¨odl [4] 2012 – 786 this work 2012 – 100? Graham offers $100 for proof Table 1: Timeline of progress on Fe(3, 3; 4). Table 1 summarizes the events surrounding Fe(3, 3; 4), starting with Erd˝os and Hajnal’s [5] original question of existence. After Folkman [6] proved the existence, Erd˝os, in 1975, offered $100 for deciding if Fe(3, 3;4) < 1010. This question remained open for over 10 years. Frankl and R¨odl [7] nearly met Erd˝os’ request in 1986 when they showed that Fe(3, 3;4) < 7.02 × 1011. In 1988, Spencer [23], in a seminal paper using probabilistic techniques, proved the existence of a Folkman graph of order 3 × 109 (af- ter an erratum by Hovey), without explicitly constructing it. In 2007, Lu showed that Fe(3, 3;4) ≤ 9697 by constructing a family of K4-free circu- lant graphs (which we discuss in Section 3.3) and showing that some such graphs arrow (3, 3) using spectral analysis. Later, Dudek and R¨odl reduced the upper bound to the best known to date, 941. Their method, which we have pursued further with some success, is discussed in the next section. The lower bound for Fe(3, 3; 4) was much less studied than the upper bound. Lin [14] obtained a lower bound on 10 in 1972 without the help of a computer. All 659 graphs on 15 vertices witnessing Fe(3, 3;5) = 15 [19] contain K4, thus giving the bound 16 ≤ Fe(3, 3;4). In 2007, two of the authors of this paper gave a computer-free proof of 18 ≤ Fe(3, 3;4) and improved the lower bound further to 19 with the help of computations [21]. The long history of Fe(3, 3; 4) is not only interesting in itself but also gives insight into how difficult the problem is. Finding good bounds on the 3 smallest order of any Folkman graph (with fixed parameters) seems to be difficult, and some related Ramsey graph coloring problems are NP-hard or lie even higher in the polynomial hierarchy. For example, Burr [2] showed that arrowing (3, 3) is coNP-complete, and Schaefer [22] showed that for ΠP general graphs F , G, and H, F → (G, H) is 2 -complete. 3 Arrowing via MAX-CUT Building off Spencer’s and other methods, Dudek and R¨odl [4] in 2008 showed how to construct a graph HG from a graph G, such that the max- imum size of a cut of HG determines whether or not G → (3, 3). They construct the graph HG as follows. The vertices of HG are the edges of G, so |V (HG)| = |E(G)|. For e1,e2 ∈ V (HG), if edges {e1,e2,e3} form a triangle in G, then {e1,e2} is an edge in HG. Let t△(G) denote the number of triangles in graph G. Clearly, |E(HG)|= 3t△(G). Let MC(H) denote the MAX-CUT value of graph H. Theorem 1 (Dudek and R¨odl [4]). G → (3, 3) if and only if MC(HG) < 2t△(G). There is a clear intuition behind Theorem 1 that we will now describe. Any edge 2-coloring of G corresponds to a bipartition of the vertices in HG. If a triangle colored in G is not monochromatic, then its three edges, which are vertices of HG, will be separated in the bipartition. If we treat this bipartition as a cut, then the size of the cut will count each triangle twice for the two edges that cross it. Since there is only one triangle in a graph that contains two given edges, this effectively counts the number of non-monochromatic triangles. Therefore, if it is possible to find a cut that has size equal to 2t△(G), then such a cut defines an edge coloring of G that has no monochromatic triangles. However, if MC(HG) < 2t△(G), then in each coloring, all three edges of some triangle are in one part and thus, G → (3, 3). A benefit of converting the problem of arrowing (3, 3) to MAX-CUT is that the latter is well-known and has been studied extensively in computer science and mathematics (see for example [3]). The decision problem MAX- CUT(H, k) asks whether or not MC(H) ≥ k. It is known that MAX- CUT is NP-hard and this decision problem was one of Karp’s 21 NP- complete problems [13]. In our case, G → (3, 3) if and only if MAX- CUT(HG, 2t△(G)) doesn’t hold. Since MAX-CUT is NP-hard, an attempt is often made to approximate it, such as in the approaches presented in the next two sections. 4 3.1 Minimum Eigenvalue Method A method exploiting the minimum eigenvalue was used by Dudek and R¨odl [4] to show that some large graphs are members of Fe(3, 3; 4).
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