Graeco-Latina et Orientalia Studia in honorem Angeli Urbani heptagenarii Edited by Samir Khalil Samir & Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala CNERU – CEDRAC __________________________________ Oriens Academic CNERU – CEDRAC Series Syro-Arabica 2 Chief Editors Samir Khalil Samir • Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala Advisory Board Sebastian Brock • Rifaat Ebied • Sidney H. Griffith Herman Teule • Dorothea Weltecke Graeco-Latina et Orientalia Studia in honorem Angeli Urbani heptagenarii Edited by Samir Khalil Samir & Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala Graeco-Latina et Orientalia : Studia in honorem Angeli Urbani heptagenarii. Edited by Samir Khalil Samir & Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala. – Cordoba : CNERU (Cordoba Near Eastern Research Unit) – Beirut : CEDRAC (Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Arabes Chrétiennes) – Oriens Academic, 2013 (Series Syro-Arabica ; vol. 2) ISBN : 978-84-695-8428-6 Edit: Oriens Academic – CNERU – CEDRAC Cordoba Near Eastern Research Unit CEDRAC Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Université Saint-Joseph Universidad de Córdoba B.P. 16-6778 – Achrafieh Plaza Cardenal Salazar, 3 Beyrouth – Liban 14071 – Córdoba, Spain http://www.uco.es/cneru [email protected] Print: Imprentatecé, S.C.A. Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, s/n Córdoba (Spain) Cover design by Manuel Marcos Aldón & Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala ISBN: 978-84-695-8428-6 DL: CO-1337-2013 © Cordoba Near Eastern Research Unit © CEDRAC © The authors All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in any retrieval system, nor transmitted in any form without written permission from the Publisher Printed in Spain CONTENTS Preface ............................................................................................ xi Bibliography Professor Ángel Urbán ...................................................... xiii ARGÁRATE, Pablo A Survey of Different Liturgical Sources on the notion of “People of God” ....................................................................................................... 1 BASSAL, Ibrahim An early copy of a Christian Arabic Pentateuch: Ms Sinai Arabic 2 and its affinity to the Peshīṭta .................................................................... 13 BONHOME, Lourdes An Arabic fragmentary epistle to the Galatians preserved in El Escorial Cod. Ar. 1625 .............................................................................. 35 BROCK, Sebastian P. The position of Job in Syriac biblical manuscripts: The survival of an ancient tradition ..................................................................................... 49 CHRISTIDES, Vassilios What went wrong in the long distance Roman naval power in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean in the late third century AD ........................ 63 CORRIENTE, Federico The names of the gems in the ephod as reflected in the Leiden Glossary and their reflexes in the Islamic mystical tradition ....................................... 87 DI LUCCIO, Pino Pane, acqua e vestiti. Nella Bibbia ebraica, nella letteratura rabbinica e nel vangelo di Giovanni ....................................................................... 101 EBIED, Rifaat The Syriac Version of the Treatise on the Origin and History of the Thirty Pieces of Silver which Judas received from the Jews ......................... 123 FERNÁNDEZ ARDANAZ, Santiago La teología política bajo los Severos: hacia una nueva fundamentación de la oicoumene en el Imperio romano .................................................... 133 GONZÁLEZ CASADO, Pilar Cristo, segundo Adán: la expresión en árabe de un tema de la literatura cristiana antigua ...................................................................... 147 GRYPEOU, Emmanouela Ephraem Graecus, ʻSermo In Adventum Domini᾽: A Contribution to the Study of the Transmission of Apocalyptic Motifs in Greek, Latin and Syriac Traditions in Late Antiquity .................................................... 165 KIRAZ, George A. Textual Sources and Editorial Policies of the Antioch Bible ........................... 183 MARCOS ALDÓN, Manuel Notes sur les types d’écritures dans les marges des texts, à propos du Ms. 259-263 BNM ................................................................................ 191 MARTÍNEZ DELGADO, José Cracks, the Almond, the Grasshopper and Desire: the ailments of old age (Ecclesiastes 12:5) in the exegesis of Andalusi Hebrew philologists (10th -11th c.) ....................................................................... 205 MONFERRER-SALA, Juan Pedro Kērýssō and its Arabic renditions in a bilingual Gospel of Luke (BnF ‘Supl. grec 911’, 1043 CE) .................................................................... 221 ÖNDER, Josef Metropolit Julius Yeshu Çiçek (1942-2005): „Meine Kirche, Dich liebe ich!‟ Autobiographisches Gedicht: Text und Auslegung ...................... 237 PAZZINI, Massimo Gli Olivi del Getsemani ultimi «testimoni viventi» della Passione ................ 253 PIERRI, Rosario Codex B e Nestle-Aland a confronto. Il Vangelo di Matteo ......................... 261 viii RIUS-CAMPS, Josep Lucas-Beza silencia o soslaya cualquier referencia a la Parusía y al Juicio Final .......................................................................................... 277 SAMIR, Samir Khalil Une adaptation arabe musulmane en prose rimée des evangiles (IXe s.) ......... 295 SIDARUS, Adel Place et rôle de l᾽Antiquité gréco-romaine dans la littérature copto- arabe .................................................................................................. 327 SWANSON, Mark. N. The ‘Urban Ministry’ of Anbā Ruways .................................................... 359 TEULE, Herman G.B. Ignatius Anṭūn Samḥīrī, a 19th Century Syrian-Catholic Patriarch, and his Journey to the Low Countries ...................................................... 371 TORALLAS TOVAR, Sofía El orfebre del insulto: Filón y la lengua griega de Alejandría ....................... 383 VOLLANDT, Ronny Che portono al ritorno quì una Bibbia Arabica integra: A history of the Biblia Sacra Arabica (1671-73) .......................................................... 401 WILDE, Clare Q 33:35: Echoes of the Bnāt Qyāmā’s jihād fī sabīl allāh? ............................. 419 YOUSSEF, Youhanna Nessim A Doxology of Saint Mark al-Anṭūnī ....................................................... 433 ix Professor Ángel Urbán Fernández x Textual Sources and Editorial Policies of the Antioch Bible George A. Kiraz Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute, Piscataway, New Jersey The Antioch Bible is an in-progress edition of the Syriac bible with a facing English translation. This paper aims at describing the sources used for the Syriac text and the editorial policies implemented in the production of the edition. At the time of writing (January 2013), four volumes have appeared (in order of publication): Isaiah, Matthew, The Twelve Prophets, and Mark, all published in 2012. The project’s goals are summarized in the various forewords of the published volumes, “The primary objective of this edition is twofold: to provide a reliable text for scholars and students who are looking for a fully vocalized Syriac text, and to make available to religious communities, for whom this text is sacred, an English translation that can be used in various religious and cultural settings. As such, one had to navigate carefully between rigid scholarly principles and practical editorial choices.” The text of the Antioch Bible is based whenever possible on that of the Peshiṭta version. It must be emphasized from the outset that this edition is not a critical one, nor does it aim to establish new readings. Whenever possible, the text of the Old Testament is derived from the Mosul text of 1887–91, edited mostly, if not entirely, by the Syriac Catholic scholar Clemis Yousif Daud, while that of the New Testament is based on the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) edition. OT texts that are absent in the Mosul edition are based on Codex Ambrosianus (7a1 in the Leiden edition) and other MSS when relevant. In one exceptional place the Mosul text was adapted by its editors to comply with the Latin Volgate, and the Antioch Bible text reverts to the Syriac text based on Codex Ambrosianus and other relevant MSS. The Antioch Bible includes not only the ‘canonical’ books, but also covers the deutero-canonical texts, even those that are not part of the Mosul edition. What follows is a description of the textual sources, and a brief presentation of editorial (mostly orthographic) choices. Georg A. Kiraz Textual Sources The Antioch Bible text can be considered a ‘practical’ edition (cf. with Leiden’s ‘diplomatic’ edition) derived from three textual sources: 1. The Mosul text. Our selection of the Mosul text is a practical one: First, Mosul is fully vocalized (E. Syr. vocalization); second, it contains some of the rukkākhā and quššāyā pointing; third, it preserves the latest stages of the development of the Peshiṭta text for ecclesiastical purposes which is a central part of the readership of the Antioch Bible; fourth, the Mosul text is in the public domain. Having said that, the choice to use the Mosul text was also based on a careful study to validate the reliability of its text. It has already been pointed out by Brock in his introduction to the Gorgias reprint of the Mosul edition: ‘while the Mosul edition can never take the place of a critical edition, for general purposes it offers a good text, and one that in some details is actually a better one than any of its predecessors’.1 Brock further observes that ‘[since] the text
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