The Clinton Independent. VOL XXX11.—NO. 15. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20. 1898. WHOLE NO.—1630 BREVITIES. IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Their Annual Meeting. A. W. Durkee, of this township, at­ wn k. or p. J. S. Osgood, who has been seriously SHE HAS REPENTED HIS FINAL DECISION tended the regular animal meeting of sick of late, is able to be out again. Gladwin county ’s delinquent tax list the People's Mutual Fire Insurance amounts to $140,000. Company at lonla. Tuesday. The new ­ It is rumored that the factory will W. E. Warner was installed as secre­ ly elected members of the Board from One in Prospect to Replace Old start ub again about the first or Feb ­ Mrs. Price, of Fulton, Wants to tary of tbe Maple Rapids Odd Fellows Rev. Hall Announced it Last this connty are, A. W. Durkee, Bing ­ urary. ham, re-elected; Jared Holbrook, Green- Return to Her Husband. for the twentieth time last Saturday. Sunday Morning. Newton Hall. Nehemiab Pecktil, of St.Johns, has Both the village council of Maple bush, and Newton Parker of Victor. been granted an increase of pension Rapids aud the township board of Es­ Five hundred new members were added from $6 to $17 per mouth. sex have granted tbe right of way for the during the last year. We invite atten RUT HUBBY OBJKCT8 AND SWORE OUT tiog to their annual statement which BUILDING TO BE 40x 100, KEATING The subject for the Epworth league proposed St. Louis-Lansing electric AGAIN AMK8 THE VESTRY TO ACCEPT Sunday January 23rd, is “ Working with A WARRANT FOR HER ARREST. railway. may be found in another column. EIGHT HUNDRED. God.” Leader, Miss Bessie Pulfrey. Ht.S RESIGNATION. The first attempt to make tar in Election of Olttcera. The W. C. T. l\, will meet in the northern Michigan lias been successful­ The T, C. P. Cs. bad a meeting Mon ­ parlors of the M. E. church Saturday ly carried through by a Swede home ­ She Eloped With Lyman Ferrlgo, of Maple Believes It His Duty to Never His Connec­ day evening, January 17, 1898, at the Caougli Mhares Have Been Hold To afternoon at 2:30 o'clock of this week. steader. living near Norway, lie made Criterion rooms, and elected the follow ­ Kadlds, Who Afterwards Deserted au excellent grade of tar from the roots tion With the People of This Guarantee Succeee. The Bengal Union Aid Society will ing officers : meet with Mrs. Samuel Alexander, Her in a Strange Laud. of Norway pine trees. Parish. President —H. D. Squair. Wednesday, Jan. 26th, at 10 o ’clock. Wm. F. Porter the dude convict, who Vice-President —A. I). Lyon. All are invited. recently broke his parole, was captured Secretary—8 E Boucher. Treasurer— W. J. Smith. St. Johns is to have a brand new The United States Supreme Court at Sparta, Kent county, Saturday night. Tylor —F. A. Watson. has decided that insurance companies A few mouths ago says the Gratiot When he was taken back to Ionia, Por­ In the early part of December last B.& K Ds.-H. D.Squalr. A. D Lyon, N. J. building for public gatherings, and ter objected to Bleeping in tbe bed in his Smith. W. W. Ferguson, .1 Harmon. need not pay claim after the policy hol ­ Journal, the people of Maple Rapids Rev. Frederick Hall sent to the war­ F Os —C. D. Bradner. W. K. Richmond. M A. I’hienix-like it will spring up from the der has taken his own life. old cell because another convict had and vicinity were surprised at the report used it. dens aud vestry his resignation as rector Conkleinan. C. Shaw, F. A. Watson. ashes of the old Newton ball. St. Johns A five per cent dividend was paid by that Lyman Perrlgo, an old resident, of St. John ’s Church, which, after read­ the St. Johns Gas Company last week, A Lyons man who was recently mar­ Card of Thank*. .Lodge, No. 182, K. of I*., and St.Johns after paying all expenses. When will had eloped with Lottie Price, wife of ried bad relatives in Missouri named ing, they asked him to re-consider. The children and brother of Mrs. Alice J. Co., No. 63, U. R. K. of P. are controll ­ the electric light plant do likewise? Walter Price of Fulton. A little inves ­ Datum, who had received an invitation After due, careful and prayerful consid ­ Taylor desire to thank tbe many friends wbo John Harley, the up-town upholster, tigation disclosed the fact that the un ­ to the marriage. On the day of the eration, he said in another letter pre ­ so kindly assisted them, during the sickness ing all the stock, and it looks much wedding he received a telegram saying, and death of their mother. who has had a three mouths battle with faithful twain had skipped for Can ­ “Accept congratulations from the sented at a meeting of the vestry last like a sure thing. typhoid fever, has resumed busiuess ada, and all efforts to bring them back whole Damtn family. Saturday morning, that be felt it to be MR. AND MRS. MILOO. TAYLOR again, and invites the patronage of all MR. AND MRS ADDO HILL. As proposed now the new building who desire first class work. and to justice were abandoned. Reports to the state board of health for the best interests of himself and his LUCIUS 8. TAYLOR. will be 40 x 100, one story and capable Their new relationship evidently did show that rheumatism, bronchitis and people that they (the vestry) receive his ROSE A. TAYLOR. Have you seen “Success?” It is a tonsillitis, in order named, caused much monthly published in New York, and not prove satisfactory to Perrigo, how ­ resignation as already tendered, to take CHAS. A. TAYLOR. ----- 1 of seating 800 people with ottices on sickness in Michigan, during the week ABNER BRUSH. contains 40 superbly illustrated pages. ever, and life with his paramour was not ending Jan. 8 . Consumption reported effect March 1, 1898, and thus relieve each side of entry and a commodious Among its contributors are the bright ­ what he bad dreamed; as subsequently at 156 places; diphtheria. 38; scarlet him and the church of existing suspense. stage space. At a meeting of the local est intellects of the world. Regular fever, 37; measles, 33; typhoid fever, 36; BU8INES8 LOCALS price $1 00; with The Independent , Mrs. Price was forsaken in a strange It 1b with regret on the part of the lodge held recently a commitee was ap ­ §1.75. land without friends. The unfaithful aud whooping cough at 15 places. parishioners that Mr. Hall has deemed Lansing ’s board of aldermen are dis­ Furs Wanted. pointed to draft resolutions etc., com­ The tea social given by the ladies of wife then wrote to her lawful husband, cussing the ordinance relative to the it his duty to thus sever bis connection We will pay tbe highest market prices the St. Johns church at the home of pleading with him to take her back, but with the people of this parish as their for all the Furs we can get. We deal posed of Knights, Steel, Chick, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S.Corbit, last Friday proposed Lansing & Ann Arbor elec­ he could not overlook her offence and tric road. They evidently intend to rector. At the same time tb 6re 1b op ­ direct with exporters and can give you Spaulding, Fitzgerald, Beebe, Smith evening, was liberally attended and full value for yours skins, see us before greatly enjoyed. The music was fine. refused. Last week Mrs. Price strayed hustle the construction along, as the portunity for rejoicing that no division and Dutcher. ordinance in questiou gives the compa ­ you sell. Foerch A Dan ley . The recitation by little Alma Gillam back in hopes of bringing about a recon ­ ny only until January, 1889, to com­ has caused Mr. Hall to make this moye. The soliciting committee composed of was heartily applauded. The earnings ciliation, but Mr. Price swore out a plete the road building withiu the city The people of the church are thorough ­ For Crewels Embroidary Silk and were $27. warrant for her arrest, it was executed and twelve miles outside. ly united, and regret exceedingly that Standard Linen go to Mks . L. Canvild . Knights, Dutcher, Ingraham, Chick, From the December issue of the by Sheriff Maloney, Sunday. Mrs. Price Constable Richard Derrick Tuesday Mr. Hall feels that it is expedient that Murdock, and Adams have sold 80 Michigan Bulleton of Vital Statistics Valuable Farm at a Bargain. remained in jail until Tuesday, w’lien picked up a bicycle thief at Muir, se­ he should go away. shares which would seem to secure we glean the following: Population of cured the pluuder, aud got the whole St. Johns. Dec. W, 3,440: number of she was released, when an arrangement During Mr. Hall’s stay here, a little A farm of 280 acres, on best of roads, story out of the fellow before the latter in Bengal township, 8 miles from St., success, as the total number of shares deaths in Clinton county in December, was made for the care of their child. more than four years, he has accom­ 18; number of deaths in St. Johns, 3; “tumbled ” to what he had been saying. Johns; good buildings; 230 acres cleared; to be sold is only 100. Whether a reconciliation will be affect­ Riley Stanton of Millbrook, of previous plished a great and good work. A work 40 acres of goad timber; good water and population of county, 26,125; average good repute, is the offender, and the The local branch of the Uniform population per square mile, 40.1; annual ed or the matter come up in the court is which will serve as a monument to bis good wind mills.
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