UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL • UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LABORATORY SCHOOLS 1362 EAST 59TH STREET,U-High CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 JUNEMidway 1, 2017 VOLUME 93, NUMBER 10 Alumnus learned value of exploring while at Lab by Talia Goerge-Karron Christian Theological Seminary editor-in-chief in Indianapolis. Today, Dr. Wes- Biography: After drawing a standing ova- ley works as a pastor at the Alfred High-School: Graduated from U-High tion from U-High as an alumnus Street Baptist Church in Alexan- in 1990. speaker last fall, 1990 graduate Dr. dria, Virginia, which has over 7,000 Howard-John Wesley will return to constituents. Dr. Wesley sees his College: Attended Duke University speak to the Class of 2017 at com- role as a pastor, friend, educator to study biomedical engineering, but mencement June 8. For Dr. Wesley, and leader. later chose to attend a theological this is not only an honor but also He said U-High English teach- seminary. a chance to return to the place er Darlene McCampbell left the where he developed confidence greatest impact on him as a per- for any learning environment. son. She taught him to love Shake- Career: Currently works as a pastor at “Afterwards, when I was in con- speare and helped him refine his the Alfred Street Baptist Church. tact with people who did not have analysis of texts, which he does the benefit and blessing of the rig- every week as he creates sermons Higher Education: Working toward orous education I had, I began to and studies the Bible. a Ph.D. in African-American Preaching realize how very confident I was “That’s what I do as a pastor,” and Sacred Rhetoric from the Christian in any environment,” Dr. Wesley Dr. Wesley said. “I read sacred texts Theological Seminary. said. “I could walk into any class- and help people understand the room and believe that: one, I was meanings and the implications photo courtesy of alfred street baptist church not going to be the dumbest one for their lives. It was Darlene Mc- joy.” STUDYING TO INSPIRE. in there, and two, that what was Campbell that exposed me to that Howard-John Wesley studies a text in In his commencement speech, shared I had the capacity to learn. ability. To read between the lines, the library at the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Vir- Dr. Wesley said he wants to im- I’m not saying that everything to be analytical, to be able to write ginia. He credits his ability to analyze texts to U-High English part to seniors that the greatest came easy, but there was a confi- correctly.” teacher Darlene McCampbell. achievement is one’s impact on dence of knowing that if I put my At Duke University, Dr. Wesley others. best effort forward that I would be initially studied biomedical engi- He said he will have several piec- able to conceive whatever was be- neering, but later decided to fol- their path in life. world, and you have to try differ- es of advice for graduates. He said, ing taught.” low his calling and went to theo- “One piece of advice I will share ent things. Don’t allow yourself to “The biggest would be the greatest Dr. Wesley is working toward a logical seminary. Dr. Wesley wants in the commencement speech be locked and limited into one set joy they’re going to experience will Ph.D. in African-American Preach- students to realize that what they is that you have to explore,” Dr. gift because that may not be the never be by what they achieve, but ing and Sacred Rhetoric from the are good at doing is not necessarily Wesley said. “You have to see the one that brings you the greatest rather by what they give.” Principal starts advisory group rites of may by Talia Goerge-Karron a dialogue between students and vice presidents. The council will editor-in-chief adults. also include grade-level represen- Students can “I don’t know what it is like to tatives who have to apply before apply to join a be a high school student here,” being accepted. new committee Ms. Weber said. “I never will. Ev- The application deadline is to- to advise Prin- erything we (administrators) do morrow, June 2, and decisions will cipal Stepha- is about designing the student be announced June 7. nie Weber next experience, so without input from The council will meet twice a year. In a post students who are living that expe- month and use discussion groups on Schoology, rience, I don’t have a full picture, to further consider other topics. Ms. Weber said which is important to under- To apply, students must answer she wants the Stephanie stand.” the questions about community, Principal’s Ad- Weber Members of the council will transparency and Lab values, and visory Council to increase stu- include the All-School President explain topics that should be a dent involvement and to create Elizabeth Van Ha and the class priority for the committee. Director candidate visits school by Samira Glaeser-Khan As a result of the availability of He was previously the head of the news editor the other finalists, the school is Barrie School in Maryland. After a tumultuous year search- planning to have a new director “The things that strike me as ing for a new director, the Search begin work at the latest by sum- being great about this school are Advisory Committee took the next mer 2018. Interim Director Beth the sense of voice and accep- steps toward hiring by inviting fi- Harris has agreed to stay through- tance,” Mr. Abelmann said. nalist Charlie Abelmann to Lab out next year if need be. However, After his visit to the school, Mr. on May 18 and 19. However, no Dr. Abelmann stands out because Abelmann has already developed announcement had been made as he would be available to start a vision for Lab. midway photo by sam fleming of May 30. work this summer. “I think the connection with the BUILDING COMMUNITY. Juniors Madeleine Ward-Schul- The committee described Mr. Dr. Abelmann has a bachelor’s university can go a lot deeper. The tz and Isabella Light prepare a booth at the Rites of May, Abelmann as “especially promis- degree from Duke University and best partnerships are reciprocal, which took place on May 20. Besides having indoor booths, ing and keenly interested in Lab” received both M.Ed. and Ed.D. so my framework is what can the in an official notice posted on the from the Harvard University university do for Lab, and what there were also outdoor games and ethnic food. school’s website. Graduate School of Education. can Lab do for the university?” Labstock helps relieve stress from finals, fosters community by Sam Fleming a break from end-of-the-year stress. plications will be accepted until the end of chicago life editor “Labstock allows students to come to- May. Perform at Labstock: Labstock, U-High’s annual student mu- gether and hang out in a chill environment, Since Labstock was such a big success To be part of the event, submit to this form or sic festival, will return this year on June 2 which I feel is always a relief, especially last year, Student Council saw little need contact Megan Moran or Florence Almeda. in Kenwood Mall. Students are invited to while preparing for finals,” All-School Cul- to change much, but All-School Cultural Google form: tinyurl.com/ybjqhql7 gather and listen to performances by their tural Union Vice President Florence Almeda Union President Florence Almeda thinks the fellow classmates, while members of Stu- said. event only needed a few changes to make it Deadlines: Applications will be accepted through dent Council grill and the Prom Committee She also reinforced the need for perform- a little better. the end of May sells food. ers this year. A Google form has been posted “One thing that’s a little different is we Labstock is supposed to create a relaxed to class Facebook pages so that students can might put out a few yard games on the side Time and location: June 2 on Kenwood Mall and fun environment for students and offers sign up to perform, and performance ap- for in between performances,” Florence said. Inside 3 • NEWS 4 • FEATURES 5 • ARTS Twelve seniors will Girls put more effort into Netflix show “13 Reasons go to the University of their prom clothing than Why” blows up, but its Chicago, and Michigan boys do because they implications for mental has increased in have more opportunities health are unclear. Does popularity. Find the to express their it draw awareness or annual list inside. individuality. romanticize suicide? NEWS • THURSDAY, JUNE. 1, 2017 2 U-HIGH MIDWAY • UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, CHICAGO With May Project, seniors follow passions Clubs select by Natalie Glick deputy editor “ Being creative and being new leaders Fashion, internships and travel able to relax is the best are just some of the opportuni- part of May project. It’s Quiz Bowl ties that seniors chose to partake in during May Project, the time- nice to take a step back New Quiz Bowl leaders include honored tradition where U-High from school and see how student coaches Derek de Jong, seniors get the chance to leave the much my skills have David Pan and Dheven Unni. halls of Lab and take a step into grown.” “My plans for next year is to ‘ex- the real world. Each student picks pand’ the club,” Derek said, “be- — Ariel Toole their own way to spend the month, cause we have like no one on the and the opportunities are almost team, and more people is always endless.
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