DOCUMENT RESUME ED 387 401 SO 025 283 TITLE Environmental Issues in Brazilian Society. Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program. June 26-July 31, 1994. INSTITUTION. Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States and Brazil, Brasilia. SPONS AGENCY Center for International Education (ED), Washington, DC. PUB DATE Jul 94 NOTE 471p.; Pictures will not reproduce well. Original contains occasional duplicate pages. PUB TYPE Collected Works General (020) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC19 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Climate; *Conservation (Environment); Conservation Education; Developing Nations; Environment; *Environmental Influences; Global Education; Instructional Materials; *Latin American Culture; Latin American History; *Latin Americans; *Science and Society; Social Studies; *Sustainable Development IDENTIFIERS *Brazil ABSTRACT This book contains a review of the 1994 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program along with lesson plans from 13 of the participants. The curriculum projects contained in this book include:(1) "The Brazilian Cinema: A Critical Appreciation of An Industry in Turmoil" (Aaron Braun);(2) "Reflections on the Relationship between Brazilian Communities and the Environment" (John G. Clark);(3) "A Program for Freshmen Library Orientation on the Country of Brazil" (Susan B. Coppola);(4) "Brasil" (Brian Fitzpatr'ck);(5) "The Photography of Workers in Brazil" (Howard M. Fraser); (6) "A Photographic Assessment Reflecting the Degradation of the Atlantic Rainforest of the Serra do Mar, Cubatao, Sao Paulo, Brazil" (Gordon F. Kells);(7) "Project Report" (Nancy Mandlove); (8) "One Man, One City, Problems and Solutions: Jaime Lerner and the Curitiba Program for the Environment" (David McCullough);(9) "Measuring Quality of Life in Brazil" (Rachel A. Nugent); (10) "Using the Fundamental Themes of Geography to Examine Brazil" (Linda Reeves); (10 "Bahian Babbling about Brazil: A Curriculum Unit on 'Brazil and Biodiversity'" (Curtis L. Thompson);(12) "Think Globally-Act Locally: Environmental Issues in Brazilian Society" (Ruth E. Tottle); and (13) "Selected Sites of Environmental Concern in Brazil: An Overview" (Shirley M. Valencia). Most papers contain references. (EH) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. U.S. DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION Office of Educatonat Research and Improvement "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER (ERICI )(This document has been reproduced s received Iron, the per:on or organaatian anginattng .t r Minor changes have been made to unprave rehroduchon aualay Points 01 view or opinrons stated in this docu ment do hal heCeSaardy represent Whoa T THE EDUCA T IONAL RESOURCES OERI posdon or oohCy 'TT OHMAI ION CEN TER (ERIC) FULBRIGHT-HAYS SEMINARS ABROAD PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN BRAZILIAN SOCIETY JUNE 26-JULY 31, 1994 This seminar was administered for the U.S. Department of Education by the Commission for Educational Exchange Between the United States and Brazil (Fulbright Commission) Comissao Fulbright Edificio Casa Thomas Jefferson SH1S Q1-09, Conj. 17, Lote L 71625-170 Brasilia, DF, Brazil Tel: (061) 248-7405 Fax: (061) 248-7359 E-mail: [email protected] BEST COPY AVAILABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS Program agenda 01 Participants 15 Brazilian journal 17 Curriculum projects 50 U.S. DEPARTMENT OFEDUCATION SUMMER SEMINAR ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN BRAZILIAN SOCIETY-1994 BRASILIA PROGRAM A) First Part: June 27-30 Accommodation-Hotel Aristus Sctor Hoteleiro Norte. QD 2. Bloco 70.000 Brasiliai DF Tel: (061) 223-8675 Fax(061) 321-5415 Sunda\,June 26 ) 3 0 Depart Miami via AA 905 Monda\,June 27 08 13 Arrival in Rio de Janeiro (Tem V McInh re,DeputN Esecutie Director. will meet the group and accompamto Brasilia) 12 00 Procccd to Brasiliavia RG 402 13 30 Arm al in Brasilia Group willbe taken to hotel 15 30 Group will have a brief co tour on the way to Prof Marco/Alm.. N :esidence. where there will be an orientation on the seminar prograrn.withthe participation of Prof Marco Antonio da Rocha.Terr) V McIntyre and RejaniaAram 19 00 Get together (light meal) at Prof Marco Antonio da RochaSHIN ()I 16. conjunto 5, casa 21. tel 577-4091 21 00 Return to hotel Tuesda,lune 28 08 20 Depart for Casa ThomasJefferson (('T.1) 08 40 Introduction to Fulbright staff 09 00/ Portuguese class 12 00 4 2 12:00 Lunch. (We suggest the CTJ self-service) 13-00 Roundtable discussion of research projects(With the participation of Prof. Jose Maria Goncalves de Almeida. Dept. ofEeolog. Universit) of Brasilia (UnB) and Prof. Tania Mara Botelho.Dept of Science, Library. UnB Each participant will brief the group on his/her project 14:00 Lecture on environment and development b. ProfJose Maria Gonealves de. Almeida. UnB 15I 5 Lecture on Brazilianeconomic scene. b. Prof Aercio Cunha, Dept of Economics. UnB 16 30 Return to hotel F.ening Free pvednesda% jun,: ..)9 08 40 Depart for (7.1 0(4 OW Portuguese class P 00 Lunch CIJ self-service 12 45/ Lecture on Brazilian oducation. by ProfMaria de Fatima Guerra de Souza. 14 (10 Director of Educational Extension Center,UnI1 14 10 Bus departs for American Emboss..for briefings b. American officers 14 45-- Welcome b Ambassador MelvynLevitsk. 15 00-- Introduction (US1S)/CarlHoward. CPAO /Dennis Sha". CCAU 15 20-- Political (John Cook) 15 50-- Economy (Sherry Villarosa) 16.20-- USG Envornmental projects/programs(EStoner) 17 00 Return to hotel Evening Free 1'hur5da., Juri.e 30 08 30 Bir. departs for airport 1(100 Prmeed to Culabaia Rt.; 476 NOTE: it will mit henecessurr to tuAe all your hug% to the Pomona You'll he uhle to leave some at Arisius Hotel 3 CUIABA/PANTANALMATOGROSSENSE PROGRAM June 30-July 4 Accommodation in Culaba Paiaguds Palace Hotel . Rubcns de Mendonca. 1718 78050-00() - Cuiabd, MT Tcl(065) 624-5353 Fa\ (065) 322-2910 Accommodation in Pantanal Sape Pantanal Lodge Address for contact Caixa Postal 2241 78020-97() - Cumba. Ml Tel/fax(065) 361-4069 lel/fax (065) :Fhursdas June 30 10 3.5 Arrival in Culaba on RG 476 fromBrasilia Promxi to Chapada dosGuimarfies on chartered bus Lunch At Chapada 16 (0) Return to Culaba Check-in at HotelPaiaguas 17 30 Discussion on environmental education/economic development ssith Prof nosis Miranda. Federal llniversits of MatoGrosso, Dept of Agronorn). Fsening Free Fridas, Jul\ I 06 30 Cheek-out Paiaguds Palace Hotel 07 00 Depart Cuiaba for PaatanalMatogrossense (on chartered bus)via Pocone and Porto Cercado From ('uiaba to Pocone1,100 km - 60 miles- pas ed road) and from Pocone to Porto Cercado (42 km - 25 miles - unpavek; road). In Porto Cercado (locatedin the Pantanal) the group will takea boat to the Sape Pantanal Lodge (one hour and forts minutes boattrip on Cuiaba Riser ) 13 00 rl A Sape Pantanal Lodge 1 uncheon At Sape Pantanal I .odge Saturday, Juls 2 Pantanal 4 Sunday, Ju lv 3 Pantanal Monda\,Juk 4 0700 Check out Sape Pantanal Lodge (right after:,reakfast) Return to ('ulaba 13 00 Lunch in restaurant near theairport 16 20 Depart to Brasilia via RG 477 IX 55 Arrival in Brasilia Group\\ ill be talen to hotel (b bus) BRASILIA PROGRAM A) Second Part: july 4-7 Accommodation AccommodationHotel Aristus Setor Hoteleiro Norte. QD 2. Bloco A 70 000 - Brasilia] DV Tel(0( 1) 223-8675 Fay (061)321-5415 Tuesda, Juk 5 08 40 Depart for Casa Thomas Jefferson (('T.1) (N Portuguese class 12 00 11 00 Lunch 13 30/ Lecture on current Brazilian politicalscene. by Prof David Fleischer. Dept of 15 00 Political Science. UnB 15 15 Return to hotel 17 15 Bus departs hotel for Tern McIntyre'sresidence 17 30 Churraseo (barbecue) hosted tiN Ternand Zeze. SON 2 10 Bloco E. Apt 50 I tel 272-4925 21 00 Return to hotel Wednesdm, Jul\ (1 08 40 Depart for CT.1 (N Portuguese class 12 00 I 2 00 1,unch at CT., - 5 12:30 Return to hotel Afternoon Activities related to research projects Evening Frt,v Thursda, Jul\ 7 I(0 Depart hotel for airport 11 Proceed to Carajás via RG 264 CARAJAS PROGRAM July 7-9 Accommodation Max\ ell Hotel Av Trocara Car-aids. PA Tel(091) 328-133() Fa\ (091)328-1366 Thursda\ Jul\ 7 13 25 Arrival in Camps Proceed to hotel Afternoon Program arranged b\ CVRD (Companhia Vale t:o RioDocel 20 00 Dinner hosted b CVRD at Hotel Ma \\Nell Friday. Jul Morning Program arranged h \ CVRD 13 00 Lunch hosted h. CVRD (at the ('ompam'srestaurant) Allerwon Activities arrangt.xl h. CVRD 20 00 Dinner hosted h\ CVRD Saturda\ Jul\ 9 Morninp Free 14 00 Depart for airport 15 3c Depart to Belem \ a R('5) 6 6 BELEM PROGRAM July 9-10 Accommodation Hotel Regcnte A\ Governador Malcher. 485 (Centro) Tel (091) 241-1222 Fa. (091) 224-0343 S.atKCjaN JUR 9 16 45 Arrival in Belem Proceed to hotel h. bus EA ening Optional activit. (Dinner at La em Casa. A\ Go\ Melcher247 -('entro Tel 233-1212) SlInda \.1111\10 Morning Optional activities - Visit to Street market Ver-o-Peso (Praca Frei Caetano Brand,ioForte do Castelo Visit to Museu Emilio GoeldiA\ Magalhâes Barata, 376- Nazart: (t01 ))4-9233, R 223) 17-30 Depart hotel for airport , ' 00 Depart for Manaus via RG 302 MANAUS PROGRAM July 10-14 Accommodation Hotel Amazonas Praca Dr. Adalberto Vale (Central Tel(092) 622-2233 Fa\(092) 622-2177 /622-2(014 Sunda \,Jul. 10 20 55 Arm al in Manaus Proceed to hotel 11\ ta 7 Monday, July 11 09 00 Group %%ill bc met by Profa Vcra Caminha. Rector's Advisor. FederalUnix of Amazon, and Prof. Dulcc Alencar. Opera House Foundation.at the howl, for a brief orientation on Manaus anda guidcxl city tour aad visit to museums Evening Optional activity (Dinner at Paramazon Rua Sb. Isabel. 1176.('achoeinnha tel233-7768) Tuesda\,Juh 12 ()Q 00/ TourCruise on the Rio Negro and Rio Solimbes 16.00 Note: Evervboch will goon this cruise.
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