In Confirmation Exercises | Covering SPRINGFIELD and MOUNTAINSIDE | OFPKIIAL NKWHPAI'KR -SURKCKIFTIOK I-KICK Vol. XVI, No. 24 TOU'NHIIIP OF SPBINGFIEtD Springfield, N. J., Friday, April 11, 1941 .xwo uouLAua BY THE YE;ut ."rice rive Open House ForSpecial Rites For Easter Township Will Scouts Arra nged In All Local Churches Buy Fire Truck Measles Outbreak «-• "Open House" for all parents and Observance—Begins With prano at the Sistlne Choir at Rome The Township Committee author- friends lhtercsted_ln- the Boy Scout ond-came up through the ranks_at. ized the purchase of a new fire en- Service At Sunrise Rochester University, the Julllard gine as an ordinance was Introduced £ause 01 Closing movement, will ho Y\p]f\ lVTnnrlpy pyp.. nlng, April 21, in the James Cald- School of Music, the Chicago and Wednesday night to Issue $8,000 Easter Sunday,. April 13, will be St. Louis Opera companies andTnow in bonds for the new apparatus. well School, as~a prelude to the observed1 in all local churches by drive for funds to be collected-in at New York. The public is cor-' The truck, a Mack 750-gallon special services, sacred music and dlally invited to~attend this beau- Springfield for the Union Council- various other events appropriate .to pumper with booster.and hose, will' (Photo- by..-licwln._S. DoorrloH.) iful service. Grammar Schools Boy Scout Camp -in Rockaway tho season. replace the.:present Mack chemical Pictured above are the members ofTJfe confirmation class at the Township, Morris County. On Easter Sunday at 8 A. M. thehose truck which was acquired in Methodist Church who received their Bibles and diplomas at exercises egular cholrwill sing, assisted by 1925. A trade-in allowance of Sunday night. Seated, from left to right,. Wilbur Alan, Thomas,,. The local Scout Council, compris- Presbyterian" DrHBcngler, Local Health ing Conover H. Willis, chairman of nl5V. Dn. CIEO. A. LIGGETT, Pastor. Edna Pedersen, mezzo soprano. $1,030 on the $9,001 new truck will "Molly Elizabeth Selander, Rev. DrrCarl C. E. Mcllberg, pastor, Majrg- Humlny School. 9:45 A. M. At_the 11 o'clock service, the reduce the net cost to $7,981. Program Listed Officer, Recommends garet Robinson and David McCarthy. Second row—Judith Marshall^ the Troop Committee of Troop 70 Mon'B Blblo Clasn. 9:45 A, M. ^~^" Betty Benkert. Muriel Chisholm, Ted Robinson, Marion HlghbrowMTT" and'Engle E. Hershey, similar^chair- Morning Sorvlce 11 A. M. egular Easter Communion service Upon Police Chairman Macart- Shut Down Here Intermadiate Christian-ICndouvor at 7 will be presented with soTos'by Har- ney's recommendatlon.-the1 board Ruth Titley ana Catherine^Tttleyr—Top-Tow—Dorothy Zlcgenfuss, man of Troop 66's Troop Commit- P. M. For Legion-Show Local grammar schools were or- Doris Weber, JoycoT^ennlnger._Rwth Highbrown^ Jean Jeakens and tee, are combining efforts for the riet Pilch' Hewsen. "The Sanctus," authorized bids for purchase of a _ Marlllyn Crouse. One member, George Vohden, who was ill and by Gouned. will bo sung by Ches- police car to replace a 1937 model. dered closed * Tuesday upon recom- event. They ore being assisted by Topic "The Present Resurrection." mendation of Health Officer Dr.' unable "to appear in the picture, received his award in absentia. members of their respective com- ter Porgey Tener, and a new Bids will specify a Ford and the Continental Post No. 228, Ameri- G6od Friday services will be hold "Agbusl peli" written by Professor committee declared it would con-1 can Legion, will hold its second an- Henry P. Dengler due to the new L. Lumbdrrtr-ttfe- — Including——Scoutmaster. ^g-ewnlnpr-nf. H n'rlnrtr H Tlr- outbrcak-of- measles. Tlie-schools- James F. Herslow of *-Troop 70, SiiilUi, will be- •sung-by -E "Sraer-tne' nual — -minstrel— show. -"Stuff" unrl- rlct superintendent of the Newark t Llggett's. topic will be "The Dark- Nonsense'^_ori "Friday evening, of will reopen April 21, • as scheduled district, was guest speaker at con- -Scoutmnster"'Kenneth' Hoagland" of est "Night. " "Prospective members of rsesuand a choir of ZSjvqlces^ lor-maintenance.service,. ,-.: - . :r Topic: "Risen"With Healing In An ordinance authorizing resur- next week~aTrRegional JSigh School; after" the Eastef season closes. BI a g»§»>- irmatlori exercises Palm Sunday, Troop 06, O. Stuart Knowlton, Wil- the church will be given the oppor- A prologue, featuring the Misses Since the schools would have night in Methodlst~Church, as sev-liam F. Strubol, Robert-Poppehdleck, tunity to appear before the elders His Wings." facing of township roads with equip- The church school Easter Festi- ment of the county road' department Dorothy Doyle and Barbara- Mc- ilosed yesterday, tlie students actu- enteen boys and girls completed William Tuthffl, George A. Esterly, after services. ally got three extra days off. Up William R', Richardson, Harold S. val will be held at 4 o'clock on at a cost of $2,150 to the township, Gechan,- will open the program. their studies and were awarded On Easter Sunday the church will Henry C. McMuH.cn, minstrel inter- diplomas and Bibles. Buell, ''Roy H. Geib and Frank R. iunday. wasl introduced. Another ordinance Burd. ' . be decorated with palms and Easter was introduced for private sale of locutor, wll -present—tho-end men, Postponment of Games Lambdin's 'bac- llllesl Appropriate music will be RtchaFd T. Bunnell, Charles A. Whether your birthday fu.Hu nuxt Arrangements for "Open House" First Baptist ' township-owned property _on both In Basketball League week or noxt. month, why not hnvo calaureate address was '-'Into—the presented, Communion will be cele- sides-of—Rose-avenue,-100 -feet-ln JSoeiler, Herbert E. Qulnton, William It llatod. horo by cullini; Tim HU.N, Temple," and the capacity audience wlir~lnclude~ a program:fof brated at the morning services and" ..... SUllbnxn. JJ.. JT -- MUlburn C-12&6, or Jot it on a poutu.17 craft and a prominent speaker, to 11I0V. ROMAINB F. BATIOMAN. Paator. from Salter street and exceeding 300 Last night's scheduled play offs Our MOB will curry ovor tho duto' received, his remarks with much in- babies will be presented for bap- Sundny School. 0:45 A. M. —. E. Ferguson. from your to yoar, 'uo that It nouiln't be.announced later. — : Morning Sorvloe, 11 A. M. feet in frontage, at a minimum in both Junior and Senior Divi- : .terest. _ _ . tismal. ' — After the opening chorus by the be-r©poiUed, ; - 1 Sub Committees Named Younif Pooplo'H aorvlce, 7 P. M. price of $1,400. The contract, in- sions of the Springfield Basket^ Margaret~Rl>fifnson was^lieard in The Tyfen of the church_wlll spon- 1 entire- company, which totals al- The Boy Scout Municipal Com- Bvonlng. Borvlco, 7:4E> P. M. cluded in the ordinance, stipulates ball League failed to take place the salufory and the valedictory 1 sor their annual turkey dinner on that tlie purchaser must pave and most 50 performers, Mr. Bunnell will in the James Caldwell School due "Happy Birthday" greetings are mittee, headed by Mayor Wilbur ,M. Topic: "Life More Abundant." extended this week by the SUN toaddress, "The Confessions of-Peter," Thursday at & o'clock dn the chapel. curb the street in front of the prog-_ sing "Mandy"' and Mr. Dainmig will tp the local outbreak of measles. was given by Molly Selander. Wal- Selander, which was organized to Evening topic: "The Power of Belieavd in "Lil' Liza Jane." the following residents:, . handle the campaign drive locally, erty. It is expected that W. Louis About half-of the players on each ter White, chairman of $he board of Methodist His Resurrection." .Morrison, local" builder and develop- -Howard Townley, baritone, will of the four teams were directly stewards^ presented- Bibles-to mem- lias appointed several sub-commit- Baptismal ceremonies will take render soveral_ specialties, followed "APRIL: : tes. >h. D.. er, will buy the> property. -affecled, causing postponment of 11—Caryle H. Richards ' bers of the class. The presentation Mlnlutur. place at the morning services. Public hearing will be held1 on by tlie.singing of "My Son Joshua" the play-offs until a few weeks of diplomas was handled by Fred The Lions Club will be represented Sunday School itt 9:45 A. M. On Easter Sunday the prelude will by Mr. Quinton. Tho selection, Dorothy Nessman by Herbert A. Kuvln, .chairman, Mornlntf wornhlp at 11 o'clock. the three ordinances April 23. pff, tho date of which will be" Ebert B. Johnson W. Compton^president of tho board HlKh School Einvorth Ltmi;uo, 4 P. M. be "An Easter Alleluia" by Ash- "Wise Old Owl" will bo then given announced later. who will in turn have the assistance Epworth LOIIKUO ut 0:45 p. M, Tax-Collector-Charles H. Huff re- Mrs. William Thompson, Jr. of trustees. ' """' ' . ford', the offertory wllLbe a violin ported receipts of about-$ll,000 in by Mr. Zooller arid Charles J. Boy'^ Selections were rendered by an of Dr. William G. Hull, Tax Col- solo by Gladys Dunlop accompanied den of Maplowood, tenor soloist, will Miss Oamllle Iiadner lection Charles HrHuff and Mr. Topic: "A Matter Of Life And March and" total collections this until Wednesday, 67. coses of measles l3^Arthur' Schramm, . • orchestra cOnslstinGT—of^Mrs. J. 7 byjhe organ, "The Stone Is Rolled year thus far of $79,000. -•"•--'* present specialties 1_ i3raiit-Jllioriias,_piano^Joy.ce_lJerir. Hershey, to contact merchants on ? ^ ~ Away" by Hall, .'The choir will be Commander White]s_contributlon, were reported by the Board of - 1 tire drive. There will be no duplica- A special musical program will hoard in the anthem, "Lift Your Health, tlie dally average haying Mrs.
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