IP '; I:1 ■' WEATHER Min. Max. Previn. ...68' 85 0.28 QUOTE -LiJUay. July 30 . •, *.59 ' 73 0.05 ^Saturday,..July 31 K<J \ ,0.00 Sunday, i — 1 ...«0 87 , 0..17 “When superstition goes religion Monday, ...51 77 { 0.00 remains.” Tuesday, ...48 • 74 ' 0.00 ..,54' 81 0.00 —Cicero. Plus Two CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1976 ONE HUNDKED-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 8 14 Pages This Week Supplements 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $6.00 PER YEAR Mrs. Loijis C. (Jessie II.) Ramp, lived in South Dakota and Chi­ County, township and state re­ Taft, with 7,595 votes, will face race. Musolf received 209 votes sults in the General Primary elec­ Democrat Ronald Allen who re­ over 127 for Fusilier. Lila Bauer, 74; of 8051. Washington, Waterloo, cago, 111., before’coming to Mich­ igan in 1937. ' tion on Aug. 3 produced some sur­ ceived 4,887 votes. A close runner- incumbent clerk, was unopposed died at Sj,1 Joseph Mercy Hos­ up in the Democratic race was and had 241 votes. Jean Tilt won Mrs. Ramp was a, member of prises and an unexpected turn-out pital, Anri; Arboi* on Aug. 2, aft­ Thomas J. Blessing with 4,835. the race for treasurer over foul1 St. Barnabas Episcopal church, of voters in some areas. er an illriess of several months. Episcopal Church Women, a n d Thomas E. Bietcher received 3,681 other candidates. Tilt had 143, Bet­ In spite of the charges of feloni­ votes. Roy G, Deckert, Republican, ty Koch, 97; Raymond Nusca, 64; ■ A retired social worker, she had served on the Bishop’s Com­ mittee of the church. She . was ous assault made against Sheriff had 4,492 votes. Marvin Schiller, 58; and Edmund had served, as director of Chelsea # # sjt Guenther, 18. The incumbent treas­ Social Service from November, also a member of the Woman’s Fred Postill, he beat out four other TOWNSHIP urer, Hilda Pierce, chose not to 1956 until Sept. 9/ 1973, and then Club of Chelsea. ■ •y. candidates for. the Democratic run. 1 as a .member of the board: She Survivors, in addition to her nomination in November with 8,246 In the township elections voter husband, include a number of turn-out was called average in There was no contest in the Lyn­ had previously been employed at votes. Dorothy Hunawill, former don . township election. Results the Jackson Bureau of Social Aid. cousins. ; most areas, but in Dexter town­ Dexter village president, was the ship more than half of the regis­ were Thomas C. Lewis, Democrat, Born SefJt. 11, 1901 in Malone, Funeral services will be -held at third‘ highest vote-getter in th e 2 p.m, on Thursday, Aug. 5 -at tered voters turned out for the Re­ supervisor, 55; Doris M. Fuhr- • N. Y., Mrs'. Ramp was the daugh­ sheriff’s race claiming 2,310 vote-s manri, Democrat, clerk, 66; Bar­ ter of Allen and Rose Edmonson St. Barnabas Episcopal c h u r c h PONY LEAGUE TOURNEY CHAMPS: These their winning streak right through to the erio' as after secon d-place' candidate publican race to return most of: with the Rev; Jerrold Beaumont the incumbents to office. John bara Roderick, Republican, 72;! Hitchcbck.d Following her grad­ Owings team members captured the title in the they upset the league leaders, 5-3. Seated, left to Charles Broderick with 6,358, Lush- Thomas B. Lancaster, Republican, uation from the’ University of Officiating. Burial will follow at Chelsea Recreation Pony League Tournament held Tandy, incumbent, with 212 votes, right in the front fow,, are John Drew, Mike Ward, in Salyer of Chelsea received 1,306 won over Nicholas Hollyt 184, .lor 70; E. Jay Hopkins, Republican, Illinois, she had done graduate Mt. H o p e Cemetery, Waterloo, the week-end of July 31. In the first round, Owings votes and Richard W. Horn, 1,271. Those wishing to d o ; so . may Tim Pennington, £raig Hinz, Pete Eisele, Jamie the supervisor’s job. H. Douglas constable, 75.: ^ ,'work in ? the School , of Social defeated T. Sprague to enter round two against Owings, Jim Heritor and Mike Bice. Standing; in In the November election Sheriff With no opposition in the pri­ Service Administration a t the make contributions ■ in , Mrs.' Smith, Republican, was unopposed Sweet. Owings scored 12 runs in the first inning the back row are; left to right, Dave Gipson, Ron Postill will face Ann'Arbor police and received 232 votes. He Will face mary in Sylvan township these can­ University of Chicago ■ and at the Ramp's memory ’ to St. Barnabas didates will be on the November Church Memorial Fund. Arrange­ to oust the Sweet title contenders from the tourna­ Lorenzen, Keith Hegadorn, Jeff Lantis, John Rowe, Lt. Tom Minick who won the Re­ •incumbent clerk William ; Eisen- University of. Michigan. She mar­ publican nomination with 10,415 ballot: Republicans Don Schoen­ ried Louis C. Ramp on June 6, ments are by the Burghardt Fun­ ment, ending the game with a final score of 12-5: Mike Gipson, and Cqach Ralph Owings. Missing befser, Democrat, who received votes over Fay A. Johnson, 6,397; 110 votes. In the treasurer’s race berg, supervisor; Dan Murphy, 1931. He survives. They h ad eral Home. ' In the finals, Owings team was pitted against the from the photo is-player Tom Headrick. James B. Taylor, 1,000; and Frea- clerk; Mary Kathryn Weber, treas­ league champs, Wojcicki. Owings players carried incumbent Lorinda Jedele re­ lin Craft, 616. ceived 235 votes and Esther Gibb, urer; Patricia Stevenson, trustee; The proposition to increase the 140. Incumbent trustee John Miller For the Democrats Fred Pearsall tax limitation for local parks and had 230 votes., over Matthew Hint- will run for treasurer and James recreation went down to defeat by zen, 147. Carruthers for trustee. Pony League Tournament Won a close margin with 15,731 “no” In another Republican race in , ^ & *;< votes and 15,211 “yes” votes. Scio township, the only upset was STATE Two candidates for circuit court in the race for constable in which In congressional results, Donald judge will be on the November bal­ Robert Marshall beat out incum­ Riegel, Jr., Flint Democrat, upset lot. Henry T. Conlin received 17,9.11 bent William Bernard. Marshall Richard Austin, Secretary of votes and Shirley Burgoyne, 10,073. had 598 votfes and Bernard 377. State, to claim t h e Democratic Chelsea Recreation Pony tourna­ against Owings. The contest prov­ FINAL SEASON STANDINGS Arthur E. Carpenter received 4,732 ■In other Scio township contests nomination for U. S. Senate. Riegle ment was a 'story of upsets from ed to be another upset as fourth W L T votes in the judgeship race. incumbent supervisor Robert Jones had 318,284 votes over Austin’s the opening round. place Owings defeated the league Wojcicki . f ...........11 1 0 . Margaret O’Connor, Republican, received 627 votes over George H. 209,910. Other candidates were champs 5 - 3 . Owings credited Petsch .......... ,......... 9 J. Smith, 445. Gay Konschuh, in­ In ’ round one Sweet’s Bombers 3 0 with 1,056 votes will face Theodore James G. O’Hara, 168,875; a n d Tom Hedrich as the catalyst for Schroetenboer. 7 4 1 J. Van Houten, Democrat, 425 cumbent clerk, had 496 votes over Janies L. Elsman, 32,021. Who had lost to .Petsch twice dur­ his team’s fine play throughout Qwings .................... 6 . 6 0 Hariette Haight, 412. For the treas­ ing the regular season, came back votes, in the race for county com­ Riegle will face Marvin L. Esch, nine runs during the two-day aL' •TV Sprague ................. 3 7 1 missioner in District 3. Van Houten urer’s job, incumbent Evelyn Na­ Ann Arbor Republican, who re­ to throttle them, 5-2, on sbme key fair. Owings had nothing" but Sfprague 2 9 varre received 717. votes over Nan­ hitting and fielding throughout the 0 was Unopposed, but O’Connor ibeat ceived 209,310 votes over Thomas cy. .Aiken,; 4 J2 v Two trustees nom- •E.«Brennan,. 129,115; Robert J. HtP '*Jt«t«s()!f; l i f ’ ber, 82;793; and -Deane 'Baker1;' dren’s Parade, Tricycle, Pull and In other round one action, -L votes and 3on K. Passow with 202 In providing a preview glimpse votes. cumbent, 588, and Robert A. Bliss, 51,380. f the Chelsea Fair, opening Queen Contest on Tuesday eve­ Sprague’s team upset Schroeten- 575. Trustee candidate Herman Clifford Taylor, Republican, 1,993 uesday, Aug. 24, the Chelsea ning followed by the annual Chel­ boer, 7-1. Sprague’s pitchers lim­ In District 2 George A. Merkel, Merte received 408 votes. Republican, received 614 votes and votes, and Bob Carr, Democrat, air Board has announced that sea,. Dexter, Ann Arbor Fireman’s ited the opposition to just four Old/Fimers Sought In Webster township there was 959 votes, will seek election as the he Merchant’s Building is filled Waterball Tournament. hits in - the contest. will face James E. La Goe, Dem­ no opposition to the incumbents. ocrat, with 511 votes in the Novem­ 6th District representative in No­ o capacity, Ingalls Amusement Wednesday evening will feature The third game was a narrow Results were Don Zeeb, supervis­ vember. Co. has prbmjsed a bigger and a Pony Pull Contest. Thursday ber election. Other Republican can­ or, 231; Wana Baldus, clerk, 242; 8-4 victory for Owings over T. didates were Edwin Coy, 571; In the 23rd District Mike Conlin, etter midway this year, and morning ■ is the Antique Tractor Sprague.
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