Farewell seniors, best ot luck Jg ~ | Graduation nears; speakers selected Graduates will parade across the front steps of the school to receive their diplomas on Wednesday, June 9, at 6:30 p.m. Leading the class are officers Cniig Carey, presi­ dent; Paula Stanifer, vice-president; Marilyn Neal, secre­ tary; Stephen Sirmin, treasurer; and Katharine Stone, alumni secretary. The Reverend Harrison C. Harold Crouch. Ellinboll. A, Cronnu. I'nnioln Kay Grouohor, Thorn iu It. Neal from Irvington Presby­ Curry, Kntliryn Hull. Dnnsctt. terian Church will givo tho in­ llarbara Loiitno Dalton. lllrlinrd Kimono Dnnunoycr, Carol Uo Diin- Journalists honored at banquet vocation. Three seniors, Rich­ forth, Gordon I., Dtvll, Jr., llnndy ard Steele, Judith Browning J. Davi*, Choryl I_ynn Dnwaon, It, Friends, parents, Su-iilii-i. Dtiwimn, Sandra Dnw.on. and staff members gath­ and Jane Collins will givo Terry Dawnoii. David .Tmi.i.i Dmr, speeches on "The Shape and D.'iinin A. Dixitor, John Deelor, Bn.co ered in the cafeteria at the Dentler. S'trvf 1II.IIITU.I-. , ..-. ]....- Character of Our Society." ward 1-lrU. IIIH l>..l.i...[.. (!. I.rnn annual Publications Ban­ H-.I- I.l.u-jili.1 t«_...,_,. 1. |.... r.. I),l..r.-n Mr. Richard Lugar, a mem­ Darmaii, Illrhnrd I.. mnn, I'rln- quet on May 19. The 24th cllln Loiilnr Di.utrli._i, I'ntrlrln Ann birthday of the Hilltopper fffl^ ber of the Board of School Urn ""nl, Jmii'! Mm-ln lliiliu tl, Commissioners, assisted by Mr. Donita KtthHna Dwltiimii. Jerry Al- and the 26th anniversary len Emiter, Nanry K, I'.ilwiird™, i.linln of the Howe Towe?- were Thomas Stirling, principal, and EBB".. Sum... Aon Kliron-tu-ruor. Mr. Charles Ruschhaupt and A .,111- Loulle Bill*, Joanne Elalno celebrated at the affair Kmbry. B. Jano 1-_I_K__I.I_, r Cloy. Mr. Frant Tout, vice-princi­ ton Bvnnn, Toni llarbara with presentation of awards l.l.ul, and the introduction of pals, will present the gradu­ EvorllOB. Churlon ; Steve Sir ates with their diplomas. Mi.rnnret Jonnni. next year's staffs. n, president, adminisl th to Quill and Sci Boannn Field*, Allni. ;:=__.. ; initiates: All Wood, Martha Kell. role Cole, Sue Ami Mr. Frank Watkins will di­ lay, Jano Pine. Sylvia 1- After the dinner, served by Michael ll-nnln I'll: •Irk the cafeteria staff, Steve Payne Abagail McWilliams. Becky Funk .nd Nita Briggi. rect the Howe choir in tho LOIIIHO K..r.l, _tt.-1u.ril l-'n.lei! Joanna I.yiia I'oT.i.iiiri. Wnll welcomed the group and gave —Photo by Larry Bautnga -dt traditional song, "You'll Never Forlnor. Brenn Sua Koino l.ii.. Walk Alone." The Howe band, a short history of each of the Stanifer and Ed Pearson. Fred Johnson, Martha Keller, (Continued on Pane 4) directed by Mr. Louitj Mc­ publications. Tower, Hilltop­ Susie Bechtel, Nita Briggs, Steve McGuire, Jane McKee per and Pen Point*. Bonnie Don Coffin, Irene Cottom, Enderfer, will play the proces­ and Greg Pritz. sional and recessional, "Pomp Graham introduced the people Sherry Eggers, Judy Freeh, Seniors attend Miss O'Drain awarded Pen and Circumstances" and tho sitting at the speaker's table. Bobbie Georgia, Becky Gra­ Point* certificates as Sylvia "Howe Loyalty Song." Guests ham, Georgia Keeley, Mary Fischbach introduced her Sunday Vespers These included Mr. and Mrs. Krinhop, Mary Lagenaur, staff. These included Melitta That evening, the new alum­ Veapor service for graduat­ Donald Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Karen Parr and Steve Payne Hanske, Diane Coulter, Mary ni will hold their prom at the ing seniors will be hold on Indiana Roof. Steve Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. received two year service pins. Lagenaur, Anne Vicars, Bar­ Sunday, June fi, 10GC, In tho Frank Tout, Mr. Thomas Stirl­ Others also earning this award bara Otto and Clara Bell, sen­ Adat Ada. auditorium. The aervieo will ing, Miss Ellen O'Drain, Mrs. were Marcia Rennard, Alice _._. Michael Albrluht, Philip All- begin at 3:30 P.M. iors; Donna Israel, Susie Bech­ rod, Gerald Alston, llront A ii'h-r.ir.u. Patricia Alexander, Mrs. Je­ Schlagenauf, Steve Sirmin, tel, Teri Thompson, Allan Linda AndroH*. Sin- Anpii-«nU> Ji.hu Tho service will begin with Archer, Anril Armstrong, John anne Bowles, Mr. Russell Dur­ Richard Steele, Kathy Stone, Wood and Steve Frazelle, jun­ Armelronir, Stephen Anhcraft, Allen "Mozart Fantaaio" played by Terri Thompson, Jan Tobias, AoBuitufl. Itonald Austin, Bunan the orchestra, under tho direc­ bin and Miss Gretchen Wolf­ iors; Carol Cottom, Diane Ilocon, Robert Ilakor, Jr., Tonya ram. Anne Vicars and Sandy Vick- Gowdy, Susie Hine and Alyce Baker, Clin:.tin.- llnlfour, Ill.-li.ird tion of Miss Margaret Warner. IJarneii, Richard Barrett. Richard Jan Pirtle, master of cere­ ers. Payne sophomores; and Glenda Bartli.lt, Illchnrd linrton, Italnor "Sine Nomine," tho proces­ Bnuor, Ruth Ana Board, Hubert sional, will be followed by tho monies, introduced the enter­ One Year Award* Bullock, Nancy Hall, Barbara Beavin, Dltino Heekhom, invocation which will ho glvon tainment for the evening. A One year service certificates Shadiow, Valeri Shawver and Clara Boll, Jny J. Bell, Sural. Kay Dell, I.i,.i.,i,i,.i 1W 11, Iter, IU. •• Mitrl,- by The Rev. Walter D. Card- loud German band drowned were received by Charlotte Kathy Scott, freshmen. Bennett. Steven LM Donnell, Denlrle well, D.D. The choralaires will out the noise of the dish Bassett, Becky Funk, Mark Special Award* Adair Berry, Linda BeV.t, Myrii I.yn Bewley, Chnrlcn David flick cl. I'onny sing "0 Lord We Worship Two special awards were !•(.•. washer. Tooting the distinctive Gerzon, Frank Gill, Sharon Leo Marl- Thee," directed by Mr. Wat- presented to the outstanding Chcryll Let tunes were Ed Cord, Phil Howell, Jim Harrison, Debra Richard A. Bodom, Terr/ Leo Bon- kitu. Meadows, David Liddle, Bill Mather, Alyce Payne, Ellen boy and girl journalists for ham, Jean Ellen Booth, Harold EUeli- ard Bourne. Alcnc Bowles, Mumha Walters and Dave Parrish. Steen, Susan Tandy, Kathy this year. Mrs. Bowles pre­ I.ec Bowman, iloniild Loivln Bowman, The scripture will bo road Mic_.__.-I Phillip l!o/....lll. l-rry Wll- Frank Hancock played sev­ Tobias, Linda Vemard, Byron sented the Theta Sigma Phi by The Rov. S. Samuel Love- ichla. Leo Bru loco, the pawtor of the East eral selections on his accordian Wells, Cathy Welcher, Allan gold key to Barbara Clark, Wayne Branham. Chnrlcn Breckonrldac, Bruce Michael ISrin- Tenth Street Church of God. and was followed by Susie Ap­ Wood, Joyce McKee and Aga- managing editor of this year's non, Richard Forrlll Britton. gail McWilliams. Tower staff, and Mr. Durbin Paul Bromalrup, Nancy Dlanno Then tho audience will join in plegate doing a hilarious read­ Brooks, Judlili Ann Hr<,w_.iu«, Kath­ singing the hymn "We Would ing from "Molly Brown." Rose Mr. Tout presented Hilltop­ awarded the Sigma Delta Chi ryn Boas Hundy, Ch.-rolynn Kuy gold key to Steve Payne, edi­ Bums, Cheryl Lynn Burn*, Sloven Be Building." Choralaires Bing Bennett and Diane Beckham per awards as Mr. Austin rec­ Randal Call, Janice Lynne Calvin, the Aileluja from the Motet tor-in-chief of the Tower this Mnry-Ann Cardwell, Crolii Sloven serenaded the group with two ommended his staff. Earning Carey, Lorry L. Cnrlljlo, Kon Ervln "Exsultato, Jubilate" by Mo­ past year. Cnrtcr, Sue Ellen Carter, Terri folktunes while they accom­ three year service pins were Yvonne Catron. Durlcne Kay Center*. zart, panied themselves on the zither Terri Catron, Barbara Dalton, The two sponsors, Mr. Aus­ Dcbby Anne Chndwkk. Cheryl Sou Chirney. Alan Wllllnm ChniUaln. San­ Tho address titled "A Ves­ and guitar. Betty Cronau, Bonnie Graham, tin and Mrs. Alexander, dra Lee Cherry, Hsrlmrji Lynn Clark, Kllon Jone Clifton, Sharon Naomi per Prayer" will he presented Three Year Pin, Jan Pirtle, Doug Runciman thanked this year's staff for Cloud. Donnld Allen Collin. Richard by Tho Rev. Howard W. Stone, and Jerry Stanbrough. Receiv­ their cooperation and intro­ Hiirrell Coffin, Awards were the order of D.D. The benediction by The business for the evening. Mr. ing two year pins were Carole duced their new staffs. Jano Ellen Collin. " llm Nai Ann Coi tu ..I,!., lartha Rev. Dan E. Huff, pastor of the Cole, Ted Cole, Sherene Per- _ .rolyn Conn Judd Rons Cook, Stirling presented the Tower Guest speaker for the eve­ Llnwood Christian Church and sonette, Shirley Rork and William Loroj Cooke, Charles Wll- honors as Mrs. Alexander rec­ ning was Mr. Stephen Carlson, liam Cookncy, Donna Gnlo CornotU-, the choral response—"Peace I ommended the students to him. Donna Steffen. the Director of Public Rela­ I D. Cox, Jomci Ed- Leave With You" will end the Receiving three year service Certificate* tions for the Indianapolis Pub­ rvey C. Co*cy, Tod B. service. pins were Barbara Clark, Syl­ One year service certificates lic School System. Mr. Carlson via Fischbach, Susan Hall, Me­ were earned by Joyce Brandt, was previously Director of litta Hanske, Charles Merri­ Judy Fenters, Connie Harrell, Publications and sponsor of man, Cynthia McCloskey, Paula Sue Amick, Donna Israel, New staff takes reins This last issue of the Howe Tower has been produced by next year's staff. Allen Wood and Susan Tandy have been appointed editor-in-chief and managing editor, re­ Students, faculty receive awards spectively by Mrs. Patricia Alexander, sponsor, and the Tuesday, May 25, Thom­ standing seniors who have ma­ Linda Evans, Alan Hall, Editorial Board. as Carr Howe High School jored in specific subjects. Mr. litta Hanske, Alan Keetay, editors include Mary Welcher, Tho Eo.Lido Herald. held its annual Honors Day F.
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