Enfield Council Enfield Local Plan Integrated Impact Assessment Final report x Prepared by LUC June 2021 Enfield Council Enfield Local Plan Integrated Impact Assessment Version Status Prepared Checked Approved Date 1. Draft Report for client review S. Newman T. Livingston T. Livingston 14.06.2021 E. Smith K. Nicholls S. Temple S. Temple 2. Final report E. Smith S. Temple T. Livingston 18.06.2021 S. Temple T. Livingston T. Livingston Bristol Land Use Consultants Ltd Landscape Design Edinburgh Registered in England Strategic Planning & Assessment Glasgow Registered number 2549296 Development Planning London Registered office: Urban Design & Masterplanning Manchester 250 Waterloo Road Environmental Impact Assessment London SE1 8RD Landscape Planning & Assessment landuse.co.uk Landscape Management 100% recycled paper Ecology Historic Environment GIS & Visualisation Contents Enfield Local Plan: Integrated Impact Assessment June 2021 Contents Strategic Policies SS1 and SS2 71 Chapter 1 Introduction 2 Chapter 5 The Local Plan area 2 IIA findings for the place policies in Outline of the Local Plan and its objectives 2 Chapter 3 of the Enfield Local Plan 75 Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment 5 3. Place 75 Health Impact Assessment 5 Equalities Impact Assessment 5 Chapter 6 Community Safety Impact Assessment 5 IIA findings for the policies in Chapters Habitats Regulations Assessment 6 4-15 of the Enfield Local Plan 102 Meeting the requirements of the SEA Regulations 6 Structure of the IIA Report 6 4. Sustainable Enfield 102 5. Addressing equality and improving health and wellbeing 105 Chapter 2 6. Blue and green Enfield 108 Methodology 10 7. Design and character 119 Stage A: Scoping 11 8. Homes for all 125 Stage B: Developing and refining options and assessing 9. Economy 133 effects 12 10. Town centres and high streets 138 Stage C: Preparing the IIA report 24 11. Rural Enfield 140 Stage D: Consultation on the Local Plan and this IIA 12. Culture, leisure and recreation 143 report 24 13. Movement and connectivity 148 Stage E: Monitoring and implementation of the Local 14. Environmental protection 149 Plan 24 15. Delivering and monitoring 151 Appraisal methodology 24 Difficulties encountered 26 Chapter 7 Cumulative effects 154 Chapter 3 Sustainability context 28 Chapter 8 Relationship with other relevant plans or programmes 28 Monitoring 185 Policy context 28 Baseline information 36 Key Sustainability Issues 41 Chapter 9 Conclusions and next steps 189 The IIA framework 55 Conclusions 189 Chapter 4 Next Steps 189 IIA findings for Chapter 2 of the Enfield Local Plan 63 2. Good growth in Enfield 63 Enfield's vision and strategic objectives 63 LUC I i Chapter- 1 Introduction Enfield Local Plan: Integrated Impact Assessment June 2021 Chapter 1 Introduction Enfield Council commissioned LUC in March 2021 to carry out an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA), comprising Sustainability Appraisal (SA) incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Health Impact Assessment (HIA), Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA), Community Safety Impact Assessment (CSIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), of the Enfield Local Plan: Main Issues and Preferred Approaches. As explained later in this chapter, the SA, SEA, HIA, EqIA and CSIA have been undertaken together as part of the IIA. Therefore, for simplicity within this report we mostly refer just to the IIA, which should be taken as incorporating SA, SEA, HIA, EqIA and CSIA. The Local Plan area The London Borough of Enfield (LBE) lies within the north of Greater London (see Figure 1.1) and is home to approximately 333,000 people and 130,000 households. The Borough sits entirely within the M25, north of the River Thames. Central London is approximately 15 miles to the south. LBE shares boundaries with three other London Boroughs: Waltham Forest to the east, Haringey to the south and Barnet to the west. Enfield Borough adjoins the counties of Hertfordshire and Essex to the north and east, respectively. It is also positioned within the London-Stansted-Cambridge Innovation Corridor. LBE is faced by a significant number of planning constraints, specifically the Green Belt which covers 3,000ha (37%) of the Borough, Metropolitan Open Land which covers 249.07ha of the Borough and over 400ha of industrial land, of which approximately 326ha is classified as Strategic Industrial Locations (SIL) and Locally Significant Industrial Sites (LSIS). There are also a number of environmental constraints towards the east of the Borough. Outline of the Local Plan and its objectives The new Enfield Local Plan will cover the period to 2039 and replace the Council's current suite of development plan documents, bringing the updated policies together into one single plan. The Council's current suite of development plan documents comprises the Core Strategy (2010), Development Management Document (2014), and Area Action Plans for the North Circular Road (2014), North East Enfield (2016) and Edmonton Leeside (2020). The new Local Plan will address local housing need, the economy, environmental considerations including the climate emergency, community infrastructure as well as strategic infrastructure needs and will assist the Council in its move towards carbon neutrality. The Plan will make site specific allocations to meet identified needs of the future. Once the Council has fully engaged with the local community and the Plan has been through all of its formal statutory stages, it will be adopted as the development plan for the Borough and used to assess planning applications. Enfield Council undertook a preliminary consultation with local communities on the emerging Local Plan between December 2015 and February 2016. Then, between December 2018 and February 2019, the Council consulted upon the Issues and Options version of the Local Plan as part of the Regulation 18 stage of plan preparation. This initial Regulation 18 document focused on exploring broad issues and options but did not indicate the Council’s preferred approach in terms of the scale of growth to be planned for nor the proposed spatial strategy. The Council has now prepared the 'Enfield Local Plan: Main Issues and Preferred Approaches' document, which is the subject of the current consultation, also part of the Regulation 18 stage. The purpose of this consultation is for the Council to test and refine its approaches, gain feedback on the scope of the new Local Plan, its strategic objectives, the main planning issues and opportunities in LBE, and the possible policy approaches to address these before making a decision on the plan it wishes to take to the next stage of the plan making process. The Council also want to learn if there are any issues, opportunities or policy alternatives that have not yet been identified, but which should be considered. The Enfield Local Plan: Main Issues and Preferred Approaches document comprises the following main components: ◼ Spatial vision setting out what Enfield will be by 2039 and underpinned by four guiding themes. Further detail is then provided by 20 strategic objectives. LUC I 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Enfield Local Plan: Integrated Impact Assessment June 2021 ◼ 36 strategic policies (including 10 place policies) and 57 development management policies across the following topics: – Good growth in Enfield; – Places; – Sustainable Enfield; – Addressing equality and improving health and wellbeing; – Blue and green Enfield; – Design and character; – Homes for all; – Economy; – Town centres and high streets; – Rural Enfield; – Culture, leisure and recreation; – Movement and Connectivity; – Environmental protection; and – Delivering and monitoring. Since consulting on the Issues & Options version of the Local Plan (2018-2019), the Council has declared a climate emergency (in July 2020) and is committed to becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and a carbon neutral Borough by 2040. All services across the Council have an important part to play and the Local Plan has a key role in helping to reduce carbon emissions. In this respect, it must be recognised that the Local Plan is only one of the tools that will support a reduction in carbon emissions across the Borough. It cannot achieve this on its own as the Local Plan is primarily a land use document and any proposed policies need to comply with the Government requirements on for example, the number of houses that need to be built in the Borough. Nonetheless, the target of achieving carbon neutrality must be central to the Local Plan-making process and the IIA. LUC I 3 Enfield Integrated Impact Assessment Enfield Council Figure 1.1: London Borough of Enfield London Borough of Enfield boundary Other local authority boundary 0 5 10 F km Map scale 1:500,000 @ A4 © Natural England copyright 2021. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2021 CB:RW EB:Bean_C LUC Fig1_1_r0_11450_LondonBoroughofEnfield_A4L 14/06/2021 Source: OS Chapter 1 Introduction Enfield Local Plan: Integrated Impact Assessment June 2021 Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, SA is mandatory for Development Plan Documents. For these documents it is also necessary to conduct an environmental assessment in accordance with The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/1633), as amended by The Environmental Assessments and Miscellaneous Planning (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 (SI 2018/1232). As set out in the explanatory Memorandum
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