THE --EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1.922. : : ?M: HARRY QREB WOULD BE THE BEST OPPONENT FOR CARPENTIER CARPENTIER VS. By Edgreii BILL M'KECHNIE "BUSY BEE" STYLE OF GREB GREB Robert J? EX-GIAN- V T, IS NOW 't PREVENTS FIGHTER SETTING PIRATES' MANAGER r 1 having to Now Jersey pil- -- 1 Difference in Boxing Methods of wear the . lows Instead of the four ounco gtovs i v...the Pair Should Make Car- - used In England und Franco. This ' took some sting of George Gibson Resigns as the . pentier Bout Interesting of the out the an blows ho landed on Dempsey's chin. Leader After Team Is One. But, of, course, Dempsey's punches wefo muffled Just as much, and ho Whitewashed. might have brought Carpentler down quickly ounco gloves. I By Robert Edgrcn. 'with four Ba-lia- tl ' In tho ring Carpentlor Is as grace PITTSBURGH. Pa., July 1. At present ojjly two cham-- B 1 vorld's ful as a tiger. His movements aro fans hero wero surprised last ylonahlps In boxing are held outside l.,r sure and swift and smooth. He drives night to learn that a change of manne the TJnttod States tho flyweight and his punches straight. He Is In and t gers In tho Pittsburgh team had taken I too lightweight. Several Amor-- away like a flash. He is beautifully i accurate. He uses his left hand as place. After yesterday's gnmevMn Icon boxers crane to England have to well as his right. He usually wins wnlch tho Pirates were shut out"ttl'l lake the flyweight tltla fr i Jl. j with a hard left drive over the heart, defeated 6 to 0, George Gibson.' Ih't "Wilde, Who has been u: tablo In the following with a crack on the chin manager, called tho players toge,tli;f flyweight class for years, with the right. In tho Dempsey fight ho may huve led with the right too liefore they reached the shower bathfl j ' Only ono American has him, bnten much, but that was bocauso ho found nnd told thorn that he had decided: dd wthd only i. o( -- fAlGHT DRop that with the J i his only chance was to get tho right CwRPtTvtR. atlEt omx. or resign In tho Interests of the tbarrn advantage. Kid was over to Dempsey's a knock- fair Herman chin for UTH THE Kltb OP BVOIAT honlnir for n chnneo of fortunes. '"' matched with '- - when ho lost tho out. HAKb PUNCH HC ISTvJRHlNei UK 'f)'r V Is different lANtGt Gibson said that ho 'had no blame '.bantam 'tlo to Lynch, and went i Harry Greb of an entirely ot--4 DBAPaeV , V MAM AROUHDT lighting type. He Is a big Bai Nel- wnv aujuer any one, but that he felt the "team "sto"flght tho English champion In the son, but busier than Bat ever vas a 4 ounce GET HlrA. offW should have another manager and raurhl Slighter class. Herman dellbc- - y Without any great skill In boxing, possibly do better work. He thanked 5 'came In overweight, expecting to rather ungainly In his unexpected them all and said ho was leaving wfuij movements, apparently planning In by simply paylr-- r out a fcejjng of resentment ngnlnst.,en; avoid weighing fight goes along never ' nothing as the all his weight forfeit. It would have been waiting for openings, never circling, of them. He wished them tha' xiit Hildreth Scratching Entries possible and hoped they would reabh 5 Judgment on Wilde's part to re- - before plunging In, never stopping a o better position In tho race. The player1 80 to go on with Herman, but nc second to gather his resources for single punch, ho Is mo-i- t were surprised, as they had had' hn disappoint crowd decisive the Many Ugly n't want to tho awkward man In the world to fight. Starts Stories warning that "Olbby" was dlscourig moment, so fought In at the last and Boxers are lost before Greb bicause They have been striving to get oulof ju, eplto of the dlfferenco In weights and he doesn't respond to tho usual box- rut for some time, but tho pitcher ing movements. T!lth Little Truth in Them was knocked out. have failed dismally In recent gamefu world's championship Is He doesn't know any mare about nnd what good batting they dlspktyj Theother backing up sidestepping tnan a "Georges or against Billy McLaughlin, Hephalstos, has gone for naught. "ir,w ,fcelT by Carpentler, who took racing-ca- r There's no jso in Rancocas Had Good went driver. Trainer Polly Ann othors. He decided Gibson left the club house and the ht title by beating feinting at Greb, because he doesn't and to tho office of liamoy Dreyfuss, tbp try to sidestep or about to avoid Reasons 'or Withdrawing that even that was too tough a spot, President, whore he tendered his resig- Battling Levinsky. Levinsky claimed shift and any " as Parting of his horses nation, and It was Immediately accept decision n blow, and so a feint doein'l trick It because he had taken a leaving openings. Feinting His Starters. meant a trip from Belmont In a hot ed, giving the Impression that It was Bl htm into by management) oVer Jack Dillon in 1916. But Just is half of a skilled boxer's bag of van, decided to scratch everything. least desired the Pirate Knobble, ho figured, might find a bet- After ho had departed for his homo how far Levinsky went back after tricks. By Vincent Treanor. William B. McKechnle. the assistant OVU.Y ter spot, sny In tho Carter Handicap, beating Dillon to a decision in one of GREB STEALS THE WRESTLER'S A FEIWT. bo manager, was called In and appointed Sam Hildreth scratched on Tuesdny, whoro the routo will manager. He takes charge their many engagements Is shown by STUFF. BECAUSE seven In day at once.. Bu Rancocas horses from the furlongs. Later the McKechnle Is a local boy and former ,&oTH KAiMtJi GoitVJ , his record. From October, 1916, the Grob'a ono way of fighting Is to card at Aqueduct yesterday all when Ilildroth came to Aqueduct and played on tho Pirate team aa wet) a date of the Dillon bout, to October, rush In persistently, keeping both lent ned that Mr. Vosburgh had put with tho Giants, Cincinnati Reds and arms going overy second of the time. kinds of stories wero bandied nrouiul 120 pounds on Knobble In tho Carter tho New York Yankees. He also played 3920, when met Carpentler, Levin he Instead of hitting in the usual way, as to tho reason thereof. Mr. Hildreth ho expressed himself as being sorry for and managed the Indianapolis ttfird sky fought fifty-tw- o ring battles and straight from tho side with well di sn't any too popular with some folk ho didn't run tho Wrack horso In tho when It won tho Federal League' pint' Von only six of them all on deel rected Jabs or hooks or uppercuts, he who mako racing a business, possibly Hindoo. So ends tho story which nant aevernl years ago, and was then may professional Jenlousy. nnd many whlBporlngs tho transferred to Newark, N. J. Ho-.J- :j elons. His real finish as a first class hits from wherever his hands hecruso of caused so In popular with tho players and It Is. have swung to after missing or land League Averages accordingly some of thorn weren't paddock, tho club and oven on hej boxer came when he was foolish Major house lleved that the team will take a ,braq ing a blow. A punch may como up Live Wires particular as to what thoy said about tho lawn nt the track yesterday. under hi management. enough to meet Jack Dempsey In 1918 from his knees or down from over his him In connection with the with- knocked out In rounds. head. LEAGUE. AMERICAN LEAGUE. ByNcal O'Hara drawal of his entries. and was thrco NATIONAL Though tho opening of tho Sara- SERES WINS FEATURE . When LevlnBky fought Carpentler he Ho introduces a bit of wrestling .300 HITTERS. .300 HITTERS. If what wo heard from ono source toga season Is a full month away, tho Itan-coco- h wis fat and slow and had lost all trace stuff. Frank Gotch once told me 11. could bo given any credence, tho good people tho popular resort aro RACE AT VELODROME riartr. Club. A.I1. II. P.C. Player. Club. A.B. r.C. "What would tho big lcaguo bi' of of the skill and dash of his earlier that all wrestling was a matter of Hornaby, St. Loul 217 97 .30.1 Slsler, St. Loul 289 124 .420 tjalner had become Involved In talking horse, nnd eagerly awaiting . y;ears In 'the ring. putting the other fellow off balance. Ilarnhnrt. Plttsburch 63 23 .38.--. Btephenson, Cleveland .... 109 43 .301 without Its Boston and Philadelphia?' a Jam with the stownrds. Another gates George Seres of France won the Rowdy, 120 40 .383 Ilellmann, Detroit 236 DO .381 the opening of the for what one fighting theory Is he Doiton sneers a baseball scribe. yarn said Mr. Sinclair, owner motor-pace- DIFFERENCE IN STYLE WOULD Greb's that (ialntr, Bt. Louis 40 15 ,37.' Speaker, Cleveland 211 70 .374 that, premises to bo thr most successful d bicycle race.) thn 04 And tho correct answer Is that It must not let his opponent "get set" urtnsltr, incinn&u u .so O'Neill.
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