tJ \·1-b·l l ~~~:~~! ~~:t:BOJJEIVED APPOINTMENT APPLICATION JAN 2 6 2017 1. Personal Information Full Legal Name Maritza Michel Antu Preferred Name Maritza Antu Spouse's Narr Physical Home Addres: City, State Zip Mailing Address City, State Zip County Work Telephone Home Teleohone Harris CP.11111:H Preferred E-mail AdL. __ _ State Senator Joan Huffman Secondary E-Mail Address ,.. -.-,-··---·-, State Representative Sarah Davis 3. State Board(s), Commlssion(s), or Task Force(s) of Interest to You: The list of all entities to which the Governor makes appointments may be found at: http://www. gov. texas. gov/appointments/positions 232nd Criminal District Court 4 . Empoymen t In f ormar 10n Employer Employer's Address Present Job Title The Antu Law Firm, PLLC 917 Franklin Street Criminal Defense Attorney Suite #550 Profession Houston, Texas 77002 Attorney Present Job Description I represent citizens charged with crimes in Harris County. Revised 02/15 I Name Maritza M. Antu 5. Education!Training Degree and Type of School Name and Location of School Year Graduated Field of Study High School McAllen Memorial High School 1998 High School Diploma Undergraduate University of Texas at Austin 2002 Public Relations Graduate University of Houston Law Center 2005 J.D. Other 6 . Emp1oyment H'1storv Employer Position Dates Location Harris County District Attorney's Office Assistant District Attorney 9/05 - 12/16 Houston, Texas 234 lh District Court, Hon. Reece Rondon Law Clerk 7/04 - 9/04 Houston, Texas Waters & Kraus, L.L.P. Law Clerk 5/04- 7/04 Dallas, Texas Dallas County District Attorney's Office Intern 7/03 - 8/03 Dallas, Texas 7. References Name Employer City Telephone Relationship Hon. Vanessa Velasquez State of Texas Houston 713-818-4646 Assigned to her Court as an ADA Hon. Belinda Hill Retired Houston 713-882-3652 Previous Employer Hon. Marc Carter State of Texas Houston 832-651-3352 Assigned to his Court as an ADA Jon Stephenson Self Houston 713-253-1776 Colleague/Friend Hon. Reece Rondon Hall Maines Lugrin Houston 832-577-2043 Previous Employer Connie Spence State of Texas Houston 281-889-8529 Colleague/Friend Wes Rucker Trichter & Murphy, PC Houston 713-922-8149 Colleague/Friend Terese Buess Self Houston 713-828-3279 Supervisor at DA's Office 8. Professional Memberships (including any state bar memberships) Oraanlzatlon Title/Position Current/Former Houston Bar Association Member Current Texas District & County Attorneys Association Member Former 9. Vo I unteer p art1c1pat' 10n Organization Title/Position Current/Former University of Houston Law Center Coach/Environmental Law, Moot Court Competition Former Hispanic Law Students' Association Special Events Officer Former 10. M'litI arv serv1ce Are you or have vou ever been a member of the Armed Forces of the United States: I IYes IXINo Branch Dates of Service Type of Discharge Revised 02/15 2 I Name Maritza M. Antu 11. Social Media Information Do you use, or have you ever used, any of the following? If ''yes," provide additional information. Facebook 0Yes ~ No Username Twitter 0Yes ~ No Handle@ lnstagram ~Yes D No Username mrsiglesias80 Linkedln 0Yes ~ No Profile Google+ 0Yes ~ No Username 12. S ouse Information This Section Not A llcable Spouse's Emolover . lnh TitlQ/Pn~itinn uoes your spouse conauct any ous1ness w1t11 nr nero~0 ™8 If,._"' _, __ ,,__ ""'• -----•--· Texas Legislature or any other state entity? 'es ___No ..__ ______________ ~ 13. Miscellaneous Information Note: "Material interest" is defined as (a) seNing on the governing board of directors or (b) a ten (10) percent or greater ownership. This does not apply to any mutual funds in which you do not exercise author/ in investment decisions. Are you, your spouse, or any company in which you have a material interest currently No delin uent in an local state or federal taxes? If es, ive details. Have you ever defaulted on a personal, business or student loan? If ves, oive details. I I I Yes 1X1 No Type of Loan Date Details Have you, your spouse, or any company in which you have a material interest or of which LJYes ~ No you have been an officer or principal been involved in any bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, oive details includino dates. Do you currently serve, or have you ever served, on any local, state or federal government LJ Yes~ No board, commission or committee or in anv elected or ao1:>ointed office? Compensated Reimbursed Entity Position Dates (YIN) (Y/N) Revised 02/15 3 I Name Marit:ia M. Antu 13. Miscellaneous Information (Continued) Are (es Name of Official and Title Rela'uum~hiD Do you or your spouse have any material interest in, or are either of you employed by, any LJ Yes~ No company that does business with or receives funds from the State of Texas? If ves, oive full name and details: Name of Company Details Are you or your spouse an officer, director, employee or paid Self consultant of a trade association? D Yes t8l No If yes, please list association and position: Spouse Have you or your spouse ever been registered as a lobbyist or received compensation to LJ Yes~ No represent someone before a local. state, or federal aovernment? Self or Entity Represented Entity Lobbied Dates SDOuse No In the last five years, have you, or any company in which you have a material interest, been LJ Yes~ No licensed bv a Texas state aoencv? If ves, oive details. Aaencv Type of License License# Expiration Have ou ever been delin uent in child su Yes No t8J Not Applicable Revised 02/ 15 4 I Name Maritza M. Antu 13. Miscellaneous Information (Continued) To the best of your knowledge, has any federal, state or local law enforcement or regulatory ~ Yes LJ No agency (on behalf of itself or any other person or entity) filed or investigated any grievance or complaint against you, your spouse, or an entity in which you have a material interest? If yes, give details and disposition (investiaated dismissed, reprimanded) Agency Date Details and Dlscosltion State Bar of Texas 2015 Grievance #2015-02730. Natasha Johnson, a defendant l personally tried in the 263rd District Court for Injury to a Child, filed a grievance after she was sentenced to 50 years in prison. The State Bar of Texas closed the case with a dismissal. State Bar of Texas 2013 Grievance #2013-05216. Michael Wayne Barnes, a defendant I personally tried in the 183111 District Court for Burglary of a Habitation, filed a grievance after be was sentenced to 35 years in prison. The State Bar of Texas closed the case with a dismissal. To the best of your knowledge, have you, your spouse, or any company iri which you have a LJ Yes~ No material interest been investigated, reprimanded, fined or suspended from doing business with any state or federal agency? If yes, give details and disposition (investigated, reprimanded fined susoended Agency Date Details and Dlsoosltion Have you ever been convicted in a criminal proceeding (excluding traffic violations), placed ~ Yes LJ No on probation, required to perform community service, or had a criminal proceeding disposed of by pre-trial diversion, deferred prosecution, deferred adjudication, or some similar proceeding? If yes, list the charge, the date of the offense, the city and/or county and state in which it alleaedlv occurred, and the disposition thereof. Minor in Possession of Alcohol June 2000 Austin, Texas Dismissed with completion of an alcohol education course. Revised 02/15 s 14. Certification Full Legal Name Maritza Michel Antu - Date of Birth Driver License or DPS ID# I Are you a U.S. Citizen? ~ Yes LJ No IPlace of Birth McAllen, Texas Date of naturalization (if not a citizen upon birth) I I Ethnicity: (optional; check all that apply) LJ White LJ African American 1:8:1 Hispanic D Asian American D Native American D Other Notes: • Appointment to a Board or Commission may require the annual filing of a Personal Financial Statement (PFS) Form with the Texas Ethics Commission. • A resume must be attached In order for this application to be considered complete. • Judicial candidates must also complete a Judicial Questionnaire. • Any information provided on the application or attached may be subject to the Texas Public Information Act This means that an individual requesting copies of the information in your file may be provided access to that information. CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that the foregoing and any attached statements are true, accurate and complete. I agree that any misstatement, misrepresentation, or omission of a fact may result in my disqualification for appointment. I assign and hereby give the Office of the Governor full authority to conduct background investigations pertinent to this application. I specifically authorize the Texas Department of Public Safety to conduct a background investigation and to disclose the results of that investigation to the Governor or his authorized representative. January 26, 2017 Submit to: Date Appointments Staff (512) 463-1828 Office of the Governor (512) 475-2576 fax PO Box 12428 www.gov.texas.gov Austin, Texas 78711 [email protected] (with scanned signature page) Re.vised 02/1S 6 Rev. Aaron J. Michka, C.S.C. Department of Anthropology University of Michigan 101 West Hall I 085 S. University Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107 March 30, 2017 To Whom This May Concern: It is a pleasure to recommend Mrs. ~aritza Antu for an appointment to the 232"d District Court bench. Having known Maritza for the better part of a decade, I can testify to her sound temperament, firm moral resolve, and strong devotion to the Catholic faith. While others are more capable of celebrating Maritza's professional achievements, I want to single out the trait I find most praiseworthy in Maritza: her personal integrity.
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