X SATDHOAT, AFRHi 11, IS lEvrafen]) Ayecage DnUy Ctreakffoa ’ Bn Mmtb sf Manh, lftt‘ The WantiMr St U. a Wanfom A daughter, KkrthnC Bllaabeth, I L . X wae born yeeterdae^t^ tbe Hart­ PubUc Healtb Appeals Board Hewd Along MainjSireft ■X: -/ itTown ford hdepltal to y U r . and Mr*, _,ira • \ 'ri-NnyAnm' ". x. OssttaiMd tosigbt. m derlck Jobmmaon of M Wood- m / merb Road, West Hartford. Mr*. BINGO Trtb# JT». M , tm - / Calls Session Ah4 on Some of. MSnche$ier*$ StreeUi Too C7 V iM f^Bekeatef^^ • at Red Ken. wUI Jobaimson ^ fbre her marriage CUy of VW ^e Charm . X was M li^M argar^ Catlaon of s BMcUttf In Tinker 'X : at .« A'elock. that pM. The b«by Is a grand- Zoning officials to Con­ Spring houqp cleaning and du-t water, ele£t0city and sewerf are StiU 1Hore Help Is Tonight In Tho / sr o f Mr. knd Mra Carl E. ties as an auxllia^ fireman com- I already In and yoU^uill be e*nazed X V 0 L . I 4 L,m . n o . .nyy16 : y . MANCHESTER,:CONNn M (»fDAY, APRILi<1942 F0yi^EN\PAGES) PRICB CENTS blned to make one local chap's Ilfe.l at the room then la *■■■ ■ / Bt KcCnrdtr of Jobdnnbott ot 69g Center street, sider Applications on Needed to Put Over unhappy especially when an! 1 Sounds like e good i^e, and it British ' Amori Club 1 be the jbeet toan. seems to us, the late John Calhis, Next Tuesday. X; / alarm waa turned in, recently.^ It (Zaqipfiign Here. / 'X ' lUlibStlMt ___ ^ the A|M meeting of seems that a newcomer- to the former Selectman, and a farn^ight- •\V J SUk RlBiii^iMtiirer. Passes Away I llBeebeeter tierfwn Club, Kon- ed men If then ever was onei'used Fo] Bteiifl . Mancbeater Fire department heard Once more the Manchester J*ub- AdntsrioB 25 coots. ^ ^ PblThig Starts 8:15. jr evening nt V :SOe^the T, M, 'A meeting of the Zont^ l^ fd 'the alarm ting the other night and to maintain that was the correct s:; S l Her eubiect wfllThB “ H e ^ To Keep Open : of Appeals will be held next T ^ n - hurriedly jumping out of bed be theory of developing the town llc Health Nursing AaaocMion is y Como EiE^ for Poiiny Bingo! X^ ^*^ltlvBS«« Ba3X[;bee." dsy evening .at 8;00 p, m. In d f reached for. the elecUic light nsidentlally. Perhaps some devel­ asking for help, througlyletters of Fir^ 1 le » growing IntM^ in Municipal Building when the’^ fol­ switch along the wall and yanked. opment agency will accept the idea appeal. The response/to date haa __. Tbelr nee will pep iq) Every Sunday and 'buy up vacant building ..lots To his surprise a picture dropped been most encourafig and a third I ^n«h, and thie lowing appUcaUons will be consid­ to the. floor. for ne:v homes neanr the center Dead '-Bporbuit tor bo— ered: - o f tpWMi .. X ' of the desired fqu n t has been Applicstlon of John Clark of 37 Disdaining the light he donned I bt feed tbelr famUies out Moriarty Brokers. De­ his cloj^ea and made a daah for i ^ ^— \ raised. \V a nMtrkcU at warU Hollister street for permission to convert a second floor of a work the door but ran right Into the | / Th* local carpenters' union waa ’ This year.vfhore than ever, the and/DANCE at Charles Chei An BMrabers are urged to cide to Operate Hart- clothea cloeet. Hia- wife, hearing ''dissolved this pest week, and we assoclatioiymeeds the' support of f . Non*ntembera, anyone In- shop and garage in the rear of 37 .4 ' By Deiidi at H is tH»me ord Roiul Station. Hollister Street, into apartment. the nolee also got up and polled on understand thft the Manchester every pe^ n in town for the work ___ dm this timely eubject. wlU the light cord and found her hubby carpenters had'nothing to do with of the organization has increased rw Kcem a"' In a Residence A Zone. Application alt mixed up in clothes from Jthe Drive on Plants in Ger^ Satnrday; Funeral of Mrs. Genevieve F. Dama - pf, it, Agents of the union simply to »uon an extent that it'Vaa been :’S RESTAURANT Mmerty Brothers, local service closet. In bis haste be wont picked up the locsl charter acting necywary to take on more help. East ftoRter Btreet Odd FeOowrs BnfMlsg T oot PlanO :tho Children «t Mary Sodality Haiiard afreet for permission to' through the wrong door . into many and Italy Is H eld‘Tliis Aftem oob, sthtio^operators, announced to- convert the second story o f a gar­ on some loophole id- the constitu­ / ' Aviuiable To Everyone n hold tinlr regular meeting to- day .thar^eir station at 436 Hert­ this closet. A hurried explanation tion sbouf holding regular meet- / The services - of the visiting ITALIAN AND AMER1CAN> c 6 0 K I N G Design^ to Smash w afternoon m St James’s age Into an apartment 'in a Rural came from friend iyife who told Featiirlag Chickea,CUckea, Steaks,Stfsdn, 8Spaghetti and Ravioli. To Depend Gheney, 75. who as ford' Roed\would be open on Sun­ ‘ n«e-. nurses - are available to everyrae M ountiilg^Allieil A ir O b«n, at which time the Zone. him that ahe had shifted the loca­ and may '' be' secured by cfm g Ordera Put Dp ToI Take OnL' Equipment of Many preatdent bf Cheney Brothers, led Keep Enemy Air Rflifl* days starthig . tomorrow from 7 Other AppUcatlons But we understand there la . more Duce Lacks nug for the crowning e. m. to 7 tion of the bed while house clean­ than a mere technicality to It. 3426 The charge for one (rfTheir NOW FEATURING: the locXI rilk nuuiufacturbig firm ftuisiv^ Gathers^M b- ers So Higb Ovei^ I place. Mias PauUne Merenlno Also to be rongdered are the ing. His face i« stUl red and his visits is $1.00 and for tlya small German Divisions Be* O it^ om en The decision, to open this eta- applications' of Mrs. Uilian Helm Local carpenters who wqnt to througb,'both its moot lush and m en^m During Week* ber committee will have tion on Sundam was made only shins still' sow. amount the patient receives expert fore Leaving Factories. Fortress Bombings in I at the social followmg the of 25 Spruce street for permission continue their untOn -filiations ART McKAY AND HIS BAND most discouraging periods, died at All Control after hundreda at. re(|ues^ had to continue to use her house as a csii join the Hartford \unlt. As bedsjde nursing, Thiplt of the re­ E i^ in Series/of A s * ! Series of New Raicb; been received from, local motoHsU Now and then some of the lief to a bed-ridden^person to have It P r c M id e n t f ^ ^ ^ a t i o n t d four o'clock Saturday aftornobn. Tourist Home kt above location in members of the Hsrtfoi^ local a trained nuiw ci^ e in for an hour suggesting such ' Mtion. After a Residence. B Zone, application of state's illustrious sons pay Man­ they come under the prevailing London, A p ^ IS.—(ff)— Death occurred at hia home, ^ I sitillts, L ea v ^ T r a il' O f Himself Gaufle O nly- Mittpr l«yal Otole of Klng'e Daugh- due consideration it\wms decided chester a visit—end they're not al­ or so. give tne^^patlent a bath, re­ Britain’s far>tangigg bomb­ A$$oc£ation Indue* Hartford road, and bame m a t '~ fM d Its monthly business Simon' S. Cohen for permission' to wage for that, dlatrict The'x^re- make the b fa n d leave that pa­ D estrs^oh; P rin *i to revise the scheduV of .hours convert a two-family house at '323 ways ex-officlals, or in. other vaiUng wage for carpenters in'the ers pounded at Axis arseiuds try Must/ Coniider aa illness that waa, to a nnsld- Damage; Sinking of and social Monday eve- for this station to permit Sunday words Republicans. Last Tuesday tient comfortable for the day. Or erable degree, responsible for his > at 7:80 In the Federation Adams street into a three-faml|y Manchester district when there the,help a new mother who ik in Germany and.Italy early c i p a l I s R a * ! opening. Thie is to 1^ accom­ bouse in a Residence B Zone, and night .while returning from a ^ T h e ir E m p lo y ^ retirement from business activity Correspondent of Lon* Two Army Freight at ChBter dhurch bouse. A t waa a local union here .was 38 a weak f d nervous, to have her today in a .bombing offensive plished by^doemg down m sta­ the application of &race G. Wild speaking engagement at one of day. The prevailing 'wage in the In June, 1937. bauf^TU New Britain. don Paper Reports Ships Is Reported .Alsox rtMsnt ateeUng tt\was voted-in- the towhs to the east of us Lieu- babV/Bathed and team some polnt- designed to smash the equip­ Funeral services wqfo held this 1 at holding a Iqiring rum- tion .for the entire day on\Tues- for permission to operate e Con­ Hartford district is $12 a day. cin^n baby care. Chicago, AprU 18 — (F»— daya. On all other deys ekeept valescent Home at 99 Porter street teaant Governor Odell Shepard So It seems that now that the ment of many German divi- afternoon at two o'clock at bis M ussolini in .
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