Government Gazett

Government Gazett

GOVERNMENT GAZETT Published by Authority Vol. LXXXVIIL, No.J7” |& 12th MARCH,2010 Price US$2,00 _ General Notice 40 of 2010. Number Nameofcompany Capital ___ Date of COMPANIES ACT [CHAPTER 24:03 5 resistration [CH 03] 65/2000 Roleet Investments (Private) Companiesto be Struck off the Register.. ....__ Limited . 20.000,00 5.1.2000 —__ 37/2000 ~—=—~W.« P.Electrical (Private) IT is herebynotified, in termsof section 320 ofthe Companies Act Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 [Chapter 24:03], that, atthe expiration of three months fromthedate 97/2000 Bamison Blue Enterprises . of publication of this notice, the names of the companiesset out in (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 the Schedulewill, unless cause is shown to the contrary, bestruck off 74/2000 Corn Storm Holding (Private) the register and the said companiesshall be dissolved. o2n000 0 ame hnnical Consultant 20000,00 5.1.2000 uandron Technical Consultants M. CHAKANYUKA, (Private) Limited 20000,00 —-6.1.2000 12-3-2010. Registrar of Companies. 62/2000 Goodrose Trading (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 SCHEDULE 02/2000 Pemil Footwear Manufacturers COMPANYTO BE STRUCKOFF THE REGISTER (Private) Limited 20000,00 3.1.2000 33/2000 ~—_Andals Consultants (Private) Number Name ofcompany Capital Date of Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 $ registration 45/2000 —_-Yultide Investments (Private) 165/2000_—sé‘T:~«. Rogers Plumbing Services Limited . 20 000,00 §.1.2000 (Private) Limited 2000000 7.1.2000 03/2000 Quadlex Systems (Private) 147/2000 Regalia Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 44/2000 Virtual Solutions & Systems 178/2000 - Thretford Freight (Private) (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 72/2000 Pazma Enterprises (Private) 101/2000 Tobocman(Private) Limited 20000,00 —10.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 155/2000 CymaInvestments (Private) 86/2000 Stalebury Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 199/2000 Cotlandi Trading (Private) 26/2000 Mijawi Steel Fabrications (Private) Limited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 114/2000 Southern Africa Nursing _| 29/2000 Hair World (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Agency (Private) Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 11/2000 Net Qommunicate (Private) 194/2000 Din Digital Integrated 7 Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 Networks(Private) Limited 20000,00 —_10.1.2000 53/2000 Likam Investments (Private) 196/2000° Rocourt Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 22/2000 ‘Rosey Glen Services (Private) 138/2000 Tanaka Conference (Private) / Limited 20 000,00 4.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 46/2000 _—Hilltron Stationers (Private) 103/2000 Colomban Investments Limited 20 000,00 5.1,2000 (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 17/2000 Selaplage Travel & Tours (Private) 157/2000 Cybill Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 4.1,.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 9/2000 Willprint Promotions (Private) 180/2000 Kickal Trading (Private) Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 08/2000 Simehlule Finance (Private) 195/2000 Best Journey Motors . Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 (Private) Limited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 06/2000 New Air TelecomsServices 110/2000 Topical Communications (Private) Limited 20 000,00 §.1.2000 (Private) Limited 32 000,00 7.1,2000 36/2000 Merrans Construction (Private) 187/2000 Earthling Trading (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 13.1.2000 39/2000 Machdek Distributors (Private) 181/2000 AmoverTrading (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000.00 10.1.2000 63/2000. Gegges Enterprises (Private) 1/2000 Lozane Community Project Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 80/2000 Whiteford Distributors (Private) 25/2000 Methjeff (Private) Limited 20 000,00 4.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 6.1,.2000 150 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12TH Marcu, 2010 Number Name ofcompany Capital Date of Number Name ofcompany Capital Date of. $ registration $ registration 4/2000 ZvouromboTrading (Private) 28/2000 Purtax Engineering (Private) Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 . Limited ; 20 000,00 5.1.2000 66/2000 Tablemount Enterprises (Private) 209/2000 Linchway Enterprises (Private) Limited 2000000 5.12000 |nny hime Technologie 20 000,00 10.1.2000 10/2000 Malpaealpae CellularCellularTechnologiesT i wadCompanysolar (Private)bechn Limiteds 20000,00 —_12.1.2000 (Private) Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 : . 253/2000 Helmo Consultants (Private) 85/2000 Orace Investments (Private) te Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 11.1.2000 48/2000 Frimrock Investments(Private) 222/2000 Vismalor Investments (Private) . imited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 saat . : 260/2000 IrangamaDistributors (Private) 12/2000 Reapent Trading (Private) Limited 0 000.00 11.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 3.12000 282/2000 Baseline Investments (Private) , — 95/2000 Bellvista Marketing (Private) Limited 20 000,00 12.1.2000 Limited : 20 000,00 6.1.2000 35/2000 Manchu Trading (Private) 83/2000 Top-End Tours and Safari’s Limited 20 000,00 41.1.2000 (Private) Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 257/2000 Pilveslink (Private) , 07/2000 Fresh Start Trading (Private) . Limited - 20 000,00 11.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 3.1.2000 73/2000 Isochronal Investments (Private) 56/2000 Shinehead Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 12.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 274/2000 Kings Tours & Hostels (Private) 31/2000 Canyon Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 12.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 216/2000 Adry Investments (Private) 76/2000 si. Chamunorwa Enterprises / / . Limited . 20 000,00 10.1.2000 (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 245/2000 Menocheck Investments(Private) 13/2000 GospelIn Transit Publications Limited 20 000,00 11.1.2000 ~ oceenass (Private) Limited 20 000,00 ~---3.1.2000. 211/2000--~Singano Enterprises (Private) sone neenee °49/2000°~'" N. J. Motors (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5-1:2000 a “ "Limited © : 20 000,00 ~~ 10.1.2000 15/2000 Vine Electrical (Private) Limited 20 000,00 4.1.2000 291/2000 Akinyam Unlimited (Private) 60/2000 Splendour Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 11.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 286/2000 Mallet Investments (Private) 82/2000 Lalanya Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 12.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 283/2000 Controx Safaris (Private) 51/2000 Sanud Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 12.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 197/2000 Hex Investments (Private) 70/2000 Derub Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 150/2000 Benmag Mechanical Power 77/2000 Danad Investments (Private) Transmission (Private) Limited 20 0060,00 7.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 193/2000 Fulcrum Stationers (Private) 75/2000 Eddbom Trading (Private) Limited 20000,00 10.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 127/2000 Cocksom Investments (Private) 78/2000 Chandirekera Investments Limited ; 20 000,00 7.1.2000 (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 174/2000 Fordmase Investments(Private) 18/2000 Ginclare Investments (Private) 14372000 Ti Limited tL (Private) 20000,00 10, 1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 4,1.2000 exmex investments (Private 57/2000 Nature Phytopharmacare (Private) Limited . 20 000,00 7.12000 Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 160/2000 Wilm Fumigators (Private) 55/2000 Lixybell Contractors (Private) Limited . 20 000,00 7.1.2000 2 Limited. 20 000,00 5.1.2000 148/2000 HolothanLimitedInvestments (Private) 20 000,00 7.12000 27/2000 =Mexenjoe Plumbers & Drain 92/2000 J ey Pri : 0, “ Layers (Private) Limited 20000,00 5.1.2000 } iraacerlial . imited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 41/2000 Mezha Investments (Private) ° . : Le 105/2000 Sterling Freight Zimbabwe Limited 20 000,00 §.1.2000 : aa Lt : (Private) Limited . 20000,00 7.1,.2000 21/2000 Upfic Marketing (Private) 3/2000 M. : aa jokaem Auto Recovery (Private) : Limited 20 000,00 4,1.2000 Limi ae : imited 20 000,00 4.1.2000 94/2000 Rowcroft Distributors (Private) 24/2000 NomozElectronics(Private) me Limited 20 000,00 -6.1.2000°, : Limited 20 000,00 4.1.2000 52/2000 Sedrich Investments (Private) 188/2000. GruarInvestments (Private) , , Limited . 20 000,00. 5.1.2000 . Limited 20000,00 —_10.1.2000 38/2000 Lapug Investments (Private) 136/2000 Perfect Batteries (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.4.2000 90/2000 Woolridge Systems (Private) 125/2000 Metrinch Enterprises(Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 64/2000 Busimatics Consultants (Private) 113/2000 Relay Computers Systems (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 71/2000 Willtake Investments (Private) 154/2000 Arogon Suppliers (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 99/2000 Lanfound Enterprises (Private) 139/2000 Saunga Trading (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 81/2000 Dixy Investments (Private) 151/2000 Almiro Builders (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 71.2000 79/2000 Hopecave Marketing (Private) 163/2000 Infomercials Trading (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 73/2000 Silverglit Business Company 164/2000 Olakin Services (Private) (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 89/2000 Oscars Construction Company 130/2000 Fellah Engineering (Private) (Private) Limited 20 000,00 6.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 7.1.2000 40/2000 Maripan Investments (Private) 183/2000 Ojaka Investments (Private) Limited 20 000,00 5.1.2000 Limited 20 000,00 10.1.2000 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 121H Marcu, 2010 15) Number Name ofcompany Capital Date of Number Name of company Capital Date of $ registration $ registration 117/2000

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