(■MMÉIËMMlMÉii WE ARE PROMPT Wtwi yen want ur mnn lta> ajturs Vu or Trask work «Ml, WELLINGTON COAL PACIFIC TRANSFER fR Cormorant BL Phones Ml, ME HALL A WALKER RiRPiH Mored. H. CAL.WLL, Pi#. VOL. 50 VICTORIA, B. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1917 NO. 100 FULL UNDERSTANDING ELI ROOT WILL 08246471 HOLDING GAINS, HAIG’S AND WITH STATES RESULT TRAVELTO RUSSIA NIVELLE S TROOPS CONTINUE Accepts Chairmanship of Com­ Commission Headed by Former OF BALFOUR'S TALKS mission the American Gov­ & Berlin Editor Appointed TO WEAR DOWN THE GERMANS ernment Will Send in Berne Broad Principles Affecting Finance, Trade Attacks Near Gavrelle and Chemin des LEAVES ON MISSION 231 ST AMONG UNITS Shipping, Banking, Exchange and Othe ANOTHER GERMAN STRIKE WHICH HAVE REACHED Dames Repulsed; Captured Germans WITHIN FEW DAYS ON MAY 1 IS PREDICTED Problems Already Arranged ; Official ENGLAND IN SAFETY Admit Present Terrific Strain Is Bring­ Calls by Members of French Mission Ottawa, April 21.—U is announced Washington. April 28.—Ellhu Root, Washington. April 2t.—official dls- ing Collapse of German Army Nearer former Secretary of Stats, after con­ through the Chief Press Censor’s of­ PktrhN from Berne- to the State De- ferring early to-day with President fice that the following Canadian pnrtmcnt announce the appointment troops have arrived in Kngtand : , Washington, April 26.—British Foreign Secretary Balfour and Wilson ami Secretary Lansing, formal­ there of n commission to carry out a ly accepted the chairmanship of the The-331st Vancouver Highlanders; propaganda in favor of a -republican Londcro, April 26 —Benewed German attack, on British petitions Secretary MeAdoo have arrived at a complete understanding on ques­ American Commission which will be the 164th Battalion, the 227th Bat­ form of government in Germany, sent to Russia talion. the 210th Battalion. Drafts: near Gavrelle were repulsed last night, the War Office announced tions .affecting finance, trade, shipping, banking, exchange and kin­ headed by Dr. Roeae Meyer, formerly Mr. Root spent an hour with the Halifax Meld Artillery, engineers, editor of the Morgan Boat, of Berlin. to-day. — dred problems, it was announced to-day. President at the White House dis­ Infantry, signallers. Army Service The working out of the details of the broad principles outlined cussing the Russian situation. The Another Strike. *orpe and Army Medical Corps. President outlined fully what he de­ Anptierdam. April 26. — "To-day's Paris, April 26.—The Germans vainly renewed their counter will form the major portion of the next 10 days’ work of thn Coes- sires to (element from headquarters eûmes attaoks Inst night on the high ground near the Chemin des Dames, miision' Thé foremost point of difference between the American and The CoramlSSfiin will be OMftp6«Ed Of Just fairly enough to influence the con­ the War Office announced this afternoon in the following report: three or four advisory members and a science of the munitions workers.** the the Entente Governments relates to trade both with the enemy and staff or secretaries and assistants. It Berlin Lokal Anzeiger said in a recent NUH FROM RUSSIA “On the bank of the Oise a German reconnoitring party attempt­ with neutral countries. There is a gap between the extreme which is expected to depart for Russia within issue, a copy of which has been ed to approach our trenches near Hoy, but was repulsed. a few days. « ceived here. "For the most part they this Government believes justified under international law and the The need* of Russia as outlined to have resumed duty again, but they also ‘ North of the Aisne the enemy renewed in vain his efforts to ex­ practices of the Allies. As a result the United States will peas I*resident Wilson are for political, will have to repair the consequence of TO OTHER ALLIES pel ns from the plateau near the Chemin des Dames. After a violent financial, transportation and commer­ their dereliction from duty and above strict a law as possible and allow the Entente nations to carry ont cial advice and assistance. all things, the regrettable occurrences bombardment yesterday evening, two powerful attacks were made on other restrictions which they have found necessary. • must be prevented from taking place the front about two kilometres west of dawn these bitter cold mornings. There again to-day or to-morrow. Provisional Government Wil Cerney. These assaults were broken were several ammunition dumps near­ The British Commissi tutors received BRITISH PIPERS ON We are informed that attempts still Explain Standpoint Regard­ before our lines with very heavy losses by which might have been hit by the shell, but as luck would have it the a letter of irrMinf from M. Vlviani. are being made to instigate renewed for the enemy. Another effort in the Balfour and Vivian! action by the munitions workers, and ing Aims of War rum cart was the mark. Mr B.-tlftHir lunched At the British region of the Hurteblee farm R is "bpenly threatened that we must Embassy to-day and paid an ofllplal Will Speak Before THE LOSSES AT SEA be prepared for new outbreaks of ill- equally unsuccessful. call ott the French Commission. Later “Near La Pompelle. in the Cham­ 715^28 will If certain claims are not acceded Petrograd, April 06.—The Provisional he received a call from the Chicago pagne. and also on the front between to. It also is reported that on May 1 Government Is preparing a note to the Washington Senate the Navarin farm and Tahure several Minister. there will be another general strike for othei entente Powers in which It will 24 hours." surprise attacks by enemy troops, were French Mission. Comments Following Official explain its standpoint In regard to the repulsed." French Commission started Its Washington. April 26.—Arrange alms of the war. The declaration, it Announcement of Increased The reference in the foregoing to a Delaying Battle. LYING IN HEAPS ments are being made to have Rt. is said, will be in accordance witb that jfirMt day In Washington with a round German headquarters statement prob­ of official calls. The first were at the Number of Sinkings already made by the Provisional Gov­ London, April 26.—Telegraphing to­ Hon. A. J. Balfour, the British Foreign ably refers to that of April 24. In which state, war and Nary Departments. ernment on. this subject. day from British Headquarters In Secretary and head of the British Mis. the part played by the workers at home France, the Reuter correspondent there Ft riner Premier Vivianl, head of the sion to the Vnited State* and M. in promoting “the successes of the re­ 'The previous declaration of the Pro­ •ays: Correspondent With Haig's mission, and Marshal JofTre, Admiraf Vivlanl, former Premier of France and cent battles" was alluded to. The Chocheprat and Viscount de Cham­ London. April 28 —The startling In­ visional Government on April 10 said "The Germans still are hurrying up Armies Says This is Liter­ head of the French Mission, address crease in the sinking of British ships statement recounted that the German fresh reserves to press their counter­ bre it Vailed first at Secretary Lansing’s that free Russia did not aim at the the United States Senate. during the last week is prominently soldiers on the battle line knew that attacks. They are fighting a gréât de­ office. The clerks of the great building domination of other nations or the ally True displayed in the papers here, several “every man and woman at home Is do­ laying battl* although not now stand­ lined the halls and gave the French - forceful occupation of foreign territory, of which comment gravely on the seri­ ing his or her bit and is working un­ ing upon any well-prepared system of — tt*?u a reception of almost continuous but only a durable peace. ous outlook. The Times complains of ceasingly to support him out there In defences, and can only hope to check cheers and handclapping. Autonomy for Poland. BRITISH ARTILLERY the lack of details and contends that the turmoil of l«attlo for life or death, the British advance by using great London, April 26 —The fierce strug­ After spending a few minutes wttll much harm is being does by trying for existence or non-existence." London, April 26.—In the House of of troops. Breastworks have gle on the Arras front show's no signs Sw ret ary Lansing. M. Vivlanl, Marshal to minimise the facts. Tt" continues: “Dunging foe Peaea. amnions to-day Chancellor Bo taken the place of persists. of abatement, according to reports I-aw welcomed the declaration of the lf*ffre and Admiral Chocheprat went “If fuller details were furnished the Washington, April 26.—Reports to "This policy must result in greatly from British correspondents at the SUPERIORITY PROVED Provisional Government of Russia wtr to the Wl>ite House to be format- case would be found still worse. The the State Department through official accelerating the process of exhaustion, front dispatched last night. recognizing the rights of the Poles to K n-celred by President Wilson, taking se of security engendered Is dan­ channels tell of a strike of 258.080 la­ and If continued long the situation will The Germans evidently have not decide their own affair* m<»L«.r cars for the short ride from the gerous because It is false and a had borers In Berlin. The Department says resolve Itself into the simple problem abandoned hope of retaking the lost State Department to the White House. preparation for the trials which cer­ the Incident shows the growth of the of which side can best maintain the ground, and to that end are bringing Hundreds of automobiles, decorated Machine Directed by Haig tainly are coming It would be far desire for peace on the part of the deadly pace.
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