Our Credit Union Vol. 6 | No. 10 (70) | Year 2019 October 2019 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE POLISH & SLAVIC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Dear Members, York’s Time Square NASDAQ building, Heritage Month in the United States. On presenting an iconic image of German this occasion, we have prepared attrac- For many years, soldiers crossing the border of Poland. tive term share and mortgage promotions. Our Credit Union Traditionally, on Labor Day week- Details of this offer can be found in our has been preserv- end, we organize a trip for senior PSFCU newsletter, at each of our branches, and ing Polish history members to American Czestochowa in across our social media platforms. and promoting its Doylestown, PA, the Polish-American spi- I invite you to take advantage of our culture through- ritual capital. Each year, we are joined promotions and services—let’s celebrate out the United by a growing number of participating our Polish heritage in the United States States. We are members. This year, 22 buses departed together. pre sent and in- from many of our East Coast branches. volved in hundreds of initiatives that I am glad that in this way we are able to Sincerely, serve this purpose. Most recently, we thank the long-term PSFCU Members for hosted a grand opening ceremony for an their trust and loyalty to our institution. Krzysztof Matyszczyk exhibition honoring the heroism of Poles In October, we celebrate the Polish Chairman of the PSFCU Board of Directors during World War II, which was held at our headquarters located at 100 McGuin- NCUA Chairman Hon. R. Hood Visits PSFCU ness Boulevard in New York. Honorable Rodney E. Hood, Chairman of the Board of the National Credit Union Adminis- tration (NCUA), joined us for this special event. In his speech, he emphasized PSF- CU’s positive impact on the Polish-Amer- ican community in the United States. Throughout his speech, he also referenced numerous acts of heroism of the Polish people in their quest for freedom and in- dependence. Without a doubt, Chairman Hood’s visit was a testimony to the great success we—our Credit Union and you, our Members—have achieved together. To commemorate and remind New Yorkers and tourists alike about the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, on September 1 our Credit Union sponsored a display ad, shown on New NCUA Board Chairman Rodney E. Hood at PSFCU Headquarters receiving a distinction plaque PSFCU In Numbers September 1, 2019 marked the 80th an- In addressing the gathered guests, who information as of August 31, 2019 niversary of German invasion of Poland, included Maciej Golubiewski, Consul an event that launched World War II. At General of the Republic of Poland and Assets noon on the eve of this anniversary, Polish the former NCUA Chairman and current $2,020,545,912 & Slavic Federal Credit Union, in coopera- PSFCU member Michael Fryzel and nu- tion with the Consulate General of the Re- merous representatives of Polish-Ameri- Loans public of Poland and the Museum of Sec- can community organizations, as well as $1,143,329,922 ond World War in Poland, commemorated PSFCU members, Mr. Hood recalled the this tragic day by officially unveiling the proud yet tumultuous history of Poland Net Worth “Fighting and Suffering. Polish Citizens and the ties that have bound the Polish $204,126,466 During World War II” exhibition at the and American nations from the early days PSFCU headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. of the American War of Independence. Number of Members Honorable Rodney E. Hood, Chairman of “Images on display are a powerful re- the NCUA, was the guest of honor at the minder of a time 80 years ago when the 100,063 ceremony. ...continued on page 2 Our Credit Union | October 2019 | 1.855.PSFCU.4U (1.855.773.2848) | www.psfcu.com NCUA Chairman Hon. R. Hood Visits PSFCU (cont.) ...continued from page 1 Polish people stood alone against two PSFCU Board of Directors Chairman, in defense of freedom during World invading nations,” Mr. Hood said. He Mr. Krzysztof Matyszczyk mentioned War II,” Mr. Matyszczyk said. applauded PSFCU for bringing the the support that the Polish-American Bogdan Chmielewski, PSFCU Pre- exhibit to the United States. “The Po- community receives from PSFCU, inc- sident/CEO, recalled that the credit lish people made valuable contribution luding a total of over $5 million awar- union has been serving the Polish-Ame- to the creation of another nation – they ded under the PSFCU Scholarship rican community for 43 years. “That is contributed to the creation of the Uni- Program, as well as donations to the a quite achievement for a credit union ted States of America.” hundreds of schools and community which started with one table at a cafe- Mr. Hood, who previously visi- organizations. “Because of our partner- teria for immigrants in Brooklyn. Sin- ted the Polish & Slavic Federal Credit ship with the Consulate General in New ce then we have helped thousands of Union in 2009, also remarked on the York, we are now sponsoring an exhibit Polish immigrants to buy their first car, success of PSFCU, which in 43 years which is very important to all of us and their first house, to receive their first has grown to reach $2 billion in assets which reminds us of the sacrifice and credit card, or, what’s most important, and serve over 100,000 members. He heroism not only of millions of Poles, to safely deposit their lifetime savings,” congratulated PSFCU on the excellent but also Americans fighting and dying Chmielewski said. record of service to its members. “That record of service reflects the proud tra- dition of the credit union movement, which from its beginning was based on the principles and tenets of “people helping people,” said Mr. Hood. “That principle today goes far beyond offe- ring affordable financial products and a safe place to build financial security for themselves and their families. It also means a strong commitment to the community, strong relationships with partner organization and strong focus on the future.” He mentioned that the exhibit shown at PSFCU is a shining NCUA Board Chairman Rodney E. Hood (center), Consul General of the Republic of Poland example of the community spirit and Maciej Golubiewski (right) and PSFCU Board of Directors Chairman Krzysztof Matyszczyk (left) PSFCU’s unwavering commitment. at opening ceremony President of Poland Andrzej Duda visits the US During their visit to the U.S. in Sep- while addressing several thousand peo- Dorota Andraka, president of the Pol- tember, President of the Republic of ple gathered at the meeting. ish Supplementary School Council of Poland, Andrzej Duda and First Lady During the ceremony, Krzysztof Ma- America (a PSFCU sponsoring organi- Agata Kornhauser-Duda met with the tyszczyk, Chairman of PSFCU Board zation), received the Officer’s Cross of Polish-American community in New of Directors was awarded the Knight’s the Order of Merit of the Republic of Britain, Connecticut. Cross of the Order of Merit of the Re- Poland. Upon their arrival, the Presidential public of Poland “for outstanding ser- During her stay in New York, the First Couple attended mass at the Holy Cross vice within the Polish-American com- Lady of Poland, Agata Kornhauser-Du- Church and met with representatives of munity, promoting Polish culture, and da, also met with PSFCU’s President/ the Chair of Polish Studies at Central cultivating national traditions.” Ms. CEO, Bogdan Chmielewski. Poland’s Connecticut State University. After- First Lady spoke about the charity ac- wards, during a ceremony in Walnut Hill tivities of our Credit Union. Aside from Park, President Duda gave recognition the many business operations, every to distinguished representatives of the year, PSFCU supports or takes part in Polish-American community. “I would numerous charitable initiatives such as like for all members of the Polish-Amer- cultural events, scholarship programs, ican community to speak in one voice and fundraising events. Additionally, and express your expectations with PSFCU provides aid to many organi- regard to the American policy toward zations across Poland involved in pro- Poles both here and in Poland. This is viding aid to children, such as hospices your grand task,” President Duda said Krzysztof Matyszczyk receiving award and orphanages. 2 Our Credit Union | October 2019 | 1.855.PSFCU.4U (1.855.773.2848) | www.psfcu.com In Times Square Fall Promotions “Reminding the world that 80 years mistakes again.” Traditionally, October marks the Pol- ago Germans invaded Poland starting This is the second Polish & Slavic ish Heritage Month in America. To World War II” was the message dis- Federal Credit Union initiative of this celebrate the Polish heritage in Amer- played in English on the NASDAQ kind. On Sunday, November 11, 2018, ica, the Polish & Slavic Federal Credit building in New York’s Times Square. marking the 100th year of Poland re- Union offers attractive promotions to The words were paired with the gaining its independence, the PSFCU the members of our Credit Union. Af- iconic photograph of German soldiers sponsored an ad showing the waving ter all, it’s never too late to start saving. crossing the Polish border and destroy- Polish flag with the following text: Throughout October we are offering ing the white and red barrier. The thir- “100th Anniversary of Poland’s Resto- promotional rates on term share certif- ty-second-long ad was displayed on ration to Independence”. It was show- icates: the largest screen in the heart of New cased several times throughout the day York for several hours on Sunday, Sep- on the NASDAQ building, which is lo- 18 months - 1.82 percent APY1 tember 1.
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