.. .... '""U(;I . lU . LUUj" 4 : IUYM` ""'"GKtAI1Vt JtKV1Gt5"""'"""" """---- IVU. 4UZ f'. Z--~ October 20, 2003 Phyllis Parish Seniox ~'roduces WRAIrTVS CapitolBroadC.~lstiag CO~ays II1G P:O. Sox 12000 Ralmigb, NC 27605 Dent Ms. Parish: C+ne behalf of the off6xxs and ~neamb~s of the North Catolma i Society, I want to take this opportunity tD thank youj~ the ~celle~ot community service yonpzoeide in nixing "Aocrors on Ca11" oa'W1tAT.~~S io. Raleigh. Dwiag the bxoadcast anJauua~p 29, 2003, rtghtf-one PhYSiG'a~s representing 25 diffeze~ot specialties arlsao~eted 1,232 and xespoaded to mote th~a 300 e-mau'l istquiaes from your viewers berareraa ~O:Oda;.mland 8:00 P.m. Tbis mot only de~ooastrates the committaent and dedication ofphysicians to the CO lty, but ~]so ~high public interest in health care. Especially'gratt£gsmg was the nerve Format that offeued Three eateudcd live segme nts that allowed phpsidans and other beattb.-date proroiders ~to educate t]se pnbl~c on importa+at he~alrh cue issues a~ad topics. At the sa~oae tine, physusans were men am opporemity to have diner comt~.ct with people cvho might othetovise have little c~tact vaith our healm care system. 'his includes the y women axtd c~ildaen who axe among the tYmi~sured of who live in medically undetsexved areas of our s~.te: WRAL~T'~5 and its fine stiff ate to be cocmmcmd~ £or tlae eatrsardinuy public se.vice you coatmue m pxovxde youx viewers is pmanottug quahtp buealth eaze £ox out citizens. Noxch Carolina Medic Society is pleased to be apaxboex in this itnpotramt and wort}rwhide emdeavor, as it clearly xe~rrsents out on-gulag mission to provide access to quality health cafe for alI citizens o£fur statE. Again, thaw you for a job weJ7,ldone. Simcexely, Robert W. Seligson Pxecutifre Vice President, CEQ ucL cu u.~ u5 :t~p SCBFI 8037324085 ,Q"B4 MEMORANDUM ~/IA FAX - 202-429-5410 4 pages including cover TO: Jennifer Livengovd, N/~B FROM: Shani White DATE: October 20, 2003 RE: FCC Localism Hearing Attached are three more endorsement fetters: Director, York County tN storicaf Center CEO, Rock Hill Area YI!4ACA Director of Public Information - SC State Museum, Columbia S.C. Broadcasters Association " One H~rbison Way " Suite 112 " Columbia, South Carolina 29212 Phone: (803} 732-1186 " Fax: (803) 731-4085 " Web Site: SCBA.net " E-malt: SCBA~SCBA .nec uct ~u u3 u5 :12p SCHt=1 8037324085 p-2 ~''Oct-20-03 I 1 :40A P-02 South Carolina ESTATE MUSEUMSrxilla (amlin,~ under tfie R~K~fr Uct. 1 K, 2(tt~~ Sham Wltitc: S .C. Broadcasters A<~citttion One Hartaistm Way Suite 1 l2 (.'-olunthia» ti.(.'. 292!0 Dear Sttani: The South C';~rolintt State Museum has ~tjoyed a long and mutually hcnelictal relationship H ith the broadciut ciutlets in South Ctuvlina, eehecially in this A4 idlartds. The tttuseum is raveled by the newt when we have exhibits and events that are of intCract to the locUl pctpulatirt~, We altpe u- tn,ottthly rtn several radio and 'fV Talk shows around the area, and thu media have bcc`n very generous in sponsoring major cxhihits that the museum hrio~.s to <'.ulutnbia. We also supply Ihu media with expert conurn:ntary if they arc lookins; 'nr sotnct)ne to intetvicty in areac in which we have expertise The braadrttst rrx,~lia, both irtdividuafly artd atllectivcly as represented by the S(.'.8/t, are very heiptiil to thu Slate Musctutt in getting tltc wile!! out about all the i~u~.rcstinl; attd ttettelicial ntry rams that we put ott, and we an extremely grateful to then! iitr their assistance. Fttlt also, because ottr cxhihits and programs aro educational and culturally enriching in aktitiou to being entertaining, the public derives a great dent ofhenctit !ion, the notscum's ltattnersltip with the tttcdia. tty helping us get the word out ahctut iltcsc yc;nts, ihc ttmdia are also Icttinb the public knovt~ a.bc~ut things which they will lint both enjoyable ai:d tnfonnativv that pertain tee the culturC e~f Souttt l'.arnlitta. 'Thus the media help improve tlte; quality oC life fin residc»Is of tltc Midtavtis lttd the state by partrtcrirr; with the Slate Museum, and arc thus ittcrt~asing their own roles as pnrviders of public service. By these p:+rtrtcrshirs, cvc;ryane wilts the media, the n}uscu~tz . and all South Carolinians and their visitors. Tut Ltndcrw~ns<i Director of Public Infortnatian and Marketin;; -... 30i Geryais Sheet _" PO Qox 100!07 " Columbia, SC 29202-31 0_7 . .. .--. ",^. w» pt,one: (803) 898-4921 " tax: (803j 898-4969 " www.museum .slatc~ sc.us ucL cu u .~ ua : lip SC:HFi 8037324085 Oct 20 03 03 z :36p tJRHI iJRNM 8033242860 Oot 20 03 03 :07p p .t Y(~RK COUNTI 1m oalc:n.. ctrll_h ultu~e Itrs~oett. Yf~RK ent~e gtwrron+svlct.F CUUNTY CUi~Rr~iISS t.)ctober 20, 2003 Board of Dinxtcvs Dear hZembars ofthe l ocalism Task Force: 9riti0ltaorliasnn.(]hair tiara., Goole. Yicc par pn behalfofthe York Cognty Culttue andHeritage Commission (CHC) and as a rants E. Ih!iek,.Seerdnry t:amrnunity member, it is my great pleasure to share with you my opinion that (hrr Three Sons Broadcasting and its W1tHi r~io station is an exemplary modes iWar~. rr~~r caratx. aF`tocal radio.' Daoug N A~lc w,wawn Eua.lr. When I first movedhere in 19971 was astonished that local radio still existed in rred FaudoW, tt1 the fxe ofthe relentless homogtraitatioa ofour airwaves - and Fny ;assessment Samt-a+srr R. ciegap e~.aer today wmt~ be e~reta more positive. Fmm its comprehensive covuage oflocal nGVVS, to providinga forum for corntaaunity dialogue, to ditactparticipation by its wr "~c w >ara owntsrs and staffas volnnticess for various good causes, WRHI is trtly invested in Tnr cc makingour communtitya quality place to live, work and play. x~ Naw tt~. rataes ta. a,t~oiu Louie Rid".u~r 13y bang proactively involved inthe community, WRHI has the pulse ofthe RoLdtCV.Sogiv7n Dr. Rnbd rr.Wa~cv citizenry it serves and it uses its asst:Es to share tltatt information widely. For Tottp Win c-xampk, tfie station sits a daily interview fannat show canal "Straight Talk"that ~rrtti>mc Sv>~ WtigM regularly wvt:rs a wide spectrum ofissues ofconcem to the community. There is absolutely no other similar foaznat in twr listening noes focused on York Cotmry and Rock Dill, where listeners can leant about issues 5rstlaand from the folks that are directly involved in the same. You could never get in-depth coverage in print aarly t.w~ of c>,artL chap, media, for exampit:, that of llislOrk srarwam7leFt to the extent WRHI gleans from a simple wtnnudnent Fric Ftasktp,CAai~; timeand resources to a show like Straight Talk. JAUESorim" C`anie PtoehasYa .YiarJ'rcridut, Jaiaor wad~.~. The organization I have the honor to lead has greatly benefited from WRHI's Pruire~ sty wee .~u~eaar commit>~ntto public service throunittheir cffocis to help promote our prograaLc of row corarrpaam tht~oughpublic stxvict: atatouncements, etc, More importantly, CHC is also wmmitted deeply to fostering conumuttily dialogue about owr cultural,historical, Yae W. Shields . Dil'OCrOr and natural heritage in thepass, present atad future, and WRHI has been an active ~ailltCrIn that regard_ The professional staffat 1WRHI knows that they are a part ofthe community and not spats from it. Their localism is the real thing, anti i would bepletascd to help them berecognized for their good work through any means necessary. 17tank Van W. Slucids Director 462t MottrN GallantRoad " Rock Fill, SouthCarolina 29732-8666 (8031.329--2121 " .".v (BOJI 32Y-ST9N " myaaFin<oaw>.net " wwwycxkeow~tyoeg Vlr4. LV VJ VJ : 1Jr7 JIrD/7 t1UJ ~JC"tUi'3' Oct 20 03 03 :86p WRHI WRHM 8033242860 p .2 ROCK SILL AREA YMCA Regional OMce 36i CHARLOTTE AVE. ROCK HiLI., SC 29730 (803) 329-YMCA FAX (803) 327_9149 Memo to FCC. Localism Task Force Frorn Frank "Moe' $ell CEO, Rock Hill Area YMCA Date October l7, 2003 Rock Hill Area YMCA members and residents ofYork and Lancaster Counties are fortunate to have WRHI-AM and WRHM-FM as local radio stations for our community. Our local stations have been an active partner with marry local events such as our Come See Me Fesivh Sutrzmerfest and the Jubilee Arts Festival. The YMCA has partnered with WRHI-A'.VI the past 25 years to offer South Carolina's largest Easter egg hunt - the Eater Egg Safari. Mare than 5,000 kids participate in the hunt each year at no cost to participants! local radio stations broadcast local high school football -they carry d. different games each Friday night in the Fall for all high school teams in York and Lancaster Counties. The principles ofOur Three Sons Broadcasting (owners ofthe local radio stations) serve on many community committees. Manning Kimmel is amember ofour Rock Hill Area YMCA Raard ofDirectors and is chair of our $ 7.2 million "Vision for Growth" Capital Campaign. Alan Miller is past chair ofour Come See Me Festival which is one ofthe South's largess volunteer festivals_ They also do a splendid job ofcovering local news stories. In addition to news relating to the YMCA, they attend ICiwanis Club meetings, school board meetings, and other events to gather stories oflocal interest. They are the OIJLY provider of"timely" local emergency news such as school closings due tv winter storms. When Hurricane Hugo devastated our community in the early 90s, residents lost power for more than a week - locat radio let listeners know that the YMCA was offering free hot showers.
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