1 Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames Corporate Landlord Service Asset Register (Non HRA) ANNEX 2 29/10/2013 2 3 Site Name / Building Name (text) Site Address (text) Neighbourhood Ward Post Code 4 7 Arthur Road (Caretakers House) Kingston Town Canbury Freehold 5 22 Hollyfield Road (Agreement for lease) Surbiton Berrylands KT5 9AL Leasehold 26 Lime Grove (Caretakers House) Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale Freehold 31 Buckland Road (Caretakers House) South of the Borough Chessington North And Hook Freehold 33 Portland Road (Caretakers House) Kingston Town Grove Freehold 48 High Street Kingston Town Grove KT1 1HN Freehold 48 Mill Place Kingston Town Grove KT1 2RL Freehold 52 Lower Marsh Lane Surbiton St Marks KT1 3BJ Freehold 54 Lower Marsh Lane Surbiton St Marks KT1 3BJ Freehold 56 Lower Marsh Lane Surbiton St Marks KT1 3BJ Freehold 58 Lower Marsh Lane Surbiton St Marks KT1 3BJ Freehold 1 90 Devon Way (Caretakers House) South of the Borough Chessington North And Hook Freehold 2 98 Maple Road (Caretakers House) Surbiton St Marks Freehold 3 132 The Manor Drive (Caretakers House) Maldens and Coombe Old Malden KT4 7LW Freehold 4 183 Kingston Road Maldens and Coombe Beverly KT3 3SS Freehold 5 2-14 Apsley Road Maldens and Coombe Beverly KT3 3NE Freehold 6 17/19 (leasehold) Chamberlain Way Surbiton Surbiton Hill KT6 6JH Leasehold 7 1A St Andrews Rd (Fircroft) Surbiton St Marks Freehold 8 21-27 Wellington Crescent Maldens and Coombe Beverly KT3 3NE Freehold 9 23 - 29 Blagdon Road Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold 10 25-33A Fife Rd Kingston Town Grove Freehold 11 30/30A and 38/46 High Street Kingston Town Grove Freehold 12 56A Lower Marsh Lane Surbiton St Marks KT1 3BJ Freehold 13 56B Lower Marsh Lane Surbiton St Marks KT1 3BJ Freehold 14 90/92 Elm Road (Caretakers House) Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale Freehold 15 Albany Park Canoe and Sailing Centre Albany Mews Kingston Town Tudor KT2 5SL Freehold 16 Alexandra Infants School Alexandra Road Kingston Town Canbury KT2 6SE Freehold 17 Alexandra Rec Pavilion King Charles road Surbiton Alexandra KT5 8QS Freehold 18 Allotment site rear of Nos. 142-186 Elm Road Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold 19 Allotments Addison Gardens Surbiton St Marks Freehold 20 Allotments Alric Avenue Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold 21 Allotments Groveland Way Maldens and Coombe St James Freehold 22 Allotments Hook Road South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise Freehold 23 Allotments Kingshill Avenue Maldens and Coombe Old Malden Freehold 24 Allotments Kingston Road Kingston Town Norbiton Freehold 25 Allotments Knollmead Surbiton Alexandra Freehold 26 Allotments Ladywood Road South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise Freehold 27 Allotments Moor Lane South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Allotments Park Road Kingston Town Tudor Freehold Allotments Parkfields Road Kingston Town Tudor Freehold Allotments Raeburn Avenue Surbiton Alexandra Freehold Allotments Wilverley Crescent Maldens and Coombe Old Malden Freehold Allotments Grange Road Kingston Town Grove Freehold Allotments rear of Nos. 65-75 Dickerage Road Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale Freehold Ambulance Station Cocks Crescent - Surplus pending demolition Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold Amy Woodgate House/Resource Centre Nigel Fisher Way South of the Borough Chessington South KT9 2SN Freehold Ancient Market Market Place Kingston Town Grove Freehold Area of open space Barton Green Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale Freehold ATC King Georges Fields, TAVR Hook Rise South South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise KT6 7NA Freehold Athelstan Recreation Ground Villiers Road Kingston Town Grove Freehold Avondale Gym Hollyfield Road Surbiton Berrylands KT5 9AL Freehold Bardwell House, 37 Knights Park (Leasehold) Kingston Town Grove KT1 2RA Leasehold Barnfield Youth Club Parkfields Road Kingston Town Tudor KT2 5LL Freehold Barton Green Theatre / Pavilion Barton Green Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale Freehold Beaconsfield Children's Resource Centre (Occupied by Orchard Hill College) 17 Beaconsfield Road Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale KT3 3HY Freehold Berrylands Park Raeburn Avenue Surbiton Alexandra Freehold Beverley Park Allotments Park View Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold Beverley Park, Park View Park View Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold Beverly Park Pavilion Park View Maldens and Coombe Beverly KT3 4LL Freehold Boaters Restaurant Lower Ham Road Kingston Town Grove KT2 5AU Freehold Bonesgate Open Space Filby Road South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Bowling Club at Church fields Recreation Ground, Church Lane, Chessington South of the Borough Chessington South KT9 2HB Freehold Bowls Club at King Edward Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington South of the Borough Chessington North And Hook KT9 1EA Freehold Bowls Club at Manor Park, Malden Road, New Malden Maldens and Coombe St James KT3 6UA Freehold Bowls Club, King George's Field Jubilee Way South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise KT9 1TR Freehold Bradbury Centre – Flats 1 & 2, 37B (Leasehold) Listed as Unit b, Bardwell House Grange Road Kingston Town Grove KT1 2RA Leasehold British Legion Church Lane South of the Borough Chessington South KT9 2DR Freehold British Sub Aqua Club Hook Rise South South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise KT6 7NA Freehold Burlington Infants and Junior School Burlington Road Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold CAB Premises (Within Hook Centre) Hook Road South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Canbury Boathouse Lower Ham Road Kingston Town Tudor KT2 5AU Freehold Canbury Gardens Lower Ham Road Kingston Town Tudor Freehold Canbury Medical Centre 1 Elm Road Kingston Town Canbury KT2 6HR Freehold Car Park Boots Roof, Union Street Kingston Town Grove Freehold Car Park Canbury Area Kingston Town Canbury Freehold Car Park The Bittoms Kingston Town Grove Freehold Car park Malden Centre, Blagdon Road Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold Car park Northern part of Thames Side Car Park, Thames Kingston Town Grove Freehold Car park Part of Car Park at Fairfield North aka Cattle MarkKingston Town Grove Freehold Car park St Philip's Road Surbiton St Marks Freehold Car park Seven Kings, Skerne Road Kingston Town Canbury Freehold Car park The Rose Car Park, Kent Road Kingston Town Grove Freehold Car Park Hook Rise South, King Georges Field South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise Freehold Car Park Adjoining Hook Centre Hook Road South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Car Park Ashdown Road/Lady Booth Road Kingston Town Grove Leasehold Car Park Rear of 57 (Neville House Yard), Eden Street Kingston Town Grove Freehold Car Park Church Lane, St.Mary's Church Hall (Royal British South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Car Park Chessington, Jubilee Way South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise Freehold Car park (leasehold) Southern part of Thames Side Car Park, Thames Kingston Town Grove Leasehold Caretaker's house St Mary's C of E Primary School, Church Lane South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Caretaker's house Corpus Christi School Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale KT3 3JU Freehold Carisbrooke, 12 St Matthew's Avenue Surbiton Surbiton Hill KT6 6JJ Freehold Castle Hill Primary School Buckland Road South of the Borough Chessington North And Hook KT9 1JE Freehold Cattle Market Toilets Wheatfield Way Kingston Town Grove KT1 2PG Freehold Chessington & Hook United Sports Social Club Chalky Lane / Green Lane South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Chessington Children's Centre South of the Borough Chessington North And Hook Freehold Chessington Community College Garrison Lane South of the Borough Chessington South KT9 2JS Freehold Chessington Cricket Club South of the Borough Chessington South KT9 2HY Freehold Children's playground, Woodview (leasehold) South of the Borough Chessington South Leasehold Christchurch C of E Infants School Lime Grove Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale KT3 3TW Freehold Christchurch C of E Junior School Elm Road Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale KT3 3HN Freehold Christchurch C of E Primary School Pine Gardens Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale KT5 8LJ Freehold Chuchfields Recreation Ground Church Lane South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Churchfields Allotments Church Lane South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Churchfields Pavilion - Portacabin South of the Borough Chessington South KT9 2HD Freehold Claremont Crescent Gardens Claremont Road Surbiton St Marks Freehold Clarence Street Former Public Toilets Clarence Street Kingston Town Grove KT1 1QT Freehold Cock's Crescent Car Park Maldens and Coombe Beverly Freehold Community Centre, Knollmead Surbiton Alexandra KT5 9QP Freehold Coombe Hill Golf Club Maldens and Coombe Coombe Hill KT2 7DF Freehold Coombe Hill Infants and Junior School Coombe Lane West Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale KT2 7DD Freehold Coombe Hill Wood, Robin Hood Way Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale Freehold Coombe Oak Warren Road Maldens and Coombe Coombe Hill KT2 7HY Freehold Coombe Wood Golf Club, George Road, Kingston Maldens and Coombe Coombe Hill KT2 7PB Freehold Corinthian-Casuals FC, King George's Field, Hook Rise South, Tolworth South of the Borough Tolworth & Hook Rise KT6 7NA Freehold Corpus Christi RC Primary School Chestnut Grove Maldens and Coombe Coombe Vale Kt3 3JU Freehold Culvert adj. 33 Clayton Rd South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Culvert rear 26-82 Cheshire Gardens South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Culvert rear 35/37 Mansfield rd South of the Borough Chessington South Freehold Culvert rear 61-71 Cheshire Gardens South of the Borough Chessington
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