Draft MINUTES OF EYTHORNE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY 9 July 2014, 6.30PM Eythorne Resources Centre, Barfrestone Road, Eythorne 1. PRESENT Cllr M Ledger (Chair), Cllr R Hansell, Cllr W Hansell, Cllr Morgan-Lovett, Cllr Whitehead and Cllr Howe, Cllr Pellitt and Juliette West (Neighbourhood Warden) and 3 members of the public Also in attendance S Collins clerk Apologies Cllr Sluder – personal reasons DDC Cllr Ovenden – attending another meeting 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Pellitt – Dog bin re-siting 56 Sandwich Road 3. APPROVAL AND SIGNING OF MINUTES – 11 June 2014 Proposed Cllr R Hansell, seconded by Cllr Morgan-Lovett agreed as a true record and signed by Cllr Ledger (Chair) 4. KENT COUNTY COUNCIL MANION'S REPORT No report was given in KCC Cllr Manion's absence 5. DOVER DISTRICT COUNCILLOR'S REPORT DDC Cllr Ovenden sent in an email to be read in her absence. i. Cllr Ovenden thanked all the people who responded to the Monkton Court Lane Planning application, rarely have so many people been moved to act. ii. The trees on The Green are in need of attention and some of the trees in Eythorne playing field. iii. The footpath/pavement on Sun Valley Way the Pit Path and the roundabout at the top of Sandwich Road/Chapel Hill are overgrown with vegetation and need cutting back. iv. Work has commenced on the Pit site, Cllr Ovenden wanted to remind people that there is no public right of way over the pit and with the heavy machinery it is unsafe. Security is now in place and trespassers will be prosecuted. Cllr Ledger invited Community Warden Juliette West to speak 6. PUBLIC CONTRIBUTIONS AND QUESTIONS Juliette reported on the kind of work she has completed and issues within the villages this month: vehicles making obstructions, door step sellers, noise, welfare visits, fly tipping, untaxed vehicles, anti-social behaviour, trespass, substance misuse and animal welfare issues. Julliette reported that there were nothing reported relating to the street lights being turned off. Cllr Whitehead mentioned that she had cause to ring the 101 number and got a very poor response. Juliette said it is upto the public to assess whether a crime is in progress and to dial 101 or 999 accordingly. Juliette reported that calls are noe responded to differently, instead of a central call centre in Maidstone, more localised centres are to used. Juliette advise Cllr Whitehead to log her concern with the police. Cllr Ledger thanked Juliette for her report, Juliette left the meeting at 6.45pm A parishioner asked about progress on the Elvington playground, he said the plan has 9 outstanding pieces of equipment. Cllr Howe said there is £23,000 left in the pot for youth provision and the idea is to put one piece of equipment in Elvington and one in Eythorne as well as a picnic bench in Elvington. Cllr Pellitt said the original planning application had lots of equipment on as a work in progress. A parishioner asked about the bus shelter at the bottom of Kennel Hill, he said it had mud in it washed down the hill during the recent rainstorms, cobwebs and graffiti as well as ivy climbing over 1 the top. The question was proposed as to who has responsibility for the bus shelter, although it is on the Parish Council asset list, no one was sure. The parishioner also asked for a seat to be installed. S Collins to look into this matter. 7. FINANCE MATTERS AND AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS Authorisation of Payments were proposed by Cllr Whitehead seconded by Cllr Howe and agreed for payment. Finance Report to to EPC 9 July 2014 Payee Cheque number Amount English Landscapes (paid 11 June 300227 £129.61 2014) S Collins 300228 £627.17 S Thomson 300229 £356.16 English Landscapes 300230 £129.61 KALC (replacement cheque) 300231 £144.00 RM Fencing 300232 £1140.00 Delta Electrical 300233 £50.00 HMRC (Q1 payment) 300234 £208.80 8. PLANNING i. DOV/14/00554 – Demolition of Centurion House, Dover – for information ii. DOV/14/00641 – Installation of 340 solar panels to the west and south eastern roofslope and 200 solar panels to the west and north eastern roofslope – Envirograf House, Barfrestone CT15 7JG (Expires 25 July 2014) – no objection 9. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 11 June 2014 NOT ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA Cllr Pellitt asked for the letter from Cllr Ledger to himself dated the 4 June to be put on the agenda for September. After a discussion it was agreed by the Councillors. Cllr Pellitt left the meeting at 7.05pm 10. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES – including wind turbine, drilling and green policy issues Cllr Whitehead informed the meeting that Barville Farm Wind Turbine is going to the planning committee on Thursday 17 July. Cllr Whitehead said the planning officer wants to object to the application. The Working Group have written a letter to every member of the planning committee, Cllr Whitehead proposed for the Parish Council to pay the postage at £5.30, seconded Cllr Howe and agreed unanimously. It was asked if a letter can go to some of the Working Group members to thank them for their contributions. S Collins to send letters. It was mentioned that drilling for water has been seen on the Ovenden site, when asked the contractors did not know it was an ex-mining site. Cllr Ledger said a licence is not needed to drill for water. The Parish Council would like to inform DDC and KCC regarding this drilling. 11. PLAYGROUND DEVELOPMENT i. ICCTV – t was decided that the laptop to be purchased by the clerk has to be compatible with Sunstone's software for the CCTV. S Collins to follow this up and purchase a compatible laptop. Proposed Cllr R Hansell seconded Cllr W Hansell carried unanimously. ii. Eythorne Playgound – the fence and gates keep being broken and repaired by S Thomson. The 2 bins are in disrepair, a quote from DDC came out at £480 to remove and replace 2 bins. Cllr W 2 Hansell suggested that only one bin is replaced, leaving the one by the teen shelter, one on Willow Way and the dog waste bin should be sufficient. S Collins to get further quotes. The 5 a-side markings are to be redone by Andy Thatcher during the next week. iii. S Thomson needs more lead free paint to use on the graffiti on the teen shelter. Proposed Cllr Whitehead seconded Cllr Morgan-Lovett iv. Green Waste – The vegetation cut down by S Thomson is quite substantial and will take many trips to the public tip or to Ovendens. S Thomson has requested the use of a skip or chipper to dispose of the waste. It was discussed that when Stuart has finished the cutting back, it will be placed on the agenda for a decision. v. Playground inspection – Craigdene have quoted to do the annual inspection at £155.00 + VAT. Proposed Cllr Morgan-Lovett seconded Cllr Howe unanimously carried. Cllr W Hansell asked for S Thomson to weed kill the appropriate areas before the inspection in August. S Collins to organise. It was also discussed about the need for 2 new signs at the entrances to the MUGA to inform the users not to use cycles, scooters etc. on the court. S Collins to investigate prices. Also a barrier is needed to stop youths running down the steps from the MUGA into Sweetbriar Lane. S Collins has already contacted DDC but will follow up. 12. FINANCIAL AUDIT – ASSET REGISTER AND RISK ASSESSMENT The Councillors looked at the papers as working documents and will re-visit in 6 months time. 13. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS AND STANDING ORDERS The Standing Orders were accepted. Proposed Cllr R Hansell seconded Cllr Morgan-Lovett The Financial Regulations will be looked at again at the next meeting, with a vote to adopt the regulations taken. 14. ONLINE BANKING ACCESS FOR RFO AND LOCKED FILING CABINET – DISCUSSION AND DECISIONS Online banking access for the RFO for monthly bank reconciliation was proposed by Cllr R Hansell seconded Cllr W Hansell. The unlocking of the filing cabinet was agreed, proposed Cllr Morgan-Lovett seconded Cllr W Hansell. 15. ADELAIDE ROAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Cllr Morgan-Lovett said the original idea was to build houses for residents to downsize into leaving bigger family accommodation vacant in the village. The Parish Council had to decide whether to sell the land to build 2 properties for open market sale on the site to offset the costs. The general feeling was to retain the land ownership, a vote showed 7 for and 1 against the proposal by English Rural Housing Association. It was discussed that the response was not good when the survey was completed in December and that a more simple survey conducted in the Spring may get a better response. Cllr Morgan-Lovett suggested that if it is not viable for the land to be built upon, maybe it could be used as a car park. S Collins to reply to Tessa O'Sullivan. 16. CORRESPONDENCE i. Email from Kevin Brown community first responder ii. Government Consultation on Underground Drilling Access – comments by 15 August 2014 – Cllr R Hansell is looking into this matter iii. White Cliffs Walking Festival 0 21-27 August 2014 – clerk has put details on the website iv. KALC Councillors Festival – 19 July 2014 v. Elvington Community Centre – letter regarding locking the gates nearest the hall during hire from the first week of July vi. Localworks – Empowering Parish Councils to sell electricity – Parish Council to support the proposal, proposed Cllr R Hansell seconded Cllr Howe agreed with 7 votes and 1 abstention 3 vii.
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