Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 2-4-1948 The Ledger and Times, February 4, 1948 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, February 4, 1948" (1948). The Ledger & Times. 6807. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/6807 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. _ s r „-e;:-: . ' ' • 1j1 Selected As Best All-Round Kentucky Community Newspaper For 1947 of them tubi rcie; s a. - told his 4 urd Alra WEATHER FtiRBCAST )(interim, W.8Ltf KNTUCKY: Clqudy with 131 tr. occasional rain and rising dants 4,t temperatures today, tonight well be- and Thursday. lEE • YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- -& fret United Press PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CSNEDEE Murray, Kentucky, Wednesday Afternoon, Feb. 4, 1948 • MURRAY POPULATION — 5187 Vol. XIX; No. 197 clog ,set lege unit for the ' budsets Headed-- MURRAY HIGH IS ttey: Artificial Breedi For Second Title DOUBLE WINNER Purchase-Penny urnev MDR co of Proven Successful Here NEW YORK I UP-Players in. the OVER FULTON Basketball Association of Ameriea grA today were on the verge of conegd- Murray High Schooys Tigers Is At Mitrray Campus Officials announced today that I Orbie Culver, Jr., is employed ing Joe Fulks of the Philadelphia swept over the Fulton Bulldogs in CP';1*IP ne 87 cows have been bred, by arti- by the cooperative as the breeding Warriors his second straight indi- two games played on the Murray 1.° insemination during the vidual scoring title. hardwood last night. The Murray ficial technician. He received a course first -month that the Marshall- Fulks, who set a modern profes- Cats blasted the Pups 35-15 in Brewers Redmen Calloway County Artificial Breed- of •training at the College of Agri- sional scoring record while win- the. curtain raiser and the Brewers To Meet ing Cooperative has been in ex- culture at the University of Ken- ning last year title, tossed in 39 wlilloped the visiting "Dogs" 63-37. !stance. Culver maintains an office at the points in two games last week to Bobby Hargis was the sparisphig St. Joseph In Alter several months of planning Calloway County Soil Improve- run his total to 630 points.. of the Murray offense with 20 and working out details.' ths ment Association warehouse on Including games played on Jan- peints as he comPletely outmaneu- Main Feature --GWASIAiiiii4037- WA. alhcially make ea pstuaater ' • January 1 of this year. When the is not a member di present. western Kentucky netted 213. goals through the netting: 'Hargis. was The thirteenth annual Purchase- eooperatiye started there were Culver said, may call him at any from the floor and 206 free tosses ably assisted by Stewart and Jeffrey . Pennyrile basketball tournanient 1.249 cows registered by members. time to take advantage of the in 29 games. An average of 21.8 in the offensive' attack as • they .I.wilt get under way -at the Murrar During the past month 12 new artificial _breeding program, but points per game. each racked up 10 points. Clark -' College gymnasium tonight at 7:30. members and 38 Cows have been the farmer must then become a Fulks, Warriors 213 206 632 and Alexander .fought the back- Brewers and Cuba will represent /the Puirrha,.., TiteHgcnry an.-1 St • au d. member- -if- - -the- services-are-used. Sadewsky. Hasten- -,169 511- all way and scored -IV Of the first 38' cows bred, said Foy' pointed out that members Zaslotsky, Chicago __ 187 122 496 'and a points respectively. Joseph of Owensboro Will represent _county agent _ o e co_amea-a,ve ,eav ye' _ 150 120 420 The- - Bulldogs- sta.ted -last-an seven had to be re-bred. Thus advadtage of using the best bulls eerielt, WasliVin _ 155 99 409 were ahead 11-10 at the first quar- CoachJack Story's Cidas of Cialaa shows that the program has been n the state. These bulls are valu='Brauir, New York 159 .63 381 ter. The Tigers Ateadied to ring' play Coach Bill Leach's Mc- Henry very satisfactory so far, he point- ed between two and four thou- Calverley. Providence 144 71 359 up 19 -points in the second frame Merry Macs in the opener it '7:30. The second game will ed ,out. _ Sand dollars, he said. Rocha. 'St. Llama 133' 89 355 while holding the visitors to 7. The Holub, New York ___ 138 '..77 353 halftime score was Murray 29....Eul- match Coach McCoy Tarry's Red- Reiser, Baltimore ___ 133- 85 351 ton 18. The Hollandmen were away men of Brewers against Coach • out front by the close of the third Harold Michel's St. Joe Rams. Hazel Farmer Makes Ducks Know Good Thing canto, 50-28. Probable starting lineups for the EVANSVILLE, Ind. ilJP)-Supt. Nall and Campbell were the first game and the height of prob- Bob McGraw of the Mesker Park standouts_for the Bulldogs with 14 • Left to right; .front row-Barney Thweatt, Thomas Mathis, Van Mathis, Jilin Crams. able starters are as follows, accord- Best Sorghum Molasses Zoo here said that some Sr wild and 12 points respectively. s Mason Cope, Roy Darnell, Coy ('reason. ing to Joe Royer, the tournament ducks visited the zoo in 1947 for a The lineups: Back row-Coich McCoy Tarry,- Manager 0. Mathis. Jr.. Charles Stone. Paul Blagg, Leroy manager. Smith, Georg.. Horn. Joe Smith, Manager D. Mathis. Principal Alton Ross. McHenry free meal_ But only 212 of - the Murray 63 Pos. Felton 37 It was learned teday that C. C. can receive full credit or the. qua!-. Gene Warren f ducks left Alexander 6 • F Campbell 12 5' 11" . Adams, who lives ,on Hazel route ity of his product. Richard Hillard f Hargis 20 Huddle 5' 10" 2. has the best sorghum molasses .Williams sorghum cane is new in St. Joseph Bobby Espeg c 6' Clark 8 C, Bone 9 2" in the county. Calloway County. It was planted LOCAL BULLETIN Clemen Nance g 57" Stewart 10 G Nall 14 S. V. Foy, county agent, said thlit here for the first time last year, The Murfav dark-fired tobacco Keith Martin g Jeffrey 10 G Browning .5' 10" Adams won third place for the en- after being developed by the Col- market will open again tomorrow. Cuba Subs:..MUrray-Hackett 7, Shroat. tire state of Kentucky at the Farm lege of Agriculture of the Univers- Cecil Thurman. secretary of the Billy Cathey. Adams,.Butterworth 2; Ful- Vincent f 6'3" ive and Home Week in Lexington last ity of Kentucky in Lexington. Tobacco Board of Trade, announ- ton-Mann, Thominta4- James Laird f 6' 2" Adams said that With the new ced late this afternoon. Sales Stone, week.. His molasses is made with Goodwin. Virgil Yates c 6' 2" cane. type of, seed his yield was doubled will be held Thursday and Friday, Williams sorghum "B" team lineups: Don Stone g 61" The Kentucky Seed Improvement and the quality of the Sorghum was ,he said Howard g 6 Murray Ls' Pos, Fulton 15 Ted 5' 10" Association sponsored. the molasses greatly .intreased. The, molasses . Tobacco auctions were discon- Moser 7 F Carney Second game lineup: .eishibil at the meeting. ' on exhibit at Lexington was judged tinued at the end of the day on Adams F Goodwin Brewers Artitms raised this owu " enic -brightness -of- color, Tueiida of -last week doe-to Abel 13Utterworth 4 C Thompson 4 - made the molasses as well, so he mildness of (lavas, and body. bad %%rather. Cathey 11 G Mishke 3 Mason Cope f 6'0" Jim Owens c WO" IT" Smith 4 G Browning Subs: Murri.y-Doran. Hackett 6, Coy Creason g 5'8" Boone 2. Fulton-Mann 4, Linton Barney Thweatt g . 5'8" 'Elizabeth' Opens At College 4, Tyner, Stone St. Joe Thomas Gowan f 5' 11" , Cletus Oberst f 6'0" Julian Calhoun C 'Earl df Dam the Pnoods.- young111----- 6' 1" Billy Horn g First Showing gallant who -.fraught under her MURRAY CATS ARE 5'9" Is Newton banner. Hayden g . 5' 10" The officials will be Johnny -mat ALL OFFICERS ARE Thursday Evening Elizabetlt-4he- --Quesnollao UNDEFEATED AFTER Reagan and Johnny Underwood.--- * with wide iiclaim since it Was All tickets will be general admis-- At Auditorium November 3. RE-ELECTED AT sign and tickets will be on. sale at- first produced on SIX GAMES PLAYED Mills. Thomas McGowan. Billy Rogers Ness ton Hayden. • ' Front row-Lester White. Gene the door, beginning at 6:15. 1930, by the Theater Guild in Billy Herm, Joseph Lanham, Eddie Herman. Wilma Lovins of Murray port- New York with Lynn Fontain and BANK OF MURRAY Murray High School's "B" team Back row-Coach. Harold Mischel. Julian Calhoun, Cletus Oberst, Raymond Hoffman, trays the title role in the Alpha Alfred Lunt in the principal roles. basketeers, nicknamed the "Cats", Bobby Engler& -David Ford. Business Manager Maurice Ebelhar. Following the New York product- All oficers and emmoyees of the are Psi Omega production Of Maxwell undefe5ted for, the season. The SNOW AND COLD ion, the play also enjoyed a suc- Bank of Murray were re-elected "Cats" coached by Haron West. Anderson's historical drama of cessful tour on the road during for another year at a regular have brushed over six opponents• in MARCH OF DIMES GETS which will Elizabeth the Queen.
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