An alert and vigorous newspaper Before you shop, it will be wise to devoted to the activities and inter- study carefully the values and ser- ests of the residents of this area. vices offered by our advertisers. Each Read it regularly each week to be edition carries. merchandise news of fully informed of every newsworthy utmost . importance to the thrifty event in your home town! buyer. You can trust our advertisers! VOL. XII—NO. 47 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Halloween Great Event for Children of School Campaign Grows Hot; f-As Thieves oth Sides Confident Iselin Youths' Arrest WSolves Crime Series; Seek Adult 'Fences' Victory on Tuesday WOODBRIDGE—After working diligently, for several weeks, Sgt. Fred Linn and Plainclothesman Issues in'Tuesday's Election Peak Interest Fred Leidner yesterday took into custody eight Iselin youths and thereby cleared up at least ten Now Aroused; cases of theft in the Township. It is expected that on further Somers, for Democrats, Cites Achievements of Result in Air questioning several other cases Incumbents; M'Elroy Says Honesty Sole Issue will be cleared up and other ar- WODDBRIDGE—These are the final, statements, in WOODBRIDGE—For a local rests, including adults, will be campaign which had no elements their entirety, issued by Joseph Somers, Democratic Mu- of excitement in its beginning, the made. nicipal Chairman, and by Leon E., McElroy, Municipal wind-up features all the aspects According to Linn and Leidner, Chairman for the Republicans: of a thriller—suspense, noise and the boys are all of high school bristling activity. age and come from well-known By JOSEPH P. SOMERS By LEON E. McELR-OY The Democratic administration, Now that the campaign is draw- r families in Iselin. Until this 5 ear, the. Voters of in power now for four years, has ing to its close/ the Democratic Woodbridge Township have never three incumbents seeking re-elec- Sergeant Linn said the eight Organization joins with every had an election which could be tion. They are the veteran John have admitted the following: fair-minded resident of Wood- decided upon a single issue.. •• Bergen in the First Ward, William Breaking into and entering the bridge Township in awaiting the The voters need only decide on Warren in the Second and George State Highway Department office public condemnation of the Re- j Tuesday whether they are willing Mroz in the Third. Their oppo-* three times and stealing a quan- publican candidates' vicious cam- to continue the dishonest kick- nents, in the respective wards, are tity of stamps, stationery, pencils paign—the most vicious, vindic- back system of the Democratic Robert A. Deter, W. Howard Fiil- and engineer's tools. tive and reprehensible campaign administration, a system which lerton and Julius A. Kollar, Both Breaking open a State Highway conducted in the Township in its was exposed by the Middlesex tickets in the past two weeks par- Department tool shed on the new history. County Grand Jury after a five- ticularly have been working pro- Although our opponents at- month investigation. The Demo- digiously—and the leaders of both parkway in Iselin and stealing a crats involved have failed to de- parties yesterday made optimistic '^raftsman's saw, blades and vari- I tempted to persecute our candi- ous other tools. dates through influence " on a fend themselves against this claims. grand jury, they -were unsuccess- charge. They therefore must take Breaking into Kimball's Garage the consequences of this failure. On the Democratic -side, the ful and their efforts have" col- campaign tactics have been con- on Route 27, Iselin, and stealing lapsed. Every thinking, decent tools, some of which were recov- Witches and goblins, sailors and Bo-Peeps, Irish colleens and Street and along Main Street. To keep up with the f estitvities, some Woodbridge Township had a siderably altered in the closing ered in the boys' homes, paints, Lone Rangers, black cats and cow-girls all had their day Tuesday of the teachers donned costumes and kept the youngsters company. Voter in the municipality will re- noble name. Due to the conduct days of the contest. As is cus- blow torch and motor oil. when 500 youngsters, pupils of School No. 1, Woodbridge, stagred During the afternoon each teacher srave her class a Halloween, pudiate the slander by giving the of the Democratic administration, tomary, the incumbent officials their annual Halloween Parade through the park, down School party. Democratic candidates a vote of however, this name has . been Recover Four Rifles placed their record in office before confidence next Tuesday. dragged" through the newspapers the voters as being worthy of an ^ Looting of the VFW Home on I feel the people of our Town- of the county and the state and additional term—but the entrance Route 27, Iselin, and stealing four ship bitterly resent this type of has been 'brought into disrepute of the Grand Jury investigation rifles, which Linn and Leidner campaigning as it tends to darken because of the behavior of its of- results into the political picture have recovered, and a quantity of the high esteem we have for our ficials. The voters on Tuesday can took the emphasis off this tack bee*. community and its officials. Jus- act decisively to restore the good and placed it on a denunciation Breaking into the Iselin airport tice . again triumphed over deceit name of their community by cast- of the Grand Jury, the prosecutor, and stealing $300 worth of special WOODBRIDGE—"Though I speak with, the tongues of and the Democratic party, has ing their ballots against every- anl the unnamed person or per- tools, some of which were re- WOODBRIDGE —Herbert Kut- RARITAN TOWNSHIP —.Three been vindicated. thing the Democratic administra- sons responsible fc$ the investiga- cher, Township Road Supervisor, men and of angels and have not charity, I am become as men were ordered held for the tion stands for. covered. and Michael Daprile, 26 Turner sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have ' Our platform has been contin- tion. It was a charge by Candidate The boys admitted looting tool Street, Port Reading, a contractor, the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all grand jury on complaints of grand ued progress. In three short years Silent on the frightful blemish Kollar early in the summer which sheds of homes under construc- who were indicted by the Grand knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could larceny when they appeared be- that tlse Democratic party has which has been cast on their very brought about the scrutinizing of tion in Colonia last summer and Jury after a six-months-old in- fore Magistrate Christian Jorgen- taken complete control, we feel character, the Democrats have local affairs. remove mountains and have not charity, I" am nothing. the accomplishments have been also been silent on the disclosure stealing tools, some of which have vestigation of alleged "kick-backs" . And now abideth faith, hope, sen, Monday, , The Grand Jury findings pre- been recovered. and other . phases of Township great. that they paid $15 per hour for sented the Republican side with charity, these t-hrea;-but the great-- The thr-es- men,-----James -King, *aii~issue-"which theretofore had Tools and equipment stolen government, will go on trial some- est of these is charity." from the A. Stanley Mundy stor- time- in December, Prosecutor Taverns, Package Stores jcranford; Hary Hoffarth, Rahway January 1, 1948, with streets im- cratie Board of Freeholders got been lacking. The allegation by age house on Route 27 were par- Matthew Melko said today. With Christmas just a little over and Royce Trador, Rahway, are. passable due to mountainous for $5 per hour. This excessive the Grand Jury that "kickbacks* seven weeks away, the words of the Must Close on Tuesday snows or washed-out roads, with expenditure of the taxpayers' were- involved in the Democratic tially recovered after the boys re- The November court calendar is accused by the Pennsylvania Rail- vealed their hiding place. New Testament take on a fuller WOODBRIDGB — Township orad of stealing almost $700 worth equipment that was almost be- money can mean only one thing administration, plus the fact that full and it is expected that the meaning for those of us who would tavern and "package store" own- of railroad track material from the yond repair due to the neglect of —that it is designed to provide for a Democratic appointee—Herbert Linn and Leidner said it is defi- trial will be held the middle of like to see everyone in Woodbridge ers are reminded by Police Chief Menlo Park area on or about Oc- the previous administration, our the kickbacks which, drew the Kutcher, road supervisor—was in- nite that adults are involved as next month unless postponements Township enjoy a very Merry George'E. Keating that no liquor tober 6. Railroad police estimated administration was determined to Grand Jury denunciation. !fn other dicted, provided a rallying point "fences" but names are being- are requested and granted. Christmas. may be sold or delivered next that the total amount stolen ag- bring the Township out of Repub- words, the people's money is being in the Republican campaign. As withheld pending further inves- used by the Democrats to build a usual, both parties went to news- Kutcher and Daprile entered In our very humble way, we of Tuesday, Election Day, during gregated 31,500 pounds. lican reaction and inaction and tigation and questioning. pleas of not guilty when arraigned polling hours. start the progressive program slush fund to be used to corrupt paper advertising to carry their The Independent-Leader, with the King was,released after posting elections.
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