21 MANCIIKSTKK. HF.HAl.l). Ki uUiy. Keh. 10. 19B4 INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received In Ihe Office of fhe DIrecfor The ‘lonely vets’ 'tudents become ^ Misc. for Sale 63 Misc. for Sale 63 Antiques 68 Cars/Trucks for Sale 71 Cars/Trockt for Sale 71 -O f General Services, 41 Cen­ irchblshop Is expected MIsc. for Sale 63 Misc. for Sale ter Street, Manchester, Con­ necticut, until February 24, ' 1984 of 11 ;00 a.m. for fhe fol­ scientists at fair TOYOTA 1976 SR5 to recover, doctors say M CC profs topic POOL TABLE — 32 X 60, WANTEff ANTIQUES: REGAL — 19806 cylinder, lowing; TWO PAIR ICE SKATES SEVEN ALUMINUM LONGBED PICKUP — 5 REDEVELOPMENT A END ROLL SPECIAL Includes balls, rack and Early VIcforlan, Oak, bronze color, automatic, — Black, plain. Medium STORM WINDOWS — speed with fiberglass CLEANING OF PROGRESS 27"i widlh, reg. ,2Se, pool sticks. $30. Call 646- 1920's and miscellaneous. power steering, power ... page 13 .. page 11 ... page 3 size. Speclol temper 50%” by 32". $10 each. cap, extra wheels and DRIVE WELL now 2 lor .306 1565. Please call 643-8709. steering, power brakes, TRAFFIC PAINT blades, $8 pair. Call 649- Two windows, 38%” by tires, AM/FM stereo 13% widlh. reg. 2 for .256. 24", $8. each. Call 646- tilt steering, air conditi­ TWO RECONDITIONED now 3 lor .306 7517 _______________ oned. Excellent condi­ cassette, rusty, 60,000 VOTING MACHINES 4706. ANTIQUES AND The Town of Manchester Is M U ST be picked up al Ihe LUTE STYLE MAN­ COLLECTIBLES- Will tion. $4000. 643-4633 week- miles. Runs excellent. on equal opportunity em­ Manchester Herald Office SWEDISH ICEAljGER — $99 BUYS A SUBURBAN DOLIN — For more Infor­ purchase outright or sell days or 634-1221 $1900. Call 643-9797. ployer, and requires an affir­ BEFORE 11am ONLY. 6 Inch with'sharpening mation call 649-7120. $50. mative action policy for all of stone, $20. Call 649-2048. COAL-M ASTER fOr use on commission. House lot weekends. Ask for Mike Sears. 1976 PONTIAC SUNBIRD Us Contrgtors and Vendors In a cellar. Works fine. ___________/ or single piece. Tele­ a VANITY WITH MIRROR r- Automatic, power as condition of doing busi­ and mafchlng chest of Cosmetically poor. Call LAMB COAT — Excel­ phone 644-8962. ness with fhe Town, as per 644-2063. 1975 FORD GRANADA — steering, sunroof. Must Federal Order 11246. drawers. Good condition. lent condition. $75. Sell I $1500. Coll 649-3118. Bid Forms, plans and specifi­ Rain today: Manchester, Conn. Asking seo. Call 649-2558. Brown wool dress, fox High mileage. Nice look­ ing car. Best offer over cations ore available at the LARGE SELECTION o\ BRAND NEW ONE AMP collared lacket,$60. Sizes General Services Office, 41 Saturday, Feb. 11, 1984 $1000. Call 643-7714 after Smart shoppers shop Center Street, Manchester, warifi'Sunday SKI JA C K E T — Like new. general fireproof used Train Transformer, $25. ■ 8. 646-3025. A u to m o tiv e Single copy: 25$ metal office desks, filing Call 643-6463. 6pm. Classified! They find Connecticut — See page 2 Boys size 18. Shades of that’s a good way to fight TOWN OF MANCHESTER, blue. $15. Call 646-1427. cabinets, chairs, book­ CONNECTICUT I r r a lJ i the high cost of living. cases, storage cabinets. IRONSTONE FOR SALE 1973 PONTIAC VEN­ ROBERT B. WEISS, TURA — $750. Excellent GENERAL MANAGER RCA WHIRLPOOL RE­ Priced for quick sale. — Twelve place setflngs Home and Garden 6 4 Cars/Trucks for Sale 71 running condition. Call 008-02 FRIGERATOR — Ideal as 649-9953, Gremmo 8. Son of MIkasa Potter's Art, Misc. Automotive 76 a second refrlgerafor. Sales, 819 East Middle Sonoro Pattern, $80. after 6pm, 643-2045. $50. Call 649-1373. tpke., Manchester. Manchester 649-1847. LEGAL NOTICE ^ A.F.S. FRUIT SALE — 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS MUST SELL! 1974 Auction Salo for abindonod Pink grapefruit and Tem ­ WAGON — V 8, auto­ FOR SALE: Two Dunlop Truck. 1968 Chevy Stake. Model MITSUBISHI 5" Block 8. CALROD UNITS with re­ M O N TE CARLO — New; C50. I.D. No. CS538T13335 per TR U N K — Metal with ple oranges, $8 per box. matic, powersteering, ra­ Transmission, carbure­ steel belted radial snow section 4961. t d ^ held at: « White Portable Televi­ flector plates for Frlgl- MID'S MOTOH SALES Many possible wood trim, 36" long, 23” D_elJvered to your home dio, roof rack, posltrac- tor, plugs, wires, 2 snows. tires and wheels. P205- sion — With AM/FM dalre stove. Eight Inch tlon, defogger. Good 276 Narlfart leei and six Inch. Asking $15 high, 20" wide. About 70 March 10th and 11th. Call Good running condition. T5R14 Fits 1980 Plymouth Waatfciitar Israelis bomb ’m radio and built In digital 643-1439 or 646-7476 to snow-skllng-hlll climbing Volare. $35 each. Call feb. 141b. 1964 al 2:66 p.ia. clock and alarm. Call or best offer. Coll 649- years old. $45. Call 649- $1200. Call 647-8273 after 011-02 order. vehicle. Call 643-2880. 649-9902. 643-2940. 3893. 7625. 5pm. as successors rebels while > to Andropov Bv Louise Branson civilians leave ^ United Press International REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK •» MOSCOW — The death of Yuri Andropov left no 2 . By Jack Redden Amin Gemayel with an airstrike 12 obvious heir apparent to the Soviet leadership but United Press International miles east of Beirut. speculation for the succession focused on Konstantin "Israeli air force planes at­ Chernenko, Andropov’s second-in-command, and two BEIRUT, Lebanon — U.S. helic­ tacked this afternoon 10 targets in of the youngest Politburo members. opters evacuated Americans from Bhamdoun area," an Israeli spo­ The announcement Friday that Chernenko, 72. was m west Beirut Friday as fighting kesman said. “These targets have to take charge of the funeral arrangements was FHCC continued in the heart of the been serving as headquarters by considered a sign he could assume the leadership job MARKET divided city and Israeli warplanes extremist groups for launching 15 months after Andropov defeated him in the struggle featuring.. REAL ESTATE SERVICES EVALUATION joined the battle to support the missions against civilian and se­ to succeed Leonid Brezhnev. beieagured Lebanese government. curity targets in Beirut and the The first indication Andropov would succeed ,, All On One Floor 223 East Center St., Manchester 643-4060 "This is by far the worst," south (of Lebanon.)" Brezhnev was when he was put in charge of the Three bedrooms plus a master bedroom suite with fire­ Margaret Cummings, an Ameri­ A Western diplomatic source funeral proceedings. place Family room with fireplace. Hardwood floors, can resident in Lebanon for 22 said the attack was aimed at rebel A Western diplomat said Chernenko, a Brezhnev wall to wall and a whole lot more. See this eight room $ 227, 000. years said while sitting on her reinforcements streaming toward protege, was widely considered a man of the past ranch today Recently reduced tor quick sale. $89,500 ANDOVER suitcase beside the seaside eva­ whose age counted against him. 1 west Beirut through the corridor Supreme Elegance best describes this magnifi­ cuation'zone. “I'm just fed up with that links the rebels in the south of "But he should not be discounted as a compromise cent 9 room Deluxe Ranch. Th|s home offers an it all.” the capital with the rebel-held candidate since he is officially the second-in- U.S. Marines took 344 people mountains. command," he said. exciting new world of living. Each room exquisi­ aboard 29 flights, mostly Ameri­ "The choice of a successor is going to be a real tely decorated features cathedral ceilings in liv­ can citizens but also including The attack was a signal to Syria problem this time around with no clear candidate and employees of the Japanese, South and the rebels that Israel would not the risk that if an older figure is chosen he could fall ing room and family room, carpeting throu­ Korean and Egyptian embassies. accept a return to the Palestinian . ill," a Western diplomat said. ghout, all custom draperies, formal dining room More than 500 British, Common­ and Syrian presence in Beirut that He said front runners for the leadership are Mikhail i- with chandelier, fully applianced kitchen with wealth and West European citizens preceded the 1982 Israeli invasion, Gorbachev, 52, the Politburo's youngest member, and filed into British helicopters on the although it would probably go Grigory Romanov, 60, the former Leningrad party double oven, laundry room, sitting room & mas­ road in front of the U.S. and British along with a military stalemate in boss. embassies for the short hop to the capital, the diplomat said. Other possible successors besides Chernenko New Listing ter bedroom have sliders to heated, glass en­ While Gemayel held lengthy Eight room, four bedroom home with two baths and closed, all-year-round pool. Horsebarn with wa­ ships waiting offshore. include Viktor Grishin, 69, and Geidar Aliyev, 60. garage This home has many possibilities, but is in need "Everybody seems happy to be talks with U.S. Ambassador Regi­ Another strong possibility is that the leadership could of considerable attention Call today for complete de­ ter power and telephone, hay loft, on 5+ acres leaving, no regrets," said Lt. nald Bartholomew at the presiden­ be shared by two or more of the 12 surviving full tails $52,900 can house 4 horses. A truly remarkable home George Milter, supervisor of the tial palace in the Christian suburb Politburo members if they fail to agree on a single We Gin help you become a U.S.
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