On the other side of the picture are elements in the police and to devote their energies instead to making the force who are not neutral, or are trigger-happy, or are country ungovernable. Such lessons are more easily both. They may well be covert rightwingers trying to learnt than forgotten. Ungovernability down there, where sabotage reform. Other rightwingers seem set on making the necklace lies in wait for non-conformists, and the the mining town of Welkom a no-go area for Blacks. They incentive to learn has been largely lost, presents the ANC may not stop there. with a major problem. For Mr De Klerk it certainly makes his task of persuading Whites to accept a future in a non- More disturbing than any of this has been the resurrection racial democracy a thousand times more difficult. of the dreaded "necklace", surely one of the most despicable and dehumanising methods over conceived So what has to be done if what is threatening to become a for dealing with people you think might not be on your lost generation is to be saved, and if something like the side. The leaders of the liberation movement who failed, Namibian miracle is to be made to happen here? for whatever reason, to put a stop to this ghastly practice when it first reared its head amongst their supporters all People need to be given something they feel is important those years ago, may well live to rue that day. Only and constructive to do. What better than building a new Desmond Tutu and a few other brave individuals ever society? risked their own lives to stop it. Now reports of its renaissance are returning to haunt us all. But until the negotiators agree on what shape that society will take, nobody else can do very much. They should get a We may also live to rue the day when young people were move on.D urged to forget about education until they had liberation, by Randolph Vigne NAMIBIA AFTER 26 YEARS Randolph Vigne was first in Namibia just over a year after low and was saved the frustrations of my Cape Town the Windhoek shootings of 10 December 1959. Nami­ neighbour, Brian Bunting, editor of New Age, who had bia's Sharpeville, they launched the 30-year struggle, visited shortly before me and had been followed or completed with independence on 21 March 1990 which watched by security policeman 24 hours a day. Or yet he attended as a guest of the new government. When Oliver Tambo who had been put on the 'plane straight vice-chairman of the Libera! Party of South Africa he was back to Johannesburg when he had arrived in 1960 to act banned in 1963, and left the country without a passport for the Chiefs Council over the Old Location shootings. the following year. In England he kept in close touch with Swapo, and in 1969 became founding chairman of the The men I met contrasted sharply with the human scene Namibia Support Committee, a UN-recognized body around them. This was still an old German colonial town, which has worked in solidarity with Swapo throughout this the oppressive atmosphere further charged with tension period. He is today its Hon Secretary. since the Old Location shootings, and the African com­ munity contained a sort of sub-species, the Ovambo Revisiting Namibiathisyear recalled myfirstand only visit contract labourers in domestic service, minding the there before leaving Verwoerd's South Africa 26 years gardens and cleaning the red-roofed bungalows or mock ago. i had introductions from Swapo friends in Cape schlosses of the town, rightless people of whom terrible Town, a commission for Contact articles, and a brief from stories of physical punishments were told. Yet here they the Libera! Party to report on the situation, while seeking were - the 90 year old Hosea Kutako, deeply impressive also possible conveners of a non-racia! Liberal pressure figure, his face scarred by a German bullet, who had been group. A bonus was a meeting on the aircraft with the left to look after the fragment of the Herero nation when Anglican Bishop Mize, who got off at Keetmanshoop but Samuel Maharero and a few thousand survivors of Von offered me his empty house (now the Deanery) next to the Trotha's Vernichtungsbefehl escaped across the sandveld tiny St George's Cathedral in Klein Windhoek. Here, and to what is now Botswana; Clemens Kapuuo, his secretary in the Old Location, I met leaders of Swapo, Swanu and and successor; Levi Nganjone, a dynamic Swapo or­ the Herero Chiefs' Council, thanks to the Bishop's man­ ganizer who had travelled across the endless sands of servant who took the necessary messages.! could thus lie Ovamboland on a bicycle, visiting embryonic Swapo 3 branches, meeting Ya Toivo, Tuhadaleni, Simon Kaukun- With Ngavirue and two others I drove to the Waterberg gua and the other northern leaders; Zedekia Ngavirue, a reserve, along the dirt roads of the time. Heavy rain had neutral hoping to unite Swapo and Swanu, then editing fallen, the country was green and veld flowers were the first African newspaper is Namibia, Soutri-West News; everywhere. But the omurambas were full and, bare­ John Garvey Muundjua of Swanu, and others. Confident, legged, we had to push the elderly car (hired from a upstanding characters, they bore out the promise of our member of the Chiefs Council, our driver) across several. Cape Town Swapo Colleagues that the nascent liberation In the reserve we met leaders who, interpreted from movement would prove equal to its task. Herero or German, urged their local causes on us, chiefly the right to market their own cattle rather than hand them Only the last two of those I met in 1961 were still inaction over to the government's marketing boards to their great in 1990. Zed Ngaviruetiad petitioned at the UN with Sam loss. I saw the timetable of local vendusies displayed in Nujoma later the same year, joined Swanu, did a D Phil at the Ovitoto reserve on my February 1990 visit, and Oxford, where we met again, later becoming chairman of wondered what prices the cattle would fetch, even though the Rossing Corporation, and was now to be Director of the old grievance seemed to have gone: after a too- National Planning in the new Independence government. recently broken nine-year drought, they were half- Muundjua I met in the members' tearoom at the Tinten- starved. In 1990 Ovitoto had a school, store and admin­ palast during the constituent assembly session in istration building Waterberg in 1961 had had none of February. The old Chief had died in 1970 and Clemens these but far better grazing and fatter cattle. Kapuuo, his successor as Herero chief, had been killed by an assassin's bullet 17 years later. Nganjone had left politics. Old location removals: Windhoek 1962. At Otjiwarongo we split, I to a neat little German hotel, they to friends in the location. At Okahandja we stopped In 1961 they had all been eager for intercession with the to visit the graves of Maharero and his heirs, where United Nations, for aid for widows and children of the Kutako now lies too, the scene so unforgettably des­ shootings or for those disabled, and for political opposi­ cribed later in Michael Scott's A Time to Speak. And ail tion to the threatened imposition of Bantu Education on they way we talked, to my infinite advantage. Where was the already neglected and backward school system. I was the notorious hauteur? Where the deep scar of anti-white told that, after 40 years of the mandate, there were only hatred left by the German genocide of 1904 and the near- two Namibians at university, Kerina of Swapo and Kozon- enslavement of the remnant? I began to understand the guizi of Swanu: I met both later, in Ghana and England, attitude of a proud people who, though defeated, yet felt and back in Windhoek as delegates from other parties in themselves superior to their conquerors, whether Ger­ the constituent assembly. I learned that no school went mans or Afrikaners. beyond Standard VI - Kapuuo and others had been sent on to the Stofberggedenkskool in the Transvaal to do They were sceptical about my hopes of the non-racial Junior Certificate. That denial of education was a major Liberal group. Zed and two friends, I learned, on asking if grievance then and since, and taken by the Africans as they could attend a public meeting for Alan Paton, planned to sustain the claim that they were not ready to organized by a few of these liberals, had been told first 'of govern themselves. Bantu Education would strengthen course,' and then 'no, for your own safety'. (When I told that claim: the UN must block its introduction into Paton this he wrote to them that he would have cancelled Namibia. the visit had he known.) The scepticism was right: an 4 architect who had been of some service to Michael Scott coercion and as a Christian he could only bear witness to years before cut me short. A lawyer to whom the architect the evils of apartheid and baasskap (making the Bishop's directed me was abusive: 'You know the natives don't pay expulsion from the country a few years later sadly any income tax? And ail they do is complain.' But Hans ironic.) Berker, Judge-President at Independence, and his wife hospitably gave a braaivleis for me and some of their I took the Skymaster back to Cape Town, made my report, liberal friends, non of whom, however, would agree to wrote my articles, and did what I could in correspondence convene a non-racial group, or even join one.
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