TEACHERS COLLEGE LEVELED BOOKLIST ORDER FORM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE GUIDED READING LEVEL NUMBER Guided Reading Level A…………………………………………………………………………… 1 Guided Reading Level B…………………………………………………………………………… 1-2 Guided Reading Level C…………………………………………………………………………… 2-3 Guided Reading Level D…………………………………………………………………………… 3-4 Guided Reading Level E…………………………………………………………………………… 5-6 Guided Reading Level F…………………………………………………………………………… 6-8 Guided Reading Level G…………………………………………………………………………… 8-10 Guided Reading Level H…………………………………………………………………………… 10-13 Guided Reading Level I……………………………………………………………………………… 13-16 Guided Reading Level J…………………………………………………………………………… 16-18 Guided Reading Level K…………………………………………………………………………… 18-22 Guided Reading Level L…………………………………………………………………………… 22-26 Guided Reading Level M…………………………………………………………………………… 26-30 Guided Reading Level N…………………………………………………………………………… 30-33 Guided Reading Level O…………………………………………………………………………… 33-35 Guided Reading Level P…………………………………………………………………………… 35-40 Guided Reading Level Q…………………………………………………………………………… 40-42 Guided Reading Level R…………………………………………………………………………… 42-45 Guided Reading Level S…………………………………………………………………………… 45-48 Guided Reading Level T…………………………………………………………………………… 48-51 Guided Reading Level U…………………………………………………………………………… 51-53 Guided Reading Level V…………………………………………………………………………… 53-55 Guided Reading Level W…………………………………………………………………………… 55 Guided Reading Level X…………………………………………………………………………… 55-56 Guided Reading Level Y…………………………………………………………………………… 56-57 Guided Reading Level Z…………………………………………………………………………… 57-58 Order Form…………………………………………………………………………………………… 58-59 All titles may be ordered directly from Scholastic. Some titles may also be ordered through FAMIS. FAMIS titles are noted. TEACHERS COLLEGE LEVELED BOOKLIST - ORDER FORM LIST FAMIS ITEM # TITLE AUTHOR GRL F/NF PRICE ITEM # QTY TOTAL (SEE NOTE BELOW*) 1, 2, 3 in the Box Ellen Tarlow A F $4.67 PRA 967660 Big and Little Samantha Berger A NF $4.35 PRA 904597 Do You Want to Be My Friend? Eric Carle A F $4.95 PRA 22322 590223224 Dogs Amy Levin A F $2.67 PRA 906457 Elephants Like To... Janelle Cherrington A NF $4.67 PRA 969703 Flowers Have Colors Janelle Cherrington A NF $4.67 PRA 969666 Going to Grandma's Farm Betsy Franco A $4.95 PRA 431791 Have You Seen My Duckling? Nancy Tafuri A F $4.95 PRA 44385 I Am Adria Klein A F $2.67 PRA 906454 I Can See Adria Klein A F $2.67 PRA 906455 I Like Gay Su Pinnell A F $2.67 PRA 906453 I See Bugs Wiley Blevins A NF $4.67 PRA 967673 Legs Margaret Ballinger A NF $2.95 PRA 911662 Let’s Go! Rachel Mann A $3.50 PRA 945515 Lunch Gay Su Pinnell A F $2.67 PRA 906452 My Cats Eileen Robinson A F $2.67 PRA 906463 My Color A NF $3.50 PRA 945516 Night Shift Josh Ryan A NF $4.99 PRA 501239 Numbers All Around Susan Canizares A NF $4.35 PRA 904598 On a Boat Minda Novek A NF $4.67 PRA 969705 School Gay Su Pinnell A F $2.67 PRA 906451 School Day! Jesus Cervantes A F $5.95 PRA 953353 Taking a Walk / Caminando Rebecca Emberley A F $4.95 PRA 46464 The Storm Avelyn Davidson A NF $4.99 PRA 501223 Trucks Edwin Johns A NF $3.99 PRA 501251 We Can! Gay Su Pinnell A $6.00 PRA 945558 We Like Fruit Millen Lee A F $2.67 PRA 906462 We Play Together Wiley Blevins A NF $4.67 PRA 967671 We Read Wiley Blevins A NF $4.67 PRA 968000 We Write Ellen Tarlow A F $4.67 PRA 969300 Weather Words Amy Algie A NF $3.99 PRA 501217 What Bears Like Janelle Cherrington A F $3.50 PRA 945517 What Can I Be? Cari Meister A $4.95 PRA 431793 What Do Insects Do? Susan Canizares A NF $4.33 PRA 39794 Animal Homes:Facts • Questions Sally Hewitt B NF $4.95 PRA 922874 • Puzzles • a Story Can We Go? Janelle Cherrington B NF $4.67 PRA 969299 Can You See the Rabbit? Janelle Cherrington B $4.67 PRA 969704 Carrots (Pebble Books) Gail Saunders-Smith B NF $3.50 PRA 945797 Cats! Larry Dane Brimner B F $4.95 PRA 384363 Dinnertime at the Zoo Avelyn Davidson B F $4.99 PRA 501222 From Sheep to Sweater Ellen Tarlow B NF $4.67 PRA 969706 Game Day Cari Meister B F $4.95 PRA 412390 Games Samantha Berger B NF $4.35 PRA 904566 Getting There Edwin Johns B NF $3.99 PRA 501231 Hats Around the World Liza Charlesworth B NF $2.50 PRA 54911 Hop In! Julie Small-Gamby B F $3.51 PRA 945561 How Many Fish? Margaret Ballinger B F $3.95 PRA 29976 59029976X How to Make a Wind Sock Ellen Tarlow B F $4.67 PRA 967665 I Like Shapes Shane Armstrong B F $3.25 PRA 911660 I See Fish Don L. Curry B $5.95 PRA 953347 439533473 I See Flags Wiley Blevins B NF $4.67 PRA 967999 PAGE SUBTOTAL_________ 1 TEACHERS COLLEGE LEVELED BOOKLIST - ORDER FORM LIST FAMIS ITEM # TITLE AUTHOR GRL F/NF PRICE ITEM # QTY TOTAL (SEE NOTE BELOW*) I Won't Share Hans Wilhelm B NF $3.99 PRA 977353 In the Forest Melissa Schiller B F $2.67 PRA 906466 In the Woods Akimi Gibson B F $3.50 PRA 945556 Kittens Don L. Curry B F $2.13 PRA 906456 Let’s Go Visiting Sue Williams B F $4.95 PRA 921647 439216478 Look-and-Find Shapes Wiley Blevins B NF $4.67 PRA 969709 Lunch at the Zoo Wendy Blaxland B $2.95 PRA 23789 Magnifying Glass, The Avelyn Davidson B NF $3.99 PRA 501224 Making Mountains Margaret Ballinger B F $2.50 PRA 911664 Monkeys Susan Canizares B NF $4.35 PRA 76964 590769642 My Camp-Out Marcia Leonard B F $3.95 PRA 940030 My House Amy Algie B NF $3.99 PRA 501228 On Market Street Arnold Lobel B F $5.95 PRA 41004 See the Monkeys at the Zoo Santina Bruni B NF $4.50 PRA 964677 Silly Sally Betsy Franco B F $4.95 PRA 414312 Some Animals Have Horns Graham Meadows B NF $4.50 PRA 964678 Teddy at the Zoo Isabel Anderson B F $4.50 PRA 964698 This is My Garden Graham Meadows B NF $4.50 PRA 964679 Tools Edwin Johns B NF $3.99 PRA 501218 Treats From a Tree Susan Canizares B NF $3.25 PRA 16137 Water Susan Canizares B NF $4.33 PRA 10727 We Are Painting Francie Alexander B $2.67 PRA 906459 We Like to Play! Ellen Tarlow B $2.67 PRA 906467 We Live Here Gabriel Salzman B NF $4.67 PRA 968460 What Am I? Orlando K. Frizado B F $5.95 PRA 953359 439533597 What’s the Weather? Jennifer Cali B $4.67 PRA 967656 Who Hid? Nancy Leber B NF $5.95 PRA 968896 439688965 Who Lives in a Tree? Susan Canizares B NF $4.33 PRA 15856 590158562 Who Lives in the Arctic? Susan Canizares B NF $4.33 PRA 76150 590761501 Whose Bones? Queta Fernandez B NF $4.67 PRA 968457 All Kinds of Kids Christina Mia Gardeski C F $4.95 PRA 414316 Around and Around Mary Monro C NF $4.50 PRA 964684 At Work Ellen Geist C $3.50 PRA 945564 Baby Animals Learn Pamela Chanko C NF $3.25 PRA 76157 Baby Farm Animals Felix James C NF $4.50 PRA 964685 Baby Wild Animals Felix James C NF $4.50 PRA 964686 Bathtime for Biscuit Alyssa Satin Capucilli C F $3.99 PRA 974405 Bo and Peter C F $2.95 PRA 27375 Boats Ian Douglas C NF $3.99 PRA 501238 Bugs! (Rookie Reader) Patricia & Fred McKissac C F $4.95 PRA 384340 Down My Street Stewart Gardiner C F $4.50 PRA 964672 Fun With Simple Machines Ellen Tarlow C NF $4.67 PRA 967661 Goldilocks Ellen Tarlow C F $3.50 PRA 945559 Happy Hats Karen Alexander C NF $4.99 PRA 501249 How Will I Get to Grandma’s Wiley Blevins C F $4.67 PRA 968020 House? I Can Run Gay Su Pinnell C $3.50 PRA 945562 I Lost My Rabbit David Tunkin C F $4.50 PRA 964673 I Love My Shadow! Hans Wilhelm C F $3.99 PRA 933210 I Love to Play Toni Alderson C F $4.50 PRA 964680 I Love You Jean Marzollo C F $4.95 PRA 37657 590376578 I Went Walking Sue Williams C F $5.95 PRA 99464 590994646 PAGE SUBTOTAL_________ 2 TEACHERS COLLEGE LEVELED BOOKLIST - ORDER FORM LIST FAMIS ITEM # TITLE AUTHOR GRL F/NF PRICE ITEM # QTY TOTAL (SEE NOTE BELOW*) In the City Santina Bruni C NF $4.50 PRA 964687 In the City Susana Pasternac C $2.95 PRA 27372 Is It Time? Jane Campbell C F $2.95 PRA 30747 590307479 Is it Time? Marilyn Janovitz C F $3.95 PRA 919984 Joshua James Likes Trucks Catherine Petrie C F $4.95 PRA 384295 (Rookie Reader) Kites Bettina Ling C F $2.95 PRA 27535 590275356 Kitten Is a Baby Cat, A Wiley Blevins C NF $4.67 PRA 967993 Little Duckling Is Lost May Nelson C F $4.99 PRA 501211 Little Sister Robin Mitchell C $3.50 PRA 911663 Mice Squeak, We Speak Arnold L. Shapiro C F $5.95 PRA 38666 590386662 My Cat Muffin Marjory Gardner C F $3.95 PRA 23786 590237861 My Scrapbook Francie Alexander C F $4.67 PRA 969380 Off to the City Avelyn Davidson C F $4.99 PRA 501229 On the Farm Janelle Cherrington C NF $4.67 PRA 967998 One For You and One For Me Wendy Blaxland C F $3.50 PRA 29974 590299743 Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza Marjorie Eberts C F $4.95 PRA 415131 (Rookie Reader) Please, Thank You Francie Alexander C F $4.67 PRA 967658 Rain Robert Kalan C F $3.50 PRA 46895 590468952 Rainbow of My Own, A Don Freeman C F $3.95 PRA 947239 Raindrops Sandy Gay C $2.95 PRA 27370 Signs (GR Edition) Susan Canizares C NF $3.95 PRA 968892 Spiders Melvin & Gilda Berger C NF $3.50 PRA 944542 Swing, Swing, Swing Gail Tuchman C F $2.95 PRA 27556 590275569 Two Can Do It! Susan Canizares C F $3.25 PRA 904559 Water Play Amy Algie C NF $3.99 PRA 501240 We Like Summer! Wiley Blevins C NF $4.67 PRA 967670 Weather Pamela Chanko C NF $3.25 PRA 10730 590107305 What Can I Wash, Today? Janine Scott C NF $4.99 PRA 501226 What Has Stripes? Margaret Ballinger C $2.95 PRA 911667 439116678 What Time Is It? Julie Moriarty C F $4.67 PRA 967668 Where Are They? Keisha Humphrey C F $5.00 PRA 968897 Where Do Birds Live? Betsey Chessen C NF $4.33 PRA 76967 Where In the World? May Nelson C NF $3.99 PRA 501225 10 for Dinner Jo Ellen Bogart D F $4.95 PRA 71949 Alphabet Under Construction Denise Fleming D F $5.95 PRA 961197 439611970 Animal Doctors, The Lynette Evans D F $4.99 PRA 501235 Animals in Art Wiley Blevins D NF $4.67 PRA 969710 Bright Eyes, Brown Skin Bernette G.
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