University of Wollongong Research Online The Living Daylights Historical & Cultural Collections 11-6-1973 The Living Daylights 1(4) 6 November 1973 Richard Neville Editor Follow this and additional works at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights Recommended Citation Neville, Richard, (1973), The Living Daylights 1(4) 6 November 1973, Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.1 no.4, November 6 - 12, 28p. https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/4 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] The Living Daylights 1(4) 6 November 1973 Publisher Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.1 no.4, November 6 - 12, 28p This serial is available at Research Online: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/4 . ■ ■, > ' V > _ m r n & / 1 rr. '•••• a , JK THE ARMY OF THE RARE s new s T’S THE START OF THE PAV­ was a natural state o f affairs and that LOVA REVOLUTION: Shortly industrial conflict was unnatural and I unwarranted, was naive, unreal and before prime minister Gough Whitlam harmful. entered his amazing song and dance act in Peking it was announced that Fortunately for us all, his danger­ ous heresies have been roundly con­ China had signed a contract to buy up to $250 million worth o f Australian demned by our elders and betters in sugar, proving that not only western the business community, not to men­ nations are fools about food values. tion a new state premier. They know Passionfruit growers and egg vendors God is on their side. in Australia are also believed to be gearing up to complete the destruction he ultimate disgrace: o f this once proud race. United States president, Richard Obviously driven somewhat de­ T M. Nixon, who is having some slight mented by his fleeting success, Whit­ difficulties because he has somehow lam, after being allowed to meet chair­ mislaid a tape recording o f The Sound man Mao Tse-tung, started babbling to a o f Music in which he personally plays company journalist about our "long a star role, now knows quite definitely march’’ and generally behaving like a he is not acceptable in the best o f poor man’s version o f an international circles. Neither he nor his good wife statesman. Realising that they were have been invited to the wedding o f dealing with a madman, the Chinese Princess Anne and her layabout hus­ humored our leader by rousing rendi­ band to be. tions o f Click Go the Shears, Botany Bay and On The Road to Gundagai. Mr Whitlam took this as a compliment. E’S STILL REFUSING TO BUY HTHAT SWIMMING POOL: In the continuing saga o f Australian au­ thor Patrick White’s deteriorating di­ OU NEVER KNOW YOUR sease which prevents him from enjoy­ LUCK IN THE BIG CITY: Seek­ Y ing life to the full, it has now been ing to create an international incident revealed that he has given $11,500 to o f some sort, the aboriginal embassy, the aboriginal education council to at present camped on the lawn outside help educate black children. Next Canberra’s parliament house, sent a thing you know White will demand note to the Chinese government during that all people be given an equal start our leader’s tour demanding that the in life, make a plea for a true socialist Peking regime recognise the embassy government and argue that society has and denounce Mr Whitlam as a racist a duty to support the poor afflicted. who was “ arrogant in his treatment o f Australian blacks” . Perhaps the blacks were hoping for the rights similar to those now enjoyed by a racial minor­ ONT WORRY BHP, THE ity under Chinese rule - the Tibetans. DLABOR GOVERNMENT LOVES YOU: Federal labor minister Clyde Cameron, in a speech to the New South Wales Employers Feder­ H SHUT UP (OR WHY WHIT­ ation, said the number o f unions in OLAM WILL ALWAYS LOOK Australia were "sheer madness” , and LIKE A STATESMAN): Bill Snedden, claims that the unions were resisting leader o f some obscure Australian worker control to the bitter end be­ political group, told a meeting o f well cause they believed it was all part o f a wishers in Sydney after looking at a “ capitalistic plot” , and added that more than flattering portrait o f him­ . demarkation disputes were lunatic. self: “ He looks a pretty nice guy and. For his next trick he is going to I’m not. The fact is that I’m as tough advocate that all naughty unionists be as an old boot - I just happen to have blown to death from the mouth of the a nice exterior.” Someone should in­ cannon. form him that during mankind’s re­ corded history there has never been a i>'CKi£ single instance o f an old boot being the University of Tasmania’s chemistry Feingold, head of the department of ither that or he's going called upon to lead a country. department, has shown that eight per­ allergy at San Francisco’s Kaiser foun­ TO LIVE IN PORTUGAL: The cent o f Hobart children have danger­ E dation hospital, has related the rise o f ruling Portuguese party known as ously high levels o f lead poison in their a disease known as hyperkinesis, or Accao National Popular, headed by blood and could grow up mentally hyperactivity, with a rise in food and prime minister Dr Caetano, heavily UT WHAT’S GOING TO HAP­ retarded. "I t’s rather irresponsible for soft drink additives and it is true that supported by settlers in Angola and PEN TO THE PEOPLE OF THE adults to impose upon children the B it disappears once the afflicted chil­ Mozambique, who uphold the govern­ MIDDLE EARTH?It has been recorded possibility of becoming mentally re­ dren follow a special diet. It’s not the ment’s war against the so called rebel that French engineers have begun drill­ tarded for life just to keep lead in permissive societys fault, it’s Coca- guerrillas in the African provinces, has ing preliminary tunnels for under­ petrol when it may not be necessary,” Cola’s. been swept back into power once ground nuclear tests on the South Professor Bloom added in a somewhat again. Portugal, like neighboring Spain, Pacific atolls o f Mururoa and Fanga- naive comment. It is expected he will does not take kindly to dissidents be tofa because of the somewhat unpleas­ shortly be investigated for un-Austral­ et another madman they black, white, unionist or non ant world reaction to their present ian activities and, as a just punishment, YSPEAKS OUT: Professor J. E. unionist. series o f atmospheric pyrotechnic dis­ will be forced to act as a petrol station Isaac, a new deputy president o f the plays. The underground tests are ex­ attendant for the rest o f his life. Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbi­ pected to start in 1976 after two tration Commission, said that strikes further atmospheric explosions in by workers were often the only way to ONDER A LITTLE AS YOU 1974 and 1975. solve an industrial problem and that PSLURP YOUR MILKSHAKES: ood flavors are wait­ they should be allowed to run their The United Nations International Chil­ F in g FOR LEAD SURVIVORS: course, despite their cost and incon­ drens Emergency Fund (UNICEF), An American medical specialist has venience to industry. Accusing man­ has reported that 500 people are dying F RADIATION DOESNT GET announced that artificial colorings and agement of being “unusually morbid” each week in a famine that has hit the I YOU EXHAUST FUMES WILL: flavorings in food can cause serious about the strike action, he added that northern central parts o f the African A survey by professor Harry Bloom, at behavior disorders in children. Dr Ben the notion that industrial harmony state o f Ethiopia. STOP PRESS The Living Daylights is published every Tuesday by A NEWLY-FORMED Prisoners Action Group in NSW is consider­ Incorporated Newsagencies Company Pty Ltd at 113 Rosslyn Street, West Melbourne, Victoria. You can write ing charging the governor o f Long Bay jail, Mr Brownlee, with a to us C/- PO Box 5312 BB, GPO Melbourne, Victoria felony. This follows reports o f persistent violent assaults on 3001. Telephone (03) 329.0700, Telex AA32403. EDI­ prisoners. The Prisoners Action Group has called for a demon­ TORIAL: Terence Maher, Michael Morris, Richard Neville, stration outside Long Bay jail on Saturday morning (November Laurel Olszewski. PERFECT MASTER: Barry Watts’. BUSINESS: Robin Howells. ADVERTISING: MEL­ BOURNE: Robert Burns (03) 329.0700; SYDNEY: Stan •k ie it Locke (02) 212.3104. DISTRIBUTION: VICTORIA; David Syme & Co. Ltd. Telephone 60.0421; NSW Allan SYDNEY WOMEN are invited to the Filmmakers Co-op, St Peters Rodney Wright. Telephone 357.2588; A.C.T.: Canberra Lane, Darlinghurst, for a weekend o f theatre, films, pop, TV, City Newsagency. Telephone 48.6914; Q’LAND: Gordon & Gotch. Telephone 31.2681: STH. AUST.: Brian Fuller. newspapers and all extensions o f media, beginning Friday night. Telephone 45.9812; TASMANIA: This week we were Inquiries: 31.3237 and men are allowed only on Sunday night. banished from this isle. Page 2 - T H E LIVING D AYLIG H TS, November 6-12, 1973 with the Khyber Rifles. o ,UT ALONG the diseased artery of There are four seated separately al­ Melbourne known as that o f St. Kilda; ready here. A trendy South Yarra fluff Graphics from where he rowed his painted ladies to in a short sleeved tank top; a 35 year Ronald Searle’s the shore, across the gutter and into old estate agent (suburban) looking lost The Second Com­ those dark houses of flushed light.
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