D OWNING D OWNING C OLLEGE 2009 C OLLEGE 2009 A scene from the University’s 800th Anniversary Light Show. By courtesy of the 800th Anniversary Team. A detail of the restored Hall. Front cover: The Chapel Choir 2009 with the composer Bob Chilcott. See page 24. Photography by Ioana Marinescu. Photography by Richard Stibbs. Members in Western Australia – Brian Trenbath; John Prince; Michael Crouch; John Hicks; Cecil Walkley; Jeff Bowen. Members in Canberra – John Hicks, Susan Mitchell (1980) and Eric Wainwright (1964). Dr Douglas Melton receiving the Oon Award from Dr Oon Chong Jin (1958) and Dr Oon Chong Hau (1966). Mr Bill Tudor John. President of the Association 2008–2009. Kenneth and Dorothea Hall near Lady Canning’s Seat, 6 miles from Coonoor, the next town to Ooty on the Blue Train line. See the article A Life in the Day of a Senior Volunteer. Downing College Association Newsletter and College Record 2009 C ONTENTS D OWNING C OLLEGE A SSOCIATION Officers and Committee 7 President’s Foreword 9 Association News 10 The Secretary’s Diary 13 Next year’s President 14 Forthcoming events 15 The Master writes 15 The Senior Tutor writes 19 The Development Director’s Report 21 The Junior Bursar’s Report 23 Commemoration of Benefactors 24 The American Sub-prime Crisis and its Consequences 24 A day in the life of a senior volunteer 31 The Association’s Past President and the Cambridge 800 Light Show 35 Griffin moves again 35 Olympic successes 35 News of members 36 Glynn Jones Scholarships for Business and Management Education 36 History repeats itself? 38 Publications 39 Births 40 Visiting Cambridge 40 Obituaries 41 Editorial Acknowledgements 68 T HE C OLLEGE Downing College 2008–2009 73 News of the Fellowship 79 Obituaries 85 The Oon International Award in Preventive Medicine 89 College clubs and societies 90 Blues, half blues and colours 91 Elections and awards 2009 92 Examination results 2008 and 2009 94 Undergraduate and Affiliated Admissions 2008 102 Graduate admissions 2008 106 Downing College Association Founded 1922 DOWNING COLLEGE ASSOCIATION O FFICERS A ND C OMMITTEE 2008–2009 P RESIDENT Bill Tudor John MA T HE E XECUTIVE C OMMITTEE The President The Immediate Past President (Q S Blake CBE MA) The President-elect (P Thomson MA) The Honorary Secretary & Editor (J G Hicks MA FREng) Assistant Secretaries W J Hall MA R J Stibbs MA (College Record) The Honorary Treasurer N Berger MA Committee Members D Parr MA MB BChir FRCS FRCSE H Hedgeland MA PhD K Dyer MA MB BChir DRCOG MRCGP K Storey MA J Argasinska MA PhD Ex-officio Committee Members S Lintott MA, PhD(UKC), (Bursar) G J Virgo MA, BCL. (Oxon), (Senior Tutor) T Sadiq BA (Durham) MSc (LSE) (Development Director) Honorary Auditors D A Blackadder MA DPhil(Oxon) M J Mays MA PhD FRIC 7 DOWNING COLLEGE ASSOCIATION P RESIDENT’ S FOREWORD For a number of years after graduating in 1966 my concentration on carving out a career for myself meant that my contact with the College was minimal. However, my fond memories of Downing remained unabated and my continuing interest in what was going on there and in news of my contemporaries was satisfied by the annual arrival of the Association Newsletter. The reports from the Master and Senior Tutor, together with the entries from the College’s clubs and societies, gave me my yearly boost of catch-up on Downing affairs. Thus, my then impression of the Association was that of the disseminator of news to alumni and the organiser of an annual dinner. The Association, though, was then, and is now, much more than that. Quite apart from letting us know what’s happening in College, it serves as a vital link to and between alumni and alumnae; it works alongside the Development Office in searching for ways of raising the funds so necessary for preserving Downing’s pre-eminent position as a place of learning; it encourages us, through the annual dinner, to renew old friendships; and, through the sale of merchandise to members, it raises the funds which enable us to provide grants to needy undergraduates and postgraduates – some £12,000 during this academic year. The Association’s merchandise deserves more than just a passing mention. My predecessor, Quentin Blake, produced griffin prints in his inimitable style and they were an enormous success; they even adorn T-shirts which we sell. Quentin’s predecessor, Julian Childs, introduced silver jewellery which also proved popular and he has been instrumental in extending our range of products this year. I feel a sense of inadequacy looming inside me. I visit the College more often now than in days past and as I look about much seems the same, but much has changed too since my days as an undergraduate. Thanks to generous benefactions we have marvellous new buildings and a refurbished Hall, not to mention bedrooms with en suite bathrooms. The campus, which always inspires pride when bathed in sunshine, gives Downing a unique appearance among Cambridge colleges. I am proud to have been the President of the Association of such a place. The Association would not achieve what it does without the hard work of a number of individuals. I hope the other members of its executive committee will not be offended if I single out some – John Hicks, our secretary, for all his help; Norman Berger, our treasurer; Peter Thomson, past treasurer and my successor; Frank Weiss, our merchandising organiser; and Roy Farmer for his help on our website – my thanks to them and to the rest of the committee. Bill Tudor John 9 DOWNING COLLEGE ASSOCIATION A SSOCIATION N EWS T HE 2008 AGM Around fifty members attended the 2008 AGM in the Howard Building on the afternoon of Saturday September 27th 2008. The President, Quentin Blake, reviewed the activities of the Association in particular pointing out the continuing growth of the Student Support Fund which this year was planned to distribute £10,000 with a possible increase to £12,000 depending on merchandise sales. The Treasurer thanked Mrs Kay Martin and Mr Mike Haddock of the Bursary for their help during the year, and Drs Blackadder and Mays for auditing the accounts which were again split between general activities and the Student Support Fund. As for the former, membership contributions had provided a small surplus, reduced to about £400 deficit after writing off old prints. The Fund had seen a dramatic rise, due to the work of Frank Weiss and others, in boosting merchandise sales especially of the Quentin Blake print which was currently accounting for a third of the total. The initial grant allocation for 2007–2008 of £8,000 had been increased to £10,000. The Treasurer or the Honorary Secretary saw all applications, and it was clear that the sums ranging from £50 to £500, which are given for academic related needs only, gave significant help to students. Sales of the Quentin Blake print were unlikely to be so high in the coming year, but nevertheless he felt able to recommend a £10,000 Fund allocation now, with the possibility of an increase to perhaps £12,000 after an end-of-year review. He added that four years ago Fund grants had amounted to only £1000. The Association has offered up to £5,000 to be spent on a President’s chair to complement the new tables and chairs with which the College has furnished the newly restored Hall. In the evening following the AGM the Annual Dinner was held in a Hall under late stages of its restoration. This had temporarily reduced the seating capacity to 130 so that the Executive Committee, reflecting on the attendance in 2007 of 171 comprising 112 members and 59 guests, was faced with deciding how the members wishing to attend in 2008 could be guaranteed a place. The solution was to revert to the practice of the 1990’s when the guests had their own meal, a “fork supper”. This had been initially offered by a Master’s wife until ladies in such a position were elected “ex officio” members of the Association and attended the dinner in their own right. The guests were then left on their own to enjoy a meal in College. Such was the 2008 arrangement for 21 people hosted by Janet Hicks, wife of the Honorary Secretary, while 81 members dined in Hall under the eye of the President, Prof. Quentin Blake (1953). Addresses were given by the President and the Master, Prof. Barry Everitt. The President then vested the President Elect, Bill Tudor John (1963) with the badge of office. His first and only task that evening was to announce that the bar in the Howard building was open where many members continued their conversations. 10 DOWNING COLLEGE ASSOCIATION Throughout the year sales of merchandise have continued at College events and by mail order. The total income this year was over £15,000, close to last year’s figure which was enhanced by the new products which Quentin Blake initiated for us. Frank Weiss has looked after the acquisition and selling of merchandise whilst Julian Childs and Roy Farmer, former Presidents, have been energetic in the identifying and procuring of new products and merchandise promotion respectively. As a result the Student Support Fund has been maintained at its planned level. We are grateful for the help which members of the Executive Committee give in the selling of our increasing wide range of goods. Members preparing for the 2008 Annual Dinner in the (partly) restored Hall. T HE E XECUTIVE C OMMITTEE Members of the Association’s Executive Committee beaver away unseen and revealed only by their names on election at an AGM and in the list at the opening of this Newsletter.
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