Best Fishing and Boating in PA State Parks Kettle Creek by Laurel Anders State Park View of Kettle Creek Reservoir looking northeast from Kettle Creek Vista photo-Art Michaels photo-Art Nestled in the mountainous terrain no facilities or formal accesses. State throughout this corridor, and they of the Pennsylvania Wilds fl ows Kettle Route 4001 and unpaved Proctor Road hold populations of wild trout that Creek. Since the lumber heyday, Ket- (accessible by Leidy Bridge) parallel challenge ambitious anglers. tle Creek has undergone a dramatic this stream section and provide easy In 1962, the U.S. Army Corps of transformation to become a beautiful access. Trout are stocked in the spring Engineers erected a large fl ood-con- state park boasting a heavily forested and walk-in fi shing is permitted. An- trol dam on the creek. Named the landscape, a thriving trout stream, other stream-fi shing spot is near the Alvin R. Bush Dam after the U.S. rep- and a mixed-fi shery reservoir. mouth of Kettle Creek where it enters resentative in offi ce from 1951-1959, Kettle Creek State Park is a long, the lake, near Bearfi eld Run. This area the structure creates a 167-acre res- narrow corridor of nearly 1,800 acres can be reached from the picnic grove ervoir that collects drainage from the surrounding its namesake in the heart east of the softball fi eld. 226-mile Kettle Creek Watershed. The of Sproul State Forest. For the north- Seasonal northcentral Pennsylva- narrow impoundment is just over 2 ernmost section of the park from the nia fl y hatch imitations are successful miles long and is relatively shallow for Hammersley Fork area downstream on this section of Kettle Creek, as well most of its length. to the infl ow of the lake, the creek as spinners. Many small, high-quality Kettle Creek State Park actually had is bounded by state park lands with coldwater streams feed Kettle Creek its beginnings at the southernmost (article continued on page 34) www.fi sh.state.pa.us Pennsylvania Angler & Boater • November-December 2006 31 Run RD Run N U n R T SPROUL Ru ers ROA n u D alt R HAMMERSLEY Run W ROU Trail T CRAWFORD eed WILD AREA W t Smit N u STATE o Branch r h Coy T Craw c Cooks ford M Trail Run Hollo ROAD w Run Hole Run FOREST Beaver Bee Tree CAMP Draft d d am eld ROAD SR 4 Bearfiel 001 Bearfi R OAD Camp Equestrian LEIDY Butler R Butler Trail Head BRIDGE Cr SR 4001 PROCTOCALHOUN DR ee Donut k TO PA 144 Ru Hollow SUGAR n Trail HUNTING & FISHING PERMITTED Run Sugar WALK IN ONLY Park Office/ le Vista tt Softball Field Ke Nature Dry First Aid Kettle Creek UPPER Trail Water Vista Picnic Area n ail Winter Sports CROWLEY Ru Tr Snowmobile Trail Head D Restrooms Courtesy Docks Picnic Pavilion er Ba ROA n Dressing Room ldy Public Phone v e KETTLE CREEK H Hollow Blue Symbols Mean Accessible RESERVOIR Boat Mooring Playground Hole Bruner Beach B Boat Launch Ho ranc h Sanitary Dump Station o v e Camping r Ice Skating SPICEWOOD Recycle/Trash Donut n (Red Paint Blazes) Hiking Trail Ru Hollow Mountain Bikes Snowmobile Trail SR 4001 Cross-country Skiing www.fish.state.pa.us TO WESTPORT, Equestrain Trail 5MI Alvin Bush Dam ATV All-Terrain Vehicles SPROUL STATE US Army Corps of Engineers Trail Unpaved Road ) State Park No Hunting Ali Honey azes Spicewood State Park Hunting ce's tBl n Hole FOREST (Red Pai Trai un R Run ut l Don Hevner k Donut 8 SPROUL STATE FOREST 5 7 Cree 5 Sizerville 2 1 Oleona 44 Ole Bull Hole Emporium Wharton Run Barricade ) Lon 4 tBlazes Tr 4 Cross Fork ATV (Red Pain Hollowg 12 Hammersley 1 a 0 il Fork Kettle Leidy Barricade Sinnemahoning Hyner 5 Run Creek Lake 5 Summerson 5 12 TO SUSQUEHANNOCK KETTLE 0 Hicks Trail Head Parking ATV CREEK il 1 Renovo Tra TRAIL SYSTEM (STS), Driftwood 20 Westport C.C.C. (ORANGE BLAZES) llow Hollow Dam Ho llow Ho State Camp 144 LOWER Owl Owl ATV Karthaus 2000' 0 2000' FEET 879 Kettle ATV KETTLE CREEK STATE PARK TO ATV MANAGEMENT AREA Map by Wayne T. Fechter 12/02 TRAIL HEAD,Pennsylvania 3 MI & WESTPORT, Angler 6 MI & Boater • November-December 2006 www.fi sh.state.pa.us www.fi sh.state.pa.us Map courtesy of the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Angler & Boater • November-December 2006 32 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 33 nity, best known for its bass, yellow January 1 through February 28 and perch, bluegills, pumpkinseeds, and September 5 through December 31. white suckers. Fisheries management However, tributary streams are not studies indicate high catch rates and open during this period. Kettle Creek high growth rates for largemouth is closed to all fi shing from March 1 bass. Additionally, yellow perch are to 8:00 a.m. on the opening day of typically the most abundant sportfi sh trout season. captured. Angler success mimics the Although visitors to the area can still study results. Panfi sh can be caught view traces of Pennsylvania’s rich lum- nearly year-round on live bait such as bering heritage, the conservation and waxworms, mealworms, and night- recreation strategies of more recent crawlers. Bass fi shing turns on in late years make Kettle Creek State Park a summer with the fi sh hitting tradi- trademark fi shing and boating experi- photo-Art Michaels photo-Art tional summertime patterns of plastic ence of the Northcentral Region. Commission fi sheries management stud- worms and lures. Anglers do well to The 167-acre Kettle Creek Reservoir ies reveal high catch rates and high growth imitate the golden shiners that serve is also known as Bush Dam. Visitors rates for the reservoir’s largemouth bass. as forage for the bass. to the Fish & Boat Commission online portion of the park before construc- The reservoir also provides suitable stocking information will notice that it tion of the large dam. In the 1930s the conditions for trout well into the sum- is referenced as Kettle Creek Lake. The Civilian Conservation Corps erected mer. The reservoir typically receives section above the reservoir is Section a small dam on the creek adjacent large allocations of trout during pre- 10 of Kettle Creek. The area below to what is now known as the Lower and in-season stockings. Trout anglers the reservoir that contains the small Campground. The resulting small 7- on the reservoir focus their efforts on 7-acre impoundment is simply known acre impoundment is often referred the deeper channel on the eastern side as Section 11 of Kettle Creek. to as Kettle Creek Lake. The Com- of the lake. About mid-way down the Laurel Anders is the Fish & Boat Com- mission and local sportsmen stock lake where Sugar Camp Run enters is mission’s Northcentral Region aquatic this area pre-season and in-season a good bet for live bait and paste baits resources program specialist. with adult brown and rainbow trout. for trout. Late summer and early fall This area can be accessed through the anglers report having success with campground or by one of the pull-off anything from nightcrawlers to small For More Information parking areas along State Route 4001. bass lures. Kettle Creek State Park is one of Anglers often select campsites in the Icefi shing for trout is also a popular the Commission’s Fishing Tackle Lower Campground for convenient activity, weather permitting. Trout are Loaner Sites. Fishing rods, reels, access to good fi shing. stocked through the winter to increase and basic tackle may be borrowed ice angler opportunities on the lake. free of charge from the park of- Boating fi ce. For more information, visit Boating is permitted on the lake, Special regulations http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/ but it is restricted to electric mo- The reservoir is managed under the Fish_Boat/loaner.htm. For in- tors only. Shallow-draft, lightweight Early Season Trout-Stocked Waters formation on current fi shing and fi shing boats, canoes, and kayaks are program. In addition to the regular boating regulations, visit www. best suited for Kettle Creek Reservoir. trout season, the lake is open to fi sh- fi sh.state.pa.us. For more park in- One well-maintained, surfaced boat ing from March 1 through March formation, rules, and regulations, launch is available in the main park 31, when most trout-stocked waters visit www.dcnr.state.pa.us/state- area with plenty of parking, some of are closed. The creel limit is 3 trout parks/parks/kettlecreek.aspx. which is shaded. Three docks and 60 (combined species) of at least 7 inches Campground sites may be reserved mooring spaces (a permit is required each. Inland regulations apply to all at 1-888-PA-PARKS. To make a for overnight mooring) provide con- other species in the reservoir. weekend of it, visit www.visitPA. venience for day-use visitors as well as Kettle Creek Reservoir and Kettle com. To discover more about the campers. Boat rentals may be avail- Creek are listed as Approved Trout Pennsylvania Wilds, visit www. able seasonally from a concession. Waters. This means that these waters dcnr.state.pa.us/info/pawilds/in- contain signifi cant portions that are dex.aspx. To learn more about Fishing open to public fi shing and are stocked conservation efforts for the entire Kettle Creek Reservoir supports with trout. Anglers may harvest trout Kettle Creek Watershed, visit www.
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