:?TCF. TEN CENTS. ICIAL BULLETIN, I. S. G. A. "YI£AR, $1.00. NEW YORK, DECEMBER, 1898. One of the requirements of keeping Cfti,,^ 3osted on Golf is that you should read ViH)£ (or. Golf Clubs branded with the above trademark will be recog- nized everywhere as goods of the choicest workman ship. „•* „* j- c*> ..* ..* JL u* Every club is manufactured under the supervision of JOHN D. DUNN whose One=Piece Drivers AND BRASSEYS ARE celebrated the world over. IRON 1? A large assort- ment of «•* ••* CADDIE BAGS Professionals and the Trade supplied Jvith every requisite. 'Prices upon application. If Write for Illustrated Catalogue. The Bridgeport Gun Implement Co. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. i 313 Broadway, New York. AGENCIES: 300 West 59th Street, New York. ' 162 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass, For the Winter Frost Unknown Go From To BERMUDA New York 48 Hours by Elegant Steamships Weekly The Bermuda Golf Club have excellent links, and visitors to the Islands may become members. For theWinter WECT [MMF^ including Cruises goto TT L,O I ILMJIL,O Porto Rico S.S. Pretoria 3,300 Tons, S.S. Madiana, 3,080 Tons, and other Steamers. Thirty Days' Trip, Twenty Days in the Tropics For Pamphlet, giving full information, apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., 39 Broadway, N.Y., Orto THOS. COOK & SON Agents for Quebec S.S. Co., Ltd. A. Ahern, Sec, Quebec, Canada. 261 Broadway, N. Y. wrighl&Dilson's SELECTED GOLF GOODS Wright & Vitson's Selected Wood Clubs are very highly finished and lead all others. Our dogwood and persimmon clubs are guar- anteed not to break, are perfectly balanced and made to suit the most fastidious. Selected grades, $1.50 each. -3 Wright & <Ditson's Iron Clubs are hand forged and vastly superior to other grades; made by golf experts. Selected grades, $1.50 each. All our standard clubs are $1.00 each. Children's Clubs, Drivers, Cleeks and Mashies at 50 cents each. ¥ The Wright & <Dltson Selected Golf Ball is thoroughly seasoned and pro. j nounced by all as the leading American "gutta " ; 25 cents each, $3.00 per doz. A complete line of Golf supplies always in stock. Mail orders receive prompt attention under direction of skilled salesmen. WRIGHT & DITSON'S Famous Golf Practice Machine, $5.00 each. WRIGHT & DITSON, 344 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 76 "Weybosset Street, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 321 A. G. Spalding & Bros. Celebrated GOLF SUPPLIES lor 1595 Every ^Requisite for Golfing and Golfers, Our Clubs ate Guaranteed OUR GOLF CLUBS are made by Scotch Club Makers and are all hand finished. M A TP R T A T SHAFTS—Finest split hickory. mA A£:'IV1AA- HEADS—Seasoned dogwood,persimmon,hickory. Every variety of club known to the Golfing world either in stock or made to order. e w T/-"I A TTT\J/^ ^ *^ duplicate any wood or iron club" DUPLICATING, sent us without extra charge, one or a ========== thousand. SPECIALTIES. One-piece Driver. Cran Patent Cleek.j WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF LAYING OUT GOLF COURSES. GOLF BALLS. We recommend the SILVMRTOWN , because here and abroad all balls are gauged only- according to how they grade with reference to a Sil- vertown. The Silvertown Ball is the only ball made whose quality is always uniform and can be depended upon. We also carry Eureka, Woodley Flier, Henley, Musselhurgh, Ax Black, Varsity, Varsity White throughout, Anderson, Anderson & Anderson White throughout, the Wright & Ditson and Spalding Practice. CADDY BAGS. A full line of Caddy Bags from a serviceable cheap one to the highest grade of presentation bag ::: ::: ::: Our Complete Illustrated Cntaloguc Moiled Free R.2t>;iiiMri<» This department is in H* 6, & mrflu "'»• charge of an expert,and 126-130 Nassau Street, f^Tew Yorh. all work of this nature will have prompt 147-149 Wabash Avenue, Chicago and careful attention. 322 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Golf Club Willie Tucker AND ST. ANDREW'S GOfcF CI5OR, MOUNT HOPE, N. Y. JOHN RMID,Jr. (Intercollegiate Chamj>ion~) writes:— Sole rianufacturer of, "1 have used Tucker ' Defiance ' Golf Clubs and Balls for two and a half years and find them unsurpassed THE in workmanship and durability, and can highly rec- ommend them to all golfers." ( Signed j JOHN REID, Jr. TV. B. SMITH ( Runner-up in Amateur Championship Defiance and Intercollegiate Championship ) writes.— "The 'Defiance' Clubs have always proved very satisfactory and I strongly recommend them as the best clubs in the market."^~y Clubs ( Signed ) WALTER B. SMITH.1"!! J. G. THORP ( Jiunner-up in Amateur Championship, and JXQ6 ) writes :— "Please make me two drivers and one brassey just galls like the last clubs yoti sent me, which are the best I ever had." (Signed ) J. G. THORP. REST CIsURS AND RAfcfcS IN THE Wholesale and Retail Price List Address Hail and Express matter to free on application. WILLIE TUCKER, Dobbs Perry, N. Y. 00000000000000000000000000000000*00000000000000000000000000000 •••••••••••••••••••••••^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••f JSLAZENGER & \ Most Perfect Golf Ball. • Agentsi for Sole Agents for Slazenger, Silvertown, Tom Morris, Trueflite, Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Boodie, Morris, R. Simpson, Woodley Flier, Henley, J. & D. Clark, Etireka, 0. K., R. B. Wilson, A. I. Black, Brand, Slazenger .(London). Musselburgh, Varsity. Golf Balls. Golf Clubs. ball we guarantee eighteen months old. New York Agents for Tucker's Golf Goods. Guaranteed Drivers, #1.50. Brassies, #1.75. Golf Balls Re-made, 75c. per dosen. *•••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<; 323 THE w/io •wants to Wall Street make money or to Journal keep money &J.J.J- Values control Prices in the long It hoists danger signals where run. prices are above values and The Journal shows the changes where conditions are becom- in conditions, foreshadowing ing unfavorable. changes in values. The Journal obeys no clique. It points out properties which are improving and where secur- It means to be accurate, intelligent ities will appreciate. and sincere. 'PUBLISHED "DAILY J* SAMPLE COPIES ON APPLICATION Dow, Jopes & Co. 42 &o<I 44 Broad Street, Mew YorK City LUB Committees and individuals hav- ing in view the purchase of prizes for Golfing are invited to inspect the many suitable pieces of Solid Silverware offered by this house. The opportunity to submit special designs is solicited. A Department for Stationery has been added to the other branches of the business, and special attention will be devoted to the engraving and printing of in- vitations, decorating note paper, and the general execution of all orders for Club and Social Functions. THEODORE B. STARR 206 FIFTH AVENUE MADISON SQUARE NEW YORK 32-1 o I X o w X CO , GOLF BY APPOINTMENT AN OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION. UOL. III. DECEMBER, 1898. NO. 6. THE MIDLOTHIAN COUNTRY CLUB Chicago, Illinois, HE Midlothian Country ly filled during the first season of the Club, whose new club- club. At the outset Mr. Thorne house was informally stated his determination that the. Mid- opened to members on Oc- lothian Club should be second to tober 18th, is the most re- none in America in its appointments, cent candidate for favor among the and those who are fortunate enough golf-loving public of Chicago and to have visited the grounds, even vicinity. While Chicago would seem during the first six months of its ex- to be pretty liberally supplied with istence, will bear witness to the literal golfing facilities, no less than a dozen fulfilment of Mr. Thome's desires. thriving clubs being tributary to that The first duty was the selection of a city, yet of all this number not one, suitable piece of ground. This Mr. with the single exception of Washing- Thorne had already discovered some ton Park, is tributary to the great months before, and laid away for fu- south division of the city. To meet ture use. A daily and stock farm, the needs and the opportunity af- which had been under cultivation for forded by this condition of affairs the three generations, was found lying Midlothian Country Club was organ- about eighteen miles southwest of the ized. The parent and patron saint of city, near the main line of the Chicago, the club, whose mind conceived and Rock Island & Pacific railway, and whose enthusiasm and munificence after much negotiation, the owner made possible the present achieve- was induced to part with it. The ment of a model golf club, is George tract comprises 208 acres, of which R. Thorne, the first and, it is hoped, 162 acres lie in one large, square field, the permanent president of the club. with an annex of forty-six acres. The The club was organized in January, land lies upon a ridge 125 feet above 1898, the charter bearing date of Jan- the Lake Michigan level, and has a uary 22d. The membership is limited most varied and interesting topog- to 300, and so prompt have the South raphy. The soil is a rich, black, prai- Side people been to appreciate the ef- rie loam, producing a fine and strong forts of the organizers that the mem- quality of turf. In the northeast cor- bership is in a fair way to be complete- ner of the large field is a beautiful 328 THE MIDLOTHIAN COUNTRY CLUB. WATER HAZARD ON THE FIRST HULK. grove of oak and hickory of about ten opened for play on May 20th. The acres in extent, adding beauty and ground for the second nine holes was variety to the grounds. ()n the golf largely ploughed land and had to be course proper there is not a single sown. Aided by an unusually favor- tree and an entire absence of roads, able season, the skilful and untiring railways, telegraph lines or other ar- efforts of the club's superintendent, tificial impediments to good golf.
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