iII;t, lit'" II/illt>r; Irwlw'i",,,r! )".'t>,,," Instauration® w. C. FIELDS -- LAST MAJORITY COMIC? o I accept all those nasty remarks about the Italians, but only because they were written by a German subscriber. Inefficient allies are always In keeping with InstauratlOn's policy of o To 924 who said that Tom Metzger of the K's peculiarly irritating. Still, courage shows up all anonymity, communicants will only be identified was probably no mental giant: He certainly is the brighter when one's own side is not doing by the first three digits of their zip code~. compared to the utter jackasses that we have too well. Think of those Italians who swam un­ right now. der the nets at Gibraltar to blow up Allied ships, To Zip 304 who takes Sol Roth to task for or that Italian aristocrat in Barzini's The Italians o Fabulous rundown on Reagan !instauratlon, demanding the exclusion from all Jewish leader­ who organised a party of volunteers to blow Sept. 1980). Cholly's backroom scenario carries ship functions of any Jew who marries a non­ paths across minefields at Tobruk, and who died a resounding wallop. There is a slumbering tiger Jew: I like that. I feel the same way about white fighting merely because he couldn't live with in all of us. Organize and fight now or forever Majority members who marry Jews or non­ dishonor. hold your peace. whites. French subscriber 037 To 372 who wrote that listening to redneck music can give a man guts: Not only that, but the o The Might of the West is superb. I love Law­ o Perhaps the real reason that Russia has be­ red necks can also give him some sense. The big rence Brown's debunking of the Renaissance. come such a great power is that the U.S.S.R. is Nashville stars would not dare damage their Dorothy Sayers does much the same thing in the not an equal opportunity employer. high-paying careers by singing racial numbers, introduction to her translation of thE' Sung of Irish subscriber but some of the songs being sung around town Roland: by the unknown little fellows prove that red­ o It is a fact that European males tend to be necks have just about had all they are going to But the picture that remains most viv­ attracted toward physical refinement and, to a take. Too bad they're never aired. idly with us is that ofgay and unconquer­ lesser degree, toward blonde coloring in fe­ To Richard Verrall who wrote that the Na­ able youth iRoland}. No other epic hero males. It is also a fact that European females do tional Front was appalled by what was written ,trikes this note so ringingly. .. 50 he not reciprocate to the same degree in these about 'em in the July issue of InstaL/ration: A lot rides out, into that new-washed world of tastes -- and they never have. The evidence is of us agree with the article and we are appalled clear sun and glittering ,o/our which we everywhere that the female pattern of attraction at what happened to John Tyndall. call the Middle Age (as though it werf' is far more ambiguous, and for good genetic 320 middle-aged), but which has perhaps a reasons. In particular, fineness versus coarse­ better right than the blown summer or the ness in the male is a more complicated matter o Zip 400 is impressed with Cholly's satire. I'm Renaissance to be called the Age of Re­ for the female evaluator. In The Middle English not. I think he is truly successful only when he birth. It is a world full of blood and grief Idedl o( Personal Beauty, Curry analyzes such writes in his own persona -- the cultivated man ,md death and naked brutality, but also of matters at length. Regarding coloring, he finds of affairs who records our collapse from direct trank emoti()n~. Innocent SImplicities. and that the heroines are invariably dazzling blondes experience. Then his touch is sure and often abounding self-confidence a world With and the witches dark brunettes, but that the masterful. When he ventures into impersonal which we have so utterly lost touch that male heroes, while usually blond, are, in a signif­ lampoon, I sense a loss of focus and control. This we have fallen into using the words icant minority of instances, "dark and hand­ seemed especially the case with his "Detroit "feudal" and "mediaeval" as mere epi­ some." This cannot be attributed to Celtic, Psychodrama," in which I found too few shocks thets for outer darkne~:,. Anyone Ivho sees French or other outside influences, so far as he of recognition (satire's goal) and too many of gleams of brightness in that world is ac­ can tell, but is indigenous to the Germanic tradi­ overkill. About the only broad-ax stroke missing cused of romantic nostalgia for a Golden tion. was a chorus line of sabra Streisands in G-strings Age which never existed. But the figure of 223 and pasties singing, "Springtime for Henry and Roland stand~ there to give us the lie: he is Israel, winter for goyim and wogs." If my critical the Young Age as that age saw itself. Com o Random violence directed against minorities remarks are themselves a form of overkill, pared with him, the space-adventurers is counterproductive and strongly contra-indi­ ascribe them to one reader's eagerness to see and glamour-boys of our times, no less cated. I can understand the frustration and rage Cholly return posthaste to that vein of first-per­ than the hardened toughs of Renaissance of those who applaud such actions, but they are son narrative which has produced so many fine, epic, seem to have been born middle­ profoundly wrong. memorable pieces. aged. 801 409 824 Instauration CONTENTS is published 12 times a year by Laughter in the Dark ...........................................................••.......................... 6 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. System Theory Works For Race ...................................................................... 9 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Mexico: Ecological Nightmare ..................................................................... 10 Ethnic War ................................................................................................... 14 Annual Subscription New and Old Guards .................................................................................... 16 $ 12 regular (sent third class) $6 student (sent third class) Protestantism in the Third Reich ................................................................... 18 Add $5.50 for first cla<,s mail Cultural Catacombs ...................................................................................... 20 $20 Canada and foreign Inklings ........................................................................................................ 22 Add $12.50 for overseas air Cholly Bilderberger ...................................................................................... 24 Wilmot Robertson, Editor Notes From the Sceptred Isle ........................................................................ 27 From the Auld Sod ........................................................................................29 Make checks payable to Howard Allen Primate Watch ............................................................................................. 30 Elsewhere ..................................................................................................... 32 @ 1981 Howard Allen Enterpnses, Inc. All Rights Reserved Stirrings ........................................................................................................ 34 PACE 2 -- IN5TAURATlON FEBRUARY 1981 In the beginning it was the !pwhh Ytc,!low :J As a reserve officer myself, I know full well o Allow me to contribute to the Irish discussion (Jdge,. large ads in the !\lew York Time,. No the degree to which the all-volunteer military with an adaptation of "¥ankee Doodle:' backlash. has become minorityized. This is not something Then it was the Chnstldn Yellow Page,. loud to dismiss lightly. It means: blacks with wea­ Of)( e I helcJ an Orange ( ell. denunciations from the ADl. Uproar in the pons, and the knowledge to use them. When It )eltuP()rl lIlP ff'fl(/er. media. legal action. things come to a crunch, who do you want in And (,,'('r~ tim~' II ( aught a rdl, Now comes the 131,](), Page' (in Georgia). No control of the M-60 tanks, the .50 cal. machine It ,!louteel, ''\'o,urrellllpr'' backlash. friendly puffery from the press. guns, the hand grenades? Anyone expecting a rUlIdn t(,lItor" \~ ,ltch nlUr 'tep, And as always the While Pdge, includes every­ bunch of black enlisted men (or officers, for that C() t'd' \ Oil rill' will ,hi'" one -- white, black, brown, yellow and mauve. matter) to blithely fire on a rampaging crowd of Ur \H' ,\ III/HCeI" ,'our IJlood, nel b, 302 their own in some urban scene of the future is a And \OU \vard be h,ll: 'il lo,k" fool. There is another angle to the argument in o When Strom Thurmond replaces fat face as favor of the draft. The military is thf" recruiting Orange subscriber chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I'll ground par excellance for Majority activists. be dancing in the streets. Thousands upon thousands of white enlistees 782 and officers, who perhaps entered the army with o Many times I have sat around talking to their brains thoroughly raped by equality, leave whites who tell me that they support segrega­ [J Cholly's article was totally fascinating; I it -- and reenter society -- with an entirely differ­ tion, oppose busing and want nothing to do with couldn't stop reading. Since "Thomas Madison" ent attitude. Those who stay in lose themselves blacks. I then asked one of them what he was is obviously Cholly himself, one wonders how in their work and seethe. The military is the doing the coming weekend, if he could go with many more pseudonyms he may use. Who he is supreme demonstration of thf" truism that if you me to a meeting against forced busing. He said and what he does in real life I hope some day to want to turn someone (even a simon-pure lib­ he couldn't make it because he couldn't miss his be privileged to learn. The piece reminded me eral) into a Majority activist, all you need todo is football game. I pointed out that most of the strongly of Jack london's The Iron Hef:'1 (in tone, have him join the volunteer army.
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