CENSUS OF INDIA ~001 SERIES - 30 KARNATAKA PART XII - A & B : VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY & PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KODAGU DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, KARNATAKA,BANGALORE J<,KKAIIA CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SERIES - 30, PARTXII-A&B, KARNATAKA KODAGU DISTRICT Serial Name of the Page No. L.C. No. Column No. For Read No. Village 150 6202752500 Matoor 4 3,459 3,387 5 877 854 152 71 02753400 Mugatageri 4 1,340 1,412 _ 5 310 333 282 02752500 Matoor 4 877 854 5 3,459 3,387 6 1,738 1,698 7 1,721 1,689 8 444 429 9 216 212 10 228 217 283 02752500 Matoor 11 265 269 12 124 125 13 141 144 14 435 434 15 201 200 17 2,289 2,229 18 1,234 1,198 19 1,055 1,031 284 02752500 Matoor 20 1,170 1,158 21 504 500 22 666 658 23 1,713 1,673 24 1,099 1,074 25 614 599 26 1,630 1,586 27 1,055 1,028 28 575 558 285 02752500 Matoor 29 32 41 30 27 35 31 5 6 38 I,SSS 1,502 39 1,005 970 40 550 532 286 02752500 Matoor 41 83 87 42 44 46 43 39 41 75 287 02752500 Matoor 53 71 54 40 42 55 31 33 S6 1,746 1,714 Serial Name of the Page No. L.C. No. Column No. For Read No. Village 57 639 624 58 1,107 1,090 282 02753400 Mugatageri 4. 310 333 ..$..: '. 1,340 1,412 ',' 6';-:. 659 699 '" .. 7 -. 681 713 : '8 i, 153 171 9 71 77 " 10 82 94 283 02753400 Mugata,.g~;[ -'~ ~ 131 127 .......... _ 'U 12 63 62 13 68 65 14 120 121 15 58 59 17 919 977 18 483 518 19 436 459 284 02753400 Mugatageri 20 421 435 21 176 181 22 245 254 23 564 603 24 395 419 25 169 184 26 556 599 27 393 419 28 163 180 285 02753400 Mugatageri 29 27 18 30 23 15 31 4 3 38 527 579 39 368 402 40 159 177 286 02753400 Mugatageri 41 8 4 42 2 43 6 4 287 02753400 Mugatageri 53 8 4 54 2 55 6 4 56 776 809 57 264 280 58 512 529 Motif Harangi Reservoir in Kodagu District The Harangi project comprises of a reservoir ity of 8.50 TMC. With the construction of this reser­ across the river Harangi, a tributary to Cauveri River voir an area of 1,909 hectares of land is submerged in the Cauvery basin, near Hudgur of Somvarpet taluk. affecting 11 villages having population of 700. Canals on the both banks are constructed for provid­ 153 Kms. long Left Bank Canal and 160 Kms. ing irrigation -'to an extent of 53,591 hectares in long Right Bank Canal will provide irrigation to Kodagu, Hassan and Mysore districts, Catchment area 11,927 hectares and 41,664 hectares respectively. of the Dam is 41?,58 Sq.Kms yielding 39.30 Thou­ sand Million Cubic Feet (TMC). The cost of the Construction of this masonry dam and 153 Kms. project is 373 crores. long Left Bank Canal has been conipleted and the ~onstruction work of the Right Bank Canal is com­ Harangi dam is ,846 Mtrs long with a height of pleted up to 122 Kms. 46.94 Mtrs, masonry dam with a gross storage capac- (Courtesy: Irrigation Department, Government of Kamataka) CONTENTS Page No. District Map iii Foreword ix Preface Xl Acknowledgement xiii District Highlights - 2001 xv Important Statistics xvii Ranking of Taluks in the District xix Statement 1-9 Statement Name of the Head Quarters of the District/Taluk, their rural-urban status and . distance from the district headquarters, 2001 xix Statement 2 Name of the Head Quarters of the District/C.D.Block, their rural-urban status and distance from the district headquarters, 2001 xix Statement 3 Population of the district at each Census from 1901 to 2001 xx Statement 4 Area, number of villages/towns and Population in the district and Taluk, 2001 xxi Statement 5 C.D.Blockwise number of villages and rural population, 2001 xxi Statement 6 Population of urban agglomerations (including constituent units )/towns, 200 l' xxi Statement 7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C.D.Block level as per 2001 Census and amenities available xxn Statement 8 Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as per 2001 Census and amenities available xxii Statement 9 Houseless and Institutional population of taluks, rural and urban, 2001 xxiii Summary statement - Jurisdiction of CD. Blocks in each tal uk, 2001 xxiii Analytical Note i) History and scope of the District Census Handbook 001 ii) Brief history of the district 004 iii) Administrative setup and jurisdictional changes during the decade 1991-2001 005 iv) Physical Features (I) Location and size, (2) Physiography, (3) Drainage, (4) Climate, (5) Winds, (6) Rainfall pattern, (7) Forestry, (8) Geology, (9) Flora and Fauna, (10) Soils, (11) Cropping pattern, (12) Irrigation, (13) Natural Wealth, (14) Animal Husbandry, (14A) Veterinary Services, (15) Fisheries, (16) Industries, (17) Trade and Commerce, (18) Transport and ComplUnication, (19) Electricity and Power 008 v) Census Concept 019 vi) Non Census Concept .. 026 vii) 2001 Census Findings - Population, its distribution 030 viii) Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables I to 36 032 ix) Brief analysis of Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset tables 37 to 47 048 x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and households amenities, Houselisting Operations, Census of India 200 I based on inset tables 48 to 52 054 xi) Archaeology 057 xii) Brief description on places of religious, historical or archaeological importance in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district 058 xiii) Scope of Village Directory and Town directory 060 PART-A: VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-l Village Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 065 (b) List of merged villages in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 069 (c) C.D. Blockwise presentation of Village Directory data Taluk Map of Madikeri 074 Alphabetical list of villages of Madikeri C.D.Block 075 Village Directory Statement of Madikeri C.D.Block 077 Taluk Map of Somvarpet 096 Alphabetical list of villages of Somvarpet CO.Block 097 Village Directory Statement of Somvarpet C.D.Block 101 Taluk Map of Virajpet 134 Alphabetical list of villages of Vir~pet C.D.Block 135 vi c INDIA \ KARNATAKA DISTRICT KODAGU ;p ATkalgud Km 5 o 5 10 15 Km (/l (/l 12 ~~ . - ... -. > 30 -.I o To Hunsur '­ "- \ \" " It:,. , \.. ". """-'0_. \ 'C" '. «J V) o ,----------------------------------------, - 12 TOTAL AREA OF DISTRICT (IN SQ.K M)_ ... _. ______ 4,102.00 ,! "- 12 d TOTAL POPULATION OE' DISTRI CT ____ ___ .. _. ______ 548,561 I d 'I. ....., TOTAL NUMBER OE' TOWNS IN DISTRICT _________ 05 '> \'" Kulla . TOTAL NUMBER OF VILLAG ES IN DISTRICT_ .. _.. 296 1 . '- , ._ ........ -' ...... " .-..", ../.._, ._ .. ........ BOUNDARY. STATE ___ __ .. ________ . ________ .. _.. _ RrVER WITH STREAM ____ ____ ___ _.. ________ ____ _.. ___ _ DISTR ICT ______ ____ _____ .. _______ __ _ VILLAGES HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE Kutta TALUK ____ .. ________ ____________ .... POPULATION WITH NAME __ __ .. _______ .. ___ _______ __.. HE ADQUARTERS DISTRICT TALUIL ____ .. _.. __ @ URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE - CLASS III, IV, V_ .. __ __ .. _.. ___ _____ ___ _____ .. __ __ ___ __ _ • STATE HIGHWAY _____ .. _.. _.. _______ _.... _____ ... SH 88 DEGREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTION IMPORTA NT METALLED ROAD .. _________ __ _____ _ CD. Block boundary of Kodagu is co-lerminus with laluk boundary. o , 75 30' 76 0 Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. © Government of lndia Copyright, 2006. Village Directory Statement of Virajpet C.D.Block 137 (d) Appendix to Village Directory Appendix I Abstract of Educational, medical and other amenities available in villages-C D Block level 164 Appendix I A- Villages by number of Primary schools 166 Appendix I B- Villages by primary, middle and secondary schools 166 Appendix I C- Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 166 Appendix·II Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities available. 167 Appendix II A-Census Towns which do not have one Of-more amenities 167 Appendix III Land utilization data in respect of Census Towns/non-municipal Towns 167 Appendix IV C.D.Block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available 168 Appendix V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes population 168 Appendix VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribes population 168 Appendix VII A- List of villages according to proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges 169 Appendix VII B- List of villages according to proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges 173 AppendixVlll C.D.Block wise number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 176 Appendix 1X Statement showing number of girl schools in the district 185 Section-II : Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 189 (b) Town Directory Statements (I to VII) Statement I - Status and Growth History 194 Statement II - Physical Aspects and Location of towns, 1999 196 Statement III - Municipal Finance 1998 - 1999 198 Statement IV - Civic and Other amenities, 1999 200 Statement V - Medical, Educational, Recreational and Culhlral Facilities, 1999 202 Statement VI - Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999 204 Statement VII - Civic and other Amenities in Slums, 1999 206 Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowths with population 208 vii PART-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 211 (b) District Primary Census Abstract 215 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e.
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