Fifth War Loan Filth War Loan Buy a Bond Today UMMI1 Buy a Bond Today i-i. U ( •,: : • >i THURSDAir, JULY 6 56*h YEAR, hit. 4 it K'U O. fli School* Sell $97«S8O Hospital M&me Frortt In Action Urgent Ne«ed of Summit Area Needs Fred L Palmer In War Bonds, Stamps Prize Winners Necessitates Shorter Per Pa*t School Year Time For 900,000 in 3 Days At Canning Fair; i-.i ,I,.;K.-U; I ( .I 'I, i :'n 1 •< : .i; t Sells Interest .Sli/llUiil Jjiil-lii S-'ll'.'O;.-, ?'>! ( iC [••!' iii-.i \\ >l .-<. 1 lit-• C !>• I.if. C\ t. .-.rbuul .yc.il- c;.tl;up Jjlie .6 si iii ,.<-i .1 .if w .is c jiiii'" r - (i In < 'H .>!T,!>*lV)7 .11 V\ ;ir l.v.>ii.lb ,u,d W ir Man Wins Play Suit To Meet Qyota In Summit Herald M . i I u-l: iJll 'I >•>'! -.]•! .1 i. K--- I '' ' '» • riiii'inK- >jh;.lki'b. His V- .is re- u iSiiii.iiiit I'jfH'itke Juiy 1, J. Kciw;n '.'artt-r '.in the Ui.M tl.iy uf tin- Canning ; .i;. j.,;il,fib t ) ,M."iii-l S -il.-l fl-r potti-il re ••( iiti.y io (he ISo.iri of The Summit i"A- 1'rovi- bi-f-anie t.ne sole owner cf Tin Sum- Kiiir, .%p(.-nsoi cd by v>-|<.ii;-ii.;: w.il" n.uici -**! HOW at tir, h) ,:. lil-id i-J j (OiT, wnsiiup fur mit Publishing C timpan/ whhh ll'.-r.ild, and heM onJune 21 and i: n Tlu 11 fin <\ t'.e fc-ih >u- <' ' '- ii i'livc" owns The Suntifsit lie-rale and, at pr;m i]ia] uf H,7ii.st:\ i'lt or KM], 28 and 2» ai. the High S'.iiofH (1; aw- rlmii in.il! of I !ie fiu-irty cni.m I- U'-i ti Jl.tiiui.- tin; KHiiii: lime, a-cquirtii full own- in.^s were made for ihe winders of l .(m >o thai I III re v\ ill ',<•(; cirf'i'i !!)„' Uii! bilk's. Of this in.! U\ ership ol the South Oiango Kecnrd the Cr;iiid prizes. r. total. $.-Kl..'lil-!.4rt *>vl<--> •sl)!'l ''.v t;lC t .)[•,.} ivi'i K :-• i IS' (.';• <.l 'if >-i v ; to '. (1 from Ilu: and Maplevvood News, ljnt.,1 that The (inly man who a!.tended the junior nigh st.hool.s, 5•'12 KSH.b'i >>y Tin f i.si -jf U.fbO CI>'.1( i'tiiii.,-1 miii n of l!i. Minnnif. War date The Kurninn. Publishing Com- Fair. P. C. Mills, Jr., of 27!) Wood- 1 the [.leiiu.nl.ary .schools and 'S'-M,- V* iii in llMlli', Hi i'O1 d'.llp. t') tl.x! ( ' .lilli r. The ('(iiniiiit- pany, a corporal ion, had been land avenue, won the lady's play 64744 oy Senior liifih rfc.iiool. i m.iiiiittfi. I iii:. i oriiir.^ Sun,iay, ice i:, ln'ndin i-very effort, to g( i owned jointly by -Mr. Carter and suit, the prize offered by B. H. No figures were rticasi-d on Die .:ti! v ii. on l hi- Norlli Skit-, In- • in every p-:i.- iliii MI1I:-CI ipiJon in Find L. Palmer of Summit, and l«'i umkin'.s .Department Store. amount sold by the .schoois dur- .uiniii/.g ai t m:- Usual linii. ',<:',i'l ilu- riTii;iinln Urn-" li.iy.s of I ho the South Orange Record and tlio .Mrs. Jes.su K. Ktom, '.)'i DtForesl 1 1 \. ing the previous si liool yc'Vr. \ in, HIT a. - h( d by IIM iMWihiik- h i n,i.s July Mb. As Miipiewood Kiw.H had been owned avenue, a grandmother, won the (•;tinpH!;;n wh i<\< In have pupcr out at the (' oifclinj; cf hlu:rini jointly by Mr. Carter ami Mr. baby carriage offered by Mantel's of fh.it il;iy, i (in!) ri'iidy f.>r inj;"aUn'riTig whin • i- Millionth (lie W'ui J'iihner as a partnership. Department Store. On Friday, .she isMie.s will cei the- trin-lt for j miv noigi-.IU'rhwid Savings llm Is, whii-h iiu'lu-des Mr. Palmer and Mr. Carter had three telephone calls from (iiiiir.s .-(I'dimd. And don't torgct, Sr.dii-s -K," "K" ami "<;" and bought the assets of The Summit Publisher Sits people wanting to liny the carriage iiiivi- Inimllt-s M-curdy ti-'ii, is Tiea.Miry 'la Nul'-s .sold during Herald Publishing Company from from her. Mrs. Stout wa.s a double Kiiulhi.T request of Use com- the bai.-jnt'c of -luly, will count in John W. (.'lift of Summit in March winner, aa she also goi the set of On Expert Board mittee. the Drive. 1841. Later they bought out the dishes given by (Jeddis Home and Nine hundred thousand dollars Summit News-Guide which was Auto Supply Co. of additional .siih-s arc needed io started in Summit, in March 1941. At N.Y. Meeting Another double winner was Mrs. bring .Summit up to if.s qiioia and During the one year of its life the The Summit Herald, Soulh Or- H. K. Kappauf, 28 fountain ave- Wartime Places Chairman Johnston ur;.:i's nil buy- News-Guide acquired Summit's ange Record and Maplewood News nue. She received the $10 prize in ers who have not :is yet been other newspaper, the Summit were represented Wednesday, June war stamps given by Liberty reached by a canvasser to go ini- Press, so that the Summit Herald Cleaners, and the kitchen table New Emphasis Now 28, at a "Hometown" Public rela- nicdintcly to one of the banks or became Summit's only newspaper. tions Institute at. the Hotel Penn- offered by Zeigner Furniture Store. Havings and Limn Associations or The Summit Herald grew rapid- sylvania in New York. Conducted Mrs. N. IMccinto, of Mt. View- the 1'o.st. oflice and buy their bonds. ly from a paid circulation of ap- by the National Publicity Council road, Milllnirn, won prizes in three On Need For Nurses Those planning to enter the p'!olicilor.s haw tried to cover every proximately 1,800 in 1941, including for Health and Welfare Services, different classes, theatre tickets, house in the final cleanup, but Overlook Hospital School of Nurs- newsstand sales of less than 400, and sponsored by the New York Canoe Brook Farms prize, and some buyers have undoubtedly ing are being urged to^ do so as to a paid circulation of 6,000 in Suburban Conference of Coili- of the grand prizes. Mrs. A. JI. been missed. Every dollar of pur- « soon as possible since the num- 1D44 of which about 1,400 is now munity Chests and Councils, the Compton, 41 Ashland road, won ; j chase will help to bring the Summit , f ber of regular students who can newsstand sales. meeting was attended by repre- theatre tickets on two days. Mrs. Area nearer to the high quota of Overlook students ill the Central Supply Room This work, done under the directi Oil Ol a graduate j be accepted is limited. This (loos Norman S. Garis, who owned a sentatives of many suburban agen- j M. G. Oakes also won theatre tlc't- $2,!i0l),(l()0 which lias been set for it. prepare; foJ or thme nadayy »head. Surgical supplies for nurse, is an es.scnUal ] liirt of the training" of one-third interest In The Summit cies who participated in various I cts on two different days and the not apply to the Cadet Nurse the entire hospital are sterilized and processed hero. each student. Herald Publishing Company con- panel discussions. (Continued on page ;!) Corps whose members., may be transferred to other hospitals in tinued as a stockholder of the new Fred L-, Palmer, one of the pub- the vicinity which are cooperating Summit Publishing Company with lishers of The Summit Herald, I with the government in this pro- Nursing Council a one-third interest but his interest South Orange Record and Maple- j r Garden Inspection ject. was acquired, by Mr. Carter and wood News, was !i member of the |Dr. F. B. Llewellyn 1 .Mr . Palmer at the beginning of board of experts who tried to The war and its casualties have Hopes To Relieve 1944. answer the questions of those who OUR TOWN In July and August put a new emphasis on the profes- The South Orange Record and wanted to know "How to Work To Be "On Loan" sion of nursing and the need for nurses, according to Howard <i. Shortage Here the Mnplewood News were bought with "Your Newspaper." The other For Harvest Show from Charles Waterfield a little experts were Joseph O. Haff, in To Uncle Sam MOSTLY PERSONAL Turner, superintendent of Over- Plans for the reclassiflcation In, preparation for the Harvest look^ who also declared that here of nurses now not active in their more than a year ago after a charge of the New York 'Times Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Show to be held on September !), in our own community we have a professions were made at the !a.st twelve-months period during which Hudson County news bureau, and Llewellyn of 41 Plymouth road This column has always used the editorial "we" but j the chairman of the "Victory Gar- finely equipped, rapidly growing meeting on June 19 of the Sum- the papers were published by Mr.Maureen McKernan, feature writ- left Sunday for Washington where today I will substitute the "I".
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