INDEX Volume 10 ONANTIQUES Numbers 1-12 September 15, 15, 1984 ·AND COLLECTIBLES 1983-August Pages 1-144 PAGES ISSUES DATE Aluminum sale, 73 1-12 No.1 15, 1983 American art 101 September pottery sale, 13-24 No.2 October 1983 . Ammunition sale, 3 15, Arts and Crafts furniture, 77 25-36 No.3 November 15, 1983 Art Deco 105 lamps, 37-48 No.4 December 15, 1983 Art 92; 90 glass, sale, 49-60 No.5 January 15, 1984 Automobile ephemera sale, 125 61-72 No.6 February 15, 1984 Banks, mechanical, 59 73-84 No.7 March 15, 1984 still, sale, 64 85-96 No.8 1984 Bicycles, balloon-tire, sale, 137 April 15, Blue 9 97-108 No.9 Willow, May 15, 1984 -109-120 No. 10 June 15, 1984 BOOK REVIEWS 121-132 No. 11 July 15, 1984 Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About 133-144 No. 12 August 15, 1984 American Watches and Didn't Know who to Ask ' Townsend and Ehrhardt, 20 and 110 American Beer Can 56 Potteryand.Porcelain, Bishop Ketchum, Encyclopedia, Toepfer, Price Guide to Coca-Cola Collectibles, Hill, 140 American Pocket Watch Encyclopedia and Price Guide, Price Guide to Goss China, Pine, 20 Volume One, Ehrhardt, 21 Price Guide to the Twentieth Dolls American Railroad Townsend and Ehrh�rdt Century Series, Watches, ' revised 8 56 edition, Glassmire, Red and 32 & Wing Stoneware, DePasquale Peterson, Antique Combs Purses, Haertig, 92 Rock Rock & Roll 45s, 4th edition, 32 Antique Iron: Identification and Values, McNerney, 56 Plus Windsor and Radios: Restoration and Price Royal Copley Royal Spaulding, Antique Guide, Jqhpson, 21 129 Wolfe, Salt & Shakers: An Illustrated Price Guide Pepper ' Kovels' Illustrated Price Guide to Royal Doulton, 2nd Guarnaccia, 129 edition, Kovel, 129 Snow Babies, Early, 56 Lyle Price Guide to Collectibles, Curtis, 20 Collectors 4th Sports Bible, edition, Sugar, 92 Madame Alexander's American Beauties: Their De- Supplement & Price Trends for Colored Glasssware of scriptions & Values, Theriault, 32 the Depression Era 2, Weatherman, 40 Mattel Dolls, The 60's, Goebel and Martin, 21 Teddy Bear and Friends Price Guide, Sieverling, 80 Mettlach Book, Kirsner, 56 300 Hundred Years of Kitchen Collectibles, 2nd Miracle in Grandmother's Kitchen, Shirley, 110 edition, Franklin, 140 Official 1983 Price Guide to Antique Clocks, Ehrhardt, Versatile Vernon Kilns, Book II, Nelson, 56 21 Warman's Americana & Collectibles, Rinker, 110 Official 1983 Price Guide to Comic & Science Fiction Woman's Day Dictionary of Glass, Zweck, 6 Books, 40 World Barbie Dolls: An Illustrated Value Guide of , Official 1984 Price Guide to Baseball Cards, 8 Man��� Official 1984 Price Guide to Collectible Cameras, 140 Avon Bottle Collector's Encyclopedia, 9th edition, Official 1984 Price Guide to Kitchen Collectibles 21 Hastin, 92 1984 Price Guide to Collectibks 2nd Official Scouting ' Avon Bottle Collector's Encyclopedia, 10th edition edition, Putnam, 129 Hastin 140 Oil Lamps II, Thuro, 80 Big Little Book Price Guide, Thomas, 8 Phoenix Bird China ware, Book 1, Oates, 129 Blue Willow: An Identification & Value Guide, Gaston, Pictorial Collection of Simplex Typewriters from the 8 Early Twentieth Century, Matter. 56 Bradford Book of Collector's Plates, 1983, 32 September 15, 1983-August 15, 1984 Index, Volume 10 42A and Price Buttonhooks: Collecting Guide Vol. 1, CLOCKS 110 Compton, Albert Cheuret, 71 Children's 140 Dishes, Whitmyer, Banjo, 44 Children's Glass and Dishes, China, Furniture, Lechler, Grandfather, 119; sale,S 80 Lux pendulette sale, 66 Child's Play, Punchard, 56 Seth Thomas, 107 Collectible Clothing, Malouff, 20 shelf sale, 15 Bird An COLLECTOR'S Collecting Antique Decoys: Identification GALLERY, 10, 23,35,47, 59, 71, & Value 65 Guide, Luckey, 83, 95, 106, 119, 131, 143 Collector's Flow Blue Comic Encyclopedia of China, Gaston, strip toys sale, 1 32 COMING EVENTS, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 Collector's Glass Encyclopedia of Candlesticks, Archer, Conglomerate vase, 23 8 Cookie molds sale, 17 Collector's Van Encyclopedia of Noritake, Patten, 110 Country store sale, 25 Collector's Guide to Post 110 Cards, Wood, Decoys sale, 135 Collector's Guide to Matter, Dedham 76 Toy Typewriters No.1, pottery sale, 129 DICTIONARY OF MARKS, 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, Comic Book Price No. 21 Guide, 13, Overstreet, 80, 92, 105, 113, 128, 136 Beatles U.S. Record Price Cox and Complete Guide, Art glass, 92 32 Lindsay, Blue Willow, 9 129 Corgi Toys, Force, British Royal Arms, 21 Dishes What Else? Blue Ridge of Coursel, Keillor, 63 Dolls, 45 110 Dolls, Lavitt, Dresden, 113 Dolls That Touch Your Effanbee, Heart, Smith, 56 Franciscan, 136 Glassware the Elegant of Depression Era, Florence, Fruit jars, 80 92 Haviland, 68, 69 First Price Guide to and Mexican silver Antique Vintage Clothes, jewelry, 105 Irick-Nauer, 32 Seal bottles,S 7 Folk Art, Bishop and Weissman, 110 Sheffield silver, 128 Glass, Volume 2, Spillman, 110 Silver plate, 33 Goofus G1ass, McKinley, 65 Silver, 33 Price Guide to Lionel Trains 1901-1942 DOLLARS & Greenberg'S SENSE, 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 98, & 134 1945-1983, pocket edition, Greenberg, 65 Guide DOLLS to Jim Beam Bottles, 1983, 11 th edition Cembura and Half-dolls Avery, 56 sale, 54 Hammered Aluminum - Handwrought Collectibles, Lenci,8 Woodard and Wood, 110 Marks,45 Heisey Glassware Catalog No. 76 and Price Trends, Phonograph, 131 1982-1983,56 Santa Claus, 47 Heisey's Glassware ofDistinction, Burns, 32 3-face, 143 Heisey's Orchid Etching, Bredehoft, 40 Doorstops, 86 Illustrated Value Guide to Cookie Jars, Westfall, 65 Federal furniture, 44, 84 Kovels', & Collectibles Price List, 16th edition, Antiques FOLK ART Kovel,14 Carrousel animals sale, 42 Decoys sale, 135 BOTTLES, 71, 80 Sailor's valentine, 72 Barber bottles 27 sale, Santa Claus carving, 48 Famous Firsts, 9"6 Frank Lloyd Wright, 93 Miniature, 68 French furniture, 44; sale, 111 Seal, 57; sales, 88 Furniture Shop jar, 94 Brass candlesticks, 20 FURNITURE Brass, belt buckles, 132 Arts and Crafts, 77 Bronze, 131 Bentwood chairs, 92 BUYER'S PRICE GUIDE, 11, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, Cabinets sale, 49 94, 106, 118, 130,142 Chairs sale, 78 Calendars sale, 141 Dining room tables sale, 40 Canes sale, 39 Federal, 44, 84 Carnival 113; sale, 28 glass, French, 44; sale, 111 Carrousel animals sale, 42 Miniature sale, 85 Cigars sale, 56 Oriental sale, 104 Cliff, Clarice, 44; sale, 52, 123 Painted, 47; sale 13 42B Index, Volume'10 September 15, 1983-August 15, 1984 Pie 24 safe, Buffalo China, 93 Feick and Purcell, Elmslie, 71 Clarice Cliff, 44; sale, 52, 123 144 Shaker, Dedham sale, 76 Sue et 130 Mare, Dresden, 113 Twentieth 71 century, Eva Zeisel sale, 52 Ie 138 Wicker, 71; sale, Franciscan ceramics, 136 William Morris, 71 Frankoma, 44 GLASS Haviland, 68, 69 Art, 26, 92; sale, 90 Jugtown,34 Barber bottles 27 sale, Lladro sale, 120 Blown, 46 Lucie Rie sale, 52 Bottles, 35, 68, 71, 96; sale, 88 Majolica sale, 37 and 95 Burgess Leigh, Mehlem,83 34 Cambridge, Meissen,95 28 Carnival, 113; sale, Nineteenth 44 century, doud,9 Nippon, 10 Flasks, 119 Pot lids sale, 89 Fruit 80 jars, Quimper,84 sale, 53 Paperweights Royal Doulton, 84, 120 Pressed, 143; sale 75 45, 46, 63, Sebastian Miniatures, 96, 130 64 Stained, Staffordshire, 59 61 Sulphides sale, Stoneware sale, 102 Tiffin, 122 Wedgwood, 35 Halloween 29 sale, Wood and Sons, 95 Inkwells 18 sale, Pot lids sale, 89 114 Jewelry, 141; sale, Pressed_Glass, 45, 46,143; sale, 63, 75 Kitchenware, 36; sale, 17, 124,126 Publica-tions, 117 LAMPS 6 Punch sale, and Judy sale, 97 Art Deco, 105 RECORD PRICES Art 71 Nouveau, Albert Cheuret clock, 71; Arts and Crafts furniture, Austrian 107 77; clock, Bed Blown night light, Banjo 44; rug, 44; glass, 46; Bronze, 131 Britains Bahamas Police and Bandsmen set, 9; Cards, 83 Time-indicating, 60; Carnival glass, 28; Carrousel animals, 42; Charles LETTER TO LEE, 2, 14, 26, 37, SO, 62,74, 86, 98, Sheeler Clarice photograph, 94; Cliff, 52, 123: Decoys, 110, 122, 134 Dedham 135; pottery, 76; Federal card tables, 44; 59 Federal Lithophanes, furniture, 84; Frank Lloyd Wright, 93; French Lladro sale, 120 furniture, 44; Furniture Shop jar, 94; Ice duck de­ sale, 37 Majolica coy, 9; Jade, 71; Jean Durand vase, 76; letter ;' ., by Marble, 83 Abraham Lincoln, 44; Lithographed tin sign, 98; ) Mexican silver 105; sale, 99 Lux jewelry, pendulette clocks, 66; Navajo blanket, 44; Nine­ Miniature furniture sale, 85 teen th cen tury porcelain, 44; Paperweigh ts, 53; Pressed 81 Napkin rings, figural, glass, 46, 63; Purcell, Feick and Elmsile furniture, bristol board, 131 Stained Sue et Needlepoint, 71; glass, 64; Mare furniture, 130; Netsuke sale, 109 Twen tieth century furniture, 71; Victorian . painting, 100 Victor 76 Newspapers sale, 47; Bicycle poster, 10 Nippon, REPRODUCTIONS, 8, 20, 33, 45, 51,68, 81, 93, 105, 113, Oddities sale, 121 132, 141 143 Art Deco Organs, jewelry,14; Art Deco lamps, 105; Bent­ Painted 13 wood antiques sale, chairs, 92; Brass candlesticks, 20; Carnival and 47 Painting prints, Victorian, glass, 113; Dresden, 113; Lenci dolls, 8; Miniature Paperweights sale, 53 bottles, 68; Napkin rings, figural, 81; Navajo rug, 4; PAPER Pressed glass, 45; Signs, 51 Calendars sale, 141 Rie, Lucie sale, 52; Stickers, 41 Royal Doulton, 84, 120 Patent model, 144 Saddle, 11 Pewter, flask, 131 SALE REPORTS POTTERY AND PORCELAIN Aluminum, 73 American 101 art, 88; sale, American art 101 pottery, Art 23 tiles, Ammunition, 3 L.e Blue Willow, 9, 96 Art glass, 90 British Arms, 21 Royal Automobile ephemera, 125 September 15, 1983-August 15, 1984 Index, Volume 10 42C Barber 27 bottles, Sheffield, 128 Cabinets, 49 Spoon, 107 Calendars, 141 Tiffany, 119 Canes, 39 Silver plate,
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