rhe Journal of the American Whitewater Affiliatio MARIAPR 1977 VOI. XXII, NO. 2 - 7 L 38 American WHITEWATER American WHITEWATER Sponsored by The American Whitewater Affiliation MARIAPR 1977 Vol. XXII, No. 2 The American Rogue Permits Required. ............Carl Trost 44 Whitewater Dolores River 1976 .............David Jaquette 46 Affiliation Grand Canyon Report ...................... 53 ExecutiveDirector JAMES C. SINDELAR Channeling Whitewater Growth. Charlie Walbridge 56 264 East Side Dr. Concord. NH 03301 From the Danube to the Rapid. .......Ted Acton 58 The Other Chattooga. ...........Henry Wallace 64 Meadow River. ...................Bob Taylor 69 Board of Directors Scott Arlghi 19697 S. Falcon Drive Oregon City. OR 97045 - = Letters.. ......... 40 Readers' Soapbox. .. 56 Robert Bnmell - 1412 Western Ave. -s Directors Election . 44 Racing News ...... 62 Morgantown. WV 26505 - -s Dean's Cartoon .... 45 Classified ......... 74 O.K. Goodwin E 1240 Moyer Rd. - Sport Photo Contest. 54 Affiliates ......... 75 Newport News, VA 23602 - - George Lamen 4.56 Hawthorne Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 Editorial Chairmanand Editor: Iris Sindelar. P.O. Box 321. Concord. NH03301 Edltorial Committee: Ed Alexander, 0. K. Goodwin, Rme Mary Gabler. Geo. Larsen, Ray Gabler. Bob Lantz, Fred Dietz, Kerry Heidenis. Joel Freund. Joe Bauer Business Manager: Rose Mary Gabler. 10 Boulder Rd.. Lexington. MA 02173 1. Calvin Glddings Circulation Manager: Kerry Heidenis, P.O. Box 51, Wallingford, CT 06492 1425 Perry Ave. Membership Chairman: Geo. Larsen. Box 1584, San Bruno. CA 94066 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Midwest Membership Chairman: Fred Dietz, 1590 Sleepy Hollow, Coshocton, OH 43812 Advertising Chairman: Joel Freund, 440 Mission Blvd, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Mary Kaye Heasion Conservation Chairman: Robert Lantz, Sunbright. TN 37872 3304 Iowa. Apt. 5 Safety Chairman: 0.K. Goodwin. 1240 Moyer Rd.. Newport News, VA 23602 Anchorage, AK 99503 Racing Editor: Ray Gabler. 10 Boulder Rd.. Lexington. MA 02173 How to Write to American Whitewater: Deadlines for all material, including advertising, are the Morray M. Johnaon 25th of Dec., Feb., Apr., June. Aug.. and Oct., for Nos. 1,2.3.4. 5 and 6respectively. 310 Brcckford Rd. Send Rnee Schedules and results to the Racing Editor. Ray Gabler. Heflin. AL 36264 Send membership subscriptbn payments, changes of address, non-receipt of copies to Circulation manager. Kerry Heidenis. P.O. Box 51. Wallingford. CT06492. Peter N. Skinner Rm. 4772. #2. W.T.C. Send advertising copy and proofs to the Editor, Iris Sindelar. New York. NY 10047 Send Payments for Advertising and requests for advertising Information to the Advertising Manager, Joel Freund. American Whitewater is mailpd to all memherc of Ihc American Whltcwatrr AfRllatlon, an aff111:~timof haling cluhs and individual%intcrerted in whitewarer paddle %port.Mcmhcnhip ic : open I,, inrerewd individuals at Sh.M per year and lo clubs ar $1 1.00 per vcar. Club membership includes listing in the Journal. Treasurer Publication is planned at 6 times yearly. Sin le copies, 51.30 each. Surplus back copies are available at reduced prices. Write Geo. Larsen, P.%. Box 1584, San Bruio. CA 94066. Rose Mar). Gabler The Staff and committee members listed above are unpaid Whitewater enthusiasts who volun- 10 Boulder Rd. teer their time and efforts to bring afiliate/member subscribers this journal. Your contribution of Lexington. articles, letters, race results and schedules, photos and drawings are essential for their continued MA02173 efforts and the timely publication of the American Whitewater Journal. Vol. XXII, No. 201977 American Whitewater Affiliation. All rights reserved. COVER: Dick Schwind of Los Gatos, CA, rows his dory "The Ouzel" with passengers includ- ing Mina (Mrs. Joe) Bauer on the Rogue R., Oregon, in May of 1976. Photo by Joe Bauer. ABOVE LEFT: Tom Daniel (Closter, NJ, descends un-named falls on the Upper Middle Branch of the Sacandaga R. in New York. Photo by Maria Scott. BELOW LEFT: David Jaquette runs "Old Snaggletooth" on the Dolores in an inflatable. See story, p.46. Editor: dling purposes whatsoever. The AWA The Gauley Downriver Race, al- should be concerned with safety, to be though not a well-attended race, does sure. On the other hand, as a represent- attract some of the best racers in the ative of the whitewater fraternity, it country, and offers an interestingcourse should also point out that, as with many with more big water rapids than many activities, the sport it represents can be other downriver races in the East. More dangerous and that all risk cannot be paddlers should take advantage of an eliminated. Nor is it desirable that it opportunity to race in bigger water, be entirely "safe." This would make it a especially since the World Champion- completely artificial situation, and a ships this summer will be held on pretty darn dull one at that. The stress heavier water. Credit should be given to should be on common sense and self- racers who go to the effort and expense reliance, on improving paddling skills of attending good races like the Gauley. and techniques - not the "bandaid" On page 194 or American Whitewater. approach of the Coast Guard. Vol XXI, No. 6 (NOV/DEC 1976), I have been quite disturbed - and the results should have included: C-2M angered - by the growing trend to (1 boat), Paul Singley and Elizabeth criticize photographs and ads with pad- Wilkinson, 3528; and K-1 W (1 boat), dlers without PFDs. The use of PFDs Donna Berglund, 33:43. is one issue that has, to my way ofthink- Dr. Donna Berglund ing, gotten completely out of hand. I Chemistry Dept. have no argument with recommending College of Wooster or requiring them for whitewater use. Wooster, OH 44691 I find a great deal of argument with recommending them for flat water use because some SO-CALLED "expert" Dear Iris: says that is the on!v way. What is right I read with interest the statements of for me may be all wrong for someone the nominees for AWA directorships else. If we intend to maintain individ- and will accept your invitation to com- ualism and freedom, we should not be ment also. I am in 100% agreement with so dictatorial in saying what others all the canditates - the AWA Journal ought to do. As for the ads . well, is tops. ads are ads, as every TV viewer in the Only one nominee, however, ad- country knows even if some paddlers dressed the issue with which I have the do not. In the December 1976 issue of most concern - and which is much Canoe. one finds a letter in which the more serious than most paddlers real- occupants of a canoe (in an ad) are ize (ask any custom boat designer and/ criticized for their apparent lack of or builder) - that is, governmental grace (they are football players). Does regulation, i.e. level flotation, 8" free- this type of criticism advance anything? board, carrying of distress signals, etc. Is it constructive? Is the critic so grace- While I agree that there are other im- ful on the football field? Frankly, I portant issues, the fact remains that, if believe we have far more important and the Coast Guard and the NBSAC have serious issues to address and I do not their way, we will not have a manage- feel that this type of criticism serves to able boat to paddle or it will be so clut- unite paddlers or in fact to serve any tered with PFDs, signaling devices, and useful purpose at all. Our only impact other as yet unproposed items, that it will come as a cohesive group paddling will be rendered useless for any pad- together towards the same objectives. American WHITEWATER One other concern that is perhaps a came evident that races were not paying bit more personal is that whitewater their own way. The National Slalom paddling as is done by organized groups Chairman had put out several hundred in New England ofter results in a seem- dollars of her own money doing neces- ingly endless parade of shuttles up and sary administrative work, and the pad- down the highway. We cannot plead dler rankings, which were once "slipped conservation on the one hand and jus- in" on a university computer, were now tification for using up gallons of gaso- sucking up over $600 of USISCA funds. line for our own selfish pleasure on the The feeling was then that the experi- other. I was at a race site recently and enced racer (someone who wishes to witnessed the same car travel up and race in AB races, or try out for the team) down the road six times from put-in should pay for these services. That was to take-out and back. (This was not the the beginning of the paddler registry. only one to be sure). Shouldn't we show Through an unfortunate misunder- somc measure of responsibility in work- standing, a letter went out making it ing out one and/or two day whitewater sound as though this registration was trips in an effort to conserve our energy mandatory for CD racers. It is not, resources? Surely it is possible to cut for just the reason that John mentions: the number of shuttles to one or two by the cost of the registry, plus ACA mem- a more judicious (if not quite so excit- bership, plus entry fees, would discour- ing) use of the river being run. Multiply age new people from trying the sport. that 6 by the actual number of cars CD paddlers with aspirations are cer- participating in the shuttle (not to men- tainly "encouraged" to subscribe, but tion the amount of fuel used to get to this is not mandatory. However, the the site in the first place) for two days.
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