Comprehensive Arkansas Higher Education Annual Report Act 970 of 2009 Reports on Remediation Comprehensive Arkansas Higher Education Annual Report December 1, 2009 Act 970 of 2009 Report on Remediation Arkansas Department of Higher Education 114 East Capitol, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 page 1 of 20 Remediation Rates Traditional Rates (ignores high school graduation date) may also be called the Anytime Rate Traditionally, the Arkansas Department of Higher Education has determined remediation rates by using a percentage calculation consisting of a numerator and denominator. To be counted in the denominator the student would need to meet these criteria: 1. Be a First-Time Entering Student (regardless of when they graduated high school); 2. Seek an Associate or Bachelor’s degree (certificate-seekers are not counted); and 3. Take one of the approved exams (ACT, SAT, Asset, or Compass) in the subject of math, English, and/or reading. To be counted in the numerator the above group of students would be filtered for these factors: 4. Students that score less than 19 on the ACT (or the equivalent score on a comparable test); and 5. Students that were placed in remediation. Two-Year Rates – Act 970 of 2009 Act 970 of 2009 required ADHE to calculate a remediation rate based on students that have attended college within two (2) years of high school graduation. Students who required remediation during their first year of enrollment in a state-supported institution of higher education if the enrollment occurred within two (2) years of graduation from a secondary school in this state. This new rate is posted online as part of the Comprehensive Annual report. The Act 970 Remediation Rates will be updated with the most current data by Dec. 1, 2010. One-Year Rates Based on legislative requests, ADHE has completed remediation rates based on students that have attended college within one (1) year of high school graduation. These reports are attached. Overall, the reports included herein are as follows: 1. Act 970 – 2-Year Remediation Rates – by Institution 2. Act 970 – 2-Year Remediation Rates – by County of Residence 3. Act 970 – 2-Year Remediation Rates – by High School District 4. Legislative Request – 1-Year Remediation Rates – by Institution 5. Legislative Request – 1-Year Remediation Rates – by County of Residence 6. Legislative Request – 1-Year Remediation Rates – by High School District 2010 Annual Comprehensive Report Page 4.10.1 Remediation Rates - Act 970 (2-Year Rates) Academic Year = 2010 (2009-2010 Fall Term Only), Students graduated from High School in 2008 or 2009. Inst. Institutio First-Time Test Any Remediation Math English Reading No. Type n Students Takers Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent 1 1 ASUJ 1,530 1,530 691 45.2 558 36.5 370 24.2 358 23.4 2 1 ATU 1,537 1,537 537 34.9 417 27.1 325 21.1 266 17.3 3 1 HSU 617 617 232 37.6 178 28.8 128 20.7 118 19.1 4 1 SAUM 584 576 270 46.9 222 38.5 167 29.0 168 29.2 5 1 UAF 2,881 2,857 320 11.2 201 7.0 128 4.5 103 3.6 6 1 UAFS 1,053 1,053 438 41.6 367 34.9 201 19.1 163 15.5 7 1 UALR 654 654 299 45.7 243 37.2 179 27.4 165 25.2 8 1 UAM 560 522 364 69.7 318 60.9 280 53.6 266 51.0 9 1 UAMS - - - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 10 1 UAPB 916 916 835 91.2 757 82.6 689 75.2 691 75.4 11 1 UCA 1,671 1,671 439 26.3 395 23.6 50 3.0 93 5.6 12 2 ANC 289 289 226 78.2 192 66.4 148 51.2 126 43.6 13 2 ASUB 768 759 413 54.4 356 46.9 247 32.5 204 26.9 14 2 ASUMH 130 130 77 59.2 68 52.3 34 26.2 33 25.4 15 2 ASUN 100 100 68 68.0 41 41.0 51 51.0 42 42.0 16 2 BRTC 207 207 144 69.6 114 55.1 100 48.3 80 38.6 17 2 CCCUA 101 98 74 75.5 53 54.1 49 50.0 47 48.0 18 2 EACC 187 187 165 88.2 126 67.4 135 72.2 135 72.2 19 2 MSCC 217 215 181 84.2 154 71.6 146 67.9 141 65.6 20 2 NAC 295 295 182 61.7 134 45.4 107 36.3 90 30.5 21 2 NPCC 369 369 268 72.6 234 63.4 174 47.2 145 39.3 22 2 NWACC 830 830 560 67.5 405 48.8 342 41.2 292 35.2 23 2 OTC 76 76 55 72.4 50 65.8 33 43.4 27 35.5 24 2 OZC 110 110 63 57.3 40 36.4 47 42.7 13 11.8 25 2 PCCUA 164 164 143 87.2 115 70.1 101 61.6 105 64.0 26 2 PTC 725 725 597 82.3 561 77.4 430 59.3 379 52.3 27 2 RMCC 116 116 59 50.9 45 38.8 39 33.6 34 29.3 28 2 SACC 85 85 72 84.7 57 67.1 55 64.7 50 58.8 29 2 SAUT 136 136 115 84.6 98 72.1 88 64.7 87 64.0 30 2 SEAC 98 98 42 42.9 42 42.9 19 19.4 5 5.1 31 2 UACCB 192 192 125 65.1 98 51.0 79 41.1 69 35.9 32 2 UACCH 103 103 83 80.6 62 60.2 61 59.2 58 56.3 33 2 UACCM 507 507 332 65.5 257 50.7 223 44.0 183 36.1 4-Year Colleges 12,003 11,933 4,425 37.1 3,656 30.6 2,517 21.1 2,391 20.0 2-Year Colleges 5,805 5,791 4,044 69.8 3,302 57.0 2,708 46.8 2,345 40.5 All Public Colleges 17,808 17,724 8,469 47.8 6,958 39.3 5,225 29.5 4,736 26.7 NOTES: 1. First-Time Students - these are students that enrolled in college for the first-time (they have never before attended college). This includes students that are seeking an associate or bachelor's degree only. Certificate-seekers are not included. 2. Test Takers - this is a subset of First-Time Students that took the of ACT, SAT, Asset, or Compass exam. Page 1 of 1 2010 Annual Comprehensive Report Page 4.10.2 Remediation Rates by County - Act 970 (2-Year Rates) Academic Year = 2010 (2009-2010 Fall Term Only), Students graduated from High School in 2008 or 2009. First-Time Test Any Remediation Math English Reading No. County Code Students Takers Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent 1 ARKANSAS 001 135 135 85 63.0 74 54.8 54 40.0 55 40.7 2 ASHLEY 002 115 105 61 58.1 56 53.3 40 38.1 41 39.0 3 BAXTER 003 130 130 59 45.4 51 39.2 24 18.5 20 15.4 4 BENTON 004 859 859 345 40.2 245 28.5 195 22.7 160 18.6 5 BOONE 005 221 221 101 45.7 79 35.7 55 24.9 47 21.3 6 BRADLEY 006 68 63 47 74.6 40 63.5 38 60.3 35 55.6 7 CALHOUN 007 42 41 27 65.9 23 56.1 20 48.8 18 43.9 8 CARROLL 008 74 74 30 40.5 25 33.8 13 17.6 11 14.9 9 CHICOT 009 59 55 43 78.2 40 72.7 31 56.4 33 60.0 10 CLARK 010 131 131 59 45.0 52 39.7 32 24.4 32 24.4 11 CLAY 011 79 79 38 48.1 29 36.7 20 25.3 17 21.5 12 CLEBURNE 012 131 129 64 49.6 52 40.3 42 32.6 38 29.5 13 CLEVELAND 013 52 52 17 32.7 13 25.0 15 28.8 7 13.5 14 COLUMBIA 014 174 173 91 52.6 72 41.6 62 35.8 62 35.8 15 CONWAY 015 147 147 68 46.3 53 36.1 51 34.7 41 27.9 16 CRAIGHEAD 016 539 537 215 40.0 168 31.3 120 22.3 105 19.6 17 CRAWFORD 017 384 384 136 35.4 109 28.4 58 15.1 54 14.1 18 CRITTENDEN 018 346 344 234 68.0 188 54.7 180 52.3 166 48.3 19 CROSS 019 115 115 58 50.4 44 38.3 41 35.7 39 33.9 20 DALLAS 020 35 35 26 74.3 22 62.9 15 42.9 14 40.0 21 DESHA 021 74 71 45 63.4 40 56.3 31 43.7 28 39.4 22 DREW 022 127 122 76 62.3 62 50.8 63 51.6 58 47.5 23 FAULKNER 023 724 724 263 36.3 214 29.6 143 19.8 107 14.8 24 FRANKLIN 024 137 137 58 42.3 47 34.3 42 30.7 23 16.8 25 FULTON 025 51 51 16 31.4 13 25.5 10 19.6 8 15.7 26 GARLAND 026 528 527 285 54.1 243 46.1 155 29.4 150 28.5 27 GRANT 027 91 91 35 38.5 31 34.1 19 20.9 15 16.5 28 GREENE 028 206 206 89 43.2 68 33.0 41 19.9 41 19.9 29 HEMPSTEAD 029 102 102 57 55.9 44 43.1 39 38.2 38 37.3 30 HOT SPRING 030 157 157 77 49.0 66 42.0 50 31.8 39 24.8 31 HOWARD 031 75 73 35 47.9 27 37.0 23 31.5 22 30.1 32 INDEPENDENCE 032 191 191 90 47.1 71 37.2 59 30.9 52 27.2 33 IZARD 033 50 50 17 34.0 14 28.0 10 20.0 4 8.0 34 JACKSON 034 88 87 54 62.1 33 37.9 35 40.2 30 34.5 35 JEFFERSON 035 470 466 292 62.7 266 57.1 195 41.8 188 40.3 36 JOHNSON 036 148 148 67 45.3 55 37.2 46 31.1 32 21.6 37 LAFAYETTE 037 27 27 17 63.0 15 55.6 13 48.1 9 33.3 38 LAWRENCE 038 77 77 42 54.5 35 45.5 29 37.7 21 27.3 39 LEE 039 71 71 61 85.9 48 67.6 49 69.0 48 67.6 40 LINCOLN 040 62 60 35 58.3 25 41.7 19 31.7 25 41.7 41 LITTLE RIVER 041 37 37 21 56.8 18 48.6 10 27.0 11 29.7 42 LOGAN 042 136 136 55 40.4 44 32.4 29 21.3 29 21.3 43 LONOKE 043 439 439 178 40.5 158 36.0 93 21.2 71 16.2 44 MADISON 044 71 71 22 31.0 13 18.3 14 19.7 12 16.9 45 MARION 045 56 56 22 39.3 17 30.4 12 21.4 10 17.9 46 MILLER 046 75 75 31 41.3 21 28.0 19 25.3 14 18.7 47 MISSISSIPPI 047 318 317 227 71.6 194 61.2 149 47.0 127 40.1 48 MONROE 048 59 59 36 61.0 29 49.2 26 44.1 30 50.8 49 MONTGOMERY 049 53 53 25 47.2 16 30.2 22 41.5 11 20.8 50 NEVADA 050 50 50 35 70.0 28 56.0 21 42.0 22 44.0 51 NEWTON 051 36 36 23 63.9 16 44.4 13 36.1 12 33.3 52 OUACHITA 052 160 159 116 73.0 105 66.0 79 49.7 84 52.8 53 PERRY 053 76 76 29 38.2 22 28.9 18 23.7 15 19.7 54 PHILLIPS 054 169 169 138 81.7 118 69.8 90 53.3 100 59.2 55 PIKE 055 67 67 40 59.7 33 49.3 24 35.8 20 29.9 56 POINSETT 056 125 125 58 46.4 50 40.0 32 25.6 34 27.2 57 POLK 057 136 136 51 37.5 36 26.5 34 25.0 32 23.5 58 POPE 058 421 421 190 45.1 157 37.3 103 24.5 101 24.0 Page 1 of 2 2010 Annual Comprehensive Report Page 4.10.3 First-Time Test Any Remediation Math English Reading No.
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