GRAPH TOPOLOGY INVARIANT GRADIENT AND SAMPLING COMPLEXITY FOR DECENTRALIZED AND STOCHASTIC OPTIMIZATION∗ GUANGHUI LANy , YUYUAN OUYANGz , AND YI ZHOUx Abstract. One fundamental problem in constrained decentralized multi-agent optimization is the trade-off between gradient/sampling complexity and communication complexity. In this paper we propose new algorithms whose gradient and sampling complexities are graph topology invariant, while their communication complexities remain optimal. Specifically, for convex smooth deterministic problems, we propose a primal dual sliding (PDS) algorithm that is able to compute an "-solution with O((L="~ )1=2) gradient complexity and O((L="~ )1=2+kAk=") communication complexity, where L~ is the smoothness parameter of the objective function and A is related to either the graph Laplacian or the transpose of the oriented incidence matrix of the communication network. The complexities can be further improved to O((L/µ~ )1=2 log(1=")) and O((L/µ~ )1=2 log(1=")+kAk="1=2) respectively with the additional assumption of strong convexity modulus µ. We also propose a stochastic variant, namely the primal dual sliding (SPDS) algorithm for convex smooth problems with stochastic gradients. The SPDS algorithm utilizes the mini-batch technique and enables the agents to perform sampling and communication simultaneously. It computes a stochastic "-solution with O((L="~ )1=2 + (σ=")2) sampling complexity, which can be further improved to O((L/µ~ )1=2 log(1=") + σ2=") in the strong convexity case. Here σ2 is the variance of the stochastic gradient. The communication complexities of SPDS remain the same as that of the deterministic case. All the aforementioned gradient and sampling complexities match the lower complexity bounds for centralized convex smooth optimization and are independent of the network structure. To the best of our knowledge, these gradient and sampling complexities have not been obtained before in the literature of decentralized optimization over a constraint feasible set. Key words. Multi-agent optimization, decentralized optimization, saddle point problems, gra- dient complexity, sampling complexity, communication complexity, gradient sliding AMS subject classifications. 90C25, 90C06, 49M37, 93A14, 90C15 1. Introduction. The problem of interest in this paper is the following decen- tralized multi-agent optimization problem in which the agents will collaboratively minimize an overall objective as the sum of all local objective fi's.: Pm (1.1) min fi(x): x2X i=1 (i) Here each fi : X ! R is a convex smooth function defined over a closed convex set (i) d m (i) X 2 R and X := \i=1X . Under decentralized settings, each agent is expected to collect data, perform numerical operations using local data, and pass information to the neighboring agents in a communication network; no agent has full knowledge about other agents' local objectives or the communication network. This type of decentralized problems has many applications in signal processing, control, robust arXiv:2101.00143v2 [math.OC] 13 Jan 2021 statistical inference, machine learning among others (see, e.g., [7, 12, 29, 30, 25,8]). In this paper, we assume that the communication network between the agents are defined by a connected undirected graph G = (N ; E), where N = f1; : : : ; mg ∗Submitted to the editors DATE. Funding: The first author is partially supported by the Office of Navel Research grant N00014- 20-1-2089 and Army Research Office grant W911NF-18-1-0223. The second author is partially sup- ported by the Office of Navel Research grants N00014-20-1-2089 and N00014-19-1-2295. yH. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA ([email protected]). zSchool of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC ([email protected]). xIBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA ([email protected]). 1 2 GUANGHUI LAN, YUYUAN OUYANG, AND YI ZHOU is the set of indices of agents and E ⊆ N × N is the set of communication edges between them. Each agent i 2 N could directly communicate with the agents in its neighborhood Ni := f j 2 N j (i; j) 2 E g[fig. For convenience we assume that there exists a loop (i; i) for all agents i 2 N . In addition, we assume that the local objectives are all large-dimensional functions and the i-th agent may only be able to access the information of its local objective fi(x) through a sampling process of its first-order information, e.g., the agent has objective fi(x) = Eξi [Fi(x; ξi)], where the expectation is taken with respect to the random variable ξi and the distribution of ξi is not known in advance. In order to solve problem (1.1) collaboratively, the agents have to sample the first-order information of their own local objective fi and also communicate with the neighbors in the communication network in order to reach consensus. Our goal in this paper is to design an algorithm that is efficient, in terms of both the sampling and communication complexity, on solving the multi-agent decentralized problem (1.1). 1.1. Problem formulation and assumptions. The aforementioned multi- agent problem can also be formulated as the following linearly constrained problem: Pm (i) (1.2) min f(x) := fi(x ) s: t: Ax = 0; x2X i=1 where the overall objective function f : X! R is defined on the Cartesian product X := X(1) × · · · × X(m) ⊆ Rmd and we use the notation x = (x(1); : : : ; x(m)) 2 X to summarize a collection of local solutions x(i) 2 X(i). The matrix A in the linear constraint Ax = 0 is designed to enforce the conditions x(i) = x(j) for all agents i and j that are connected by a communication edge. One possible choice of A is md×md d×d m×m A = L ⊗ Id 2 R where Id 2 R is an identity matrix and L 2 R is the graph Laplacian matrix whose (i; j)-entry is jNij−1 if i = j, −1 if i 6= j and (i; j) 2 E, and 0 otherwise. Here jNij is the degree of node i. One other choice of A is A = > jEjd×md m×|Ej B ⊗ Id 2 R where B 2 R is an oriented incidence matrix of graph G. Here jEj is the number of edges in G. For both cases, it can be shown that Ax = 0 if and only if x(i) = x(j) for all agents i and j that are connected via a communication edge. Note that problem (1.2) is equivalent to the saddle point problem (1.3) min max f(x) + hAx; zi: md x2X z2R We assume that there exists a saddle point (x∗; z∗) for problem (1.3). In this paper, our goal is to solve the multi-agent problem (1.1) by obtaining an "-approximate solution x to the linearly constrained problem (1.2) such that f(x) − ∗ f(x ) ≤ " and kAxk2 ≤ ". We make the following assumptions on the information and sampling process of the local objective functions. For each i, we assume that (i) ~ (i) (i) (1.4) fi(x ) := fi(x ) + µνi(x ) ~ where µ ≥ 0, fi is a convex smooth function, and νi is a strongly convex function ~ with strong convexity modulus 1 with respect to a norm k · k. Here the gradient rfi is Lipschitz continuous with constant L~ with respect to the norm k · k. The i-th agent ~ can access first-order information of fi through a stochastic oracle which returns an (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) unbiased gradient estimator Gi(x ; ξ ) for any inquiry point x 2 X , where ξ is a sample of an underlying random vector with unknown distribution. The unbiased (i) (i) (i) gradient estimator satisfies E[Gi(x ; ξ )] = rfi(x ) and (i) (i) (i) 2 2 (i) (i) (1.5) E[kGi(x ; ξ ) − rfi(x )k2] ≤ σ ; 8x 2 X ; TOPOLOGY INVARIANT GRADIENT AND SAMPLING COMPLEXITY 3 where k · k2 is the Euclidean norm. Note that the above assumption also covers the deterministic case, i.e., when σ = 0. For simplicity, in this paper we assume that the strong convexity constant µ, the Lipschitz constant L~, and the variance σ2 are the ~ same among all local objective functions. With the introduction of fi's in (1.4), we can study the cases of both strongly convex and general convex objective functions for the multi-agent optimization problem (1.1). For convenience, we introduce the following notation for describing the overall objective function: ~ ~ Pm ~ (i) Pm (i) (1.6) f(x) := f(x) + µν(x) where f(x) := i=1fi(x ) and ν(x) := i=1νi(x ): 1.2. Related works and contributions of this paper. In many real-world applications, the topology of the communication network may constantly change, due to possible connectivity issues especially for agents that are Internet-of-Things devices like cellphones or car sensors. Therefore, it is important to design decen- tralized algorithms with sampling or computation complexity independent of the graph topology [24]. Ideally, our goal is to develop decentralized methods whose sampling (resp. gradient computation) complexity bounds are graph invariant and in the same order as those of centralized methods for solving stochastic (resp. determin- istic) problems. Although there are fruitful research results in which the sampling or computational complexities and communication complexities are separated for de- centralized (stochastic) optimization, for instance, (stochastic) (sub)gradient based algorithms [34, 26,6, 33, 23, 11], dual type or ADMM based decentralized methods [32,3, 31,2, 35,4], communication efficient methods [16,5, 13, 20], and second-order methods [22, 21], none of the existing decentralized methods can achieve the afore- mentioned goal for problem (1.1).
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