vol. 13 no. 17 KANSAS CITY PERIÓDICO BILINGÜE SEMANAL 25¢ www.kchispanicnews.com 31 DE DECIEMBRE DEL 2009 La Familia no Abandona Consulado Mexicano Crea Programa para AtenciónjOE ARCE AND DEBRA DECOStER a la Salud la Esperanza POR DEBRA DECOStER HISPANIC NEWS Un deseo de Navidad pasó sin cump- Mientras el 2009 llegaba a su fin, el lirse, pero una madre aún se aferra a Cónsul Mexicano Jacob Prado y su la esperanza de que sus oraciones se personal se encontraban atareados ul- conviertan en realidad para su hijo de timando los detalles de su nueva ofici- 14 años. Karina Loredo tenía un deseo na en la 1617 de la Avenida Baltimore – que su hijo, Eduardo Loredo, sería en el centro de Kansas City, Mo. A puesto en una lista para un trasplante fines de noviembre, ellos inauguraron al corazón. El joven fue diagnosticado una nueva oficina que incluía espacio con cardiomiopatía dilatada, una con- para una nueva clínica médica que les dición que causa que el músculo car- asegurará acceso a atención médica a diaco crezca en tamaño y se debilite y las personas oriundas de México que eventualmente deje de funcionar. viven en la comunidad local. La carencia de cobertura de seguros Personas oriundas de México que de la familia pareciera mantenerlo a él no cuentan con seguros pueden ahora alejado de la lista de trasplantes y así aprovechar los beneficios de la aten- de esa manera se ha iniciando un de- ción médica en la nueva clínica del bate del cuidado de la salud referente a Consulado Mexicano para el uso de Eduardo Loredo admits he does not have the ciudadanos mexicanos, trabajadores strength he once had. knowing that the com- cobertura médica y tratamientos para munity is behind him gives him hope that one las personas sin seguros. Tres organ- migratorios y miembros del personal day he will be able to resume a healthy life izaciones – Latinos Unidos Ahora y cuando se sientan afectados por una Mexican Consul jacob Prado and Dr jose Angel Cordova, Mexico’s Secretary of Health, unveiled Siempre (LUNA, por sus siglas en in- enfermedad. El Gobierno Mexicano y Eduardo Loredo admite que no tiene la el Consulado han tomado medidas no the new headquarters of the Consulate offices in late December in downtownk CMO. Prado said glés), Cuidado de la Salud Ahora y la this is the home for all Mexican nationals and his office is ready to serve this growing population. fuerza que solía tener. El saber que la comu- solamente para tratar enfermedades, nidad está detrás de él le da esperanzas de Campaña para los Derechos Humanos que un día será capaz de reasumir una vida sino que también para educar a la El Cónsul Mexicano jacob Prado y el Dr. josé Ángel Córdova, Ministro de la Salud de México, saludable. EDUARDO ESTÁ BIEN AHORA/ PÁGINA 4 comunidad latina respecto problemas descubrieron las nuevas dependencias de las oficinas consulares a fines de diciembre en el cen- de salud y a la importancia de buscar tro de kCMO. Prado dijo que este es el hogar de todos los ciudadanos mexicanos y su oficina atención médica temprana. está lista a atender a esta creciente población. Family Not Giving Up On “La clínica es un lugar para emigrant- de personas que han recibido algún es mexicanos que llegan acá. Ellos reci- tipo de atención en nuestros recintos”, Vehicles 5 Years ben una orientación de cómo prevenir dijo el Dr. José Ángel Córdova, Min- Hope las enfermedades que pudieran tener. istro de la Salud de México. Old or Less Will Be DEBRA DECOStER Por ejemplo, la diabetes es un riesgo a Córdova estuvo recientemente en la salud entre los latinos y qué pueden Kansas City para firmar una carta de Exempt from MO hacer si tienen un problema de salud. intenciones para la cooperación cul- Les ofrece un lugar donde ir sin que se tural, educacional y científica entre el Inspections les cuestionen sus estatus. Durante el Centro Médico de la Universidad de JEFFERSON CITY – A state año pasado, hemos tenido 2,5 millones Kansas y el Ministerio de la Salud de law that when into effect Jan.1 will UN ACUERDO NUEVO DE /PÁGINA 4 exempt some Missourians from hav- ing to get safety inspections for new- Mexico Consulate er vehicles. Creates Health Care Program Beginning Jan. 1, motor vehicles jOE ARCE AND DEBRA DECOStER are exempt from the safety inspec- HISPANIC NEWS tion requirement for the first five As 2009 was ending, Mexican Con- Health of the United Mexican States. years following the model year of sulate Jacob Prado and his staff were The agreement states that both en- manufacture. For example, a car busy finishing the details of their new tities agree to promote joint research made in 2006 will be exempt from office at 1617 Baltimore Ave. in down- and educational activities, exchange the safety inspection through 2011. town Kansas City, Mo. In late Decem- information in fields of mutual inter- Currently, the Missouri Depart- ber, they unveiled a new office that est, and exchange scholars, faculty and ment of Revenue requires proof of a By DEBRA DECOStER included space for a new health clinic graduate students for lectures, study, safety inspection when vehicle regis- that will ensure Mexican natives in the clinical experiences and research. trations (license plates) are renewed. local community access to health care. Cordova also signed an agreement Citizens presently have the option of karina Loredo, Eduardo’s mother, agonizes as she watches her son’s health deteriorate. “Edu- Uninsured Mexican natives now can renewing their license plates for one- ardo is good for now with the medication but it is not going to last forever.” For the present with Children’s Mercy Hospitals and they are taking life one day at a time. reap health care benefits at the Mexican Clinics to exchange medical, nursing year or two-year periods, so the need Consulate’s new clinic for Mexican citi- and administrative personnel. The pro- to obtain safety inspections for own- karina Loredo, la mamá de Eduardo, agoniza mientras mira como la salud de su hijo se dete- zens, migrant workers and staff mem- gram also would establish pediatric care, ers of newer vehicles will be mini- riora. “Eduardo está bien por ahora en lo que respecta a los medicamentos, pero eso no va a bers to use when an illness hits. The continuing education opportunities, mized. Under current law, brand durar para siempre”. En el presente ellos están viviendo día a día. Mexican government and the Consu- new vehicles are exempt from the A Christmas wish went unanswered, City, Kan.: “We are committed to do- conduct medical research and develop a late have taken steps to not only treat inspection for the model year of the but a mother still holds onto hope that ing everything necessary to ensure that joint referral system for patients. illnesses but to educate the Latino com- car and the immediate year thereaf- her prayers will come true for her 14- Eduardo Loredo receives the lifesaving munity about health issues and the im- To a gathering of civic and communi- ter. An estimated 650,000 vehicles year-old son. Karina Loredo had one transplant and follow up care that he portance of seeking medical care early. ty leaders, Jacob Prado said, “We want will be exempt from having to get wish — that her son, Eduardo Loredo, needs to stay alive. We have joined to- to welcome you to this new home of the safety inspections in 2010 because of would be put on a heart transplant list. gether with Eduardo’s family, his friends “The clinic is a place for Mexican mi- Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City. the enactment of the new law. The youth was diagnosed with dilated and community and with LUNA and grants (natives) who arrive here. They We decided to move our offices to these cardiomyopathy, a condition that causes HealthCare Now to insist on Eduardo’s have an orientation about how to prevent new premises to improve the quality of “The Department of Revenue the heart muscle to enlarge and weaken right to have a chance to live. As health the most frequent diseases they could consulate services. We provide serv- wants to make people aware of the and eventually stop working. care reform dominates debates in Wash- have. For instance, diabetes is a health ices in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma new law because fewer citizens will ington, here in Kansas City a child is dy- risk among Latinos, and what they can and Kansas City, Mo. We hope this need to get their vehicles inspected,” The family’s lack of insurance cover- do if they have a health problem. It gives age appears to be keeping him off the ing because he is uninsured and does not new space will provide a better under- LESS DOCUMENTS WHEN YOU/PAGE 3 have the money to be put on the heart them a place to go without any question standing of my country in the United transplant list, thus setting off a health- about their status. In the past year, we care debate about medical coverage and transplant list to save his life.” States. We want to strengthen the ties have had 2.5 million people who have of friendship between our peoples.” treatment for the uninsured. Three or- His mother agonizes as she watches received some kind of attention in our Vehículos con 5 ganizations — Latinos United Now and his health deteriorate. “Eduardo is good facilities,” said Dr Jose Angel Cordova, Kansas City Mayor Mark Funk- Always (LUNA), HealthCare Now and for now with the medication but it is not Mexico’s Secretary of Health.
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