2017 Little Big Book Club Reading Packs - list of supporting services distributing the TODDLER READING PACK Department for Education and Child Development Preschools/Kindergartens Name of Preschool/Centre/Organisation Tel Address1 Address2 Suburb Pcode Napperby Preschool (1561) DECD (08) 8634 4309 c/- Napperby Primary Oaks Road Napperby 5540 School St Raphael’s School DECD 8272 2368 114 Glen Osmond Road Parkside 5063 Kangaroo Inn Preschool (1685) DECD (08) 8734 3046 c/- Kangaroo Inn Area 2329 Beachport Penola Road Kangaroo Inn 5280 School Elliston RSL Memorial CC (6616) DECD (08) 8687 9113 30 Memorial Drive Elliston 5670 Karoonda Preschool (1589) DECD (08) 8578 1120 c/- Karoonda Area School North Terrace Karoonda 5307 Rendelsham Preschool (6561) DECD (08) 8735 4237 Nilsson Street Rendelsham 5280 Miltaburra Children's Centre (6678) DECD (08) 8626 8086 c/- Miltaburra Area RSD 70 Miltaburra Road Streaky Bay 5680 School Wudinna RSL Memorial Kindergarten (6680) DECD (08) 8680 2252 Oswald Street Wudinna 5652 Kirinari Kindergarten (6540) DECD (08) 8738 7323 Sewarts Road Allendale East 5291 Barmera Kindergarten (6503) DECD (08) 8588 2210 Amy Street Barmera 5345 Berri Community Preschool (6505) DECD (08) 8582 1880 1A Fiedler Street Berri 5343 Booleroo Centre & District Kgtn (6608) DECD (08) 8667 2055 26 Campbell Street Booleroo Centre 5482 Renown Park Preschool (1450) DECD (08) 8346 4306 132 West Street Brompton 5007 Bute and District Kindergarten (6604) DECD (08) 8826 2230 4 Third Street Bute 5560 Callington Kindergarten (6560) DECD (08) 8538 5123 Callington Road Callington 5254 Clarendon Kindergarten (3620) DECD (08) 8383 6115 82 Grants Gully Road Clarendon 5157 Coomandook & Districts Kgtn (6508) DECD (08) 8573 3176 Dukes Highway Coomandook 5261 Swallowcliffe Preschool (1574) DECD (08) 8255 2908 c/- Swallowcliffe JPS Oldford Street Davoren Park 5113 Echunga Child Parent Centre (1570) DECD (08) 8388 8306 c/- Echunga Primary Hahndorf Road Echunga 5153 School 2017 Little Big Book Club Reading Packs - list of supporting services distributing the TODDLER READING PACK Flagstaff Oval Kindergarten (3630) DECD (08) 8270 5135 York Drive Flagstaff Hill 5159 Gladstone Kindergarten (6620) DECD (08) 8662 2112 James Street Gladstone 5473 Dunbar Terrace Kindergarten (5668) DECD (08) 8295 3925 38B Dunbar Terrace Glenelg East 5045 Hahndorf Preschool (1683) DECD (08) 8388 7058 c/- Hahndorf Primary 12 Church Street Hahndorf 5245 School Hallett Cove South Preschool (1584) DECD (08) 8381 4080 c/- Hallett Cove Sth Livonia Street Hallett Cove 5158 Primary School Hawker Childhood Services Centre (6622) DECD (08) 8648 4116 67 Chase View Terrace Hawker 5434 Brentwood Drive Kindergarten (3612) DECD (08) 8384 2783 79 Brentwood Drive Huntfield Heights 5163 Jamestown Community Children's Ctr (6624) DECD (08) 8664 1276 Humphris Terrace Jamestown 5491 Keith War Memorial Comm Ctr Kgtn (6519) DECD (08) 8755 1348 Anzac Tce Keith 5267 Kangaroo Island CS Kingscote (5625) DECD (08) 8553 2436 50 Buller Street Kingscote 5223 Lameroo and District Kindergarten (6522) DECD (08) 8576 3379 192 Bews Terrace Lameroo 5302 Laura Preschool Centre (6631) DECD (08) 8663 2252 6 Booyoolie Street Laura 5480 Leigh Creek Kindergarten (6632) DECD (08) 8675 2119 Black Oak Dr Leigh Creek 5731 Lyndoch Valley Family Centre (2692) DECD (08) 8524 4722 8 William St Lyndoch 5351 Maitland Children's Centre (6612) DECD (08) 8832 2266 Junction Road Maitland 5573 Meningie Preschool (6553) DECD (08) 8575 1290 29 Edward Street Meningie 5264 McArthur Park Kindergarten (6527) DECD (08) 8733 2462 McRostie Street Millicent 5280 East Murray Preschool (1782) DECD (08) 8578 7053 c/- East Murray Area 1182 East Murray Area School Road Mindarie 5309 School Modbury Kindergarten (4634) DECD (08) 8264 5933 32 Jaycee Street Modbury North 5092 Coorara Preschool Centre (3621) DECD (08) 8325 0866 22 Matison Road Morphett Vale 5162 Mount Compass Preschool Centre (3661) DECD (08) 8556 8342 Oval Road Mount Compass 5210 Mount Pleasant & District Kgtn (4638) DECD (08) 8568 2079 11 Saleyard Road Mount Pleasant 5235 2017 Little Big Book Club Reading Packs - list of supporting services distributing the TODDLER READING PACK Michelle DeGaris Memorial Kgtn (6526) DECD (08) 8762 1086 10 Price Ave Naracoorte 5271 Pinnaroo Kindergarten (6539) DECD (08) 8577 8227 6 Railway Terrace North Pinnaroo 5304 O'Halloran Hill Kindergarten (3664) DECD (08) 8381 3550 Wren Street O'Halloran Hill 5158 Paradise Kindergarten (4629) DECD (08) 8337 6504 21A Lincoln Road Paradise 5075 Paralowie Kindergarten (2655) DECD (08) 8250 2150 13 Yalumba Drive Paralowie 5108 McKay Children's Centre (6525) DECD (08) 8737 2535 7 Scott Street Penola 5277 Peterborough Community Preschool (6649) DECD (08) 8651 2550 76-80 Victoria Street Peterborough 5422 Poonindie Early Childhood Centre (6686) DECD (08) 8684 6074 Hirschausen Road Poonindie 5607 Port Elliot Kindergarten (3697) DECD (08) 8554 2962 5 Wright Street Port Elliot 5212 Port Lincoln Children's Centre (4164) DECD (08) 8683 3073 80 St Andrews Terrace Port Lincoln 5606 Port Wakefield Kindergarten (6629) DECD (08) 8867 1187 22 Mine Street Port Wakefield 5550 Quorn Kindergarten (6660) DECD (08) 8648 6377 3 Second Street Quorn 5433 Renmark West Preschool (6559) DECD (08) 8595 1036 c/- Renmark West Tarcoola Street Renmark 5341 Primary School Robe Soldiers Memorial Kindergarten (6543) DECD (08) 8768 2306 Victoria Street Robe 5276 Robertstown Preschool (2907) DECD (08) 8581 7127 Corey Street Robertstown 5381 Saddleworth Early Learning Centre (6672) DECD (08) 8847 4245 7 Saddle Road Saddleworth 5413 Salisbury Heights Preschool (2670) DECD (08) 8281 7293 5-9 Stanford Road Salisbury Heights 5109 St Agnes Preschool (1620) DECD (08) 8263 8725 c/- St Agnes Primary 250 Smart Road St Agnes 5097 School Strathalbyn Kindergarten Outreach (3619) DECD (08) 8536 4511 1A Burkett Drive Strathalbyn 5255 Swan Reach and Area Kindergarten (6552) DECD (08) 8570 2032 Showground Road Swan Reach 5354 Tanunda Kindergarten Association (2675) DECD (08) 8563 2796 MacDonnell Street Tanunda 5352 Tintinara Preschool (1624) DECD (08) 8757 2120 c/- Tintinara Area School 37 Wendt Terrace Tintinara 5266 2017 Little Big Book Club Reading Packs - list of supporting services distributing the TODDLER READING PACK Tumby Bay Kindergarten (6670) DECD (08) 8688 2108 West Terrace Tumby Bay 5605 Two Wells Community Children's Ctr (2676) DECD (08) 8520 2358 27A Gawler Road Two Wells 5501 Uraidla & Hills Community Kindergarten (4614) DECD (08) 8390 1216 Swamp Road Uraidla 5142 Lake Wangary Preschool Centre (6630) DECD (08) 8685 4150 Lot 183 Main St Wangary 5607 Williamstown School-Based Preschool (1628) DECD (08) 8524 6289 c/- Williamstown Primary Queen Street Williamstown 5351 School Geranium Kindergarten (6512) DECD (08) 8577 2207 c/- Geranium Primary 1-3 Geranium Terrace Geranium 5301 School Bridgewater Kindergarten Inc (4606) DECD (08) 8339 2681 87 Onkaparinga Road Bridgewater 5155 Coober Pedy Child Parent Centre (1566) DECD (08) 8672 5077 Paxton Road Coober Pedy 5723 Coromandel Valley Kindergarten (3622) DECD (08) 8270 2964 9 Sean Court Coromandel Valley 5051 Crystal Brook Kindergarten (6613) DECD (08) 8636 2411 Mais Terrace Crystal Brook 5523 Golden Grove Kindergarten (4695) DECD (08) 8289 2788 Cnr Bicentennial & Botany Drives Golden Grove 5125 Hawthorndene Kindergarten (4664) DECD (08) 8278 4161 1 Kindergarten Avenue Hawthorndene 5051 McKellar Stewart Kindergarten (4632) DECD (08) 8431 6565 17A Regent Place Kensington 5068 The Heights Preschool (1600) DECD (08) 8263 6244 c/- The Heights School Brunel Drive Modbury Heights 5092 Modbury North Kindergarten (4635) DECD (08) 8264 3025 12 Burragah Court Modbury North 5092 Gladigau Park Kindergarten (6514) DECD (08) 8725 9689 3 Gladigau Road Mount Gambier 5290 Naracoorte North Kindergarten (6537) DECD (08) 8762 1581 39 Park Terrace Naracoorte 5271 Northfield Child Parent Centre (1778) DECD (08) 8262 2607 c/- Northfield Primary North Avenue Northfield 5085 School St James' Park Kindergarten (4687) DECD (08) 8276 5703 19 Strathcona Avenue Panorama 5041 Monash Kindergarten (6523) DECD (08) 8583 6041 Jackson Street Monash 5342 Aldgate Kindergarten Inc (4602) DECD (08) 8339 3864 3 Fairview Road Aldgate 5154 Mannum Kindergarten (6550) DECD (08) 8569 1487 Cnr Adelaide & Male Roads Mannum 5238 2017 Little Big Book Club Reading Packs - list of supporting services distributing the TODDLER READING PACK Concordia Kindergarten (6504) DECD (08) 8532 1840 29 Florence Street Murray Bridge 5253 Ridgehaven Child Parent Centre (1617) DECD (08) 8265 3140 479 Milne Road Ridgehaven 5097 Halifax St Children's Centre & Pre (5623) DECD (08) 8223 2240 257 Halifax Street Adelaide 5000 Balaklava Community Chn Ctr (6652) DECD (08) 8862 1251 15 Scotland Street Balaklava 5461 Blackwood Kindergarten (4608) DECD (08) 8278 3596 11 Brigalow Avenue Blackwood 5051 Carol Murray Children's Centre (6507) DECD (08) 8752 1374 1 Dinning Terrace Bordertown 5268 Brinkworth Preschool Centre (6658) DECD (08) 8846 2187 Belling Street Brinkworth 5464 Burra Early Learning Centre (6661) DECD (08) 8892 2373 8 Bridge Terrace Burra 5417 Cowell Early Childhood Centre (6663) DECD (08) 8629 2243 42 Story Street Cowell 5602 Craigmore Kindergarten (2608) DECD (08) 8255 0575 2 Carinya Street Craigmore 5114 Elizabeth Park Child Parent Centre (1572) DECD (08) 8255 1160 c/- Elizabeth Park 15 Turner Road Elizabeth Park 5113 Primary School Elizabeth Vale Preschool (1573) DECD (08) 8255 1307 c/- Elizabeth Vale PS Rollison Road Elizabeth Vale 5112 Eudunda Community Preschool
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