V > 1 , PAGE TWENTT-FbUB Average Daily Net Press Run WEDNESDAY,yULY 24, 1957 For the Week Ended fHanrl)fr0tfr lEnraing IS^ralii June 8, 1657 Th* Weather FoTMasS at D. • . Waathar BaihM Luka D. niUlips, former tale- j Sunday, Aug. 4, will be received than 1,800 years ago by an itin­ f I gi^ph editor of The Herald and Friday, from 7 to 8 p.m„ In Zion arresting officer, said that ha Green Rd., was arrested and HlHiard St,, was arrested and 12,540 erant Irish monk. St: Gall, an clocked Monslnl at speeds between Fair and eooi tonight, low near About Town presently with the New Haven Lutheran Church. c/laborate blueprint was made, de­ Police Arrests charged with failing to atop for a charged with operating a motor Member of the Audit [Journal Courier, is spending a few 70 and 75, m.p.h. for over a dis­ stop sign at the intersection of vehicle without a license yesterday Bureau o f Orcnlation se. Friday fair and anmnwha* tailing every feature of the mon­ tance of a mile in the vicinity of Mr. and Mrt. Allan S. T^^’tor, ^days In town as guest of Mr. and] astery. The original has been pre­ Buckland Rd. and Rt. 15. The ar­ by Patrolman Samuel Maltempo. -warmer, Higti M-88. Joseph F. Monslnl, M. of Brocks the Buckland overpass. Monsini Manchester'— A City of Village Charm M Hanry St., and daughters. Mari* [Mrs. Da\’id J. Donovan, 85 Alton Old Blueprint Displayed rest was also made by State Patrol­ Psitrolman Maltempo said that served and is on display In the ton. Mass., was arrested Saturday was released in. 135 bond for his man Gay. ' lyn and suaanne, have returned St, abbey along with more than 3,500 he stopped Bourshee on E. Middle and charged with speeding on Rt, scheduled appearance in Town lifter a' tew days' visit with friends Before the' Abbey of St. Gali in rare manuscripts and very old McNamara U scheduled to ap­ Tpke. Bourshee was released in VOL. LX X V I, NO. 251 (TWENTY PAGES) ait Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard. Registrations for Communion on 15. Court Monday. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 25. 1957 ISwiUerland was founded more books. pear In court Monday. $50 bond for his scheduled appear­ (Clasolfled Advertising on Png* 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS State Patrolman Robert Gay, the Edward J. McNamara, 51, of 182 Ra)rniond R. Bourshee, 26, of 412 ance- in court Monday. Sce w War Rocket Eisen ho we r ra TT s Keport by GOP Washington, July 25 (fPi — Set to Tell House Ban^Urged 'The mythical Joe Smith, who was unceremonioiMly banished Issue from the 19,66 Republican con­ DOUBLE By Stasseh vention haa now been virtual­ GREEN ly written out of the party. ■ School Aid Views A t least so It would appear Ixindon, July 25 (>P)—-Har- HALE’S from an examination of tha . , , , , old E. Sta».<!en called today official record of the proceed­ Washington, July 25 (/P) *one of those leading the fight for [.for a woi'ld wide svstem to in- ings. releaaed yesterday by W tTH ALL — The House rejected today th* OOP National Committee. 'The now-famous utterance In Senate Rights Bill •sv a substitute school aid pro­ t«i. |«ould li« ns«l for p.,cetiil posal • uncier which the of convention chairman Joe Opponents, during two day* o fi^ * '^ scientific purposes onl\, Martin—‘'you take your Jo# STAMPS GIVEN states would have been al­ debate, have emphaalzed the p ro-, a Bnti.sh official .source re- Srtiith and get out of here"..- • CASH SALES lowed to keep one per cent gram'a coat and what they refer , [)prtcd. ia nowhere to be found In thia of the income tax payments to a.<i the danger of Federal con-, The American delegate at the account of the San Francisco their citizens make to the trol of ai.'hool.a. [ 6-power United Nationa diaarma-»l proceedings. GOP Chief TTioae favoring the bill rontend ment conference proposed th at'an ' There also is no mention of federal government. — that without Federal aid, many Baat-We»t technical committee be I the fact that delegate Terry atatca cannot afford the achooN, formed to study the problem of | Carpenter of ScoUsbltiff, Neb. Washington, July 25 (/P)— rooms needed to educate the In-^ control of guided mia.siles within j was escorted from the con­ Sees Vote Pre.sident Eisenhower was re­ creaalng mibers of school-age chil­ three months after a partial dia-1 vention hall after he tried to ported today to be considering dren. armament agreement cornea Into' nominate Smith for vice pres­ S till.to come was the Isaue of force. | ident.' 2 THURS., JULY 25th! sending the Hou.se a statement Next Week to clarify his views, on the segregation. i Unntrol Study .Sought ! J. ■«ii- L-M- u 1 * Wainwright (R-NY) said : The British source said Stassen p en ain g pibillion scnool he^would offer an amendment to .suggested the technical commls Washington. July 25 (JP)— construction' Bill. ; deny Federal . aid to school dia- sion study the design o f a system Sen. Knowland (R-Calif) said IfOUR COMPLETE ONE STOP STORE Informants said a final derision ' trlcls making no effort to obey the of control, Plane Blast today the main issue now be­ YOUR FAMILY’S NEEDS! had not been reached in the White : Supreme, Court decision against Stassen said the control system fore the Senate in the battle House. segregatton la the classroom. should assure that "the sending of over the civil 'rights bill is The reports came as .the Housf The House kiU*d a school aid objects into ouler-roace should be Beared a vote on the bill amid hill last year after adopting a exclusively for peaceful and sci- Blows Man ivhethec its proposed protec­ predictions it. would be killed. similar amendment by Rep. Powell ■ enlific purposes." tion o f voting rights will be 5 OUR THIRD SHIPMENT! HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT READY TO WEAR DEPT. Bui although many members j (D-NY). Powell'n office said yea-i Soviet delegate. Valerian Zorin, "emasUlated” by a jury trial (TAKE ELEVATOR TO SECO.VD 1-7,008) aaid privately the measure had no promised to stiid.v the American Out of Craft amendment. TIARA PAHERN GLASSWARE IVa QUART SAUCEPAN chance. Rep. McConnell (R -Pa), (Continued on Page Ten) proposal in the light 'of Riisaia'a _ j Knowland, the Senate GOP lead- Whits enamel. Heats quickly. Saves fuel. I ; er. predicted that efforts to pro- Boxed sets of 8. Don't miss Hi« final Cioaremea Seri* of summer dresses and suits ; vide for Jury trials In contempt ISC' p S!,"."""' '“ ""*1 Lo« AW te. Jul.v 25 ,/P)_ Reg. $2.69. SPECIAL : cases arising under the legislation * 1 . 9 8 in our Reody-to-Wear Deportment, Second R oot. I stsKsen was quoted as saying . steriou.s explosion in an I will be defeated. But Senate Demo­ Reg. 11.00- SPECIAL an uncontrolled race into' outer airliner 10,000 feet Over Call- 12 OZ. T tm B L E R S 66c Air Colonel Reverses cratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson ■ .space for mUitary purposes c a r-; fornia’s Mojave De.sert today; of .Texas said he expects a Jury 7 OZ. OLD FASH IO NED ried dangers for all nations. 'b lo w a nausonno,- : trial amendment to be adopted. 2 CELL FLASHLIGHT DRESSES ______ _ v I The American added there ^ The issue is not exp ects to^ 8 OZ. JUICE GIHaircut Conviction i wouldJ>e_no4uatlflcatlon for ignor-: f a**) The_plane,_ft- come to a vote before next week Complete with batteries. Ideal for Regular values ing the problem in any partial g a p in g hole in its side, m ade a FOOTED COCKTAIL S lA - O O Regular values $ 1 ^ . 0 0 I disarmament reached between the/safe emergenev landing. but Johnsem aaid he now foi camping, etc. $12.95 to $14.95- NOW I W $17.95 to $22.95. NOW I JL I Soviet Union and the Western - -niree crewmeii and 12 other pas- enactment of what he called/ - Tokyo, July 25 .(/P)— A U.S. Air Foi'ce commander tiidav: powers. An arms accord has been l aengera including a baby were not fective and enforceable civil rights threw out the conviction of an airman who refused to get a ne*oUation in the 5-power j harmed. bill without running afoul of a Reg. $1.10. SPECIAL filibualer. - / "white sidewall" haircut and freed him from a sentence o f ; ripped the twin-engine UNLINED SUITS Knowland, howeypff speaking In PARKER LAWN SWEEPER four months at hard labor, a $200 fine and reduction to ^ x ^ r T T h e * ' " " T e a\ separate interview Just before private. The atrman, 20-ye,r-old:i-.vear ■ ............... tTn.tsHUnited .State.States. PBritain. H ,.m FranceF en ce g e Z ^ 3:3V^“mt."’ ';7 the start of today's Senate seasion, ' SPONGE CLOTH K!onald Wheeler of Cortez, C!oIo., 28” Sweep. Semi-pneumatic rubber tires. r e g u l a r VALU E $25.00. NOW *15 00 Canada and the Soviet Union. > pf Vegas aaid he belleyPs there atill will ba Ball bearings. Steel backed brushes. sponge and dishcloth all in on6. Cleans waa convicted of diaobayihg an or- i "considerable discussion" before der. He claimed he had only, ''chal-, An American version o f the | ,t occurred on the right side of ■ x^A ries in on* ^ -y Mheme was not immediately »vail-Jthe ship in the viclnllv of the the bill be passed if it is aa lie British B ip, -Out P SPECIAL^ fiu t iC .
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