M M TWSNTY-EIGHT THUKSDAY. MARCH 19, 1964 Avarata Daily Nal P n m iianrlftBl^r lEv?ning l|?rall> . Fpr tiM WaMi n r fia 1--------------- Past noble grands of Sunset Rabakah Lodge win meet Mon­ Public Records Ai«>ut Town day at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows 1 3 ,9 2 1 Han and entertain the past Warraatee DaedB ■ U r n m K nC tlM Andtt H m W nch Chib of Manchw- noble grands of Trinity Asso­ WWiam J. HlKgen Jr. and tor wSI iM«t and alect offican ciation of Rebekah. A short Rose Marie HUtgen, to N ii^ ls Pinehuni Pre-Holiday Sale!— 5 Lb» Cans ManeheMter^^A City o f VUlUtgo Charm tomoriun at S p.m. at Oranpe business meeting for members HalL Y to board of dlractora will will be held at 7iS0. Mrs. Ehnest F. Duva and Mabel F. Duva, moot brtora tho rofular meat Cox ana her committee will prc^ierty at 83-80 Woodbridge LEAN, FJJLLY COOKED—100% SLICEABLE S t VOL. LXXXm , NO. 146 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1964 taf- ____ serve refreshments. Members (OtazmiM AivirtWag m P ast IS) PRICE S E IW " are reminded to bring gifts for Attachment n a Itawoomar’a O ub and the merry-go-round. The Whiting Oorp., against 1 1 Town Oommittaa of tha YWCA Albert E. Jencik and Lorraine win iponaor a ooffaa tlma to­ The Manchester Philatelic So­ M. Jencik, property on N. Main ■ morrow from tiM to U a.m. at ciety will meet Tuesday at 7:30 St., 81,000. Events tha Omummity T. Woman who Trade Name p.m. at North Methodist Church. m::: MORRELL’S taara racantly moved to this There will be a discussion on American Supply Co., doing area, and mambars of tha Manpex and circuit books. business a* Amsco Inc., New In State TWCS4 ara Invited. A free baby Haven. 5 Road Aides Held Bitting aarvlca wlU be avallaUe. Miss Dorothy Levasseur, Marriage License II daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Emil Alexander Mulnite, Tha Salvation Anny will have Levasseur, 40 W. Middle Tpke. Broad Brook, and RIU PhUllpa Visitors to Fair a BIMa study class tonight at and' Miss Mona Jean Ashley, Silva, East Hartford, Concordia 7:80 at tha Citadel. Mrs. Flor- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wit ^ V % lAitheran Church, April i l . To Deluge State anoa Stevenson wfll conduct the liam Ashley Jr., 51 Lenox St. Building Permit will leave by plane Saturday for To Jensen Building Co., for week’s vacation in Bermuda Awarded Grant construction of a four family WATERBURY (AP) — I Cab Scout Pack 144 wlU meat with 51 of their classmates at apartment at 40 Griswold St., PHAM Owners of hotels and mo­ On Payoff Charges Miss Carroll Ann Cowing, tomorrow at T p.m. at Keenay Bay Path Junior Cbllege, Long- 834,000. tels in Connecticut have | S t School. meadow, Mass. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Cowing of 111 Harlan been told to prepare for a St., has been awarded the Moth­ FOR THE BIRDS Kdward M. Brigham Jr., noted UMAG, Yugoslavia (AP)—In AGAIN PINEHURST FEATURES AT A VERY LOW PRICE FAMOUS LEAN MISS IOWA record invasion of tourists er Louis Scholarship amounting because of the New York world traveler and speaker, will to $3,200 by Annhurst CoUege, this Adriatic summer resort P o lice Seize narrate the color film on "Ha­ South Woodstock, which pro­ lives Casimlr de Domisi who World's Fair. waii" to be shown Sunday at vides fun tuition for four years. raises canaries and has become The stream of visitors Is ex­ 3:30 p.m. at Manchester High widely known as an expert on pected to start by the Ume the School auditorium. The travel Miss Cowing, a senior at Man­ the care and treatment of birds. fair opens next month. An Ex-Mayor chester High School, hopes to series is sponsored by Lutz- In fact, the postman once de­ Sliced Bacon lb. Alexander T. Fitzsimmons, major in mathematics at Ann­ Civltan for the benefit of the livered a letter to him ad­ NO LIMIT—RAIN CHECK IF WE SELL OUT director of the New York Luts Junior Museum. hurst in preparaUon for a teach­ dressed merely: "The the man O f N orw ich ing career. , World's Fair Housing Bureau, who treaU birds.” HAMS and BACON SOLD AT SELF-SERVICE CASE and Donald Parry, chief of pro. liflss Patricia M. Lukovitz, moUon and public relaUons for HARTFORD (AP) — daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the ConnecUcut Redevelopment Five Highway Department George Lukovitz of 20 Barry (tommisslon, met last night with Rd., was capped Sunday at the the men who operate most of employes and a form er University of Rhode Island SOUTH COVENTRY FIRE DEPT. Pinehunt pre-holiday sale on plump, quick toe state's hotels and motels. mayor of Norwich were School of Dental Hygiene, fObigS' They, and other speakers, pre­ frozen, oven ready among those arrested to­ ston, R.I. She is a 1963 gradu­ sented toe same general Infor- day as the long-secret in­ ate of Manchester High School. maUon—a "spillage’’ into Con­ SWIFT PREMIUM necUcut of thousands of fair vestigation of alleged pay­ visitors. offs in the department Fitzsimmons said some New came into the open. York hotels already are solidly State’s Atty. John D. LeBelle BUTTERBALL booked for toe fair, and "We raid arrests would be made by OKNGO will be calling on our ConnecU­ the end of the day on nine o f the cut and New Jersey friends to 11 bench wmirents iraued EVERY FRIDAY 8 PJM. help handle accommodations." !!ng Wednesday by Superior Cfoiirt iiiii A similar picture was offered Judge Joseph E. Klau. 86 East Center St. M A IN ST.. SOUTH COVENTRY TURKEYS by Parry, who said the develop­ Piarra Salinger, right, who resigned as President Johnson’s press secretary, and One of toe remaining two was ment Commlasion has been re­ At Summit St. George Reedy, who is replacing him, pose at the White House. (AP Photofax.) {away on business but expected ceiving "a tremendous flow of ! back tonight or tomorrow and WJBBKEMD CASH AND CABBY SPECIAL inquiries” regarding the fair. | \ toe whereabouts of toe other Fttzslmmons and Parry spoke i was unknown, LeBelle said. 18 to 20 Lbs. at a general meeting of the | ! State Highway CommiasioMr Rules Cloud ConnecUcut Hotel-Motel Asso-1 1' Howard 8. Ives reacted immedi­ lb. ciaUon which was called to dis. ' New Press Aide ately to toe arrest of toe five cuss tourist attracUons and men in his department bY atUr ROSES 1*1.79 3AVE MONEY! PLUMP 10'to 12 LB. HEN Salinger Bid promotions related to the pending them without pay Have your favorite spring shoes rebuilt or BUTTERBALLS LB. 45c World’s Fair and ConnecUcut "pending toe reaults of toe le­ One Sign of spring is the €6rrent swarming of college students into Daytona ‘ gal action.’’ OPEN nu. y P.M. mURSDAY AND FRIDAY repaired now by a professional shoe repair Have turkey this weekend or put one in your freeser For Primary ‘Tallf Easygoing man in Manchester since 19111 H it Open Space Law Beach, Fla., for their annual Easter vacation hi-jinks. The students relax on One of thoae arreated was TURKEY for Easter. Right from the freezer to you vrlth qudlty and freshness sealed In. HARTFORD (AP) — TTie the beach and enjoy free entertainment provided by the city, (AP Photofax.) Franklin AJdridge o f Meriden, • We can make your shoes longer or wider • i l l SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Fairfield County Asessors’ As' assistant director o f toe titlaa By DOUGLAS a CORNELL Don’t forget, we use only PRIME LEATH­ — Pierre Salinger flew into soclation haa attacked Connec­ section of the department. his home town today after WASHING'TON (AP)— (^rge Reedy is a friendly, ticut’s 1963 open apace law aa Other department employes ER in this shop! We’re authorized dealer taken into custody were Robert pipe puffing giant of a man who is taking on the almost "toe biggest grab bag, toe big­ for Neolite Products, made by Goodyear; ilili Iiiii resigning, as President H. Kuipe o f Moodus, Angtfo Buy 4 cans of Shurfine Applesauce and 4 cans of the Shurfine Cream Johnson’s press secretary, impossible task of trying to keep both the hrsss and gest raid on the pocketoooks ot ^Soft Mist in Her Hair’, A URGE SUPPLY also Cats Paw Products, which have NO an unsuspecting majority of Victor Aresco of Middletown, Style Yellow Com we have cm sale at 4 cam. 59c and serve them President happy about public relations. Donald G. Leavitt o f Naaring- WOOD in their heels and leaves NO FLOOR with this lean Freah Pork. apparently to seek a seat in toe pubBc, in toe history of the the U.S. Senate. Sunny, cigar-smoking Plerret state.” ton end John N. Nowell of MARKINGS—-Choose from black or brown. SaUiwer suddenly quit this job Hartford. Salinger would not say what handy men with no olear-cut Although defending the In­ SPECIAL FEATURE his plans'.are, but told newsmen of White House press secretary title. Now he has a Utlc and one Lady Spring Has Arrived Anthony W. O’CtonnML a ...SERVICE WHILE-U-WAIT... Thursday to try tor the Demo­ tent of the legislaUon — which at Ban Francisco International of the roughest, most respon­ grants tax concessions to prop­ Norwich appraiser adio was A PORK craUc nomination for the Senate sible publicity jobs on earth.
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