CONTENTS Editorial 1 Honours and Awards 2 Governing Body 4 M.C.R. and J.C.R 8 The Chapel Choir; The College Chapel 9 The Race for Canterbury 10 The Stained Glass Windows of the College: Part II 13 The Tom Henn Lecture; Five Arches 16 Building for the 21st Century 17 Publications 18 Reviews and Notes 19 Probing the Dark Side of the Universe 25 Gifts and Bequests 26 The St Catharine's Society: The President Elect 27 The St Catharine's Society: The AGM 2002 28 The St Catharine's Society: The AGM 2001 31 The St Catharine's Society: Branch News 34 Fockerby 42 John Bradford 43 Matriculations 2001-2002 44 The Crane 47 Winter Olympics: Salt Lake City 2002 48 The Geographers' Dinner: Dr David Keeble 49 Postgraduates registered 50 PhD's approved 51 Societies 54 A Dean's Dinner: Dr Peter Tyler 56 Births, Marriages and Deaths 57 Obituaries 61 Commemoration of Benefactors 69 University Appointments and Awards 70 Clubs 71 Blues 2001-2002 78 Appointments and Notes 79 Awards and Prizes 2002 83 From the Editor's Desk 86 St Catharine's Development Campaign 87 Important: Notes and Dates for all readers ibc Cover: After a long extensive renovation and re-voicing by the Dutch Organ builders Flentrop, The Chapel Organ will be rededicated on All Saints Day, Friday 1st November after Choral Communion at 5.30pm. (See Editorial, p. 1.) Photo: Gerry Linstead The year against a member's name in the text of this magazine is their year of matriculation or fellowship. St Catharine's College Society Magazine 1 Editorial Most of our 8,000 members will be able to Our tradition in sport has been more than recall their first day at College before matricula- upheld, if we may take for example: tion. The older men will recall finding the first Hockey - a remarkably successful year for year digs and the variation of welcome from the both the men and ladies. Both won Cuppers, the landlady. ladies 1 st XI and 2nd XI both won their respec- Predestined to arrive a term late on the 12th tive leagues as well. Indeed, the second ladies January 1943,1 was privileged to find my destiny were only knocked out of Cuppers because they was Old Lodge 11 and next door, a third year, the met Catz I in the quarter finals. Catz II beat late Mr Tom Cook. It was the best room I ever Queens' I to get there which is amazing. had - overlooking Cambridge in two directions. Rowing - Catz ladies first boat won blades It was quiet for study, nobody climbed up for the first time in their history finishing 7th in there for a casual conversation. There was just the first division. The first men went up 3 places one snag: January can be dank and cold in in the May Bumps to finish an impressive 9th and Cambridge, as that eminent German divine the third men won blades. Martin Bucer found in January 1550, when he Rugby - a remarkable third successive came to be Regius Professor of Divinity. Then the Cuppers final appearance for the men despite kindly young boy-king Edward VI gave him a losing several key players from last year. It was stove. The Bursar gave me a bucket of coal daily an unexpected success with a relatively inexpe- to carry up from the coal heap in what is now rienced team. The Fellows' Car Park, to O.L. 11. When the Cross Country - the men won the league for gigantic crane appeared as if from another planet, the first time ever. standing as the Bursar says p. 17 "On the (Readers will search for this in the Club hallowed turf in front of King's main entrance." reports on p.73 and following) I had more than a passing glance as each set of In passing, we may note a good omen that at rooms was swung from outside The Bull in Twickenham in the under 21 Match, all 17 points King's Parade and lifted like a bird over King's for Cambridge were scored by two Catz men, to its roost in yet a higher spot than O.L. 11 but Aki Abiola and Paul Marchand. Nobody can ... no coal to carry, all mod cons already fitted in remember when the Cath's Boat Club out-rowed each set! Do read with care The Bursars' contri- Trinity 1st and 3rd; when Cath's was represented bution "Building for the 21st Century" p.17. in both the Olympic and Commonwealth games Whilst on higher matters, the Senior Tutor or when the Boat House was 3ft under water or was happy to tell me. "The College has improved when high winds blew off the last day of Lent on last year's academic results. Although we have Bumps! only a handful more Firsts, we have a very small Your Editor is from time to time reprimanded handful indeed of Thirds, and a healthy balance for reviewing and using so much space for dull of Upper over Lower Seconds. In the Tables circu- literature produced by members of College. This lated for internal Colleges' consumption, we have year in particular he makes no apology whatso- moved from twenty-first of twenty-four Colleges ever, though you may want to rush to Heffers to in 2001 to fourteenth this year. All surviving buy the Master's very new book. You may be cohorts improved on their 2001 results, but most surprised that one of our members has just sold encouraging of all is our position for First-Year his millionth copy should you change your results: seventh overall and third in Arts subjects. subject to geography? We include two illustrated Catz has a good record for 'value-added' results books intended for children, but what a superb from year to year, so I am extremely hopeful that, read for yourself before you pass them on at the if we get another cracking Fresher year in end of December. Academic expertise is here at October, we will do even better in 2003.1 report its best, but also, current affairs are brought into without added comment that our women outper- focus by the assassination of an American form our men substantially, in both Arts and citizen in Palestine; the timber in chapel Sciences." by "cabbage soup with caterpillars in" and who If also it be true that women last year just but "Catharine" would want to write about outnumbered the men selected for admission, do 400 women involved in Scientific Endeavour we and the country as a whole have a 'crisis of between 1600 and 1950, their motivation, educa- masculinity'? Be that as it may, since consulting tion and sociological background? the Senior Tutor, the publishing of the Tompkins Readers in England will recall that during the Table reveals that Cath's has moved from 18th first part of the academic year, the College place to 12th and is thus, exactly mid-rated of the received constant salvos of abusive fire from 24 Colleges listed. many fortresses of the Public Press. "Naked 2 St Catharine's College Society Magazine bodies streaking fearlessly ..." and so on and so Chapel Organ will be celebrated with a 'merry on. Many of us actually resident on the hallowed noise'? (The service will take place at 5.30pm 'Island Site' failed to notice anything unusual sung by the Chapel Choir. It will be followed by about Michaelmas Term 2001. Just in case you a recital given by Thomas Trotter at 8.00pm, wondered if your Alma Mater was sinking fast entrance by ticket, in advance £12.00 from the in a mire of sin, your Editor feels obliged to Alumni Office.) Or that the Chaplain has to mark invite you to read with care Alleycat Rhian the Tercentenary of the Foundation of the Chapel Evans' measured and delicately fashioned in September 2004 and seeks your ideas as to response on p.71 "I do not think that anyone how best this might be done? could have expected that the 20th year of the On Wednesday evening 6th November at Alleycatz would be so high profile ... I will 6.30pm, the Choir will make Requiem and instead focus on the events that actually did take Thanksgiving in Chapel for all those members place this year". whose names appear p.59 to 68 Next of kin will Times change: the appearance of the Master be invited as usual and any Member of College of Worcester College, Oxford, in the list of who may wish to attend and dine in Hall should Fellows restores the historic links of St sign up in the usual way. This year, the list Catharine's and Worcester. Dr Sean O'Harrow includes the late Richard Edis, who was appears as our new of Development Director. We Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean read in A&N p.79 that a Fellow of College Territory 1988-1991. His book Peak ofLimuria cycled 100 miles round Norwich to Cromer and tells us of Diego Garcia, a low-lying tropical the sea in a matter of a few hours and returned atoll with an average elevation of only 6 feet to show a presence in the Senior Common Room above sea level, of the perils of global warming. after dinner! Members of College returning to Of turtles which can live for up to 150 years, visit the UK should immediately consult the giant coconut crabs which can grow to three feet College Website (www.
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