MIRACLE SHINGLES VACCINE TURNS INTO NIGHTMARE FOR MANUFACTURER, VICTIMS. SEE PAGE 29. AmericanFreePress# VoLumE XVII • NumBER 19 & 20 • mAY 8 & 15, 2017 • AMericAnFreePress.net • PoSTmASTER: Do NoT DELAY • mAILED mAY 5, 2017 • $3.00 THE INSIDE SCOOP 8 • Protesters get off but FBI informant convicted The illegal alien welfare state MISTRIAL! funded by American taxpayers. By Mark Anderson See page 8 AS VEGAS, Nevada—In the three-part, landmark case that arose from the 2014 standoff near Bunker - Lville, Nev. between multiple federal agencies and supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy, the jury dead- 14 locked on April 24, forcing U.S. Dis- trict Judge Gloria Navarro to declare “Anti-fascists” more intolerant, a mistrial. Federal prosecutors were violent than any Trump supporter. unable to secure convictions for See pages 14-15 four of the six defendants in the first of three trials. Shockingly, one of the two men convicted had been an FBI informant for years. His cover Above, supporters and critics of the six men who were on trial for defending Cliven was blown during trial testimony. Bundy from overzealous federal agents gathered in front of the courthouse in Las Vegas The four defendants who escaped in February. Without ever firing a shot, the defendants face life in prison because they conviction were Richard Lovelien, had the audacity to stand up to the Bureau of Land Management. Eric Parker, O. Scott Drexler, and Engel was charged with obstruc- terfering with federal officers, and Steven Stewart. The 12-member jury tion of justice and using interstate extortion. The New American re- 18 fell far short of convicting these commerce to commit extortion. En- ports that Burleson, of Phoenix, four, according to defense lawyers. gel could possibly be sentenced to Ariz., has been a paid informant for The jury found two defendants in two years in prison, though it’s like- the FBI for years, so don’t expect the Operation Gotham Shield: the opening trial—Todd Engel and ly he’ll get considerable credit for provocateur to see the inside of a jail Priming you for a false flag? Gregory Burleson—guilty of some time already served. cell. See page 18 charges, with Burleson bearing the The jury found Burleson guilty of It is standard operating procedure brunt. During testimony, FBI agents multiple charges, including using a for the FBI to send in informants to revealed Burleson was an informant. firearm to assault federal officers, in- escalate violence in an effort to trump up conspiracy charges. Since some of the defendants in the Nevada cases were cleared ear- lier this year in Portland federal court of any wrongdoing for their part in the Oregon occupation-protest 25 that ended in early 2016, the federal government is determined to secure convictions in a future trial. A staffer Powerful lobby’s grip on Trump, in the dockets department of the U.S. politically incorrect tightens. See page 25 See FEDERAL, page 4 2 AmERICAN FREE PRESS • issUe 19 & 20 • MAY 8 & 15 , 2017 • WWW.AMericAnFreePress.net mESSAGE FRom THE EDIToR A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE EDITOR Reversing the Disasta’ That Is NAFTA uring the 2016 presidential cam- rible trade deals. They are terrible. They are paign, Donald Trump hammered the most incompetent deals ever made.” the North American Free Trade So why is it now that our president, who Agreement (NAFTA) over and claims to put America first, says he is not Dover again, pointing out rightly going to cancel NAFTA? Instead, he wants to that the trade deal between the U.S., Mexico, try to renegotiate it first before he thinks and Canada, which was signed into law by about tearing it up. President Bill Clinton, is a total disaster for this Here is what Trump told reporters at the country. White House on April 27 before a meeting The record shows that, while making cam- with Argentine President Mauricio Macri: “I paign stops across the country, Trump made decided rather than terminating NAFTA, the issue of tearing up NAFTA a centerpiece which would be a pretty big, you know, shock of his jobs plan. Over and over, he correctly to the system, we will renegotiate. If I’m pointed out that the Clintons supported unable to make a fair deal for the United NAFTA and that it had to go. As a result, mil- States—meaning a fair deal for our workers lions of Democrats who had supported De- and our companies—I will terminate NAFTA. mocrats in previous elections jumped ship But we’re going to give renegotiation a good, and cast ballots for Trump, winning him the strong shot.” White House. We already know NAFTA contributed to A few of his best broadsides came in the the de-industrialization of the U.S., has cost presidential debate on May 9, 2016, when America millions of jobs, has closed factories Trump told viewers: “[Bill] Clinton is the one around the country, and, yes, has been a dis- that approved NAFTA, [and] NAFTA is the Trans-Pacific Partnership] which is a disaster aster for this country. worst deal, one of the worst deals our coun- — but TPP I don’t believe will be as bad as Millions of Americans supported Trump try has ever made, from an economic stand- NAFTA.” because he, unlike Mrs. Clinton, was clear point.” On Oct. 9, in St. Louis, Mo., Trump told a about shredding these bad deals and bringing A few months later, on Aug. 18, 2016, at a large crowd of supporters: “NAFTA is per- jobs back to the U.S. It’s time to live up to rally in Charlotte, N.C., Trump said: “Here, in haps the greatest disaster trade deal in the your promises, Mr. President. Pull the U.S. this beautiful and great state, so many people history of the world. It stripped us of man- from NAFTA today, and put America first. H have suffered because of NAFTA. Remember ufacturing jobs. We lost our jobs. We lost our NAFTA—what it’s done to this country.” money. We lost our plants. It is a disaster.” Then, in early September that year, at a Finally, only a few weeks before the Nov. 8 campaign stop in Des Moines, Ia., Trump election, Trump made a campaign stop in said: “There’s never been a worse or a Fletcher, N.C. telling supporters there: “At the —CHRISTOPHER J. PETHERICK dumber deal for trade including TPP [the center of my jobs plan will be fixing our ter- Executive Editor AMERICAN FREE PRESS: America’s Last Real Newspaper—Populist & Independent, Not Republican or Democrat AFP—OUR PROMISE TO YOU: REGIONAL BUREAUS CONTACT AMERICAN FREE PRESS: NEWSSTAND PRICE: $3.00. 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