Sport Retail Price List Fall 2008 Petzl America Freeport Center M-7 / PO Box 160447 Clearfield, UT 84016 U.S.A. telephone (801) 926-1500 / fax (801) 926-1501 e-mail: [email protected] Sport Retail Pricelist northHeader american distribution Sport Retail Price List Effective July 1 - December 31, 2008 Prices are subject to change without notice Ref # Description Retail (US$) Rope - Dynamic - DURATEC DRY RD8260 _1 DRAGONFLY half rope 8.2mm x 60m Green or Orange 169.95 RD8270 -1 DRAGONFLY half rope 8.2mm x 70m Green or Orange 199.95 RD9460 _1 FUSE rope 9.4mm x 60m, Green or Blue 209.95 RD9470 _1 FUSE rope 9.4mm x 70m, Green or Blue 239.95 RD9860 _1 NOMAD rope 9.8mm x 60m, Green or Red 209.95 RD9870 _1 NOMAD rope 9.8mm x 70m, Green or Red 239.95 RD10350 _1 ZEPHYR rope 10.3mm x 50m, Red or Blue 179.95 RD10360 _1 ZEPHYR rope 10.3mm x 60m, Red or Blue 209.95 RD10370 _1 ZEPHYR rope 10.3mm x 70m, Red or Blue 249.95 RD107200_1 DOJO rope 10.7mm x 200m, Red or Blue 649.95 Rope - Vector Static R1146 W VECTOR rope 11mm x 46m (150 ft), White 130.00 R1146 _ VECTOR rope 11mm x 46m (150 ft), N=Black, B=Blue, R=Red 150.00 R1161 W VECTOR rope 11mm x 61m (200 ft), White 175.00 R1161 _ VECTOR rope 11mm x 61m (200 ft), N=Black, B=Blue, R=Red 200.00 R11183 W VECTOR rope 11mm x 183m (600 ft), White 520.00 R11183 _ VECTOR rope 11mm x 183m (600 ft), N=Black, B=Blue, R=Red 600.00 Rope - Accessories & Protection RC2 ROPE CUTTER II electric knife 159.95 R40 _ STANDARD ROPE BAG B=Blue, O=Orange, Y=Yellow, R=Red, N=Black 32.95 R41 _ ROPE BUCKET B=Blue, O=Orange, Y=Yellow, R=Red, N=Black 44.95 C45 PROTEC PVC rope protector 19.95 P68 CATERPILLAR rope protector 125.95 Harnesses - Climbing / Sport C21 _4 SAMA harness, sz S, M, L, XL 59.95 C55 _ SELENA women's harness, sz XS, S, M, L 59.95 C22 _4 ADJAMA harness, sz S, M, L 79.95 C35 _ LUNA women's harness, sz S, M, L 79.95 C36 _4 HIRUNDOS harness, sz XS, S, M, L 69.95 C32 GYM harness 54.95 C29 PANDION harness 59.95 C24 _ ASPIR harness, sz 0, 1, 2 54.95 C51 _7 CORAX harness, sz 1, 2 69.95 C57 _8 CALIDRIS harness, sz 1, 2 89.95 NEW! C68 OUISTITI full body children's harness 49.95 C65 SIMBA full body children's harness 59.95 C12 _ SUPERAVANTI harness, sz 1, 2 89.95 C16 _ FRACTIO harness, sz 1, 2 99.95 1 Ref # Description Retail (US$) Harnesses - Climbing / Sport C86 CANYON harness 119.95 C05 _N 8003 full body harness, black, sz 1,2 109.95 Harnesses - Chest & Accessories C60 VOLTIGE chest harness 49.95 C26 TORSE shoulder straps 19.95 Header C30 SERPENTINE shoulder straps 22.95 Sport Retail Price List Helmets - All-Purpose & Accessories Effective July 1 - December 31, 2008 A71 _ METEOR III helmet, O=Orange, G=Green 99.95 NEW! Prices are subject to change without notice A71 W METEOR III helmet, White 99.95 Ref # Description Retail (US$) A45WH _ ALTIOS White helmet, sz 1, 2 79.95 NEW! Rope - Dynamic - DURATEC DRY A45PL _ ALTIOS Platinum helmet, sz 1, 2 79.95 NEW! RD8260 _1 DRAGONFLY half rope 8.2mm x 60m Green or Orange 169.95 A45OR _ ALTIOS Orange helmet, sz 1, 2 79.95 NEW! RD8270 -1 DRAGONFLY half rope 8.2mm x 70m Green or Orange 199.95 A42 _W1 ELIOS White helmet, sz 1, 2 65.95 RD9460 _1 FUSE rope 9.4mm x 60m, Green or Blue 209.95 A42 _O ELIOS Orange helmet, sz 1, 2 65.95 RD9470 _1 FUSE rope 9.4mm x 70m, Green or Blue 239.95 A42 _B ELIOS Blue helmet, sz 1, 2 65.95 RD9860 _1 NOMAD rope 9.8mm x 60m, Green or Red 209.95 A42 _A ELIOS Anthracite helmet, sz 1, 2 65.95 RD9870 _1 NOMAD rope 9.8mm x 70m, Green or Red 239.95 A42 _G ELIOS Green helmet, sz 1, 2 65.95 RD10350 _1 ZEPHYR rope 10.3mm x 50m, Red or Blue 179.95 A01 _ ECRIN ROC helmet, R=Red, W=White, Y=Yellow 89.95 RD10360 _1 ZEPHYR rope 10.3mm x 60m, Red or Blue 209.95 A01870 BOUCHONS Ecrin Roc plugs, 4pk 7.95 RD10370 _1 ZEPHYR rope 10.3mm x 70m, Red or Blue 249.95 A44 1 VIZION face shield 49.95 RD107200_1 DOJO rope 10.7mm x 200m, Red or Blue 649.95 Carabiners - Aluminum Rope - Vector Static M10 _ SPIRIT carabiner, bent, M10=bright or M10 A=Anodized 8.95 R1146 W VECTOR rope 11mm x 46m (150 ft), White 130.00 M15 _ SPIRIT carabiner, straight, M15=bright or M15 A=Anodized 8.95 R1146 _ VECTOR rope 11mm x 46m (150 ft), N=Black, B=Blue, R=Red 150.00 M30 11_ SPIRIT EXPRESS draw 11c bright or Anodiz 19.95 R1161 W VECTOR rope 11mm x 61m (200 ft), White 175.00 M30 17_ SPIRIT EXPRESS draw 17c bright or Anodiz 19.95 R1161 _ VECTOR rope 11mm x 61m (200 ft), N=Black, B=Blue, R=Red 200.00 M55 SL LOCKER SCREW-LOCK carabiner 14.95 NEW! R11183 W VECTOR rope 11mm x 183m (600 ft), White 520.00 M34 SL AM'D SCREW-LOCK carabiner 12.95 rope 11mm x 183m (600 ft), N=Black, B=Blue, R=Red R11183 _ VECTOR 600.00 M34 BL AM'D BALL-LOCK carabiner 16.95 Rope - Accessories & Protection M34 TL AM'D TRIACT-LOCK carabiner 16.95 RC2 ROPE CUTTER II electric knife 159.95 M35 SL ATTACHE SCREW-LOCK carabiner 12.95 R40 _ STANDARD ROPE BAG B=Blue, O=Orange, Y=Yellow, R=Red, N=Black 32.95 M35 SL HERA ATTACHE SCREW-LOCK HERAbiner 13.95 R41 _ ROPE BUCKET B=Blue, O=Orange, Y=Yellow, R=Red, N=Black 44.95 M36 SL WILLIAM SCREW-LOCK carabiner 13.95 C45 PROTEC PVC rope protector 19.95 M36 BL WILLIAM BALL-LOCK carabiner 17.95 P68 rope protector 125.95 CATERPILLAR M36 TL WILLIAM TRIACT-LOCK carabiner 17.95 Harnesses - Climbing / Sport M42 FREINO carabiner 39.95 C21 _4 SAMA harness, sz S, M, L, XL 59.95 M41 OWALL carabiner 11.95 C55 _ SELENA women's harness, sz XS, S, M, L 59.95 M33 SL OK SCREW-LOCK carabiner 13.95 C22 _4 ADJAMA harness, sz S, M, L 79.95 M33 TL OK TRIACT-LOCK carabiner 19.95 women's harness, sz S, M, L C35 _ LUNA 79.95 M37 SL OMNI SCREW-LOCK carabiner 29.95 C36 _4 harness, sz XS, S, M, L 69.95 HIRUNDOS M37 TL OMNI TRIACT-LOCK carabiner 35.95 C32 harness 54.95 GYM Carabiners - Steel C29 PANDION harness 59.95 M73 KADOR carabiner 39.95 C24 _ ASPIR harness, sz 0, 1, 2 54.95 Screw Links - / Connectors C51 _7 CORAX harness, sz 1, 2 69.95 P10 PRESTO 7mm screw link, oval, steel 13.95 C57 _8 CALIDRIS harness, sz 1, 2 89.95 NEW! P11 DELTA 10mm screw link, triangle, steel 9.95 C68 OUISTITI full body children's harness 49.95 P14 SPEEDY 7mm screw link, aluminum 14.95 C65 SIMBA full body children's harness 59.95 P15 GO 7mm screw link, oval, steel 5.95 C12 _ SUPERAVANTI harness, sz 1, 2 89.95 P15 B MAILLON RAPIDE 10mm screw link, oval, steel 7.95 C16 _ FRACTIO harness, sz 1, 2 99.95 1 2 Ref # Description Retail (US$) Screw Links - / Connectors P18 DEMI ROND 10mm screw link, semi circle, aluminum 19.95 P18 T MAILLON RAPIDE 10mm screw link, triangle, aluminum 15.95 Descenders - Belay Devices D14 _ GRIGRI belay device, gray, Blue or Red 89.95 D17 _ REVERSO 3 belay/rappel device, Blue, Green or Titanium(gray) 29.95 NEW! Descenders - Specialty B03 SHUNT mechanical prusik 59.95 D01 HUIT ANTIBRULURE figure 8 descender w/ anti-burn grip 19.95 D02 HUIT figure 8 descender 17.95 D05 PIRANA descender 32.95 D04 SIMPLE descender 49.95 D09 STOP descender 89.95 D11 RACK brake bar descender 79.95 Ascenders - & Rope Grabs B01 TIBLOC ascender 27.95 B02 PANTIN foot ascender 69.95 B16 CROLL ascender 56.95 B17 _ ASCENSION ascender, R=Right, L=Left 64.95 B18 BASIC ascender 49.95 B50 RESCUCENDER rope grab 59.95 B54 MICROCENDER rope grab 55.95 Pulleys - Standard P00 ULTRA LEGERE pulley wheel 3.95 P02 OSCILLANTE pulley 13.95 P05 FIXE pulley 24.95 P50 RESCUE pulley 45.95 Pulleys - Prusik Minding P59 MINI pulley 37.95 P66 GEMINI double pulley, small 67.95 Pulleys - Rope Grab & Specialty P07 MINI TRAXION ratcheting pulley 79.95 P51 PRO TRAXION ratcheting pulley 115.00 P21 TANDEM double pulley 54.95 P21 CAB TANDEM CABLE double pulley 64.95 P21 SPE TANDEM SPEED double pulley 74.95 P24 1 TRAC pulley w/ Vertigo Wire 99.95 Sewn Webbing - Slings C40 11 EXPRESS sling, 11cm 3.95 C40 17 EXPRESS sling, 17cm 4.95 C40 25 EXPRESS sling, 25cm 5.95 C40 24 ANNEAU nylon sling, 24cm 4.95 C40 60 ANNEAU nylon sling, 60cm 6.95 C40 80 ANNEAU nylon sling, 80cm 7.95 C40 120 ANNEAU nylon sling, 120cm 9.95 C40 150 ANNEAU nylon sling, 150cm 10.95 C06 24 FIN'ANNEAU 8mm dyneema sling, 24cm 5.95 C06 60 FIN'ANNEAU 8mm dyneema sling, 60cm 8.95 C06 120 FIN'ANNEAU 8mm dyneema sling, 120cm 12.95 3 Ref # Description Retail (US$) Ref # Description Retail (US$) Screw Links - / Connectors Sewn Webbing - Slings P18 DEMI ROND 10mm screw link, semi circle, aluminum 19.95 C06 180 FIN'ANNEAU 8mm dyneema sling, 180cm 17.95 P18 T MAILLON RAPIDE 10mm screw link, triangle, aluminum 15.95 C07 24 ST'ANNEAU 12mm dyneema sling, 24cm 5.95 Descenders - Belay Devices C07 60 ST'ANNEAU 12mm dyneema sling, 60cm 8.95 D14 _ GRIGRI belay device, gray, Blue or Red 89.95 C07 120 ST'ANNEAU 12mm dyneema sling, 120cm 12.95 D17 _ REVERSO 3 belay/rappel device, Blue, Green or Titanium(gray) 29.95 NEW! Sewn Webbing - Lanyards Descenders - Specialty L36 AVENTEX Y-lanyard 35.95 B03 SHUNT mechanical prusik 59.95 L37 27 AT'TRAC lanyard for Trac, 27cm 17.95 D01 HUIT ANTIBRULURE figure 8 descender w/ anti-burn grip 19.95 L37 68 AT'TRAC lanyard for Trac, 68cm 22.95 D02 HUIT figure 8 descender 17.95 C09100 QUICKFIX adjustable positioner 25.95 D05 PIRANA descender 32.95 C44 SPELEGYCA double lanyard 27.95 D04 SIMPLE descender 49.95 Sewn Webbing - Aiders D09 STOP descender 89.95 C01 WALLSTEP etrier 49.95 D11 RACK brake bar descender 79.95 C08 GRADISTEP etrier in pouch 39.95 Ascenders - & Rope Grabs C09 QUICKSTEP etrier 29.95 B01 TIBLOC ascender 27.95 C47 FOOTAPE adjustable foot sling 15.95 B02 PANTIN foot ascender 69.95 C48 FOOTCORD adjustable foot loop 15.95 B16 CROLL ascender 56.95 C49 FOOTPRO adjustable large foot loop 29.95 B17 _ ASCENSION ascender, R=Right, L=Left 64.95 Sewn Webbing - Absorbers
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