FORM 2A (See rule 4) NOMINATION PAPER Election to lhe Houte ofthe People : /uQ-.-\L-.' -*y'v" -tp / ^-o2'\q / S ,^ 'ir. rtv' V;*- oY' %; SI RIKE OFF PARI I OR PARI II BTLOW WHICHEVER IS NO'1'APPLICABLE PART I (To be used by candidate set up by recognised political party) I nominate as a candidate for election to the House of the People fmm the. 22 NELLORE (A.P)................Par|iamentary constituency. Candidate' name. ADALA PRABHAKARA REDDY............1'ather's/mother's/husband's name A. SHANKARA REDDY His postal address D.NO. lc7-ll (NEW), MINI BYE PASS ROAD, RAMA MURTIfY NAGAR, NELLORE. His name is entered at S.No......164..........in Part No.........304.............. of the electoral roll for.......ll{, KAVALI.... (Assembly constituency comprised within) 22 NELLORE Parliamentary Constituency. My name is NARENDRA REDDY BATTEPAT|...... and it is entered at S.No...J80....in Part No....318..........ofthe electoral roll forl16,KOVUR'(Assembly constituency comprisedwithin). 22NELLORE ...............Parliamentaryconstituency. q.r// Dare ....'A-.,..7.. Signature of Proposer PART II (To be used by idate NOT set up by recognised political party) We herebv nominale as cand for election to the House of the People from the. Constituency Llandidate's name.................., Father'Vmother's/husband's narne...............-.................................His ?",--a, t 'A His name is entered at SNIo....................in Part No................................. ofthe electoral .oll for ..- .. \ ................1(Assembly \ constituency comprised within) \..............Parliamentary constituency. We declare that we are elec\rs of the above parliamentary Constituency and our names are entered in the electoral roll fo\ thal Parliamentary Consiituency as indicated below and we append our signatures below in to\en ofsubscribing lo rhis nomination:- Particulars d{the proposers and aheir signatures Sl.no. Name of Ele\or Roll No. of FullName Signatr-rre Date component froposer Assembly Part No. U S.No. in Constituency Electora\ that part Roll \ I 2 l .1 5 6 7 I. ).. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. N.B.- There should be ten electors ofthe conslituency as proposers. PAITT III I, the candidate mentioned in Part l/pp*,fi (Strike out which is not applicable) assent to this nomination and hereby declare- (a) that I am a citizen of lndia and have not acquired the citizenship ofany foreign State/country. (b) that I have completed 70 years ofage; [STRIKE OUT c(i) or c(ii) BELOW WHICHEVER lS NOT AppLICABLE] (c) (i) that I am set up at this election by the YUVAJANA SRAMIKA RYTHU CONGRESS PARTY (Y.S.R.C.p) , which is a recognised Natj{ESfpartylstare Party in this State and that the symbol reserved for the above party be allotted to me. OR 1A'?----A" q-' (c) (i,) that I am set up at thij party, which is a unrecognised political party/that I am contesting this election as an i candidate. (Strike out which is nor applicable) and that the symbols I have chosen, order of preference, are:- (,)....................-.......... (,r........... (d) that my name and my father's/m9r.her,Vhus!6d,s name have been correctly spelt out above in ENGLISH {nameofrhe language): (e) that to the bestofmy knowledge and belief, I am qualified and not also disqualified for being chosen to fillthe seat in the House ofthe people. *l funher declare that I am a mer\berof the............ ...........*Caste/tribe which r*caste/rribe is a scheduled of\e State of. ............................._........................... in relarion to.....................................(area) in thar S(ate. I also declare that I have not been, a\d shall not be nominated as a candidate at the present general electioMhe bye-elections being h\d simulraneously, to rhe House of lhe people from more than two Parliamentary Constituencies) A 1..=€- r^ oute...:-l-111.1 ' Signature ofCandidate YScore out the words "assembly constituency *ithin" in thi oiJurr,r , *d Kashmir, "orp.ir"d "*e Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu and Laksltdweep. *Score our'rhis paragraph. ifnot applicable. *tScore out the words not applicable. N.B.-A "recognised political party,,means a political pany recognised by rhe Election Commission under the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotmenr) Order, l96E in the State concerned. PART IIIA (To be filted by the candidate) (l) Whether the candidate- (i) has been convicted- (a) ofany offence(s) under sub-section (l); or (b) for contravention ofany law specified in sub-section (2), people ofsection 8 ofthe Representation ofthe Act. t 95l (4J 1951.); y/s^o oi or J { iil has been convicted for any orher offence(s) for which he has been I sentenced to imprisonment for two years or more. 3 A ?,-p-^ L ) Ifthc answer is "Yes", the candidate shall fumish the following information: (i) Case/first information reporr No.Nos NOT APPLICABLE ............. (ii) Police station(s)... NOT ApPLICABLE ......... District(s)...... NOT APPLICABLE .............State(s).......... NOT APPLICABLE (iii) Section(s) ofthe concemed Act(s) and briefdescription ofthe offence(s) for which he has been convicted........... NOT APPLICABLE (ir)Date(s) of conviction(s)...... NOT APPLICABLE............... (v) Cou((s) which convicted rhe candidate... NOT AppLICABLf, .... (vi) Punishmeni(s) imposed [indicate period of imprisodment(s) and/or quantum of fine(s)]., .... ...... NOT APPLTCABLE (vii) Date(s) ofrelease from prison......... NOT APPLICABLE (viii) WaVwere any appeal(s)/revision(s) filed against above conviction(s). NO (ix) Date and particulars ofappeal(s/application(s) for revision filed NOT AppLICABLf, ... (x) Name ofthe court(s) before which the appeal(syapplication(s) for revision filed... .......NOT APPLICABLf, ... (xi) Whether the said appeal(syapplication(s) for revision has/have been disposed of or is/are pending... NOT APPLICABLE ...... (xii) lfthe said appeal(s)/application(s) for revision has/have been disposed of- (a) Date(s) of disposal...... NOTAPPLICABLE...................... (b)Natureoforder(s)passed...NOTAPPLICABLE.......................,..... (2) Whether the candidate is holding any office of profit under the Govemment of India or Srate Cove.nment?..........No -lf Yes, details of the office held.........NOT APPLICABLE....... (3) Whether the candidate has been declared insolvent by any Court?.......... No -lf Yes, has he been discharged fmm insolvency... ...NOT APPLICABLE....... (4) Whether the candidate is under allegiance or adherence to any forcign country? ........No -lf Yes, give details......NOT APPLICABLE................... (5) Whether the candidate has been disqualified under section 8A ofthe said Act by an order of the President?.................. No -lf Yes, the period for which disqualified......NOT APPLICABLE.................. (6) Whether the candidate was dismissed for comrption or for disloyalty while holdingoffice under the Govemment of India or the Covemment ofany State?..........._ No JfYes, the date ofsuch dismissal... NOT APPLICABLE (7) Whether the candidate has any subsisting contract(s) with the Govemment either i. individual capacity o. by trust or partnership in which the candidate has a share for supply 4 A ?--t q ofany goods to that Govemment or forexecution ofwork undenaken by that Govemment? .............................................. No JfYes, with which Government and details ofsubsisting contract(s). (8) Whether fhe candidate is a managing agent, or manager or Secret"ry of *y *;p;; Corporation (other ;; than a cooperative society) in the capital ofwhich rr" 6"*., Govemment or State Covemment has nor less than twenty-five per*"i .f,_"r.....nO...... -lfYes, with which Covemment and the details thereof......NOT APPLICABLE. (9) Wh€ther the candidate has been disqualified by the Commission under section t 0A of the said Act...................... No Jf yes, lhe date of disqualifi cation......NOT APPLICABLE Place:.rltr.Urrt... r ff?-^-Quu Signature ofCandidate Date: . S:.h.l.rl. 5 tq=fffi€l: i'giiffi si-qsi Rs. 100 .t=l'-- -i@NE?=-t;+) Sr-1;00 rrffiffi':FEEdrd sTr-I11!NDtA IND,IAINON;:,UDlGlHL ..*..r.*sr?-(ffi {,s.fl Eil,eSBHRA*RADE'H 'kffiff#- 1"',r9.:m.qn$.^tyo3d..#4rsloto(oB?2,-X*Ac. Llcenced Slrmp Vender rot wnom....=.flpfio;..........- L.No. 091?0Ol,201812019 r.v.R C.lcny, tlfLLoRE Cit '52' F a.ll '(,'3505856 FORM 26 (See rule 4A) AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWTH NOMINATION ,*'* rHE RETURNTNG oFFrcER FoR ELEcrroru pARLTAUENTARv ro nousi6i'pti;;i'i;i'o; No. 22, NELLoRE".,O*'- coNSrruENcy (NAUE or rxe c-o-NsrnuEiriii."-' PART-A l, ADALA PRABHAKARA .. REDDY Son ldaug,htecwi{e of ADALA SHANKAR REDDY Aged years, resident of Door No,16.7-il, 70 Mini Byp-ass Road, Ramurthi U"1"., fi"fforo _ S24OO2, SPSR tlcllore District, Andhra pradesh, (m;nlion tutt postat aOOressl-l?noroate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:_ up by.yUVAJANA !1ll^":-:.,:::glo_"::"t SRAMtKA RyrHU coNGREss pARry (.. name e.ga*$ F,Ad,* Hfli";l1t'll.1TTfhrchever rs not applicable\ 'k'1* O z2- tr Q'6l .\ \ .D:PlElt(*Xr.(nrP:r!!\au€k(,"044 -,-*-,-,2 fi?- -Q-ut^- fiffii") ",ffiffiopp.r.o.p.d, v s\*WliA#/*;fri'ffiffi,iv sefiffiffi*.., a (2) lvly name is enrolled in 1 14, KavaliAssembly CONSTITUENCY, ANDHRA PMDESH (Name of the constituency and the State), at Serial No. 164 in Part No.30,t. (3) [Iy contact telephone number is 9.94!!9q!-Zgq and my e-mail id (if any) IS [email protected] and my social media account(s) (if any) is (i) WhatsApp Account No. 9849051750 (ii) Face Book Account No. Prabhakara Reddy Adala (iii) NrL (4) Details ot Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status offiling ot lncome Tax relum: SI, Names PAN The financial year Total income No. for which the last shown in lncome tax lncome{ax retum return (in Rupees) for the has been filed lasl Five finencialyears completed (as on 31" March) T Self (i) FY 2017-18 A00PA46750 2017-2018 Rs 9,05,43,972l- Adala Prabhakara Reddy (iD FY 2016,17 Rs.
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