UPDATED MAP OF UNIQUE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURES (ICTS) PRELUDE In 1986 Spain took the important step of telescopes, cleanrooms, biomedical tech- Spain needs to invest more in research passing the first science law in its history. nologies, underground laboratories, syn- and innovation and facilitate the work of It was a time of opening for Spain, in which chrotrons, particle accelerators, advanced researchers. We also need to continue it became a Member State of the European lasers, biological reserves, solar, oceanic supporting the key facilities described in Union, a time of eagerness for society in and hydraulic platforms, oceanographic this book and increasing our participation general and the research community in research ships, and polar bases in An- in large scientific infrastructures world- particular. Thanks to the enthusiasm and tarctica. A total of 29 ICTS, made up of 62 wide. Only through a strong commitment hard work of many people, the ground- nodes, allow for ambitious research pro- to science will we be able to consoli date work was laid during that time for what jects that attract first-rate talent and Spain as a knowledge and innovation is today the Spanish System of Science, enhance the technological and innovative powerhouse that is capable of facing the Techno logy, and Innovation. In the more capacity of Spanish companies. future with guarantees of success. than three decades that have transpired since then, the number of researchers The current map includes Spain’s principal The Unique Scientific and Technical has multiplied, scientific production has science and innovation infrastructures. Infrastructures described in this book are surged, highly competitive research cen- It was approved on November 6, 2018 by crucial for Spain and its science, techno- ters have opened, and companies able to the Council of Science, Technology, and logy, and innovation. I encourage you to tackle first-class technological challenges Innovation Policy, a general coordination browse the pages of this book and disco- in many fields have emerged. body for scientific and technical research ver the state-of-the-art infrastructures in Spain that is made up of 10 ministries that represent the scientific and techno- These achievements have come hand in with responsibilities in R&D, as well as the logical capacity that exists in Spain today. hand with the construction of the instru- Autonomous Communities. You won’t regret it. ments necessary to carry out top-notch research. The result is this Map of Unique Promoting science and innovation is the Scientific and Technical Infrastructu- best engine for sustainable economic res (ICTS), made up of supercomputers, growth and long-term social wellbeing. PEDRO DUQUE Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities 5 FOREWORD The high quality of the scientific and tech- talent and foster R&D&I, both in public capacities and promoting its industrial nological labour produced in our country and business fields. All of this is essen- use. This Map is regularly updated by an is the main reason why it can be claim that tial for the evolution of our society. experts evaluation panel, which consi- Spain is a country of research, development ders criteria of maximum scientific, tech- and innovation. For this to be the case, and Since the first ICTS Map release, these nological and innovation quality. continue to be so, it is essential to have infrastructures have proven to be a fun- infrastructures that provide researcher’s damental asset in the Spanish R&D&I sys- I encourage you to browse this book community with the possibility of accessing tem, as they provide a type of technology showing the last Map update. These state-of-the-art technology that facilitates that, due to its size, economic cost, loca- pages not only enclose brief information the path to cutting-edge research. tion and / or uniqueness, cannot be avai- of each ICTS but also illustrate some lable at each research centre. of the results obtained with them high- In this sense, our country has the lighting their importance for the advan- so-called Unique Scientific and Tech- The ICTS Map includes scientific and cement of knowledge and the benefits nical Infrastructures (Infraestructuras technological facilities, unique in its kind brought to society. Científico-Técnicas Singulares in Spa- and with a high investment, maintenance nish) organized in what is known as the and operation cost that the Central Ad- ICTS Map. Access to these infrastructu- ministration and the Autonomous Com- res allows us to use cutting-edge tech- munities sustain in an exercise of public nology, acquire highly specialized trai- share responsibility, with the aim of ning, attract scientific and technological avoiding duplication, strengthening ICTS RAFAEL RODRIGO MONTERO Secretario General de Coordinación de Política Científica 6 7 ICTS MAP PAG.8-9 INTRODUCTION PAG.10-17 ICTS WITH A SINGLE LOCATION PAG.18-41 NETWORK OF ICTS PAG.42-67 DISTRIBUTED ICTS PAG.68-107 REFERENCES PAG.108-111 9 UPDATED MAP OF UNIQUE ICTS STRUCTURE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ICTS WITH A SINGLE LOCATION INFRASTRUCTURES NETWORK OF ICTS (ICTS) DISTRIBUTED ICTS ReDIB - CIC-bioma GUNE Canfranc Undergroud ALBA Synchrotron Laboratory (LSC) National Fusion Laboratory (LNF) RES - Altamira (UC) NANBIOSIS - CIBER - BBN RES - Pirineus (CSUC) Javalambre Astrophysical Spanish Academic and Research MARHIS - GTIM-CCOB Observatory (OAJ) Network (RedIRIS) MARHIS - BiMEP RES - MareNostrum and RES - Finis Terrae (CESGA) MinoTauro (BSC-CNS) RES - Caesaraugusta RES-Cibeles (UAM) R-LRB - LRE (UNIZAR) FLOTA-IEO R-LRB - LRB NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN ELECMI - LMA FLOTA-CSIC AS MICRONANOFABS - SBCNM ReDIB - BIOIMAC (UCM) CB NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN EU MARHIS - iCIEM MARHIS - CEHIPAR GA NA OmicsTech - CNAG - CRG R-LRB - LMR Centro Nacional de Investigación LR sobre la Evolución Humana OmicsTech - COS (CENIEH) MICRONANOFABS -CT-ISOM CA RLASB - CReSA Centre for Ultrashort ELECMI - CNME AR Ultra-intense Pulsed Lasers (CLPU) NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN RLASB - CISA RES - Caléndula (SCAYLE) CL ELECMI - UMEAP ReDIB - TRIMA-CNIC MA RES-Lusitania FLOTA - CSIC (COMPUTAEX) NANBIOSIS - CCM­U IB Oceanic Platform of the CM CV Canary Islands (PLOCAN) NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN EX Coastal Observation System of the Balearic Islands (SOCIB) Observatorios de Canarias (OOCC) FLOTA - BIO-SOCIB Doñana Biological Reserve AN RES - Tirant (UV) Gran Telescopio (RBD) FLOTA-IEO CANARIAS (GTC) MU Plataforma Solar de Almería MICRONANOFABS - NF-CTN RES - LaPalma (IAC) (PSA) NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN MARHIS - PLOCAN-TS National Accelerator Centre (CNA) ReDIB - Imaging La Fe Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory (CAHA) Infrastructure for Aquaculture ANTÁRTIDA of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ICAR) IRAM 30m Telescope (IRAM 30m) Yebes Observatory Juan Carlos I Antarctic Station IC FLOTA - BIO Hespérides (BAE JCI) RES - Picasso (UMA) Gabriel de Castilla Antarctic Station (BAE GdC) ELECMI - DME-UCA CE ML NANBIOSIS- BIONAND 10 @UTM_CSIC INTRODUCTION 12 13 The ICTS have three fundamental in all scientific and technological NATIONAL CONTEXT characteristics: disciplines. There is a clear relationship between a coun- • they are publicly owned infra- • they are open to competitive user ac- try's capacity to generate knowledge and structures. That is, they belong cess in the entire research community, innovation and its socio-economic compet- to or are managed by public en- both from the public and private sector. itiveness and development. That is why the tities under the authority of the science, technology and innovation policies state and/or regional governments. The ICTS are located across Spain and are are a fundamental element in the develop- They are mostly funded by public money. included on the “National Map of Unique ment of modern societies. Just like neigh- bouring countries, the Spanish government • they are unique, which means they are Scientific and Technical Infrastructures plans these policies regularly. Article 149.1.15 one of a kind, including: (ICTS)” (hereinafter “ICTS Map”). The first of the Spanish Constitution lists promotion map was approved at the 3rd Conference - Large facilities that enable the obser- and general coordination of scientific and of Presidents held on 11 January 2007, and vation, analysis and interpretation of technical research as one of the exclusive phenomena of interest. was created with the participation of the competences of the State. Autonomous Communities. Since then, - Complex experimental infrastructures this map has been regularly reviewed and designed to create, reproduce and The «Spanish Strategy for Science, Tech- assessed, and the update is part of the study physical, chemical andbiological nology and Innovation 2013–2020» is the mandate established in the “Spanish Stra- phenomena of interest. leading strategic framework for the whole tegy for Science, Technology and Innova- country regarding research, technology and - Large experimental infrastructures for tion 2013–2020”, which was approved by innovation and it considers the deployment engineering and developing new tech- the Council of Ministers on 1 February 2013. of the “ICTS Map” to be key for the nation- nologies applied in different fields. In 2014, an update that was valid until 6 al development of the Spanish System of - Essential infrastructures to provide November 2018 was approved. This was Science, Technology and Innovation, scientists with access to natural the date on which the Scientific, Tech- together with its inclusion in the Europe- settings
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