October 16, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1699 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF BOY HONORING THE FAYETTE Mr. Speaker, Senator Arlen Specter will be SCOUT TROOP 21, ROCHESTER, MN SPIRITUAL AIRES remembered for the important bipartisan role he played. HON. TIMOTHY J. WALZ HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON I urge my colleagues to join me in the mourning and remembering Senator Arlen OF MINNESOTA OF MISSISSIPPI Specter. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Tuesday, October 16, 2012 IN RECOGNITION OF THOMAS Mr. WALZ of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- TIGHE the House to join me today in honoring the er, I rise today to honor a Gospel Singers’ 100th anniversary of Boy Scout Troop 21 in Group, The Fayette Spiritual Aires. Rochester, Minnesota. Troop 21 is one of the In 1975, God gave Jimmy Jackson a vision HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. oldest and hardest working Boy Scout troops to organize a gospel quartet group, which he OF NEW JERSEY in Minnesota. named ‘‘The Fayette Spiritual Aires’’. Through- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over the years, thousands of young men out the years, this group has touched many Tuesday, October 16, 2012 lives and led many to Christ through its sing- have passed through their program, learning Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to valuable leadership and life skills while also ing ministry. The Fayette Spiritual Aires has been congratulate Mr. Thomas Tighe as he is rec- enjoying outdoor activities and performing ognized by the Kiddie Keep Well Camp on the service projects. Over 160 of Troop 21’s blessed to do three professional recordings: In 1986, 1992 and their latest album in 2009. occasion of their 10th Annual Fall Gala. Mr. scouts have reached Eagle Scout—the high- Tighe is truly deserving of the Camp’s 2012 est achievement level possible in Boy Scouts. Jimmy Jackson, the founder of this group, served as manager and lead singer until his Civic Leader of Distinction honor. The Boy Scouts of America reached its cen- Currently serving as President of the Central tennial in 1910 with a renewed call for greater sudden death in 2002. The group is currently managed by James Labor Council of Middlesex and Somerset community service. In 2010, Troop 21 an- Counties, Mr. Tighe touts an impressive re- swered this call and performed 494 hours of E. Oliver and the supporting members are: Erma Clark, Carlton Brown, Ellison Brown, sume of experience with organized labor. community service ranging from trash collec- Since his 5 year apprenticeship in the United tion, food drives, and projects to improve local Freddie Blanton, Adrick Hunter, Kendrick Hun- ter, Derrick Varnado, Dwayne Thompson and Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters in churches and parks. 1971, Mr. Tighe has steadily become a vital With the people of Minnesota, I ask this James Jones. Fred Hunter is a former mem- ber of this group and one of the first pro- leader of the labor organization, having served Chamber to join in celebrating Boy Scout as President of Local 9 of Central New Jersey; Troop 21’s 100-year anniversary. moters of professional gospel quartet groups in Southwest Mississippi. an Executive Board Member and Trustee of f Other members of the group that have de- the Pension, Welfare and Surety Fund; and IN RECOGNITION OF THE YAR- parted life and left us with their memories are: head of the Mega Base Organizing Com- MOUTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE the late Rev. David White, Moses Turner and mittee, among others. In addition to his roles Roosevelt Buie who were all dedicated to the within the union, Mr. Tighe is an active mem- Fayette Spiritual Aires. ber in his community and throughout Mid- HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING This group has been inspired by personal dlesex County. He serves as a member of the OF MASSACHUSETTS performances with other professional gospel Boy Scouts of America Executive Board of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES groups and has traveled to many cities Central New Jersey Council; as Vice Chair of Tuesday, October 16, 2012 throughout the United States performing their Middlesex County College Board of Trustees; and as a member of the Board of the Mid- Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ministry through gospel singing. dlesex County Board of Social Services. recognize the Yarmouth Chamber of Com- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Additionally, Mr. Tighe has served as a merce upon its fiftieth anniversary. The Cham- in honoring The Fayette Spiritual Aires, a Mis- Board Member of Kiddie Keep Well Camp for ber of Commerce plays an essential role in sissippi Gospel Singing Group. 13 years. Kiddie Keep Well Camp has served the Yarmouth community, connecting local f underprivileged children in Middlesex County businesses and offering visitors an insider’s THE PASSING OF SENATOR ARLEN for over 80 years. It is a place where children, perspective on much of what this beautiful SPECTER who may not otherwise have been able to at- coastal town has to offer. tend summer camp, can participate in activi- Founded in 1962, the Chamber of Com- HON. LAURA RICHARDSON ties and learn valuable life skills and lessons. merce has grown to be comprised of nearly OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Tighe’s commitment to his community is 400 members. From museums and charities to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES evident in his service to the Kiddie Keep Well banks, churches, and seaside restaurants, the Camp. Chamber represents a diverse array of the or- Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Mr. Speaker, once again, please join me in ganizations that help to give Yarmouth its Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratulating Thomas Tighe on his 2012 unique character. Every day, these businesses commemorate the life and achievements of Civic Leader of Distinction honor. Mr. Tighe’s provide vital services to Yarmouth’s year- Senator Arlen Specter. On October 14, 2012, leadership roles and dedication to Middlesex round residents and to its countless visitors. Senator Arlen Specter passed on due to com- County is truly deserving of this body’s rec- The many years of hard work by the Yarmouth plications of non-Hodgkins lymphoma; he was ognition. Chamber of Commerce have been essential in 82. developing Yarmouth’s vitality, a characteristic Mr. Speaker, Senator Arlen Specter was a f that draws so many to this beachside town dedicated public servant who served as a sen- HONORING THE KAISER SINGERS every year. ator for the state of Pennsylvania. He made Mr. Speaker, please join me in thanking the tremendous and long-lived contributions to HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce, its leaders, Pennsylvania and to our nation. OF MISSISSIPPI and the hundreds of businesses and organiza- Senator Arlen Specter was a leader on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions for their years of service to the town of criminal justice issues and foreign affairs. He Yarmouth. I am certain that the Chamber’s also worked on stem cell research legislation Tuesday, October 16, 2012 and its member organizations’ futures will be with Democrats as part of his fight to advance Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- bright. health care research. er, I rise today to honor a remarkable group, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:27 Oct 17, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16OC8.001 E16OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 16, 2012 The Kaiser Singers. The Kaiser Singers have friends as Merv. I will remember him most for Choir Director at Mount Layton Missionary become a household name for many. Their his tremendous work helping African Ameri- Baptist Church in Ruleville, Mississippi, and music has stirred the spirits and hearts of cans in California succeed in politics at all lev- Mount Moriah Christian Methodist Episcopal music lovers both young and old. els of government. Church in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Ms. Davis The group was formed in 1968 by Mrs. Bea- Merv served as a California assemblyman, has been a pianist for various churches and trice Kaiser and her daughters, Annie, Hattie state senator, and lieutenant governor and as receives many invitations to sing at numerous and Estella. They had no idea that this would a Member of Congress for over a decade. Christian and civic events. be the beginning of a lifelong inspiration. The However, I will remember him for the role he Ms. Davis’ family lineage includes renowned group’s early years of singing was done most- played in providing leadership, political rep- blues legend Nellie ‘‘Tiger’’ Travis. Her ten sib- ly in churches around their hometown of resentation, and for his efforts to increase ac- lings, Jorgen, Clinton, Patricia, Audrey, Debra, Yazoo City, Mississippi. During those years cessibility to health care in African American Metra, Glynis, Almeta, Sonya and Bethina all they sang a cappella, learning to make sweet communities. He also was a champion for sing and play the piano. harmony with their voices. education, social justice, economic oppor- Ms. Davis believes gospel music is a min- After their first year of singing, the group tunity, and an enlightened U.S. policy toward istry because it ministers to the soul of people. was joined by Mrs. Kaiser’s sister, Francine, Africa and the Caribbean. He was instrumental She has received many accolades from con- and then later by her youngest daughter, in establishing the nursing school at Charles gregations and people who are fortunate to Linda.
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