1 1' J IB,O0O People Read the HERALD. "Justice to alii Published Every Tuesday malice toward none.1* and Friday Neon. HERALD and SUMMIT RECORD YEAR. NO. 84 SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 26, 1931 $3.50 PER YEAR Don't Leave Your Cats and Need of in Dogs as Neighbors' Pests Tax Appeals to Closing Programs in Elementary u.yd J. xreworgy Leadership in Worl#Today Told It.never rained,cats and' dpgs, Be Heard July 1st Schools Presented During Past Week Lloyd Treworgy, for five years a Vacation Schools but each vacation,' period usually regular "member of the HERALD to High School Graduating Class finds a deluge of homeless animals Closing programs were held'this from the Junior High School, given staff, whose resignation took effect Large Enrollment in Four turned out of doors for the sum- County Board to Sit Here by Peter Wood. today, returns with his wife and Cameron Beck Points Out Demands of Leadership- mer to prey on the pity of neigh- week at final assemblies in the ele- , "America, the Beautiful," sung by all son to their home in Mllo, Maine. mentary schools in the system. the pupils, accompanied by the Har- [Daily Vacation Bible bors. And Summit, according to. for Summit, Springfield monica Club. "Lloyd," by which he is known to Diplomas Given to 114 Graduates—Prizes and Robert S. Holt, local representa- Programs were as follows: all his intimates,' leaves Summit Mr. Dougall gave a brief talk to Schools of Summit An* tive of the Society for the Preven- and New Providence Lincoln School with the full knowledge that he has Scholarships Awarded for Scholastic Attainments tion of Cruelty to Animals, Is no : Cases "^ ••, . ; • Assembly, Tuesday, June 23,1931. the guests and pupils of the school made a host' of friends. This was exception. i Salute to tho Flag describing the added facilities to in evidence last Monday night when The need of leadership in the world todjiod*y was stressed by Cameron Franklin School, the dally use of While the "pets" have to shift for Scripture Reading and Prayer a group of his friends including Beck, personnel director of the New York Stock Exchange, Tuesday C Singing—Praise Ye the Lord the new activity room for creative Albert J. Bartholomew, Rev. David Change in Time Schedule themselves and frequently become Sixteen Claims Listed : : Primary Class work, a prospectus of the type of night in his address to the graduating class of Summit High School. a menace to the community, 'the Singing—Sons of Hope :.... K. Bamwell, Earl Christman, J. : work the 6tli Graders will find at Wayne Wrightsone, Hugh Hamil- The High School auditorium was completely filled by the parents and Five hiMred children are expect- vacationists. are enjoying the ooean Sixteen claims of excessive as- , Intermediate Grades Junior High School, and best wish- ed to attend the dally sessions of or ... mountains unmindful of their sessment wiU-;be h^ard by the Class Prophecy for 6-C..Patsy Lambdln ton, Samuel Jones, James E. f rlenda of the graduates who assembled for tho commencemont exercises. Class Prophecy for C-B.. Samuel Folger es to all for a fine summer. Downes, Ralph Bates, Malcolm the four local vacation Bible schools less fortunate dumb friends. The Union County Board of Taxation Presentation of Certificates tor peri Mr. Beck pointed out that leader- S. P. C. A., wherever possible, Among the guests were several Leslie and Wendell Woodside, ten- wjiose' season opens Monday. June at City Hall, Summit, Wednesday feet attendance of the former students of Franklin ship through the ages had always ; places the animals whose owners morning, July ],st Of the appeals, Presentation, of Awards for special dered him a farewell dinner in the Business Men Plan stood out and that in OMer to bo 29th, '-, The Presbyterian . Parish merit School who always enjoy returning banquet room of the Y. M. C. A. have left town in more apprecia- nine are from Summit, Bix are from Expressions of good wishes to the a leader ono must stand steadier, > House, the Neighborhood House, tive homes, although the police are to their elementary Bchool for these The Informal dinner revealed that Outing for July 29th Springfield, and one from New Sixth Grades by representatives ot assemblies. feel deeper, seo farther, and must Oakes Memorial Church and the sometimes, called on to extermi- Providence Township. There are the other classeB as follows: • the HERALD will not only lose a , , ; %• M; 0; A.;, where 200 colored chil- Pour Kindergarten pupils: Jean very superior "news hound," but a The annual outing o£ the Busi- sometimes go on alone. He de- nate, humanely and painlessly, the no' protests from New Providence Klrby, Ruth Tu-ombly, Paul ness Men's Association will prob- dren are; expected, are the school vagrant animals. Borough property owners. Gadebusch, Wm. Baker IJrnyton School Assembly skillful handball, volley ball and clared that one must be p/epared to tennis player, and an ardent base- ably, be held July 29th. The date pay the price of leadership by prof- sites tor;this' summer. , • Before one resorts to abandon- First Grade—Patsy Soarry ' ' Tuesday, June 23rd, Brayton has been tentatively set and the '. The entire progranv/in all the ment of one's pets, it is infinitely The County Board is composed First and Second—JacquellneHalo School held its closing exercises in ball fan. "Here," said those at the itable study .in spare time. of John W. Cllft, ,of Summit; James Second Grade—Doris <Ahlers . dinner, "is a reporter who can be committee is working on the selec- Four fundamentals for siicccst schools; is designed to captivate the better to call Mr. Holt, 6-1923-J, or ; Third Grade—William Buclior the auditorium of the school, with tion of a place, Members of the interest of the child; to develop an the locals police headquarters, B. Warner, Cranford; and John J. , Fourth Gradt.—Martha 'Parrell, many parents and friends as visit- intrusted with confidences, who can in life wero stressed: first, the need be depended upon the keep them, committee have visited several of a plan; secondly, the ncod of a intimate sense of God-conscious- -either ot whom will endeavor to Collins, president, of Elizabeth. The , Betty G-lbb. Barbara Coplthorne, ors. The opening exercises wero places, including Spring Brook, at ness; to give him a knowledge of Emmy Underhlll - and who is a friendly human be- purpose; thirdly, the need of pei'- place ^he animals or at least ar- local hearing will begin at 10 a. m. ;,-Fifth Grade—Enid Beldlng, Ruth followed by the singing of Morning Morrlstown, which may be chosen. God through the Book, that will range that they,.will not be inhu- The Summit appeals/include one Hymn by the entire school. Ara- ing, who will react to kind treat- severence; and lastly, a passion for Blaeslng ••.•••' ment." The committee on arrangements is righteousness. He declared that it not only'stimulate right attitudes, manely roaming' the city all sum- from Jacob R. Mantel, et al, who Response tor 6-C... Patsy Xambdln belle Banton rondered two violin headed by Jesse F. Stout. and-practtco in the art of Christian mer. :• claims assessed valuation of prop- Response' for C-B Samuel Fplgcr solos, "The glue Bells of Scotland" might appear strange to hear a living, but will kindle a desire for erty at 5 Edgar street is $7,500, These pupils received certificates and a Scotch Folk Song, William jWall street man refer to "a pas- a personal experience, by which while similar property ot his on for perfect attendance: " : Kern played "Long, Long Ago," by sion for righteousness," but that tho the. practice of Christianity;wilt be the same block la assessed at $6,- Second Grade—B, Margaret Baxter, Baylay, as a clarinet solo. Newark Chief acid test fell on character. Emmett Hess, Wendell Slngletary. ' G. 0. at High School The speaker asserted that lack ol his very own. Music Features 000. Lihcbln Whitaker values, his Third Grade-r-John Glanopoulos. lot, No. 47, oh 6ak Ridge avenue Fourth Grade—Arthur Case, Frances Miss Casgidy then.announced the a definite purpose was killing the' Ninety Minute Session' names Of the pupils having earned tomorrows of many young people. At theVP&rlsh H^use thefce are at $2,000, while the assessors be- Manser, HJalmar Wallin. Talks to Kiwanis Installs Officers ; - Lions Club Meeting lieve It worts ?|$O0 more. His ap- Fifth Grade—Francis Underhlll, the school award in the form of the Many people missed the mark boje to be two 80-minute sessions daily Prossii Comblas. school emblem for services to the cause the only form of exerciso for live days each week. This is a peal will' be heard. Sixth Grade—Jean Knapp, Margaref Brlsco. school and progress attained during McRell Says Good Men Are Robert Webbe Succeeds they engaged in was "wishing" and shorter period than usual but the Others are 'William W. Buscher, never took pains to acquiro addi- Entire Club Joins Summit 69 Edgewood rqad, whose building The following special awards the school year. work will be intensive. The first The awards were as follows— Slipping Away From Fletcher Thornton as tional knowledge The speaker half of the morning from 9.00 to A. A. to Lend Aid tothere is worth f 15,000; he says, $20,- were mado: stated that there should be an in- 10.30 will be devoted to the kinder- 000 according to the assessors; and Kindergarten—Peggy Corcoran, citi- services in and about the school: Law Enforcement, in zenship ; 'William Baker, effort; Jean Junior Saftey Patrol: Girls—Betty President of Student visible sign in every offlco read- garten, beginners.
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