Let the fit wild • rumpus I • start FoundeTHd in 191E8 UBYSSEVancouver, B.C., Tuesday, October 22Y, 1991 Vol 74, No 14 r Pro-choice activists "ecstatic" over results of BC elections by Frances Foran ade clinics, and even used their Pro-choice activists are react­ children, so women cannot enter," ing favourably to the NDP victory she said. _.. in the BC elections October 17 but "Of course, with the new Su­ emphasize that a great deal has to preme Court appointment (of ^ be done before choice as a woman's Clarence Thomas) it is expected right is truly safeguarded. that all the gains that were made On Monday, reacting to the will be wiped out," Larkin said. NDFs victory, Christine Pryce, co- "Just to show you how concerned president of Students for Choice, some women in the US are, some said, "We're ecstatic." are organizing private training Personal and political choice sessions to develop ways to give --*• was the theme at a pro-choice rally, private abortions in the home." sponsored by Students for Choice, Larkin said the issue is no­ outside SUB last Wednesday. where near resolution. Guest speakers NDP MLA Darlene "The anti-choice forces in this Marzari and Jackie Larkin, co- province and in this country are founder ofBC Coalition of Abortion everywhere. Clinics said that while choice for "The women who have the o — > abortion is still legal, a vocal anti- least access are the poor, those 5 choice minority threatens women's who live in aboriginal communi­ £ access to a safe, cost and stigma- ties or outside major urban cen­ z free abortion service. tres, either because the services £ Pryce said "The rally is partly aren't there or the hospital board to protest the Lifechain (a string of has been hijacked by single-issue ~* anti-choice activists who demon- anti-choice forces." strated on Kingsway three weeks As it was the final day ofthe Darlene Marzari, NOP MLA for Vancouver-Point Grey, addresses pro-choice rally outside ago) and partly to raise the issue election campaign, Larkin elabo­ r for the election." rated on the abortion positions of SUB last Wednesday. ; Pryce used the Vernon hospi- the major parties. She recounted to know that there is a connection they go to, whether they go to uni­ have the right to choose what they ^ tai as an example ofthe legal right the threat to access posed by Social between feeling that they are full versity, whether they have the will do with their bodies, when, •L.to choice being undermined by Credit in 1988. citizens in a society and having right to complain if sexually ha­ how and with whom they will have ' choice-intolerant interests. "The "If Vander Zalm had his way, opportunities in that society," she rassed, or whether they have any children. Vernon hospital is pro-life, and \ Ve the clinics wouldn't even have the said. rights at all? If women can't choose "This isn't the right of only they've abolished a woman's right service covered by MSP [the Medi­ Marzari likened the struggle their reproductive lives they can't |T thto .choos e abortion even in the case rich women. It will be extended to cal Services Plan] let alone get for access to abortion to other legal choose anything else." everyone. So when we talk about rape." core funding. And if any of you and social obstacles to women's Marzari emphasized that the k? "The American government political rights, women can expect were thinking of voting Liberal, inclusion in society which have NDP policy on abortion entails that if they choose to have an abor­ [ hhaas been repealing the right to remember Gordon Wilson said he been challenged with various lev­ rectifying the access problem. The choose in every state. We don't tion, that medical service will be believes abortion shouldbe allowed els of success, such as being recog­ two freestanding clinics will receive available to them in the commu­ want what's happening in the only in cases of rape or incest." nized as legal persons and gaining the core funding they need; coun­ States to happen here," she said. nity, through their local hospital Darlene Marzari, who was re­ the vote, gaining entrance into selling services will be covered by with no stigma attached." Jackie Larkin, who has been elected MLA for Vancouver-Point university and the struggle for pay the MSP and made available to active in the struggle for choice for Pryce said,"TheNDPhasalot Grey last Thursday, saidthatright equity. more women. of work to do and I don't think 25 years, concurred. to abortion is a woman's right as a "If women can't rest assured "I'm very proud that it was "In Witchita, Kansas there has they'll be able to get to the issue citizen, and only when the right to on the cornerstone of their freedom Mike Harcourt who was the only right away, but well keep aipply- been a major mobilization of Op­ abortion and counselling are won that they have the right to choose one during the campaign to take a eration Rescue (an anti-choice ingpressure so they'll stick to their will women be truly enfranchised. over their own bodies then how stand and make it clear to every­ promises. group) and the right wing. They "It's very important for can we even think they'll have the one that women in BC will un­ have used vicious tactics to block- "But ifs definitely a victory women, young women especially right to choose what university questionably, no ifs, ands, or buts, for women." Students cautious in reaction to NDP victory by Rick Hiebert Brad Lavigne, chair of the to figure out the future of BC edu­ creases are out ofthe question for Other student politicians in Canadian Federation of Students- cation, a revamped BC student loan the next year or two, until the BC are cautiously optimistic. The election of an NDP gov­ BC, said the student lobby group programme, student representa­ economy improves and the reform "Post-secondary education is ernment in BC is being greeted intends to ensure that the new tion on college governing boards commission finishes its work. The a relatively non-controversial is­ warily by student leaders in the government keeps to their prom­ and the completion of new univer­ CFS-BC wants a 15 per cent in­ sue," said Mark Snelgrove, stu­ province. ises. sities in Prince George and the crease in funding next year to re­ dent society treasurer at Capilano Although most of them see "We are going to fight this Fraser Valley region of BC. store funding levels to those in College in North Vancouver. "With promise in the NDPs post-second­ NDP government for a quality, However, both Jones and the place before the deep BC govern­ logging, for instance, the NDP will ary education platform, they are a accessible post-secondary educa­ probable new finance minister, ment funding cuts ofthe early 80s. have to step carefully in order to bit fearful that what is happening tional system in this province. We Glen Clark, said during the cam­ "Things will not change im­ avoid angering people, but with to students in NDP-run Ontario will fight them just as hard as we paign that significant funding in- mediately," Lavigne said, "But we advanced education, they will have could also happen in BC. did the past Social remain hopeful." a good reaction from students re­ The NDP government there Credit government," "Our successes under So­ garding any positive reforms," he increased tuitions province-wide Lavigne said. Provincial election results: cial Credit were small vic­ said. by 7.3 per cent in their first budget He said the NDP tories and we were very "Reforming andimproving the this past spring, despite promis­ had the best thought- happy about them, but now system is the easiest thing for the ing to freeze them in the Septem­ out policies for educa­ NDP 40.8%, 51 seats that we have a new govern­ new government to do, so students ber 1990 election. tion but they "still fall Liberal 33.2%, 17 seats ment that is purportedly should expect it," Snelgrove said. The NDP won the BC election well short of what is Social Credit 24.0%, 7 seats supportive of post-second­ Kelly Guggisberg, external October 17 with 51 seats. The Lib­ needed to revamp the Other 2.0%, 0 seats ary education, our stan­ affairs coordinator of the UBC erals were second with 17 seats system." dards are higher," he said. student government, said if the and will form the opposition, while Among the things "We in the student move­ NDP "keeps their promises," stu­ the Social Credit party was re­ that NDP advanced Vancouver-Point Grey riding ment are going to have to dents at UBC and elsewhere will duced to a seven seat rump after education spokesper­ work twice as har d to ensure benefit. having governed BC for 36 ofthe son Barry Jones prom­ that the NDP does what "In talking with student past 39 years. ised during the cam­ Darlene Marzari, NDP 11,643 they have promised to do leaders in Ontario, they say that Darlene Marzari, Vancouver- paign were: a one year Barry Burke, Liberal 8,710 and more. If the system electing the NDP hasn't made a Point Grey NDP candidate won province-wide freeze on Richard Wright, Social Credit 2,708 doesn't get what it needs difference in education, so we another term as UBC's MLA by a tuition fees, a govern­ Nicole Kohnert, Green 367 under a party with better should be concerned.
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