NORSK ENTOMOWGISK TIDSSKRIFT NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY VOLUME 20 . NO. 2 . 1973 Petr Nohel: The Occurrence of the Nordic Beetle Karl Erik Zacbariassen: Seasonal Variation in Atomaria Sahlbergi Sjoberg (Col., Chryptopha. Hemolymph Osmolality and Osmotic Con­ gidae) in Central Europe, with Biological and tribution of Glycerol in Adult Rhagium Zoogeographical Notes 221 inquisitor L. (CoI., Cerambycidae) 259 Otto Kugelberg: Effects of Larval Density on the Ame Fjellberg: Observations of Onychiurus ner­ Development of Lygaeus equestris (L.) (Het., vosus Stach, 1954, (Collembola, Onychiuridae) Lygaeidae) in the Laboratory 225 in Eastern Norway 263 Jan-Fredrik Bjlines: New Localities for Some A1bert Lillehammer: The Nymph of Capnopsis Species of Odonata from 0stfold, Norway 229 schilleri (Rostock) 1892. Notes on its Mor­ C. O. Berg: Two Partially Duplicated Antennae in phology and Emergence 267 Sciomyzidae (Diptera) of Western Europe 231 I. D. Hodkinson: The Biology of Strophingiaericae (Curtis) (Homoptera, Psylloidea) with Notes on its Primary Parasite Tetrastichus actis Short Communications (Walker) (Hym., Eulophidae) 237 EIse-Margrete Conradi-Larsen & Lauritz Semme: Lita Greve: A Small Collection of Sciomyzidae Notes on the Biology of Dolycoris baccarum L. from Southern Norway 269 (Het., Pentatomidae) 245 Dagfinn Refseth: Pararge aegerla egerides Stgr. Rolf Dahlby: A Check-list and Synonyms of the (Lep., Satyridae), ny nordgrense i Fenno­ Norwegian Species of Ephemeroptera 249 skandia 270 Sigmund Hligvar & Eivind 0stbye: Notes on Some C. F. Liihr: Bemerkninger tiI Catalogue of the Le­ Winter-Active Chironomidae 253 pidoptera of Norway, Part III 270 UNIVERSITETSFORLAGET Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift Norwegian Journal ofEntomology EDITOR Dr. philos. Lauritz S0mme, Zoologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Ulniversitetslektor Eivind 0stbye, Konsulent Per F. Waaler, Konservator Albert Lillehammer. PUBLISHER Universitetsforlaget: P. O. Box 307, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway. P. O. Box 142, Boston, Massachusetts 02113, U.S.A. CONTRIBUTIONS These should be sent to the Editor. Authors are requested to follow the instructions on page 3 of the cover. Artikler som 0nskes trykt i tidsskriftet sendes redakt0ren. Bidragsytere mA f01ge anvisningen pA omslagets tredje side. SUBSCRIPTIONS Non-members of the Norwegian Entomological Society should send their orders to Universitetsforlaget. The subscription price per volume (two issues annually) is U.S. $ 11.00 (N. kr. 55,-). Notice of change of address should be accompanied by the old address. Back volumes should also be ordered from Universitetsforlaget. NORSK ENTOMOLOGISK FORENING ser sin hovedoppgave i Afremme det entomologiske studium i Norge, og danne et bindeledd mellom de interesserte. S0knad om opptagelse i foreningen sendes for­ mannen. Medlemskontingenten er for tiden kr. 20,- pr. Ar. Medlemmer fAr tids­ skriftet fritt tilsendt. STYRET Formann: Fors0ksleder, dr. philos. Alf Bakke, Det norske Skogfors0ksvesen, 1432 Vollebekk. Viseformann: Konsu.ient Per F. Waaler, Kristins vei 30, Oslo. Sekretar: Amanuensis Trygve Rygg, Statens plantevern, 1432 Vollebekk. Styremedlem: Vit. ass. Eline Benestad HAgvar, Zoologisk laboratorium, Universitetet i Oslo. Kasserer: Vit. ass. Bjarne Meidell, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetet i Bergen. Styrets varamenn: Dr. Andreas Strand, Melumveien 38, Oslo. Konservator Johan Andersen, Troms0 Museum, Troms0. Revisor: Brukseier Eivind Sundt, S0ndre OppegArd, Svartskog. iC> Universitetsforlaget 1973 Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift Norwegian Journal ofEntomology EDITOR Dr. philos. Lauritz S",mme, Zoologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Blindem, Oslo 3, Norway. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Ulniversitetslektor Eivind 0stbye, Konsulent Per F. Waaler, Konservator Albert Lillehammer. PUBLISHER Universitetsforlaget: P. O. Box 307, Blindem, Oslo 3, Norway. P. O. Box 142, Boston, Massachusetts 02113, U.S.A. CONTRIBUTIONS These should be sent to the Editor. Authors are requested to follow the instructions on page 3 of the cover. Artikler som ",nskes trykt i tidsskriftet sendes redakt",ren. Bidragsytere ma f",lge anvisningen pa omslagets tredje side. SUBSCRIPTIONS Non-members of the Norwegian Entomological Society should send their orders to Universitetsforlaget. The subscription price per volume (two issues annually) is U.S. $ 11.00 (N. kr. 55,-). Notice of change of address should be accompanied by the old address. Back volumes should also be ordered from Universitetsforlaget. NORSK ENTOMOLOGISK FORENING ser sin hovedoppgave i a fremme det entomologiske studium i Norge, og danne et bindeledd mellom de interesserte. S",knad om opptagelse i foreningen sendes for­ mannen. Medlemskontingenten er for tiden kr. 20,- pr. lr. Medlemmer far tids­ skriftet fritt tilsendt. STYRET Formann: Fors",ksleder, dr. philos. AIr Bakke, Det norske Skogfors",ksvesen, 1432 Vollebekk. Viseformann: KonsuJent Per F. Waaler, Kristins vei 30, Oslo. Sekretar: Amanuensis Trygve Rygg, Statens plantevem, 1432 Vollebekk. Styremedlem: Vit. ass. Eline Benestad Hdgvar, Zoologisk laboratorium, Universitetet i Oslo. Kasserer: Vit. ass. Bjame Meidell, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetet i Bergen. Styrets varamenn: Dr. Andreas Strand, Melumveien 38, Oslo. Konservator Johan Andersen, Troms", Museum, Troms",. Revisor: Brukseier Eivind Sundt, S",ndre Oppeglrd, Svartskog. «) Universitetsforlagct 1973 The Occurrence of the Nordic Beetle Atomaria Sahlbergi Sj6berg (Col., Cryptophagidae) in Central Europe, with Biological and Zoogeographical Notes PETR NOHEL Nohel, P. 1973. The Occurrence of the Nordic Beetle Atomaria sahlbergi Sji:iberg (Col., Cryptophagidae) in Central Europe, with Biological and Zoogeographical Notes. Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 20, 221-224. The new discovery in central Europe (Czechoslovakia: the Silesian Beskydy mountains) of Atomaria sahlbergi Sji:iberg 1947, so far considered as exclusively Nordic, is reported, with notes on bionomics and zoogeographic implications of the presented records. P. Nollel, Institute 01 Botany, Czechoslovak Academy 01 Sciences, 25243 Pruhonice near Prague, Czechoslovakia Atomaria sahlberg; Sjoberg 1947 is a little known species, only 'reliably recorded as yet from north­ BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ern and north-central Fennoscandia and from In all three cases, specimens were collected in a northern Scotland (Horion 1960, Lohse 1967, macrohabitat which may be described as a typical Johnson 1971). Thus, although Lohse (1967) Carpathian mixed montane primeval forest (Abie­ anticipated the presence of this species in central teto-Fagetum). As all specimens were associated Europe, the present first central European records with firs and extracted from nearly dry wood are of considerable interest. debris, the following particular microhabitat is certainly worthy of note. It consisted of large quantities of nearly dry, decaying fir wood litter MATERIAL and decaying remains of fir bark, mixed in with Amongst the material of the Atomariinae col­ partially decomposed fir needles, and occasion­ lected by the writer in Czechoslovakia, 1965-1970, ally grass roots. Such litter heaps as a rule accu­ and kindly identified by Dr. Colin JoOOson, there mulate around the bottom parts of large decaying were three specimens of Atomaria sahlberg; Sjo­ fir trunks; the bulk of moulds and mycelia of berg. They were taken at the following localities various species of fungi often grow through these (see also the map, Fig. 1): heaps. Fruit bodies of some lower fungi, appa­ Czechoslovakia: Czech Silesia: the Silesian rently belonging to the order Pezizales, were fre­ Beskydy Mts. The MionSf primeval forest state quently seen in the microhabitat. This proved to nature reserve, 23 July 1965, one specimen sieved be very productive, as can be seen from the from fir-wood litter. Same locality but 17 Oct. synopsis below of the coleopterous faunas asso­ 1970, 750 m a. s.l., one specimen sieved from fir ciated with the respective microhabitats on the wood debris (coil. C. Johnson, Manchester). ­ dates when specimens of Atomaria sahlbergi Sjo­ Silesian Beskydy Mts.: Mt. Cantorija, montane berg were found: primeval forest on steep slope near the summit, 900 m a.s.l., 27 Oct. 1967, one specimen sieved l. MionSf, 23 July 1965: Scydmaenidae: Micro­ from fir wood debris. scydmus nanus Schaum (one specimen), Neuraphes 1 - Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 222 P. Nohel ! ". ~T ,- •.,-"!" ·1;.....>1·\"·[·- 1.".1.", "VI"··Jl·l:J.I·i:.:ji~,:[;;jA:::i\.·I·.·'·11 I br '1"'1' It ., 'u' /•.,,,.,., '.'.'.' '.',-.' 'n' "',' ,.,"-" .," .,-­ SS"·J"~l€j."·~-J·-:~' "! ." r...-=p I .[. 'I" '·-U·A·[.".I· I ".J":'?/".I.".I· I.- I" I" I. I" J.r x\l. I. Idl- I_ I" I"" 1"""':+-'L_1~4 •.. ·J.:iJ·I~I:K"i;...;.J..J:7.TT.III,""I;-I"I'I·,· 1'1,: I '1 'I'I'~'I'II'I'I'I'Y'I'I'I' 1··I·,I·j(·,I,·I-"",-. ....11.:1~:·:1:··1:·:/:·:t:·:7.~f'<:~ ,,. .1. I 11" '1' I' I ,'j'l(,"1 '''C.J'I 'I'VJ'I' I.'I.'."~.'.I.' I.' 1·.l·.I.· 1."""'-1.'," .•" 11 ·~'1..~ji • I· 1·1· ".1'111 .: ,1,.1/1·1·1'111 'I'I~ . ;: :r1·lll·IJI·IA ,I''':'v. :1{1·1·:I·I{·j· 1"75 38 3840 41 42 43144 45 46 41 d 49150 51 52 53 54 55156 57 58 50 606'182638485 A6 ITU8 -69--'0 11. 77 78 79 1~ W 'W W 1r '8' ". Fig. I. Map showing present central European distribution of Atomaria sahlbergi Sj6berg. Dots show localities in the Silesian Beskydy Mts. carinatus Mulsant (I); Pselaphidae: Plectophloeus Cryptophagidae: Cryptophagus dentatus Herbst rhenanus Reitter (I), Euplectus bescidius Reitter (I), Atomaria affinis Sahlberg (I); Ptinidae: (I); Staphylinidae: Phyllodrepa melanocephala
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