June 2014 Initial Project Proposal / Final Design Report PIN 1HWP.01 November 2013 Final Design Report PIN 1460.42 Appendix B Environmental Information NYSDOT LAES Pre-Scoping Report NYSDOT Landscape Architecture / Environmental Services, Region 1 Phase Prepared by Date Phase Prepared by Date LAES Pre-Scoping Report A. Morgan 1/13/10 LAES Project Resource Report A. Becker 2/3/11 LAES Draft IPP Report Other: PIN: 1460.42.121 FUNDING SOURCE: 100% STATE STATE & FEDERAL DESCRIPTION: Rt. 32 over the Mohawk River REVISION - SUPERSEDES DATE OF: COUNTY: ALBANY COMMENT: PROJECT TYPE (RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM): 1. Highway Project 3. Other Comment: 2. Bridge Project 4. Intersection Project FEDERAL PROJECTED ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS: Yes INVOLVEMENT : NEPA: No Federal Class II, CE Class III, EA Class I, EIS Why: Federal Funding Funds CE/Auto SAFETEA-LU SAFETEA-LU CE/Prog Applies Applies CE/Doc SEQR: Exempt Type II Non-Type II Note: EA -or- EIS DESIGN BY: Note: Clough Harbour LLP R1 Design Consultant MO Design Services Other ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE RESOURCE RESOURCE FURTHER WITHIN ½ AFFECTED REVIEW COMMENTS MILE By Project REQUIRED ITEM PHASE Pre-Scope Scoping Scoping Scoping/ Design Approval P = Permit necessary C = Agency coordination necessary (↑T) = Additional Time (↑$) = Additional Funds If Yes → → → (↑R) = Additional ROW (xx) = Pre-scoping list Troy NorthQuad E1 ACOE-SECTION 10 OR 404 Permit YES YES YES National Wetlands Inventory quad exists: Wetland Delineation Needed (↑T) {11} Designated Inland Waterway {15} ACOE Navigable Waters Federal Jurisdictional Wetlands: P Wetland compensation (↑T) (↑R) (↑$) L1UBHh: Lacustrine, limnetic, unconsolidated bottom Permit Type YES The wetland is 46sm No permit needed P Nationwide permit: # 3 & Section 10 P Individual Permit (↑T) Page 1 of 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE RESOURCE RESOURCE FURTHER WITHIN ½ AFFECTED REVIEW COMMENTS MILE By Project REQUIRED ITEM PHASE Pre-Scope Scoping Scoping Scoping/ Design Approval P = Permit necessary C = Agency coordination necessary (↑T) = Additional Time (↑$) = Additional Funds If Yes → → → (↑R) = Additional ROW (xx) = Pre-scoping list E2 DEC SECTION 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION YES YES YES More than 25cy of fill is probable to require IWQC {3} Water bodies present: Mohawk River {4} DEC Stream Classification: Standard: C Class: C P {5} DEC freshwater wetlands Wetland ID {6} DEC unit management plan (UMP) Permit Type No permit needed P Notice of Intent (NOI) applies P General permit applies P Blanket Water Quality Certificate (↑T) P Individual Water Quality Certificate (↑T) P Wetland compensation required (↑T) (↑R) (↑$) DEC REVIEW FOR STREAM DISTURBANCE E3 YES no no Covered under 401 C (DEC/DOT MOU ART. 15/24 coordination) STATE REGULATED TIDAL WETLANDS E4 (Does not apply to Region 1) no no No Does not apply to Region 1 EXECUTIVE ORDER 11990 Wetlands (for fed. funded projects) no E5 no no (Individual or Programmatic) (↑T) COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WATERFRONT E6 no no no C (DOS) REVITALIZATION AND COASTAL RESOURCE ACT {9} Coastal zone management area NOT within Coastal Boundary {10} Effects Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Village {47} Scenic Areas of Statewide Significance (DOS) no no no {48} Hudson River Greenway no no no SIGNIFICANT COASTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITATS C no no no {12}. Significant coastal fish & wildlife habitats Water is not navigable, there are falls to the west and a dame to the east, E7 UNITED STATES COAST GUARD PERMIT no no no Historically it was navigable USCG Navigable waters STATE SCENIC AND RECREATIONAL RIVERS E8 (¼ within APA, ½ all other areas) P {17} NYS Scenic and Recreational Rivers (↑T) no no no C {18} Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers no no no E9 CANAL SYSTEM {19} YES no no Erie Canal Nearby but not apart of the scope of this project. Barge Canal Champlain Canal Other canal: C Early coordination with Canal Corporation required E10 FLOODPLAINS {20} (100 year floodplain) YES YES YES Probable for 25cy of fill Page 2 of 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE RESOURCE RESOURCE FURTHER WITHIN ½ AFFECTED REVIEW COMMENTS ITEM MILE By Project REQUIRED PHASE Pre-Scope Scoping Scoping Scoping/ Design Approval P = Permit necessary C = Agency coordination necessary (↑T) = Additional Time (↑$) = Additional Funds If Yes → → → (↑R) = Additional ROW (xx) = Pre-scoping list (SPDES) STATE POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION E11 SYSTEM YES YES YES Test detention areas for archeology Less than One acre P Over one acre, SWPPP needed (↑T) (↑R) (↑$) MS4: Municipal outfalls {13} TMDL Waters (for information only) {14} 303D Waters (for information only) E12 INVASIVE SPECIES no no no E13 NEW YORK CITY WATERSHED coordination C no no no E14 AQUIFERS C no no no Unconfined Regional Aquifer high yeild {22} Federal Sole Source Aquifer {23} Primary Aquifer {24} Municipal Drinking Water Wells: Miles to Wells: E15 CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS (CEA) no no no E16 FOREST PRESERVE no no no Adirondack Park Catskill Park Other: P Temporary revocable permit required (↑T) E17 ENDANGERED & THREATENED SPECIES (ETS) Potential species: Alewife Floater, (Anodonta implicata) and Giant Pine- C State YES no YES drops, (Pterospora andromedea) Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis); (Historical) bog turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii); C Federal YES no YES Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) and Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) E18 HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES C YES YES YES Champlain Canal, Extends N from Troy to Whitehall; Northside Historic District, Both sides of Saratoga Ave. (NY 32) from Maple Ave. to Roosevelt Bridge; Peebles (Peobles) Island, Harmony Mill Historic District; Downtown {26} Bridge is 50 years or older Year Built: Cohoes Historic District; Olmstead Street Historic District, Silliman Memorial Presbyterian Church, Mohawk and Seneca Sts.; Music Hall, NW corner of Remsen and Oneida Sts. CRS - Henry Lansing House, Rt 32 o/t Mohawk River, Fulton St HAER Nat’l Register Listed or Eligible Historic District, Structure or site: Potential historic district, structure or site: Known archaeological site: {29} Cultural Resource Survey (CRS) on file: {30} Located in Certified Local Government Jurisdiction: C Tribal concerns Coordinate w/ State Historic Preservation Office (↑T) (SHPO) Page 3 of 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE RESOURCE RESOURCE FURTHER WITHIN ½ AFFECTED REVIEW COMMENTS ITEM ITEM MILE By Project REQUIRED PHASE Pre-Scope Scoping Scoping Scoping/ Design Approval P = Permit necessary C = Agency coordination necessary (↑T) = Additional Time (↑$) = Additional Funds If Yes → → → (↑R) = Additional ROW (xx) = Pre-scoping list E20 PARKLANDS C YES no no Nearby Peebles Island State Park (undeveloped) {35} National Parks (Saratoga National Battlefield) State Park {43} Local Parks and Recreational Areas Coordination/ agreement needed (↑T) E21 BOUNDARY LANDS no no no {40} Catskill Park ( Within Kaaterskill Clove, Rt23A SHPO) {41} Lake George Park Commission Boundary {42} Albany Pine Bush Preserve E22 NATIONWIDE 4(F) PROGRAMMATIC EVALUATIONS no no no C Parkland (↑T) Historic sites (↑T) Wildlife/Waterfowl Refuge (↑T) E23 SECTION 6(F) AND SECTION 110 EVALUATIONS FOR no no no C RECREATIONAL AREAS (↑T) (↑$) E24 NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARKS no no no {34} NATURAL LANDMARKS E25 no no no (Two in Region 1) Applies only to EIS Bear Swamp, Albany County Petrified Sea Gardens, Saratoga County E26 {26} SCENIC BYWAYS C YES YES YES State Scenic Byway, Mohawk Towpath Trail Designated: Proposed: ADIRONDACK PARK E27 no no no Project is within the Adirondack Park boundary P 814 New land use or change in appearance (↑T) P {7} APA freshwater wetlands Class: (↑T) P General permit applies Wetland compensation (↑T) (↑R) APA Jurisdiction Project is non-Jurisdictional, No permit Project is Jurisdictional, Permit (↑T) E28 {53} FARMLANDS Rhinebeck Siltloam on northeast shore. Classified as Primefarmland based C Federal YES no no on soil type. Location is NOT farm land C State(Agricultural District) no no no Needs review E29 AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS (↑T) no no YES Page 4 of 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE RESOURCE RESOURCE FURTHER WITHIN ½ AFFECTED REVIEW COMMENTS ITEM ITEM MILE By Project REQUIRED Needs review E30 NOISE ANALYSIS (↑T) no no YES PHASE Pre-Scope Scoping Scoping Scoping/ Design Approval P = Permit necessary C = Agency coordination necessary (↑T) = Additional Time (↑$) = Additional Funds If Yes → → → (↑R) = Additional ROW (xx) = Pre-scoping list E31 ENERGY IMPACT ANALYSIS (EIS ONLY) no no no E32 ASBESTOS ASSESSMENT YES YES YES Regional LAES Unit will do screening and testing screening necessary Paint Bridge element Building Remediation necessary (↑$) HAZARDOUS WASTE AND CONTAMINATED MATERIALS E33 ASSESSMENT no no no screening necessary {54} National Priority Listing (NPL) {55} Inactive Hazardous Waste Site {56} Spill Site PCB contamination, Hudson River unknown Remediation necessary (↑$) E34 POTENTIAL WASTE AREAS DURING CONSTRUCTION no no no No room for on site {57} On Potential Waste/Wetland Compensation Area list {58} Mine/Quarry within 5 miles (potential waste area) E 36 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Page 5 of 7 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL ISSUE RESOURCE RESOURCE FURTHER WITHIN ½ AFFECTED REVIEW COMMENTS I TEM MILE By Project REQUIRED PHASE Pre-Scope Scoping Scoping Scoping/ Design Approval P = Permit necessary C = Agency coordination necessary If Yes (↑T) = Additional Time (↑$) = Additional Funds → → (↑R) = Additional ROW → L1 CONTEXT SENSITIVE SOLUTIONS YES YES YES Community Outreach (↑T) Community Workshop (↑T) L2 LANDSCAPE DESIGN YES YES YES Pedestrian circulation Drifting & blowing snow Headlight
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