Index A Beddoes, Dick, 95 abuse Beliveau, Jean alcohol, effects of, 47, 175–76 Hull, match for, 31 parental, 212–13 memorabilia, selling, 248 player, 134, 157–60, 234–37 retirement, coaxed from, 18–19 spousal, 188–89, 217, 241–42 Sports Illustrated, 6 Allen, Claudia, 195, 215–16, 250 Stanley Cup, 22 ambassador, Blackhawks, 259–60 Beyond the Glory (documentary), Angotti, Lou, 38 212 anti-trust law and WHA, 114–17 Blackburn, Don, 214 Avco Cup,COPYRIGHTED 160, 169–70, 199 Black Hawks/Blackhawks.MATERIAL See Chicago Black Hawks/ B Blackhawks Ballard, Harold, 101–2 blacklisted, seemingly, 256 Banks, Ernie, 8 Bordeleau, Christian, 127 Bauer, Father David, 91 Boston Bruins Beaudin, Norm Stanley Cup playoffs, 18–19 Luxury line, 131, 133 trade to, 33 signed by WHA, 84 Brooks, Herb, 253–56 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 226767 115/07/115/07/11 33:48:48 PPMM 268 Index C espionage and WHA signing, Campbell, Clarence, reserve 86–87 clause issue, 106–12, 116 Hull’s 1972 landmark Canada Cup 1976, 161–66 contract, 117 Canadian Magazine, Potvin invalid, 80–82 memoire, 166 threats and recriminations, cards, hockey 60–62 prestige items, 9 control, personal, loss of, 194 Topps’ Bobby Hull card, 203 CTE, research into and effects of, Centennial Expo, aftermath, 237–39 93–94 Chicago D family dynasties, city of, 56 Daley, Joe, 127–28, 133, 135, uniqueness of, 114 168, 193 Chicago Black Hawks/ Davidson, Gary, 72–75, 83 Blackhawks. See also Davidson, Gary L, 138 contract negotiations defensive player, best, 29–30 ambassador for, 259 Deniset, Justice, 217–23 generous club, 259 Dennison, William, 100 No 9 memorabilia, 1, 90 Detroit Red Wings, 7, 57, ovation and bronze statues, 260 127, 140 reserve clause issue, 114–17 Devaney, John, 62–64, 66–67 revitalized, 58 Devil and Daniel Webster, Stanley Cups, 3, 17–24, 30–47, The (fi lm), 75 65–71, 246 divorce star player, 8–9 career impact, 225 Super Hawk, 29 judgement, 187–89 chronic traumatic petition, 185–86 encephalopathy, 237–39 trial and appeal, 216–24 Clarke, Bobby, Captain, Team Dryden, Ken, 19, 31 Canada ‘76, 161–64 Dunnell, Milt, 88 closure, lack of, 201–2 company towns, and social E cohesion, 65–66 Eagleson, Alan, 78–79, 99 competition, amateur Eskenazi, Gerald, 58 international, 91–92 Esposito, Phil concussion, undiagnosed, Black Hawks, 17 untreated, 239–43 Boston Bruins, 18–19, 33 contract negotiations Esposito, Tony contract, lack of, 51–52, future Hall of Famer, 31 59–62 Stanley Cup playoffs, 37–39 contract law, 112–17 Vezina Trophy, 63 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 226868 115/07/115/07/11 33:48:48 PPMM Index 269 European players, resented, 157 signed with Racers, 191 Exile on Main Street, 123 trade to Los Angeles, 52–53 Gzowski, Peter F Great Canadian Sports Stories, facemasks, use of, 7 3, 5 family radio interview, 244 childhood, 10–11 estranged, 261–62 H farming Hartford Whalers trade, 213–14 Hullvue Farm, 4–5 Hatskin, Ben USA, 251 cheque for Hull, 87 Ferguson, John fi nancial woes, 136 claims Hull back, 204–5 new league, starting, 73–76 hired, 195–98 occupations and aspirations fi ghts, on ice, 233–37 of, 68–72 Fisher, Doug, NHL clause, 98 Hay, Bill (Red), 32 Fleming, Chris, 133, 239 health issues, 2 Fleming, Reg (Mr Clean) Hedberg, Anders concussions, price of, 233–37, exhibition games, 254 244 scalped by Rangers, 202 Frayne, Trent Soviet games, 168–70 Great Canadian Sports training camp and Hull, 252 Stories, 3, 5 Winnipeg Jets, 152–61 Henderson, Paul, 91, 104 G heros Garrett, John, 214 inspirational, 12–14 Gary L. Davidson Award/Gordie fallen, 177–78 Howe Trophy (MVP), 131 local, 11 Gary L. Davidson Trophy winner media creation of, 172–74 (MVP), 156 national, need for, 94 Golden Jet, 2, 166 Higginbotham, Judge A, Leon, Gong Show hockey, 134 Jr, 115 Graham, Bob, 149–50 highlights, game Grant, Vic, on Hull’s private life, game 7 of 1971, 22–24, 30–31, 177–78 33–43 Great Canadian Sports Stories, 3, 5 Pettit, Lloyd, 21 Greatest Sports Legends (TV WHA/Soviet Union game, series), 212 141–43, 145–46, 165–66 Gretzky, Wayne, 191 Hockey Canada career memorabilia, 90–91 NHL clause, 98 personal privacy and fame WHA play Soviet Union, management, 12–13 138–39 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 226969 115/07/115/07/11 33:48:48 PPMM 270 Index Hockey Hall of Fame International Ice Hockey archives, 224 Federation, 94 inductees, 31–32 International Management Soviets, 137 Group, 77–79 sportswriter, Frank Orr, 47 irony, of Hull’s situation, Hockey Is My Game, 160, 245 102–3 Hockey Night in Canada, Ivan, Tommy, 58 17–18, 169 Jets and Canadiens game, J 206–9 Jets. See Winnipeg Jets honors and trophies, 16–17 Johnston, Allan, hockey Hot Line, the, 155–56, 169, 213 fan, 100 Houle, Rejean, shadowing Hull, 24–28, 34–40 K Howe, Gordie Kessinger, Saxon White, 184 Hartford Whalers, 214 Koroll, Cliff, 23, 42, 49 outshines Hull for WHA, 132–33 L retirement comeback, 201 Lafl eur, Guy, 201 Hull, Bart, 241–42 Laidlaw, Tom, 255 Hull, Brett, 257, 259–60 Lemaire, Jacques, 38–39 Hull, Dennis, 29–30, 31–32, Lemieux, Mario, 12–13 101 Lesuk, Bill, 209 Hull, Joanne Lindstrom, Willy, 191 CBS interview, 53–54 loyalties, divided, 89 divorce proceedings, 216–24 Luxury Line, 131 meets Hull, 180 personal refl ections, 174 M post-game sessions, 47 MacInnis, Lyman separation, 190 fi nancial advisor, 59–61 Hull, Michelle MacNeil, Al CTE as a defense, 241–42 coach, Canadiens, 18–19, 26 fi gure skating, 190 Stanley Cup games, 22 Hunter, Wild Bill, 71–75 Magnuson, Keith None Against!, 43 I post-game, 49–50 images, sports stars, protected, sense of loss, 46 174–76 Stanley Cup games, 43–44 IMG, 77–79 Mahovlich, Peter, 42–43 “Indispensible Man, The” Maki, Chico, 29–30 allegory, 184–85 Maloney, Dave, 254 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 227070 115/07/115/07/11 33:48:48 PPMM Index 271 Maple Leafs. See Toronto Maple in Winnipeg, 206–7 Leafs Muhleman, Max, 74 marketing Murphy, Dennis, lawyer endorsements, 11–12 rules, rewriting, 72–75 IMG, 77–79 team budgets, 83 Muhleman, Max, 74 in the NHL, 8–9 N star players, 117 narcissism, and neediness, 263 marriage. See also divorce National Archives of Canada children, 210–11 photographs, 5 mutual disrespect, 174–78 National Hockey League. physical attraction, 211 See NHL routine, importance of, 200 National Hockey League Players spousal abuse, 188–89, 217, Association (NHLPA), 113 241–42 New York Rangers Martin, Hubert (Pit), 33 Hull at training camp, McDonald, Ab, 130 252–55 McDonough, John, 258–59 Nilsson and Hedburg to, 170 McKay family, 210 Stanley Cup games, 85–86 McKeag, Lieutenant-governor NHL Jack, 149–50 contract challenges, 106–17 McLaughlin, Frederic, 1n1 Hull’s fi nal games, 215 McVie, Tommy, “The Little Hull’s infl uence on expansion, General,” 197–200 8–9 media loyalties divided, 89 fame, 7–8 membership clause, 97–102 protests from, 98–99 merger with WHA, 198–200 sports heros, creation of, 1972 playoffs, 85–86 172–74 professionals and amateurs, 91 Micoski, Nick, 128 unfair system challenged, Mikita, Stan 105–6 bronze statue of, 260 NHLPA, 113 Hall of Famer, 127 Nilsson, Kent, 191 Stanley Cup games, 30, Nilsson, Ulf 48, 246 Jets, 153–61 WHA, 74 New York Rangers, 202, 252, Montreal Canadiens 254 Houle, Rejean, 25–28 Soviet games, 168–70 Moscow Red Army game, 167 on Winnipeg and Hull, Stanley Cup fi nals, 17–19, 180–81 30–34 None Against!, 43, 46, 50 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 227171 115/07/115/07/11 33:48:48 PPMM 272 Index O Richard, Henri, 41, 43 Orr, Bobby, 19, 79, 94–95, Richard, Maurice (Rocket) 161–62 coach, Nordiques, 126–27 O’Shea, Danny, 33–34 scoring records, 5 unwell, 15 P Robinson, Billy, 128–29, Pappin, Jim, 33, 45, 118 153, 158 Perreault, Gil, 164–65 Rolling Stones Exile on Main Pettit, Lloyd, 21 Street, 123–24 Pilous, Rudy, 150–51, 158–59, 182–83 S Plante, Jacques salaries, players retirement, 201 impact of WHA legal case, Sports Illustrated, 6 116–18 Vezina Cup winner, 201 Scandinavia, pre-season games, Point Anne 254–56 childhood home, 10–11 Sinden, Harry, Team Canada demise of, 118–19 coach, 95–98 loyalty to, 64–66 Sjoberg, Lars-Erik, 153, protection, physical 158, 199 lack of for star players, 28 slapshots Provost, Claude, 7 as an offensive weapon, 6–7 public life, withdrawal from, brute force, 229 249–51 wrist shot, wicked, 35 public offi ce, declined, 11 Soviet hockey legends, 137–38 Pulford, Bob, 203–05, 257 Soviet 1976 team, 163–64 Sport Magazine, “15 Years of R Bobby Hull, The,” 62, 67 Reay, Billy Sports Illustrated coach, 29–30 Hull as the face of hockey, 6 cuts ice time, 62 “The Man They Wanted to Hull not played, 41–42 Steal, 86 Stanley Cup games, 36–37 Stanley Cup games, 7, 18–24, Regan, Don 30–34, 44–45, 48–49 contract issues, legal, 112–17 stress, from constant pressure, invalid contract and WHA, 130–31, 133–35 80–82 Sullivan, Peter, 156, 158 rules, rewritten, 72–75 Summit Series and Team regrets, none, 264–65 Canada, 91–102 reserve clause issue, 106–12 Superman, Canadian, Hull as, retirement, announced, 192 9–10 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 227272 115/07/115/07/11 33:48:48 PPMM Index 273 T memories and memorabilia, Tarasov, Anatoli, 30 245–49 Tator, Dr Charles pitching hay, 1–2, 90 on concussion, 240, 242–43 playing the Russians, 137–38 CTE research, 238–39 Summit Series, 103–4 Reg Fleming, observations on, taking on the system, 105–6 231–33 weariness, professional and Team Canada, Summit Series, emotional, 63–64 94–102 WHA Thanks for Your Trust: Memories contract, impact on hockey of an Untamed Accountant, and sport, 224 77–78 early days, 126–27 Toronto Maple Leafs fi nancial woes, 135–36 Pulford’s winning goal, 9 getting started, 82–85 recruiting from Sweden, 153 means to an end, 73–77 Red Kelly, 11 reserve clause issue, 114–17 Stanley Cup games, 9 Soviet Union game changer, training, strength, 4 138–43 Tretiak, Vladislav, 165, 169 Wilson, Dr.
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