Distribution of Freshwater Caridean Shrimps and Prawns (Atyidae (Atyidae and Palaemonidae) from Southern Kyushu and Adjacent Islands ,Kagoshima Prefecture ,Japan

Distribution of Freshwater Caridean Shrimps and Prawns (Atyidae (Atyidae and Palaemonidae) from Southern Kyushu and Adjacent Islands ,Kagoshima Prefecture ,Japan

CRUSTACEAN RESEARCH ,NO. 22 : 55 -64 , 1993 Distribution Distribution of freshwater caridean shrimps and prawns (Atyidae (Atyidae and Palaemonidae) from Southern Kyushu and adjacent islands ,Kagoshima Prefecture ,Japan Hiroshi Hiroshi Suzuki ,Noboru Tanigawa , Takayuki Nagatomo and E討i Tsuda Tsuda Abstract. Abstract. - Seventeen species of fresh- biogeographical line s, the Miyake and water caridean shrimps and prawns Watase lines , have been drawn in the north- (Atyidae (Atyidae and Palaemonidae) are recorded ern area of the archipelago (Tokuda ,1969) . from mainland Kagoshima , Uji Gunto , This region also has an interesting oceano ・ Ohsumi Shoto and Tokara Retto ,Southern graphical character; the warm Kuroshio Japan. Japan. Distribution of three Macrobra- Current from the tropics flows northward to chium prawns: 凡1. equidens , M. the Kyushu mainland along the Ryukyu latimanus latimanus and M. grac i/i rostre , are newly Islands and divides into two substreams in recorded recorded in the surveyed areas by the the northeast part of the archipelago present present study. Though the fauna of the (Ekman , 1953; Kawai , 199 1). Thus , the surveyed surveyed areas has many tropical and northern area of the Ryukyu Island s and the subtropical subtropical species ,it is characterized as southernmost part of Kyushu mainland , a complex mixture of southern and north- which together form Kagoshima Prefecture , ern ern species. In the Sendai ,恥 fanose and are thought to be interesting areas for 区imotsuki Rivers , the longitudinal distri- biogeographical studies . bution bution of shrimps was also surveyed. The Many scientists have done researches on distribution distribution is affected by a dam or a the islands in the area . Kamita (1963 . 円1970 的) natural natural vertical wall as mentioned in reported 出tha 剖t the faunas of freshwater previous previous papers. The amphidromous shrimps on Tan 巴ga-shima 丸,Yaku ト-寸. species , Caridina leucosticta , C. serrati- Amami Ohs 凶shima are similar to those of rostris , C. typus ,M. formosense ,and M. Middle and Southern Honshu . Shokita japonicum , inhabited slow flowing reaches (1 975 . 1979) studied the fauna ,distribu- near the river mouth , while the landlocked tions , and life histories of freshwater Neocaridina Neocaridina denticu/ata and Pa/aemon shrimps in the Ryukyu Islands ,and discus- (Palaemon) paucidens were distributed sed their speciation and the formative proc- upstream from the dam or the steep ess of the fauna. The faunas in the islands reaches. reaches. of Tokara Retto and mainland Kagoshima are ,however , not yet accurately surveyed . Knowledge of the fauna in these areas Introduction Introduction should provide important information on In In the region between Okinawa and the the biogeography of freshwater shrimps. main island of Kyushu ,many small islands are are sporadically located forming an arcuate archipel ago called the Ryukyu Island s Material and Method s This This reg ion has attr a cted the attent ion of Surveys were conducted at Uji-jima on biogeographers biogeographers for a long time ,and two May 14 , 1986 ; at Shimokoshiki-jima on 56 56 H. SUZUKI ET A L. June 4, 1987; and occasionally on mainland Pαrα ty αcompress αcompress α Kagoshima , Ohsumi Shoto and Tokara (De Haan , 1844) Retto Retto from 1990 to 199 1. Samples were Ohsumi Peninsula: 152 (1 2); 153 (4); 155 taken taken from inland waters such as rivers , (5); 157 (17); 159 (3); 160 (60); 163 ponds ,and springs. In the Sendai ,Manose , (20); 164 (7); 165 (I) . and Kimotsuki Rivers , surveys on longitudi- Yaku-shima: 212 (l). nal nal distribution were also conducted. These Takara-jima: 226 (6). sample sites are indicated by solid circles in Fig. Fig. 1. Caridina typus H. Milne Edwards , 1837 Shrimps were mainly collected by a nylon Satsuma Peninsula: 38 (1 7); 60 (1); 63 2 (8); 67 (4); 76 (10); 77 (9); 84 (1); 85 scoop net (mesh Icm ) with a mouth size of 100 100 x 65 cm. Additional samples were (2); s9 (l l) ; 91 (5); 92 (l); 95 (l 5). taken taken by a nylon landing net (mesh 0.025 Ohsumi Peninsula: 136 (7); 137 (2); 144 2 (5); 151 (I); 152 (3); 154 (6); 155 (3); cm ) with a mouth size of 30 x 20 cm Because Because atyid shrimps and palaemonid 157 (1 2); 160 (3); 163 (1); 164 (1); 171 prawns were found in aquatic grass beds , (1) ; 181 (1); 182 (1). under stones ,between crevices ,and among Shimokoshiki-jima: 188 (6). fallen fallen leaves , a sweeping method was Tanega-shima: 192 (3). applied applied for quantitative sampling. A total Kuchinoerabu-jima: 196 (6). of of ten net sweeps were made at each site. Yaku-shima: 198 (21); 199 (I); 200 (1) ; Sampling was not done at Suwanose-jima 202 (26); 203 (33); 205 (1); 206 (61) ; and Kodakara-jima of Tokara Retto since 208 (4); 209 (2); 210 (1 3); 212 (20); there there are no natural rivers , lakes or ponds 213 (2). on these islands. On Akuseki-jima , the only Nakano-shima: 217 (22); 219 (3); 220 small small river has been modified to serve as the (7); 222 (13); 223 (2). domestic domestic water supply so likewise ,speci- Takara-jima: 225 (18); 226 (32). mens could not be collected. Caridina longirostris H. Milne Edwards , 1837 1837 Results Results Satsuma Peninsu1a: 34 (I). Tanega-shima: Tanega-shima: 192 (2); 193 (l). In In the surveyed areas ,a tota1 of seventeen Yaku-shima: 205 (1). species species of freshwater caridean shrimps and prawns were collected , belonging to four Caridina leucosticta Stimpson , 1860 genera genera of Atyidae and two genera of Satsuma Peninsula: 8 (1 0); 13 (4); 14 (2); Pa1aemonidae 20 (I 0); 32 (3); 33 (I 6); 34 (2); 35 (2) ; The collected shrimps and prawns are 36 (82); 38 (1); 39 (9); 43 (45); 44 (3); 1isted 1isted be10w. The Arabic numerals shown 45 (29); 47 (25); 48 (1 0); 51 (1 1); 53 in in parentheses indicate the total number of (48); 58 (130); 59 (55); 60 (20); 64 (1); collected collected shrimps , preceded by another 67 (17); 74 (22); 77 (29); 85 (4); 89 Arabic numeral indicating samp1ing sites. (33) ; 95 (5); 101 (6) ; 105 (1 5); 110 (I 19); 113 (13). Ohsumi Peninsu1a : 115 (20); 120 (56); Family Atyidae 122 (9); 125 (5); 129 (36); 132 (2); 134 A tyopsis spinipes (Newport , 1847) (30); 135 (6); 137 (1 2); 139 (2); 141 Ohsumi Peninsula: 164 (1). (21); 151 (15); 157 (I 5); 159 (7); 164 Yaku-shima: 211 (2). (287); 166 (1); 167 (! 12) ; 168 (! 30); Kuchino-shima : 216 (1) . 169 (51); 171 (38); 172 (46); 173 (l); Nakano-shima: 217 (I 8); 218 (I) 175 (I I); 176 (18); 178 (2); 181 (1 1). FRESHWA TER SHRIMPS AND PRA WNS IN KAGOSHIMA 57 MAINLAND 1129 ・E KAGOSHIMA (Satsumo (Satsumo Pen. ond ond Ohsum Pen.) '・,・. OHSUMI SHOTO !!'す Kuchinoerabu Kuchinoerabu -'b""... (q JImo ~ rn:',}:.~~主臨t '(;',:, ;"y Tan 旬。 --- shimo Yaku Yaku -shirr 四 .0 へ ・・ Kuchino- shlma 30 ・N 寸・ Q Nakano -shim 。 • Tai _r Q - jlmo " Suwano.. -jlma Aku..ki • Aku..ki -jlma Kodakara • Kodakara - jlma ・Takara - jlma 29 ・N , ぷml て1m 28 ・N UJI UJI GUNTO Yoku Yoku - shimo Tonego - shimo 制Ujl. jlma MH 94 Nokono - shimo Kuchi no ・ shimo 5km ト司 Ikm Ikm ト寸 Kuchinoerobu - jlmo Tokoro - jlm 。 Toiro ・jimo L 225・~ J 22 匂 Ikm Ikm 226- 、、 L ト吋 Fig 目1. Map showing the sample sites (solid circles) in mainland Kagoshima ,Shimokoshiki-jima ,Uji-jima , Ohsumi Shoto ,and Tok a ra Retto. Arabic numerals show the site number. I; the Sendai river , II; the Manose river ,and III ; the Kimotsuki river. Note: “gunto" ,“ shoto" ,and “ retto" mean an insular group. “shima" and “jima" mean island. 58 H .SUZUKI ET AL Tanega 寸uma: 192 (1 2); 193 (5) . 210 (2); 211 (38); 212 (1 3) ; 213 (7). Yaku-shima: 203 (13) ; 204 (2). Kuchino- shima : 214 (3); 216 (5) Nakano- shima : 217 (4); 219 (3) Caridina Caridina serratirostris De M an, 1892 Ohsumi Peninsula : 137 (1) ; 151 (2) ; 157 Macrobrachium australe (Guerin (1) ; 164 (4); 168 (1) . Meneville , 1838) Shimokoshiki-jima: Shimokoshiki-jima: 188 (3) . Satsuma Peninsula: 45 (1). Yaku-shima : 203 (6); 204 (1); 205 (3) . Tanega-shima: 193 (5) . Nakano-shima : 217 (1); 219 (3) . Caridina Caridina japonica De Man , 1892 Satsuma Peninsula : 12 (2) ; 65 (4) . Macrobrachium nipponense (De Ha an, Oh sumi Peninsula : 136 (1) ; 140 (6); 144 1849) (1 2); 145 (1 2); 146 (4) ; 150 (2) ; 152 Satsuma Peninsula: 13 (1); 14 (1); 45 (1) . (22); (22); 154 (4); 156 (1 7) ; 157 (1); 158 Macrobrachium japonicum (De Haan , (1 3); 162 (7); 164 (7); 183 (9) . 1849) 1849) Sh imokoshiki-jima : 188 (30) . Satsum a Peninsula : 12 (1) ; 33 (5) ; 34 (1) ; Uji サima: 189 (2) . 64 64 (2) . Kuchinoerabu-jima : 197 (1) . Ohsumi Peninsula: 129 (7); 136 (1 2); 139 Yaku-shima: 199 (3); 200 (8) ; 202 (1) ; (9) ; 146 (1 1) ; 148 (2) ; 154 (10) ; 155 205 205 (8); 207 (1 6) ; 209 (4); 213 (1) . (3) ; 156 (4) ; 160 (1); 161 (2) ; 163 (2); Nakano-shima: 222 (2) . 164 164 (4) ; 165 (7); 176 (4); 17 8 (24) ; 182 Takara-jima: Takara-jima: 226 (20) . (9) . Neocaridina Neocaridina denticulata (De Haan , 1849) Shimokoshiki ・jima: 187 (1 0) ; 188 (5) . Satsuma Peninsula : 20 (27) ; 54 (10); 55 Kuchinoerabu-jima: 195 (3) . (3); (3); 76 (3); 82 (4) ; 97 (52); 98 (225); Yaku ト.寸 1山lma 凶a広: 200 (1). 99 99 (8). Nakano-shima: 222 (2) . Oh sumi Peninsula : 116 (39) ; 117 (5) ; 118 Macrobrachium equidens (Dana ,1 8 52) 40); (40); 172 (2) ; 173 (4) ; 177 (57) . Tanega-shima : 190 (1) ; 193 (12) . Macrobrachium latimanus (Von Marten s, Family Palaemonidae 1868) Palaemon (Palaemon) paucidens Oh sumi Peninsula: 146 (6) De Haan , 1844 Kuchinoerabu-jima: 197 (4) Satsuma Peninsula : 22 (57) ; 67 (1); 76 Yaku -s him a: 200 (1); 208 (9).

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